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Research data supporting "Stratified inclined duct: direct numerical simulations"

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Atoufi, Amir 
Taylor, John 
Kerswell, Rich 


Three-dimensional DNS data and associated movies (gifs) for the five main cases B2, B5, B6, B8 and B10 in the paper "Stratified inclined duct: direct numerical simulations". The reservoirs have been cropped out so that only the duct domain is kept, i.e. (x,y,z) \in [-30,30]x[-1,1]x[-1,1]. Each dataset B2, B5, B6, B8, B10 consists of 46 snapshots starting at t=80 (after any initial transients) and until 260, spaced by 4 (nondimensional advective time units). B2-B8 are provided at the resolution 92565121 (as in Table 1 of the paper, noting only the duct is kept, without reservoirs). B10 is provided at 128565145 (given the higher Re=1000). Additionally we provide the high-resolution version of B10 at 2571121121 (as in Table 1), but at a reduced temporal resolution (16 snapshots from t=80 to 260 spaced by 12). Please contact the authors directly if you wish to obtain data at a higher temporal resolution or other data discussed in the paper.


Software / Usage instructions

Matlab data including 4D arrays for nondimensional data of velocity, density and pressure (u, v, w, rho, p) and 1D arrays for coordinates (x, y, z, t). B2-B8 are ~6 GB each, whereas B10 and B10 (high resolution) are ~10 GB each. The total dataset is ~45 GB.


direction numerical simulation, flow restoring, stratified flows, stratified turbulence, turbulent transition


European Research Council (742480)
European Research Council Grant No 742480 ‘Stratified Turbulence And Mixing Processes’ (STAMP). Compute/Calcul Canada. Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship.