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P465L‐PPARγ mutation confers partial resistance to the hypolipidaemic action of fibrates

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Rodriguez‐Cuenca, Sergio 
Carobbio, Stefania 
Barceló‐Coblijn, Gwendolyn 
Prieur, Xavier 
Relat, Joana 


jats:secjats:titleAims</jats:title>jats:pFamilial partial lipodystrophic syndrome 3 (FPLD3) is associated with mutations in the transcription factor PPARγ. One of these mutations, the P467L, confers a dominant negative effect. We and others have previously investigated the pathophysiology associated with this mutation using a humanized mouse model that recapitulates most of the clinical symptoms observed in patients who have been phenotyped under different experimental conditions. One of the key clinical manifestations observed, both in humans and mouse models, is the ectopic accumulation of fat in the liver. With this study we aim to dissect the molecular mechanisms that contribute to the excessive accumulation of lipids in the liver and characterize the negative effect of this PPARγ mutation on the activity of PPARα jats:italicin vivo</jats:italic> when activated by fibrates.</jats:p></jats:sec>jats:secjats:titleMaterial and Methods</jats:title>jats:pP465L‐PPAR mutant and wild‐type mice were divided into 8 experimental groups, 4 different conditions per genotype. Briefly, mice were fed a chow diet or a high‐fat diet (HFD 45% Kcal from fat) for a period of 28 days and treated with WY14643 or vehicle for five days before culling. At the end of the experiment, tissues and plasma were collected. We performed extensive gene expression, fatty acid composition and histological analysis in the livers. The serum collected was used to measure several metabolites and to perform basic lipoprotein profile.</jats:p></jats:sec>jats:secjats:titleResults</jats:title>jats:pP465L mice showed increased levels of insulin and free fatty acids (FFA) as well as increased liver steatosis. They also exhibit decreased levels of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) when fed an HFD. We also provide evidence of impaired expression of a number of well‐established PPARα target genes in the P465L mutant livers.</jats:p></jats:sec>jats:secjats:titleConclusion</jats:title>jats:pOur data demonstrate that P465L confers partial resistance to the hypolipidemic action of fibrates. These results show that the fatty liver phenotype observed in P465L mutant mice is not only the consequence of dysfunctional adipose tissue, but also involves defective liver metabolism. All in all, the deleterious effects of P465L‐PPARγ mutation may be magnified by their collateral negative effect on PPARα function.</jats:p></jats:sec>



Journal Title

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism

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Medical Research Council (MC_UU_12012/2)
European Commission (223450)
European Commission Horizon 2020 (H2020) Societal Challenges (634413)
Wellcome Trust, MRC MDU (MC_UU_12012/2), FP7-MITIN (Integration of the System Models of Mitochondrial Function and Insulin Signaling and its Application in the Study of Complex Diseases) (Grant Agreement 223450) and H2020 EPoS (Elucidating Pathways of Steatohepatitis) (Grant Agreement 634413). Disease Model Core, Biochemistry Assay Lab and the Histology Core are funded by MRC_MC_UU_12012/5 and a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award [100574/Z/12/Z]