CS_file_dictionary 1. user_name: Citizen Scientist user name or IP for anonymous scoring. 2. image_name: identification of the images before the segmentation. 3. image_url: identification of the sub-image. 4. cancer_cell: 0= Citizen Scientist did not identify cancer cells in the sub-image; 1= Citizen Scientist identified cancer cells in the sub-image. 5. amount: amount of cancer cells identified in the sub-image. 6. proportion: proportions of cancer cells that are positive for estrogen receptor. 7. intensity: intensity of the positivity. 8. study: study fro BCAC. 9. grade: tumor grade. 10. stage: tumor stage 11. er: estrogen receptor status from BCAC (0=negative; 1=positive). 12. age: age of the patient at diagnosis. 13. Allred: value of the score attributed to the image by a pathologist in SEARC study. 14. UPS: user performance score. 15. breast_death: death from breast cancer. 16. follow_time: time of follow up in years 17. entry_time: time between the diagnosis and the entry in the study.