Structure predictions (models) of vaccinia virus E2 October 2021 - Stephen C. Graham === *** Target sequence *** Models were generated using the sequence of E2 from Vaccinia virus strain Western Reserve (UniProt ID P21604) before deposition of the E2 crystal structure to the PDB. => The sequence used is in the file VACV_E2.fasta Note that for the RoseTTAFold models the C-terminal lysine residue of E2 was accidentally omitted from the target sequence and is thus missing in the models. *** AlphaFold2 models *** AlphaFold2 was installed locally (on an Ubuntu 18.04 server) using the version available from The models were generated on 02 September 2021 using the latest AlphaFold2 release available at that time. => Top 5 models are files ranked_0.pdb to ranked_4.pdb => The pLDDT scores for each model were converted to approximate atomic displacement parameters, for use in molecular replacement, using phenix.voyager.lddt_to_bfactors (Phenix version phenix-dev-4340). These files are ranked_lddt_as_B_0.pdb to ranked_lddt_as_B_4.pdb => The ensembles of the ring and head domains from the top 5 models with pLDDT scores converted to B factors used for molecular replacement are ranked_lddt_as_B_ring_all.pdb and ranked_lddt_as_B_head_all.pdb *** RoseTTAFold models *** RoseTTAFold models were generated using the Robetta server ( on 20 June 2021. => Top 5 models are in the multi-model file RoseTTAFold_multimodel.pdb => The RMSD scores for each model were converted to approximate atomic displacement parameters, for use in molecular replacement, using phenix.voyager.rmsd_to_bfactors (Phenix version phenix-dev-4340). These files are RoseTTAFold_model_1_rmsd_as_B.pdb to RoseTTAFold_model_5_rmsd_as_B.pdb => The ensembles of the ring and head domains from the top 5 models with pLDDT scores converted to B factors used for molecular replacement are RoseTTAFold_multimodel_rmsd_as_B_ring_ensemble.pdb and RoseTTAFold_multimodel_rmsd_as_B_head_ensemble.pdb