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Extremal and Structural Problems of Graphs



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Ferra Gomes de Almeida Girão , António José 


In this dissertation, we are interested in studying several parameters of graphs and understanding their extreme values. We begin in Chapter~2 with a question on edge colouring. When can a partial proper edge colouring of a graph of maximum degree Δ be extended to a proper colouring of the entire graph using an `optimal' set of colours? Albertson and Moore conjectured this is always possible provided no two precoloured edges are within distance 2. The main result of Chapter~2 comes close to proving this conjecture. Moreover, in Chapter~3, we completely answer the previous question for the class of planar graphs.

Next, in Chapter~4, we investigate some Ramsey theoretical problems. We determine exactly what minimum degree a graph G must have to guarantee that, for any two-colouring of E(G), we can partition V(G) into two parts where each part induces a connected monochromatic subgraph. This completely resolves a conjecture of Bal and Debiasio. We also prove a `covering' version of this result. Finally, we study another variant of these problems which deals with coverings of a graph by monochromatic components of distinct colours.

The following saturation problem proposed by Barrus, Ferrara, Vandenbussche, and Wenger is considered in Chapter~5. Given a graph H and a set of colours {1,2,…,t} (for some integer t≥|E(H)|), we define satt(n,R(H)) to be the minimum number of t-coloured edges in a graph on n vertices which does not contain a rainbow copy of H but the addition of any non-edge in any colour from {1,2,…,t} creates such a copy. We prove several results concerning these extremal numbers. In particular, we determine the correct order of satt(n,R(H)), as a function of n, for every connected graph H of minimum degree greater than 1 and for every integer te(H).

In Chapter~6, we consider the following question: under what conditions does a Hamiltonian graph on n vertices possess a second cycle of length at least no(n)? We prove that the `weak' assumption of a minimum degree greater or equal to 3 guarantees the existence of such a long cycle.

We solve two problems related to majority colouring in Chapter~7. This topic was recently studied by Kreutzer, Oum, Seymour, van der Zypen and Wood. They raised the problem of determining, for a natural number k, the smallest positive integer m=m(k) such that every digraph can be coloured with m colours, where each vertex has the same colour as at most a proportion of 1k of its out-neighbours. Our main theorem states that m(k)∈{2k−1,2k}.

We study the following problem, raised by Caro and Yuster, in Chapter~8. Does every graph G contain a `large' induced subgraph H which has k vertices of degree exactly Δ(H)? We answer in the affirmative an approximate version of this question. Indeed, we prove that, for every k, there exists g(k) such that any n vertex graph G with maximum degree Δ contains an induced subgraph H with at least ng(k)Δ vertices such that V(H) contains at least k vertices of the same degree dΔ(H)−g(k). This result is sharp up to the order of g(k).

%Subsequently, we investigate a concept called path-pairability. A graph is said to be path-pairable if for any pairing of its vertices there exist a collection of edge-disjoint paths routing the the vertices of each pair. A question we are concerned here asks whether every planar path pairable graph on n vertices must possess a vertex of degree linear in n. Indeed, we answer this question in the affirmative. We also sketch a proof resolving an analogous question for graphs embeddable on surfaces of bounded genus.

Finally, in Chapter~9, we move on to examine k-linked tournaments. A tournament T is said to be k-linked if for any two disjoint sets of vertices {x1,…,xk} and {y1,…,yk} there are directed vertex disjoint paths P1,…,Pk such that Pi joins xi to yi for i=1,…,k. We prove that any 4k strongly-connected tournament with sufficiently large minimum out-degree is k-linked. This result comes close to proving a conjecture of Pokrovskiy.





Bollobás, Béla


Combinatorics, Extremal Graph Theory, Structural Graph Theory, Ramsey theory, Extremal Combinatorics


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Awarding Institution

University of Cambridge