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Therapeutic maps for a sensor-based evaluation of deep brain stimulation programming.

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Berthold, Christophe 
Krüger, Rejko 
Koch, Klaus Peter 
Gonçalves, Jorge 


Programming in deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a labour-intensive process for treating advanced motor symptoms. Specifically for patients with medication-refractory tremor in multiple sclerosis (MS). Wearable sensors are able to detect some manifestations of pathological signs, such as intention tremor in MS. However, methods are needed to visualise the response of tremor to DBS parameter changes in a clinical setting while patients perform the motor task finger-to-nose. To this end, we attended DBS programming sessions of a MS patient and intention tremor was effectively quantified by acceleration amplitude and frequency. A new method is introduced which results in the generation of therapeutic maps for a systematic review of the programming procedure in DBS. The maps visualise the combination of tremor acceleration power, clinical rating scores, total electrical energy delivered to the brain and possible side effects. Therapeutic maps have not yet been employed and could lead to a certain degree of standardisation for more objective decisions about DBS settings. The maps provide a base for future research on visualisation tools to assist physicians who frequently encounter patients for DBS therapy.



accelerometers, deep brain stimulation, multiple sclerosis, short-time Fourier transform, tremor, Brain, Deep Brain Stimulation, Humans, Tremor

Journal Title

Biomed Tech (Berl)

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Walter de Gruyter GmbH