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Attention Neglects a Stare-in-the-Crowd: RT and first saccade raw data

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Ramamoorthy, Nayantara 
Parker, Maximillian 
Muhl-Richardson, Alexander 
Plaisted, Katrina 


Raw (trial by trial) data regarding Target and Nontarget Positions, Initial Saccade Region (1-4; 1=above fixation, 2=right of fixation, 3=below fixation, 4=left of fixation), Initial saccade latency, Response Time. The five worksheets (E1 to E5) refer to Experiments 1–5, discussed in the paper.


Software / Usage instructions

Columns: Zone = one of four possible locations on which a fixation could be made Positions 1 to 4 = file name of stimulus presented at each location SetSize = total number of items in a display (here, always 4) Targ = gaze direction of target NonTarg = gaze direction of unique nontarget Block = experimental condition TargPos = target landing position (saccade) UNTPos = unique nontarget landing position (saccade), note 0 represents instances when there was no unique nontarget) TargLanding = hit rate for target landing (saccade) Target.RT = response time to target (made by mouse click) Target.ACC = accuracy of response (made by mouse click) Lag = saccade latency (to any of 4 possible search item regions)


Attention, Direct Gaze, Visual Search

