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Research data for "The Effect of Systematic Variation of Ni:Co Ratio on the Oxidation Behaviour of γ-γʹ Ni-Co-Al-Ti-Cr Alloys"

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Llewelyn, Sioned 
Chater, Richard 
Jones, NG 
Hardy, Mark 


This record contains the original research data used in the linked publication "The Effect of Systematic Variation of Ni:Co Ratio on the Oxidation Behaviour of γ-γʹ Ni-Co-Al-Ti-Cr Alloys". Comprehensive details of the experimental methods used are provided in that publication. The research data is curated in an Excel spreadsheet. This contains: the microstructural images acquired using scanning electron microscopy; the analysed oxide thickness and internal damage depths; the composition data acquired using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy; the raw data of the X-ray diffraction patterns; the mass gain data acquired using thermogravimetric analysis; the elemental concentration maps obtained by secondary ion mass spectrometry.


Software / Usage instructions

Microsoft Excel or similar spreadsheet analysis software. Image processing software capable of opening .tif images.


Superalloys, Oxidation


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/H022309/1)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/M005607/1)