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Limit case analysis of the “stable indenter velocity” method for obtaining creep stress exponents from constant load indentation creep tests

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Dean, J 
Clyne, TW 


© 2016, The Author(s). This study concerns a commonly-used procedure for evaluating the steady state creep stress exponent, n, from indentation data. The procedure involves monitoring the indenter displacement history under constant load and making the assumption that, once its velocity has stabilised, the system is in a quasi-steady state, with stage II creep dominating the behaviour. The stress and strain fields under the indenter are represented by “equivalent stress” and “equivalent strain rate” values. The estimate of n is then obtained as the gradient of a plot of the logarithm of the equivalent strain rate against the logarithm of the equivalent stress. Concerns have, however, been expressed about the reliability of this procedure, and indeed it has already been shown to be fundamentally flawed. In the present paper, it is demonstrated, using a very simple analysis, that, for a genuinely stable velocity, the procedure always leads to the same, constant value for n (either 1.0 or 0.5, depending on whether the tip shape is spherical or self-similar). This occurs irrespective of the value of the measured velocity, or indeed of any creep characteristic of the material. It is now clear that previously-measured values of n, obtained using this procedure, have varied in a more or less random fashion, depending on the functional form chosen to represent the displacement–time history and the experimental variables (tip shape and size, penetration depth, etc.), with little or no sensitivity to the true value of n.



Creep, Instrumented indentation

Journal Title

Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials

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Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/I038691/1)
EPSRC (1504177)
EPSRC (grant RG62695), AWE
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