THE BOARD OF GRADUATE STUDIES APPROVED THIS DISSERTATION fOR THE Fa. I. DEGREE ON 27 JUl 1967 SOME ASPECTS OF MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS by J.C.R.HUNT1 Trinity College o A dissertation submitted for the Ph.D. degree at the Universi ty of Cambridgeo January 1967 o lu"lv~I I ,I kARV I ~GE Surrnnary This thesis is an account of vari rn}s phenomena. caused by the interaction of the motio!J. of electrica l ly;; fJ11.ids with magnetic fields. Such phenomena, t,he study of i s, usuaUy known a.s Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), occur on .";, galactic, planetary or laboratory length scale; however in th:Ls t hesis we concentrate on those phenomena. which can be reprodut1)d in the laborator y o In chapter 2 we study the laminar flow of uniformly conducting, incompressible fluids in rectangular ducts under the action of transverse magnetic fields. We ~gin by proving that when the duct has a constant cross-section the solution is tmique and then : analyse theoretically some o.f the curious effects on the flow of the duct 'S walls being electric ally conducting. We find close a greement between the results. of these theories and the experiments of Alty (1966) and Baylis (1966). We then analyse the flow in ducts wi t.h varying cross-sections. In chapter 3 we analyse some of t he curious ±"lows and current stream- line patterns produced by placing electr od es on the non-conducting walls of a. container.,f.i.lled ta th a conducting flu i d1 and passing el~ctr.i.c currents between the electrodes in the presence of a s t rong :rm.gnetic field. In chapter 4 we analyse some of the theoretical limitations O!J. the use oi' Pi tot tubes and electric potential (eopo) probes in MHD flows, and provide some estimates of the errors t o be eA-pected. In chapter 5 we analyse the stability of parallel flows in parallel magnetic fields and also some aspects of the stability of the f101t1S analysed in chapters 2 and 3o In chapters 6, 7 and 8 we describe our experimental apparatus, the experiments to i nve s tip:a te directly some of the flows. analysed , theoretically in cha,pters 2 and 3 by me ans of Pitot and e.p. pr,obes, and , experime nts to measure the MHD errors inher ent in the use of these probes. We concluded that the curious phenomena pre dj_cted 9ctually exist. We 1',lso l~arnt much ru:iout the use of Pitot and e .,p o probes, especially as some of the experimental re~ilts were as predicted in chapter 4. .. ·······~··-- CONTENTS Content.s Index of figures Index of t. ' Preface 1 Introdu ct,i on. 1.1. What Ma.g-.r1etohydrodynamic s is all a.bout. The aspects of :MHD considered here. 2 Magnetohydrodynamic flow in . r ectangul ,3.l" dncts 2.1. Introduction. to ch?,pter 2. 2.1.1. Aims. 2.1.2. Rea.sons. 2.1.3. Contents . 2.2. Eqnatj_ons and boundary conditions for incornpress ible magnetohydrodynamie flo~ts. 2.3. 2. 5. 2~2.1. The governil').g equa tions. 2. 2.2. Approx:tms.tions made . in the equations. 2, 2 .3. Boimqa!"'J Gondi ti ons. T'ne equations, b ound a.r y conditions, and uniqueness t heorem for MHD duct flows. 2.3.1. 2. 3.2. 2, 3.3. Formuhtion of the problem. Uniqueness theorem ~ The MHD duct f l ow eqnat.ions. Magnet ohydrod;ynamic flow in r ect r.tngula.r ducts I. 2.. 1.i.. .1. Introduct i on t o Htmt ( 1965) 2 . 1, .• 2. The stability of flows ·,flhen M>> 1. 2 .1; .• 3. Exper ir:1.enfa l r e sults of Alt;r (196.6 ) ~ }fagnetohydrodynamic flows in rectangular ducts II. 2. 5.1. 2. 5.2. 2. 5 .3. Introd:u0ti on. Compari son of all t.ypes of duct flow. Compari.son other s I results. -i- i. v . vii:1,. ix. 1. 2. 5. 5. 6. 7. 10. 10. 11. 11. 13. 13. 14. 17. 20. 20. 21. 23. 24. 24. 24. 27. ~ . FloH in Curved Che..nnels. 2. 6. 1. 2.6.2. 2.6.3. Equa tions for cyUndric .tl fl ,J'vS. Flow in a. rectc=:.ngulttr annulus o Experimenta.l results of Baylis ( 1966). 28. 28. 29. 32. 2.7. Nagnetohydrodyna.mic fl.01,·1 in channel s of ,m,.r:'5. a1) le cross~section 111. th strong transverse magnetic fi€lds. 34. 2.1.1. 2.7.2. 2.7.3. 2.?.6. 2.7.7. Int roduc ti on. State1ren.t \'.f the problan. Gor·e f' l ow. The Tudford layer e qu:Jt:i. ons. Ifa.rtIB,;1.rm 1,cnmdary layers., E...xaJnple : flow through stre.ight w~J.led converging and di verging ducts. Discussion. 31, .• 36. 39. 41. 45. 3. Soml3 e lectrica.J!~ driven f lows in ma.gnetohy"drodynrunics. 3.1. Introduction 8nd 53. ?r.2. Two..,.dimensional electrode confiJ?Urations. 56. 3.2. ·1. 3.2 .. 2. The equations. A.lined line electrodes. D:i.splaced line ele ctrcdes. Circulcir elec~rodes. 3.3. L Introduction. 3.3.2. Alined point olectrod~c')S. l\.sym:ptctic arn:>J .. ysi.s c:f. a.lined. circulci.r 56. 57. 61. 63. 63. 63. 66. ll-, On the use of nit.0t -t,ub,Js and electric potential probes in MHD flows. 4. 1 • . Introduction and suminary. 4.2. Pitot tubes. 4. 2, 1. 4.2.3. 4.2.4. Non-dimensional equations, bound~ry conditions. 'I'h.e generc.l probe1m and some special 01.'l.sesr A ph7sical discussion of Pi.tot tube errors. Conclu.sion. 75. 76. 76. 7S. 8·1 •• a5. }_; .• 3. 3. 5. ·1. 1 • .5 .1~ 2 . ,- 1 , .. :,. I I j . fi elds . 6, Ex.;.k::: riinent.a.l a ..ppar atu:s. ... ... <'J :.) • I • I • 6. 1. 2. 6. L. '1h?- mechan:~s t, i:'~1r moving the P!''.) bes~ 6. 5, 'l'he :flow ci and its componm t s " 6. 5.10 6. 5 .:z. 6. 5 . 3. Fump . Th,_,, flow ci rcuit. , 6. 6. Instrm .. ,ients. 6. 6. 1 • 6,6.2 . Potenti ometer. 7. Exper:i .. ments en eJp ct:cica.117 d:dven flm·rs , ? .2 . 1. The duct mul 1ts e.l ectrodss 7. 2.2 . Proba r.eteefJE..n' 7.2.J. Bl octrj_c pot entia l rrccbes. Pi. t:c ·t. tr..1 be: s " B6. g6. 8'7 . 89. 90, 90, 90. 91. 92. 93, 99 . 99. 99. 101. 101. 104. 106. 1 ('I'' ,;0 , 107, 108. 11 O, 110. 111. 112. 113 . 113. 1 '1!~ . 115. .. "' . ~ ........___ Experimental resultso 7 .3 ,_1. 7<'3.2. 7.3 .3. Electric potential measurements . P:itot tub e .measurements. D:is cus sion . 8. Experiments on flows in r ectangular dt.H,ts,. 9. 80 1. Introduction. 8.1.1. 8.1.2. Aims . Prev.i. ou s work . Et 1. 3 0 Summary • 1 .~ g1' x 2i'·' duct; non,=conducti:ng wal ls . 8.2 ~1. Appar atus. 8.2,2 . 8 2. 3. Sta.ti.c pre ssure mea:suremer1t s. Pitot tube me asure:merrts. 8.3. ·6 11 x 3n du ct~ non~conducti ng -i,,rd.lls. 8.J . 1. 8q3.3o 8~3.4. 8~1.i..1. 8.4,, 2. 8.4.3. Conclusionc References. Tables. Apparatus Stat i c pr e ssu.r~ measurernents. Pit ot tube meas-:.:i.l'e:mente ~ Electric pot ential measu.rements c condu and non=eondurc:t::l ,·i,.i,,.. walls" (J Apparatus . Static press,.1re measccrements. Pitot t ube mea&·ux'en:ent s ·~ Electric pot ential measurements o Discu ssion. =iv- 119. 119 0 126,, 129. 129,, 1:29. 1350 138. 140 .. i4,L i43o 1450 1J+5o 150 0 1520 1.57 ~ I.ridex o.f figllres. 2.1. Cross-section of cin arbitarily shaped duct , th external electrical connections. 13. 2.2. 'I'he potential at the mid-point of one insulating wall agidnst Reynold's number. 23. 2.3. Pressure gradient against Reynold 1s number 23. 2.L... Potential profile a.long the insulatj,ng wa.11 . 23. 2.5. Cross-section of the duct when dA=O, dB=oO.(M>">1). 25. 2.6. Cross-sectior1 of annul~r rectangular cha..'1Tlel. 28. 2.7. Flow regior;is, core (C), boundary layers (B) and Ludford l~yers (1), di. scussed in §2.? .2. 37. 2.8. Illustra.tion of the 1:asic problem for the Ludford layer. 37. 2. 9. Vi.riai:.:ton of 1..r* and / ... Y-\J""* 1· x· in the layer, at various values of Y. 45. 2.10. Notation for the boundary layer analysis in §2.7. 5. 1~6. 2.11. Velocity distributions in t.he core of div1;,rging and converging flows in straight walled ducts. 46,49. 2.12. Veloc;i. ty profiles qf U80 and U81 in the boundary . 0 layer ~here x = ±a, Ql= ± 45 • 1+9. 3.1. .!\lined line electrodes. 56. 3.2. Asymptotic regions between the electrodes when M.>~· 1. 56. 3.3. Alined :tine.eiectrodes: velocit:;r profiles in region (1) at't= .5, 1.0. 3.1.i.. Current stream Jines between the line electrodes when M,.') 1. 3. 5 •. 3.6. 3.7. 3 .s. 3.9. Displaced line electrodes showing asymptotic regions. Velocity profiles and current stream lines for flow between displaced Jine eJ.ectrodes when M>'> 1. Notation for a.lined point electrodes. Alined circular electrodes wi\h asymptotic regions. Graph of ~UJ 2t'2 against ·r 1142 at ) = 1 .o . l; !l 1-/2./ ,,, -v- 59. 60. 6o. 62. 63. 63. 71. 6,, 1 .. 6.2,, 6 .. 3. 6.4 .. 6.5. 6.6. 7. 1. 7.2. 7.3. Notation for Pi.tot tube or electric potential probeo Error...;free Pi.tot Stati .e tube . Current stream lines found P:i.tot tubes. Notation for ar,alysis of §5.2. I-B 0 , curve of calibration Main, 66 n long du et ~ Probe mechanism. Flowmeter caJibration rigo Mark II .f1 owmet er. Flow circuit Apparatus for examining ~ c:tricall;r . drl ~ren flows. Pi.tot and electric potentia+ prob~s • Potential between the discs v ._::V; 9 agc:i.inst current~ r~ 1010 1020 10ho 107 0 mg. 1090 at various M,, n 9o I 7. 4,, 1) against I for tit.JO Vc1lues of Mo 120. 7 .. 5. Variation of resistance between the elect1°odes with Mo 121" 7 e6. Variation 9f potential along th.e centre lines o:f the electrodes ~ vihen M ':;:~ 1 run M = 0 o i 22 o 7. 7 Q Graphs of potential against radius vihen M ,::., 0 o 122 o 7.f3. Variation of potential with r:~cti us in regions (1\ when M , ';,- 1. 123. 7.9 • . Variation of Pi.tot pressure with eu.rrent -,.hen M.;:.> 10 124" 7 . 10. 'I'he variation of velocity with ra.di us in ( i) o 125 o 7 .. 11 . Comparison of results of Pi tot md electrie potentia,l probes for velocity . ·1 'l 8'' x 2i" duct (I ). Pi.tot tubes used in duct I. 8 .. 30 Pressure drop near the end o.f the duct against the flow rate. =v.i..= 126. B.l+. St~, t i c . pressure along the !n x 2i 11 duct when M = 0, M = J+6,. 8,5. Variation o.f' pre ssure drop .wlth flow rate near the end of fu e duct 1r,hen lb},. 1 • Bf 6. Graph of Pitot pressure against (flow ratei when M = O; Measur. ed velocit y profiles in i11 x 2i11 duct when M = o. S.S. Graph showing negative pressure registered by Pitot when M ?>· 1. 8.9. Measured vel ocity profiles ·when M = 2~36, 5.03 - circular pitot tube. B~ 10Q Measured v elocity pro.file i\ihen M = 2 ,36 - flattened pitot tube. 137. 137. 138. 138. 139. 139. 139. g.11. ,,6 11 x 3. 01 11 .duct (II). 11+0. S.12. Pitot and e.p .. probes used in duct II" 11+1. B.13. Variati9n of . ntot tube error with flow rate 1'hen M = 137, 253. 142. B, 11~. Universal plot of electric potential near x=b men M >i> 1. 1 h3. 8.15. Var iatiot1 in potential drop in boundary layer at x=b · r-1 when M ~ 11+1+. s.16.. Potential prof:i.les in boundary la,yer at x=by M.=.75~ 136. 144. 8.17 .. E.,p. probe for 2 .. 5° x 3" duct (III). 11t-5. S1; 13. 8.19. 8.20 .. s.21. Static pressure drop in 2! 11 x 311 duct; M e::: 91+3. H-5. Velocity profiles in the botmda.i.7 layer at x='o, M=91+3 .. 1Li.6. Variation of potentia l with flow rate in 2! 11 x 3''du.ot ... 11+7. Potential profile in the boundary layer at :x.=b; M=91+3. 11t-7. 8.2. s.3. Basic data for 'it' x 2ir1 duct, (I). Static pressure drop in ~~e t ~. M = O. Pi.tot tube readings in duct I, ·when E :::= O~ circula,r tip. a.1+. Pitot tube read:-i.ngs for duct I 1\hen H = o~ flattened tip. a. 5, 8.6. 8.7. a.a. a. 9, 8.10. 8.11 • 8.12. Basic data for .6n x 3" duct. (II). Static pressure drop i n duct. II 1,vhen M ~, 135. Pi.tot tube errors in duct II, (circular tips), Pi.tot tube errors in duct II, (flattened tips P af'-'.'.bp). Pitot tube errors in duct IIP (flattened tips 9 aff"">bp). Electric potential measurements in core fll'.JW' of duct IL Basic data. for 2!n x 311 duct,. (:j:II). Pi tot tu be readings in du. et III P M = 91+3 ~ =viii- 157 159 159 160 , 61 163 163 163 The work described in this thesis be gem a t the DepartJ11.e nt 9f Engineering of C:;:1.mbridge University during t he ac;,.demic •re ar 1963-4 9 w1:1,s mainly done at t.ht1 Sch.ool of Enginetn-tj_ ng Science of the Univ·ersi ty of Warwick from September 1961+ to December 1966. During this time I have bee.n given a generous salary by the f:entr al Electricity Generating Board. The Board als o ena,1-:, led me t. ,:i :r:1!.tke two visits to Franee and one to Salzburg in order tq attend .conferences a.nd meet r..ther r es~arch worlcers, Fu.rth ermore, by means of ft 1,rl. t h the Univ-ersity of Waml!, the Board helped to1rm.rds the costs o:r. thr1 experimental work a.t Coventry, I should li~e to ~:h'Press my ·~hanks to tho Board for this support and, in pa.rtimlar, to liir4II .J.L:rwe, Mr .L.Yourrta.nd Mr.D.J.W. Richards of the Central Electricity Research Laboratories at Lea.therhead for the ,ht;llp they have given me and for the interest th0Jr have shown in my 'vi.iork. I should also like to record 1WJ thanks to Professor J .A. ShercJif'f for bdr-_;g su ch art excellent supertrisqr in providing Judicious qua.nt:i.ties of both encouragement and criticismi · rmd to Dr.H.LMoffatt and Professor K.Stewartson . for rra11y interesting di scussil"l11s on the theoretical aspects of ~ITTD. As r egards the experiments :1 I must first of ~11 th ank I,h•.A.E. Webb for his e.xcellemt work in t he con~truc-t;ion. of the apparatus, his pa-~ience with the endless modificatL,ns j) and 9 • perhaps most important of all, his advice i n the de sign of th~ :9.pparatusc ('I'he design of the 66 11 duct was as much his M ntine). I should also like to thank Dr.C.J.N.Alty for sharing ·with us the b~nef'it of his experience with MHD duct flotrrn. Mr.E.P .Sutton and the Ca.nibridge Universi ty Aerona.utica.l Department ad,ris ed us in the. design of sma.D. Pi tot m bes j for we are ve1::sr grateful. . Fi.nctlly, I must tharJc my wife for doing most of th e drrndngs and filling in thei mathematics between th e typing. The work descr.:i. bed i:n this thesis . is original except 1,mere references are gl ven to the work of otre rs. In particu1a r, the intro...- ductory chapters 1 and 2 are not original except f or §2, 3.1. and 2.3.2. all the subsequent chapters being substanti l!l.lly originaL None of the the sis has b ean Sl'l. b:mi t.; !;ed at any other university 9 although somi:'! parts been published or have i-ie·"n submitted for 1 . t. . . ,,l' • .!!>. • 1 " h ... 2 .., 5 d ,.., pub ica ion in sc1.enDl.1J_c JOD.rna. _s. ,.,,_ apuer:s , :; 9 &'1, i were subrni tted as a Fellowship dissertation at Tr:i.n1 t y College, Crunbridge. JlR.U-- 1 S"" . t' , ( ,1 . a~tr ~ IJO-lWStP. <=>.X- 1 o Introductio11." 10 1 e l,..Jhat rnagnetohydrodypam.ic:5 is all about. Thi:s thesis is an examination into various aspects of t he dynamic~ of electrically conducting fluids under the action of ma.gnetie fields 9 ~ subject usually known a.5 Magnetohydrodynamic ~ (MHD).. Before describing the new w::irk presented in this the~i3 we first bl'.'ief1y discus~ the general principles of the subject and then mention a few of the reasons for its study. MHD is a combination of the two subjects 9 classical electromagnetimls> Le. the study of the interaction of electric currents , electric fields 9 and magnetic: fields ll and fluid mechanics II Le. the study of the interaction of f orces and motion of liquids and gasesll the principles of which ar,e basically Newtoniano Normally9 the motion of a fluid is examined without considering any electromgnetic effects; however 1 when the fluid is electrically conducting and in the presence of electric and magnetic fields j the mechanical and electromagnetic effects become interdependent because the electric currents are changed by 'th e fluid 0s through t he magnetic field and the forces on the fluid are altered by the electri c currents and magnetic fieldso The aim of MHD is to S1tudy t he phenomena created by these combined effects .. The method of the study is similar to those of fluid and solid mechanics, in that the phenomena are examined with a view t,o explaining thEin in terms of basic prlneiples of t he su.bject 9 namely class:lcal eleetromagr1etism and fluid mechanics~ a:nd the physical properti es of the fluid, e .. g .. its electrical conductivity and viscosity, the phenomena. are not studied, as in plasma . physics 9 with a view to e:xplaining th em in terms of atoms and eleetrons o There are three main classes of reason for studying MHD, the first being that M"HD i s a c omparatively unexplored and intrinsically fascinating branch of classical physics and applied mathematics,, the second being t hat }lHD effects are often believed t o exert a controlling influence on many geo= and astro- physical phenomena 9 a:rrl t.he third being that many MHD phenomena can be used for practical purposes eog o measuring the flow of liquids and accelerating9 controlling, or generating electrical power frorn 9 streams of high tern erature gases o I f-P - -1- j LltlKAKY 1.2 0 The aspects of MHD considered here. In this thesis we concentrate on those MHD phenomena which can be reproduced in the l aboratory as opposed to those phenomena which can only occur with very large magnetic fields or on planetary length s~ales. Also we con.fined ourselves to examining situations which have somE': similarity with those found in practical MHD devicesl' though the conclusions we draw from these studies ha~,e some considerably 'Wider significance • 'Toe third limitation of our study was that we only consider situations which are simple enough to be analysed theoretically as well as experimentally. Since the four .nain aspects of MHD examined in this thesis form a rather motley collectio1J a w:>rd of introduction is necessary to explain . the actual reaso!1$ for choosing to study these particular aspects.. (Fo:rmal introductions to each aspect of the thesis 'With a review of the previous work and a summary of the main results are given at the be gfrmning of each chapter) o At the time of my joini..YJ.g the Carnbr1.dge University EngirH::!6:t>ing Laboratory MHD group under Professor J .,A.Shereliff in October 1963)} Messrs. C.,J .N.Alty an.d J .A.Baylis were engaged in experiments to investigate the l\1HD flow of mercury through rectangular ducts of constant eross=section whose walls are electrically conductingo At the time the theory of' such flmrs was ve:ry incomplete 9 but most of all we lacked a physieal insight into the processes involvedo Consequentlyi> with the encouragemmt of Pro±'erssor Sher©lif'i~ I began work on extending the existing thoo :ry of such i"lows ·which had been developed by Chang & Lundgren (1961) and Shercliff (1953\ concentrating on the interesting physical effects whi«::h occur when the mttgnetirc field strongly affects the flOW'., As a result of this U1eoretical work it became clear that the presence of electrically conducting walls radically alters the flow ·when the magnetic field is strongo This conclusion was justified b;f the experiments results of Alty ( 1965) and Baylis (1966) 1t-.ihose results agreed well wi t..11 the theory developed by myself (Hunt 9 i 965) and that developed in collaboration w'ith Professor K.Stewartson (Hunt & Stevra.rtsonj 1965) o See also chapter 2o The other interesting result of this work was that it showed that in some circumstances a magnetic field can make flow i:n a duct less stable$ contrary to all previous evider,iceo This concluron stimulated my interest in the problem of how a :rnagnet{~~ffects the stabilit y of a flow and some results of this study have been published (Hunt, 1966a) and others are mentioned in chapter 5. Further work on MHD duct flows has been concentrated on the more important practical problem of flow in ducts wiose cross-sections vary along their length (§2. 7) . This work has recently been extended to the study of compressible flows (Hunt, 1966b). In parallel with the work on MHD duct flow, at the instigation of Professor Shercliff ~ I studied the theory of some of the interesting effects found in electrically driven flows in MHD Le. those caused by current sources and si nks being placed round the boundary of a fluid placed in a strong magnetic field.. (This problem may not be altogether academic s.ince the walls of an MHD generator are divided into conducting and non=conducting strips lrhieh are like some of the situations considered i n the analysis of chapter 3). Since at the University of Warwick it was possible to obtain an electromagnet with a 3n gap, and therefore to have a duct wi. th an internal dimensicm of 2! 11 9 I decided to concentrate on investigating some :MHD flows internall:v 9 by using pressure and electric potential probes rather than investigating such flows by external measurements as performed by Alty and Baylis. Although some pioneering wo:ru: on the use of such probes had been be gun by East (1964), Lecocq (1964), and Moreau (1965), we have been involved i n a consid,erable amount of trial and error in the design of a suitable duct and apparatus for moving the probes and there is still a lot more development "Which needs doing .. We also extended the t hooiry of the measurement of MHD flows by pressure and electric potential probes (chapter 4). The experiments which have been performed have confirmed directly many of the phenomena predicted in the theory of MHD duct flows and electrically driven flows, as well as indicating the kind of errors to be expected in the use of pressure and electric potential probes,, -3- Althougtl these internal measurements have not been anything like as accurate as the external ones normally e.,.go static pressure amd electrie potential on the boundaries, they show: that such measurements can certainly indicate the nature of the flow quite satisfactorily when no theoretical model exists and therefore should be of use in studying turbulent flows. =1+= 2 . fi!tj ~~£~ o kJ dro '*a..,( o. wtt-~ J low 4,, 1:?ib7*1'1, ""[ rk cft- 2.10 Introduction to chapter 2. 2.2 .. 1 .. Aims. In this chapter we e.:,camine the theory of the flow in rectangular ducts of electric1;].ly conducting fluids up.der the action of a trams- verse magnetic field, confining ourselves to the study of steady 9 laminar flow of incompressible fluids whose conductivity, viscosity, and density are asstnned to be constant. There are two main aims of the study. The first aim is to examine how the flow through a rectangular duct is affected by the electrical oonductivity of the walls of the duct and the external electrical connections made to them. To do this we make oo:rre further simpµ.fying restrictions to our study; we only study flows mich are fully developed, that is· to say the velocity in the duct does not var.J in the strea.mwise direction; we only consider uniform magnetic field which are pe~pendicular to two of the walls of the duct, and we only consider ducts whose walls have uniform conduct- ivity, though the conductivity of different walls ~Y, vary. Although flows in rectangular duets, subject to the same restrictions, have been studied before the only type of duct studied at all completely is that with non".'"conducting walls, the .wo:rn: on flows in ducts vd th con= ducting walls being very incomplete. For this type of duct there has been no attempt to understand tne p4ysical implications of the mathematics nor to compare the solutiorsfor various types of ductso Our aim is to use the mathematical solutions to the problem in order to obtain a sound physical µnderstanding of the flOW" in different types of duct with various electrical connections, arnd to obtain useful formulae for volume flow rate through f1.. duct, electric potential difference across the duct etc, which can reacifly be tested e.xperimentallyo The second aim is to examine the flow in ducts whose cross= section varies in the streamwise direction, men the transverse magnetic field is very strong. In th~s case the restrictions we make are~ only the dimension of the duct in the direction of the magnetic field varies, we can igno:r,-e the variation. of the flow in the direqtion perpendicular to the streamwise and magnetic field -5- directions, the mgnetic Reynolds nurnber1 Rm~ is low enough for induced magnetic fields to be ignored, and the magnetic field is unifonn. These approx::in:ations aRd restrictions lead to a great simplification i.n the otherwise very complicated problem of calculating the flow over a body olaced in a transverse magnetic field. We find that these same ~pprnximations also lead to great simplifcations in colculating .internal f'lows and our aim is to use arrl develop the existing mathematical solutions to provide a physical understanding of this problem and to provide formulae which can be tested in the laboratory. 2. 1 o 2. ReasoIJS~ There are two main reasons for studying the incompressible flow of fluids wi. th uniform properties through rectangular duets under the action of a tmifarm transverse magnetic field (MHD duct flc.w for short) .. Firstly there are p:ractica l reasons. The first practical use of MHD was in flow measu.rernent and this affected most of the original -work on MHD duct f low9 as revief by Shercliff (-1962)0 To find the flow rate through a duet, men a transverse magnetic field is applied 9 the voltage between two electrodes in the walls of t.he duct is measured by a very small cu rrent through the electrodes which has a negligible effect on the .flow or the currmt in the duet. Most of' such measurement:.s a re made in ducts wiose walls have low or zero conductivity in order that the yoltage should not be short circuited. Therefore much of the early work was on ducts ,..fuose walls were of low or zero conduetivi't.,v and on flows 1110t affected by ext.ernal electrical However 9 with the gr01.,_1i ng interest in using magnetohydrodynarn.ic means to pump liquid metals 9 accelerate ion.i.zed gases and generate electricity from moving streams of ionized gas~ it is now important to study the interaction of duct flows wt th external circuits when appreciable electric currents circulate between thano Also in order to minimise the electrical losses 9 the ducts must have highly conducting walls and the eff'ects of such walls should also be studiedo The analysis of the flow in these applications is extremely eomplfoated 1 sine e the flows are usually turbulent arrl the fluids highly no?'l=Unifonn 1 as well as being compressible in most cases. In order to make ar1y progress in our 1.:mderstanding9 various simplications are necessary ~ for example the flow velocity is assumed to be uniform across the duct with laminar boundary layers fanned on the wal~ (Kemt:.ibrock 1961 9 Hale and Kemebrock 196i,) 9 or to be inviscid and two=dimensional (Sutton and. carlsor1 1961 \ or the approximations of one=dimensional gas dynamicEi are used (Resler and Sears 1958)0 'Ihe simplification considered :in this dissertation that the flow is laminar an::i incompressible and tha t the f1uids n properties are unifarm is merely one amongst man.yo Each of the simpB.f'ications enable certain as:pects of the flow to be studied and taken together an understanding of the overall process may errBrge. The aspect of the flow which our simplif'ication chiefly reveals is the interaction of the electro=magnetic and viscous forces in the boundary layers on the wq]ls 9 an effect which becomes increasingly important as the size of the de·vice and the strength of the magnetic fiekl are inic:reasedo The se{';ol'ld reason f'or our exanrurl:t:ig MHD duct flows is that they are one of the few instances in MHD whereby the theory ma.y be critically tested by experiment. Most theoretical and experimenta.l ·work 4:e- eer1;:eem.:r-1R>ea in MRD is concentrated 1i~compressible flows because of the greater pra.ctic:al and astrophysical interest in S! flovm 9 and in s'trnh flows it is ·irery rare indeed fm· the ex.1)6riments to be accurate or repeatable enough frr.r the theory to be tested at all critically. On the other hand 9 using liquid experimentalists have been able to achieve accuracies cf 1 or 2%9 and S'J. Ch exi.:er0 iJntmts provide r.eal tests for the theory o Sin~ the wh<',le st:r"'ur;ture of MHD theory must be judged by t he accuracy with which its predic)'.'tions a g:r·ee with those of e:x:periment 9 the theoretical and experimental study of MHD duct flows is @rilt;ially necessary for the further understanding of :MHD. 2.1.30 Con~ 82.,2. We state the equations ar.d boundary conditions of MHD for the incompressi.ble flow of fJuids with uniform properties 9 making some observations on- the appro.xi:rre.tions in the equationso §~.3o We present a novel derivation of the equations and boundary conditions for f ully developed flow in du~ts of comt,ant cross=sectional =7= area. mid er the action of a uniform magnetic field, first fonnulated by snercliff ( 1953). The essential feature of this derivation is a uniqueness theorem (a generalisation of one deduced by Moffatt (1964) for electrically driven flows), which p,:-oves conclusively that the assumptions made in deducing Shercliff 's equations are justified. §2.,4. We analyse the fully developed new in rectangular ducts under the action of a transverse magnetic field, concentrating on the effects of th.e duct having electrically conducting walls. To do this we gmeralise the mathematical solutions of Chang ~d Lundgren (1961) and Uflyand (1961), and Shercliff (1953), t,o cover flow in tw:> main types of duct: 68 (i) The walLs perpendicular to the .field ~) perfectly conducting and the walls pg.rallel to the field .,. ~ of arbitrary conductivity. 6.8 (ii) Walls AA non ... conducting and walls a of arbitrary conductivity. We then concentrate on the flow when the Hartmann number, M, = B 0 a(cr /i.} is Jarge, where B p is the imposed magnetic field, a half the duct width l> ~ the conductivity ap.d VZ the viscosity of the fluid., Various interesting pqysi cal effects are f oun~ the boumda.ry layers on the walls parallel to the magnetic field as the conductivities of the walls are altered. The most interesting and unexpE:cted effect occurs when the walls of the duet perpendicuJar to the magnetic field are highly conducting and the walls pg.rallel to the rragnetic field are non- conducting; then when M»1, large positive and negative~locities of order 1-Wc are irrluced in the bouncfa.ry layers on the wall~, where V 0 is the uniform veloc;ty in the centre of tl'j.e duct, usually known as the core velocity. It is therefore like),y that, :i,n contrast to all previous evidence, the magnetic field may in some situations have a destabilizing effect on now in ducts. (R.atiier than copy out the author 1s paper (Hunt, 1965), we :refer the reader to the paper which is attached to this thesis). Finally in thi~ sect;ion we show that the experimental results of Alty ( 1966) agree rel'J'\B,rkably closely with the theoretical predicted va1ues and also that these results conclusively bear out the hypothesis -8- that the ne.gnetic field destablizes the flowo ~2 .. 5. We continue the analysis of the effects of conducting walls, this time investigating the flow i1:1 a duct whose walls A.A are non.- conducting and walls BB are perfectly co:q.ducting. We also examine the effects of an external electrical circui t . F:i,nally we compare the flows in rectangular ducts with all combinations of conductii:ig and non- conducting walls. . (In titj_s section we refer to the paper Hu:nt & Stewartson (1965)). We apply the results of §2.,5 to flow in a rectangular annulus which is driven by an electric current with an applied magnetic field parallel to the axis of the a.rmulus. Then we compare the theoretically predicted values with those follll.d by Baylis (1966) to find reasonable agreement between then. 82 0 7. We analyse the steady, incompressible, two-dimensional flow of conducting fluids through ducts of arbitrarily varying cross=sectio:n when a strong, uniform, magnetic field is imposed.. The direction of the ma,gnetic field is perpendicular to the flow amd parallel to the direction in mich the ducts diverge.. It is assumed that the interaction parameter, N(~e)>>1, where M is the Hartmann number and Re is the Reynolds number,. and also that M:;),;,1 and R <..<.1 where R ({J,e) is the · m m r magnetic Reynolds number , )A, is the :rm.gnetic permeability, er the conductivity, £\ ~ typical velocity and { a characteristic length o:f the flow. We examine the now in three separate regions g (i) The '~ore' regipn in which .the pressure gradient is balanced by electro-magnetic forces. (ii) Hartmann boundary layers where electromagnetic forces are balanced by vis~ous forces. (iii) Thin layers parallel to the magr,.et=\-c .field in which electro- . magnetic forces, inertial forces, and the pressure gradient balance each other. These layers which have thickness O(N-V~) occur where the slope of the duct wall changes abruptly. By expanding the solution as a series m descending powers of N we calculate the veloc:tty distribution in regions (i) and (ii) for finite values of N attainable in the laboratory. -9- 2.2. ~guations and bound.fil:Y. conditions for incompressible magnetohydro- dvnamic flows. 2. 2. 1. The governing equations The equations governing the flow of incompressible fluids uniform electrical conductivity, viscosity and density have been derived in many text books e.g. Shercliff (1965). These equations describe the I behaviour of liquid rretals very accurately and in some circumstances may describ e the flow of conducting gases if their velocity is low enough. '!hey are:- the momentum equation, ( {if + ([.v'))(] = -Vp + J x _@-t i v'\r, the equation of continuity 9 Ohm' s Law:1 . J = -Maxwell 's Equations, ''° ":[ = 0 > cr(§-t~x~), v"><€:: - "?.J~/Jt, v.~ -- o > . J :, V·x H ~ - ') 2.2.5 • 2.2.6 . 1.fuere C is the density, ~ the velocity ll p the p:resst!t'e 9 ~ the vi.seosity, j the current density, e the :rragnetic flux density, -c:r - -the ele<.!trlcaJ. condu0tivi ty 1 e the . eleet:ric field strenght 9 and t-,t - ~ the magnetic field . Since we will only be c onsidering materials 9 whose permeability, )A--o is that of a vacuum (3 =AAo H 2o2.7. - ,-· ,,,.....,, Hmce, using (2.2.5) and (2o2.6) we have: v. J, =- 0 2 .. 2080 - Hereafter we will use the suffices x, y, z to refer to the components o:f vector quantities e .go V'"'.x.. ~ \f j , V"'i!' refer to the compoenents of \J" 0 - 2. 2 0 1 0 AEProximt ions made in the eguat ions o In these equations certain effects are igmored which we now state along with the co:raditions ira which these effects are truly negligible. For further justification of the equations see, for exa.mple1 Shercli.ff's book. (1) Compressibility. The velocities must be sufficiently low to the speed of somi.d b. the fiuid. (2) Variation in fiuid properties due to heating by electric curremts (3) (4) and viscous dissipation. This effect is negligible in most. experimental situations with liquid metals~ but it is an importa:rit effect with gases. Hall effect and 'ion slip'. These effects lltlich alter the relation between the electric current arrl the electric field 9 equation (2.2.3) are appreciable in gases 9 but nay be ignored in liquid metals 1 unless the magnetic field is exceptionally high by laboratory standards. (Le. greater than 105 gauss). nDisplacement CuITent'. This effect, which produces a modifica- tion i:ro. the rel~tion between current azrl magnetic flux density (equatio~ (2.2.6)), is only significant for very high frequen cy electromgnetic . oscillations and is qµ ite negligible in laboratory MHD experiments .. (5) Cha~ge ooiac:entration. . It may be shown that although charge c:o!'}.ce ntrations exist (i.,e. V .. E' .{0) ~ the forces on the fluid due -to ~ and ~ , the charge density v negligible in all practical or experiment&J_ situations. 2.2o3o Boundary condit ions at a rigid surfaceo For i'u tur e reference we state here the boundary C01'.'1di ti ons at an interface between a solid and i'luid with finite viscosity 9 both of which have fini te conductivity~ 'J"":. 0 [,J.~~ ]so [[»'~] = 0 , since ' since , since there is no slip at the wall 2.2.90 y'., j = 0 /le- C(•, ,~ I' 2 .. 2.100 'V v 'a(~ = _a~ I at. 202. 11.. -11- di I A..,_ , si:mce [["~ J $ 0 The brackets [ J refers to the ehal!'lge across the boundary and n. is the vector normal to the bqumdary o For detailed derivation of ,....._ ' these conditions see Shercliff (1965)0 Note that in steady flow, since , \J)( E = 0 1 we can writef: =-V [!:!)p)~> j ) ~ } which satisfiellftthe . equations (2.2. 1 .. = 2.2 .. B) when d/dt = 0 gi,,';n Zir or Q and Ij or iJ 9 provided the following boundary conditions are satisfied~ (i ) at the fluid-wall interface of the duct: }{ = 0 } (j.~)f = (J~~lw _, - ) (v4><~} = ('1~ )( ~)w > -13- where 'l'\ is in the direction into the fluid a:nd the subscripts f , VJ' ,,...,,, indicates the value of the quantity inside the bracket at the fluid side and wall side of the interface respectively;; (ii) The boundary conditions at the exterior of the wall of the duc:t is~ ~ D ) J . V) ~ """' except at the connections to the external electric circuitsa (The equations for the wall are the same as 2.2.3 - 2.2 .. g with u- = 0 ). (iii) As ) ';)c../ ) j ~ I ~ ""° J § ~ ~-Z> ( ::c, 1_:j) , 2.3.5. mere ~ is the imposed magnetic field. . Since ~ is produced by currents outside the duct, it satisfies the equations: v' ;,(' ;o == b 0 We assume 13,:i- to be given in our problem. By considering the energy di ssipg.ted in the duct we now prove that thereis a m.iique solution for 'y" • (This analysis is similar to that of Moffatt (1964), thou~ ~e general in th~t we consider inertial terms and make no restriction on \i_, the magnetic Reynolds :aumber). From (2.2.1) and (2 .. 2.3) we cam elimim.te B to obtain~ ~ I /j ) ~ - ~ : . v ~ ~ ::: _.. ~ . V' I - d . v7 ~ = f '-!:. ( ( ':!: . zl) ~) Now" integrate this equation unit distance along the duct and across the duct but not including the doot walls.. Call this volume. Vf and its surface Sf'° Ther:i. 9 us~g Gauss I theorem an.d equations (2o2o2) and (2o2o8)J) we obtaing l Jvf "-J " d v - 1 f v / \!; 'v '"d J v = - fsf f ( ~· '.}) r + 1' Lt C'; J cJ s _ f i [ !!; . V ( v- '"/,_) - '.: ( ~ -s ~) J J \/ 2.3.6. \J;_ where v-.r = \J't.. If O Now -., -14- rate, and thence (2o3o6) becomes: \ [ "-,. /,1,I + ~ 1~1'] d ~ • a L'lr-J:f (~ J, "c) d s 2,3. 7. Now consider the walls of the ducto If _the walls are non-conducting, { • -:Q-,= 0 cm the walls and (2.3o7) becomes: Sv (o-'/l/2+~/~/'Jd'J =-~6r If t}1e ~lls are conducting, the potential c:f is comtinuous across the wall=fiuid interface andj . n is also continuouso By integrating in a ~ --I ' volume Vw of the wall also of unit length along the duct, with an external surface area of Sw1 its internal surface area being Sf' we obtain: cc fs/1> 11 · ~J) c:1 s- t L¥ cr~D Js) ==- J ~ C.i . ~ \ d s - , ~J· 'J. SJ '"" -.J C.. ..... ) .J since J , \'\ = 0 on the external surface of the duct except at the ..... ..._, connections with the external circuits~ Thence (2 o3o 7) becomes: r r l I I , I I I Now suppose that ! ~ l ~ f i tfa > I > J2, J is a second solution of the equation (2o2o1 - 20208) satisfying the same boundar y corrlitions as q. with 8 p1 = ,Qr or Q' = .e. and I j ' = 1 j or "' l ;i:; • -CJ xj = ~ j at each connection, depending on mich condition was specified for the solution 4 ~ , -.J t ~ =-, -'.:t /\ be the di fference oetween the tm solutionso Then q, satisfies the equations (2.2.1 = 2.2.S) and the boundary conditions (2.3o 1o - 2.3.5.)p but / /'\ ,'\ J'\ 6 p = 0 or ~ = 0 and JJ = 0 or i j = 0. Then (2.3.s) becomes~ ·"\.. r·., A ""\ Therefore f. = ux_ = v-J = P and t hence, since j· = 0, p I • . = 0 and since .I\ wj = o, u-z:. = O ,,, = O and. ~, = o. Thus 9r = 0 and q/ --~ ~ , which shows that there is only one solution to the pr oblem. "' There are some irrteresting aspects of this uniqueness theorem • . Firstly i t is valid for all vaJnes of the ~etic Reynolds number, Rm., Therefor e even if the induced magnetic field is of the same order as the impos ed magnetic field, the result is not affected. Secondly the result is independent of the orientation and distribution of the imposed mgnetic fieldo Thirdly the result is not affected by havi:ng the walls of the duct conducting. Last ly we note that~ in general, specifying Q and dp/dz =16- or ! j and ; does not uniquely determine the solution e.g. a current flowing betwee.n the wqlls perpendicular to the mgnetic field in the duct examined by Hunt (1965) does not affect the flow and therefore 9 of course, specifying lj and li j would gtve no inforna.tion about the flow. On the other hand in the flow examined by Hunt & Stewartson (1965) specifying the current and potentia~ between the electrically conducting wa.11s does uniquely determine Q and bf , given B~ • This case is the exception. 2.3.3. 'Ihe MHD duct flow equations Since we have shown that there is only one solution to the problem of fully developed duct flow given suitab:J.e boundary conditions, if we assume a given flow and show that sueh a flow satisfies the equatio:rn.s and the boundary ions 9 then we have found the solution to the p:roblem9 We assume that there is no secondary flow and that the imposed magnetic .field is constant i.,.e. ~ : ( D, Ba) o) . Then 9 makµig the same assumptions as in ~2.3.1 9 that the cross=sectional area 9 u- ~ ~ 9 J. and f:> do not -vary in the z...clirection 9 and using ...., CJ _, the result of §2. 3. 2. that d p/ dz is a constant, and cip,/clx and 'ap/ay are functions of x and y only 9 the equations (2.2.1 - 2$2.S) reduce to~ 2 .. 3.13., These equations nay be rewritten in terms of p 1 H and v : z z 0 ~ ~h~ c pt )A o+-\..::: ) 2. and 0 = f:, c)V-r a- 0 ;:i:_ Thus p has the fonn. deduced in §1,.3.2. Also note that, given the boundary conditions dp/dz or Q and Ij or J> j we can find vz and Hz by only considering t2.3. 17)and l2.3.1B)P which were first deduced by Shercliff (1953). When the walls of the duct are conducting 9 to find the value of Hz at the fluid-wall interface)) in addition to examining (20 3.17) and (2.3.18) we have to analyze the current distribution in the walls of the duct and use tli~ bounda...ry conditions (2 .. 3.1 = 2.3.,5) to natch the solution i:n the walls t.o that in the duct and to the external electrical circuit. We now write down the equation for Hz in the wall and these matching conditions in terms of H and v • Let z z s be the co=ordinate parallel to the walL Then, in the wall, H z satisfies: provided the c onducti vit,y of the wall is constant, and the matching conditions at the fiuid~wall interface are: and where tr w- is the conductivity of the walL At the outer boundary of the duct wall, '°aH /as = 0 z except where the duct wall connects with an external circuit. If the duct walls are non=conducting 1 the boundary conditions on H becomes simply 9 \ z ('aH:z / os J = 0 2.3., 23 " and the condition on dH~ /ori.. is then ignored because in the wall t h e electric fiel d (- arp/-;:;s) ~ __ kw- ( d H/o-n) . Sharcliff ( 1956) pointed o-ut that t hese boundary conditions al'ld the equation for Hz in t h e wall may be simplified when the thickness of the wall 9 t , is small compared to the duct sizeo Then )f-1-;a_ ) ) ~~ and (2o3o 19) becomes o.x os ?J-;;_ tt::z. /'cln'" - ~I' ~ .0 I (oil /;,").,.. =- (( H.,)., - ( Hz)J/t Consequ ently except where the duct wall connects with an external circuit 9 (H ) and (H ) being the value of H at t he outside and the -z W Z o Z inside of the td.u©t wall respectively. From (2.3o20\ (H ) = (H ) z w z f Therefore the condition (2.3.,21) becomes~ ~ of':;. - t-4 ?.: iL - --- ·- ---- - - ·t 20 4 0 Magneto~ydrodymamic flow in recta.n.gula:r ducts. I.. 2.4. 10 Introduct ion to Hunt ( 1965) In §§2.4 and 2. 5 we merely introduce the work we have already published on steady fully developed now in rectangular ducts of fluids with uniform properties under the action of' a transverse magnet ic field. In this section we refer to the author 9s paper 1 Hunt (1965)~ in mich we generalize the mathematical solution of Chang & Lundgren (1961) and Sher~liff (195:3) to examine the !'low in two kinds of rectangular ducts~ (i) those vhose walls parallel to the nngr:ietic field (AA) are of arbitrary conductivity and whose walls perpendicular to the magnetic field (BB) are perfectly conducting, (:ii) those whose walls (AA) are non=eonducting and walls (BB). are of ., arbitrary conductivity. In ihe paper we concentrated o:m the interesting physical effetts 1d1i~h occur men M>"')1 9 (ars have already been described in §2. 1 .3 ) and were led to make some speculation on the stability of the resulting flows in the ee~relusion of' the paper. Since then we examined the stability of these flows in greater detail and O'U1" conclusions ai~e presented in §2&4.20 Finally in §2&4.3 we compare our theoretical results with the experimental results of Alty (1966)., Since the publicatiom of Hunt (1965)jl we have found tm papers by Chax1g~ Atabek and Lundgren (1961) and Uflyand (1962) in -which were analysed the ±"low in a duct whose walls (BB) are perfectly conducting am walls (AA) are non=condu~ting. However 9 owing to the form of solution used in the se papers:, the i:nteresti ng properties of the flow as M-+ao could not easily· be seen and no physi9al discussion of the p:t>oblem was attempted. A recent book by Hughe s and Young (1966) also analyses the same pt"oblem using the same eumbersomttechniqu es as Changg Atabek and Lundgren (1961\ but the book is of interest since velocity profiles and current stream lines have been computed in great detail for various of M., 2°4.2. !fue stability of the flows when }.f,.:21. In t his se~tion we di seuss the stability of the high Hartmmm number flows analysed in our paper~ Hunt (1965)~ using the results of our general analysis of the stability of MHD duct flows in §5.3. In §-503 it is shown that the--analysis of the stability of' a fiO'W' in a rectangular duct is simpler when M;>>1 than when M = 0., The reason is that 1 1'hen M >-:'.> 1 a core flow develops in the centre of the duct and boundary layers form on the side walls and therefore the stability of the flow is determined by that of the bouti.dary layers 1 'Which are simpler to analyse than the flow found at M = 0 mich varies equally in two directions. Furthermore9 it is frumd that the most 1u1stable disturbancesj which determine the stability of the boundary layers., are unaffacted by the magnetic field. Therefore in examining the stability of these flows we can use our knowledge of the stability of boundary layers where there is no magnetic field. Let us examine the stability of the boundary layers on the walls M in a duct wi. th perfectly conducting walls perpendicular to the field and insulating walls parallel to the field (dA = O~ dB = r:P )o In tllis case as M~oo the velocity profile in the boundary layer becomes g v = t ~j ccs__b{ 'l)_ VL f (- 5' !¥- ) z;'.4c (- j' r;J) J : 01 1 f' I j= 0 M ol ,J - ·i where S : M ~ j and thus (MV) becomes a function of J' only. The stability of this boundary layer is then determined solely by the value of the Ri=ryn.olds number for the layet" Rb,.Q, 9 since the velocity pr·ofile 1 sttitably expressed 9 is independent of Mo We now have to determine the value of terms of Mand R9 the overall Reynolds m.unb er (""' a ut-/ 1) ) 9 where Li T; is the me an ve loo it y jl for var1. ous shapes of' duc·co l If a/b<:<. M"'-'2, Le. a very thin duct with 1~lls AA much shorter than walls BB, the mean velocity in the duct 9 l~_ 9 closely approaches ~ 1 the core velocity and most of the flow is in the coreo (For a/b '>- M=z most of the flow is in the boundary layers on AA 1 Section :3 of Hunt (1965)). Then the m3an velocity in the boundary lavers on the walls AA - " l is O(M) V-r-and since the thickness of these boundary layers i r: O(a.M"'-'2), 1 - the Reynolds 1-111mber of the boundary layer R - = O(a.M2 lf / 'l,) ; 9 where --b 9 • -l=- v is the kinematic viscosity.. ~ence 9 \,. Q. = O(M2 )R, =21= where R is the overall Reynolds number, (R = a tri! Iv ) . Thus for given R, 1b.{. increases with M: hence the critical overall Reynolds number at which the boundary layers become unstable is reduced by increasing M. Note, however, that away from the remote walls AA the flow would be very stable. Now consider an approximately square duct with alb = 0(1 ). We see from equation (24) of Hunt (1965) that in this case most of the flow is in the boundary layers on AA. 'Ihe ~an velocity in the boundary layers on AA is O(M) 1~ , where lfc is the core velocity an1, since the thickness of these boundary layers is given by S = O(a.M""z), lr2a :::- o [C tv\ u-c. o?- M -~2 + v ,_, o..b) /o-8 : O [M;-2 u-C- o/b] Hence, if alb = 0(1), R = O(M2 a tr:: liJ ), · 1 C and since 1b.t. = O(M2 a lf Iv), R ~ 1b.t. It is important to realise that the forms of the velocity profiles are a function of M and not R. Thus velocity over-shoot and reversed flew can occur in the boundary layers 011 AA at arbitrarily small Reynolds number. Using the usual sufficiency condition for boundary laye.T flows we can show that below a certain value of R the flow is stable. Since tne velocity profile is in the fonn of a jet with an infinite number of points of inflection and since the critical Reynolds numbers of free jets vary between about 4 and a few hundred ~t would seem that in this type of ductj when ~>.>1, Rcrrf-1000 whereas when M = O, Rc~~t~.3000.. If it cruld be shown that when M>>1, Rcr,~<1000 then, by definition, our hypothesis that the magnetic field bas a destabilizing effect would be verifiedo When the walls of the ducts are all perfectly conducting (dA = dB e:(71) ), the velocity p;rofile :-.of the boundary layer also contains points ot, ~ ... tQ"!6rJJ of inflection (fig.4)iand hence raisimg M reduces the Reynolds number at 'Which the boundary ],ayers become unstable. But in this case, for M:~ 1, the velocity in the boundary layers on AA is of the same order as the 1 core velocity and since the boundary layer thickness is O(a.M""2), R l = 1 1 -Do o O(M""'z)R.. In this case, provided a/b <. M 2 , the shape of the duet is irrelevant. Raising M at a constant value of R may first te:t1d to destabilize the boundary flow and then stabilize it. -22- Soo O Q =- 1>C\ u o e =- --11 ° 2.oo 0 0 () ---i----f---,.j----'----J..-- t R lbOO 2000 ~2,2.J~ ... fokvitia,L a± itii1.. ~~1vil1lfor1e l~Jl~ ~ ~ II il'jO.tnst tl)D 0 ~.:..--- 0 '\ -4=- B-~~\lr,, or I+ b·~ N'rt 0 D 0 0 r , R Z.000 cSooo 4coo 5000 f,ood 1000 · 1ij2,3 . ... l\e.$Sl)re wad~V\t ~Qins/:, . ~o(dg_ _n_umbec. _____ t~d».d~ ~~ ± 4o~.- ) M ~ 22:l (AH~ , i 1 tf t) -0• \ ~ - o·s _ \ 0 0 3 I 0 4 0 ~ 2.4_'PcW"1bai ~le.e e. \6V13 :tk ·l~SM loJ~ l;l,-ll. 31 II d vet : G '::: 96 a flt.=: lsq l {(. ~ i00 0 -- --- --- -- ( --- . --- ---- ----------from A I f.j ([J ( (,) Experimental results of Alty. Since the publication of Hunt (1965), Alty has performed a series of experiments on the effect of a transverse magpetic field on the flow of 1!1'l"CUI°Y through a square duct with two walls conducting a:m.d two non= conductingo He was able to vary the direction of the magi:ietic field relative to the duct and i.n one series of expel)'iments he investigated the flow whe:n the magnetic field was perpemdicular to the highly con= ducting walls • In his Ph.D. thesis Alty -has made a _detailed comparison between the results predicted by our theory and his experimental results. We will merely present the three relevant figures which show most of the results. Fig. (2.2.) is a graph of the electric potential differenGe between the mid-point of a noncondu cting wall and ~ conducting wall, 6 p II against the overall Reynolds number, R. Note the close agreement between the . the_oretical and exerimental values up to a value of R of 6o(X). Fig.(2o3) is a graph of the variation of pressure gradient with R at a given value of M, (M))1), and shows that for R > 1000 the flow is not laminar, i.eo it ls unstable, and also that for R low enough the pressure gradient become~ very c l ose to that predicted theoretically. Fig.(2.4) sho-ws t he distribution of~ along the non=conducting wall at a given value of R and M., The theoretical values only agree with experimental values if the potential is calculated from the mean . velocity and~ the pressure gradient, though the explanation for this is not quite clear. 'Ihese e::q)erimental results have proved the followi_ng~ (i) The,etic field, if sufficiently large, can lower t he Reynolds number at which the flow in a duct becomes unstable. (ii) In the particular duct flow studied, for a given value of M(~'::>1)~ the f:Low can be stabilised if R is reduced low enough, as was shown. in §2. 1~. 2. (iii) The theory of MHD flow in a duet with conducting walls can accurately predict the values of ~ , (dp/dz) etc., found experimentally. The experiments have also shown that various interesting effects occur "When the boundary layer becomes unstable which we do not understand. -23- M.agnetohydr odynam:i.c flows in rectangular duets II . 2. 5. - 2• 50 1. Introduc tion. In this section we conti nue our examinat i on of flow in r ectangular ducts whose walls are electricall y conducting. we oogin by r efer-ring to the paper ~itt en j oint l y wit h P:cof'essor K., St ewartson, Hunt & stewartson (1965) 1 herei nafter r eferred t o as H .'·. s. In this peper we considered the case where t he walls par allel to '::>~ magnetic field (AA) are perfectly conducting and tqose per pendicular to the field (BB ) are non-conducting, this being the kind of duct used in MHD pumps and generators, which are usually connected to an external electric circuit .. In our analysis, which is only valid when M»-1, we considered the e ffects of such circuits, though it is found that for this particular duet they do not make the problem more difficult.. (The demarcation of the worlc in the paper was precise in that Stewartson-performed the asymptotic analysis of §2 j wh:q.e I wrote the other sections). In the following sub-section we extend the order of magnit ude argument of the paper to the .duct flow examined in §204 and then compare the flow in re ctangular ducts with all eombinations of conduc t i ng and non-conducting walls. Finally: we compare our results with the exact numeric al solut ion of Tani ( 1962) o Since the publication of our pap er 9 the trans lation of a paper by Berezin ( 1963) has become available , in which he c onsiders the same problem for all values of M. merely reduces the problem to a single infinite series of a lgebraic equations, which, he c laimed, can be solved by the method of successive approximation. 'l'his does not seem to us a great s t ep forwar d. 2.5.2. Comparison of all types of duct flow. · In this section we use the .method of ~~4. 1 and 4.2 of H & S' t o deduce the main r esult of Hunt ( 1965\ namely that most of' the flow occurs in the boundary layers on t4e walls (AA) if the walls (AA) are non-.. .. .··. ·;' .. ·· ·, .. .. . · .. ' - · conducting and t he walls (BB) are perfectly conducting. We call this type of duct flow case (iii). (iii) We use the same notation as for c ase (i) and note that f or case (:iii); ( I - ,, Q. -~ --- --- ----'1!!11--- s' Bg 2 .S__ Ct~s9_::-_s~~:.:;J,.ovi __ ~~Jb~ _ _d1v..c.t_. li~k,e1.,\ _d_A::: o . cwd cl.B-=--oo _ _( M\ ~>!~----· as nay be seen from Hunt (1965) 1 the core vaJnes of curTent and velocity, jc... and LJc., 9 a~e also the same/, (Cl . 1 1 I . j ' : - f) _\T o -= FI d 2; I/ B o i . e . c.., 0 c. - 2 . 501 .. 1eJe consider the integral§~. d l taken round the patn, PQRS in figo (2, ,. Then, since Ey = 0 in the core and E = 0 on the walls BB, and x. since § § ,c:Lt f \: .X,J L t s p E-_ _'.) J. j f' s =O I == 0 2. 5. 2 .. By considering current continuity in the s econdary boundary layerg - O [Jc ~ /J J J and therefore, f' J,\~~ ~ £ h;-~ --o[J,_ aic,-c)J. Since E = 0 in the core.? jc,/cr + Bo 0.9 and therefore x Q_ J ,' ·l l E.x. J ;,c. -= j J_s._d ~ --· + Bo j u; clx., p ' () (!_( D . [' ] Now since J ~ = 0 on the wall it follows thatJs = - 0 J e, The/ore, using (2.,5 .. 2) and (2. 5.3) Q. -6[J'ca./ er s] :::. 0 [- jc J /er J + BD i lrs dx. ) p whence E, u lf"5 S ,,, -'- O [j c. Q "/ o ~ , since 2> <.< a, . From the equation of motion 1 sincej = - 0 Qc.J 1 and /~:;J I= o[ :;,L] 1 it follows ~at J!c 6 ~s = () tJ'~ B0 J, where j1. is the viscosity in this case. Then dividing (,) by (2.,5.5) J 4/a4=- () [p-/csBo2 Cil2J, or · [ _ 0 [ at M -V2-J . Thence (2 .. 5.,4) leads to~ =25= Therefore, from (2.5o 1) U-c_ = .:, ,i..,1,' and S U--~ Jx. f.) whhm result is the same as that of Hunt (1965L As was m9ntioned in H. & Sy the form of the boundary layer on the walls AA is best explained in terms of the seconda,:"y currents induced in these layers o We now draw up a table showing the orders of magnitude of the secondary currents, relative to both the eore current and the core veloc:Lty~ including in this list the case (iv) wiere all the walls are non...conduc ting analyzed by Shercliff ( 19 53) o' dA and dB are as ' defined by Hunt (1965), being proportional to the conductivities of the walls AA and BB r espectively o Case Number dA dB (i) 0,0 ,:;,o ' = -Ou<- IVr~ = - o (f\,(:,..t) 0 ,re,) Js (ii) ( open e ircui t) (Ja C> . = -6(Jc) =- O(M- 1(}'~ 0, j Js (ii) (short circuit) C-0 0 Js = - t(IVl- '.j~) = -o(rV1-\1 B0 1rc) (iii) 0 qo J.s = -· o(jc) = ·- o ( tJ B ti is-e--) (iv) () 0 . -()(Jc) = - 0 (M-1 Js = From case (i.i) w-e see that the value of the secondary currents relative ~ to the c ore currents may vary 9 yet expressed as a fraction of v-L- 9 Js. is oi' the same order in both ca.seso This must be so for the viscous and electromagnetic forces to balance in the bounda.ry layer. 'l'he most significant result from this table is that J s = -0[ tvf 1"5' ..Bo Lie..) in every case except (iii) and, as we saw in §§1i. .. 1 and 4.,2 of H & 8 9 this means that i~ each of these cases tr5 = -0[ 1r~.. It is only i~ case (iU) where J 5 , relative to t.rc , is O (M) times the value ofJs. in the other cases and where, in consequencej the viscous stresses must be O(M) times as greatj that V--5 = O(M) lre-. O~her important differences are shown up by the order of magnitude arguments.. This crude table only indic ates the gross difference between the secondary boundary layer in case (iii) and the other cases. I I I I 11 Comparison with others' results. Although the analysis in H & S is only valid when M >:>1, Tani ( 1962) has provided a suitable variational method fat' calculating the velocity profiles and the volume flow rate, Q, at values of M below about 250 It is t ,·:: a.resting to compare his values for Q in a square duct when M = 25 and E = 15, with those calculated from our result (1 .5.4S). M P:~ / ( (- vp2>~ )4,c{) Tani From (3 .. 5) of H & S We see that the difference at M = 25 is about 1%~ at least, the entire range of M is now covered. Thus for square ducts, It should be noted that in the analysis of H & . S we found that the velocity profile was unchanged by an external circuit. This is only true if the conductivity of .the walls AA is high enough. By analogy witi the result of Hunt (1965) that, for given dA, as M~~ , ruch that dAM2 7 oo , the solution becomes identical to that of the case mere dA = 00 , it is likely that a similar result will hold when dA is finite and dB= O. The physical reason is the same namely the relative resistance of the wall to the boundary layer on the wall AA decreases as M -;;i. o0 i because of the decreasing thiclmess and consequently conductance of the boundary layers. (This p'oint has been analysed more rigorously by Chiang_. ( 1965)). In the same series of experiments mentioned in §2 .. 1~.3 .. C.J .N.Alty examined the f1ow in his duct when the conducting walls were parallel to the field and the non-conducting walls were perpendicular. The con- ducting walls, AA, were connected together, the resistance between them being very small so that they were virtually short circuited. Therefore in measuring Q as a function of (dp/dz), the flux deficit du~ to the boun:iary leyers on the walls AA ia O(M""'3/2) that of the core, as shown in (3o9) of H & s.. With M > 100, this tenn was too small to measure so these experiments gave no test to the theory of the secondary boundary layerso However, in some experiments on electrically driven flows in a curved duct with dp/dz = o, J.A.Baylis (1966) has provided a critical test of the theory. We describe the theory for the flow and Baylis' results in the next section. 6 Flow in Curved Channels . 2. • 2.6~1. ~guations for cylindrical flow. We now consider the extension of the theory of H & S to flow in curved rectangular ducts. (See fig.,2.6L We will only examine the flow whm the secondary or radial velocities due to the curvature of the due: t are very small compared to those in the -€,- direct.ion. Also, we assume that flow does not vro:y in the 0 or stream:wise diY·ection and therefar e } the pressure gradient in the strea.mwise direction must be zero, the . , f energy of the flow coming from electrical energy fed in at the walls~ The equations (2. 2.1 - 2.2.8) for steady flow written in cylindrical, (r, 6 , z) co-ordinates men °a/a., 'G = 0 are (Chandrasekhar, 1961 ) : ( dV'. .l lr- d u f- u- ~) ·"" j · r B p \.T r ___:!.. ' . 2- - -::- - - · ~ :;::.-up ~ y +-j 0 0 L a< ~~ ~ I . to"L + __L d _ l +..i='] + -vi. b))· .,__ y O'{ , 2. 02.."'-- IJV) 2.6.1. (0 ( u-( du-;;:' + u-'i:. C2g-~, l QY Oi!:. e (., < d lJ' i: t l)7-. c)l(i!= ) cl.- d~; . ~u-r T '?)0 -~ + .!:!:!- or a?;. ' f a: (- c_;) \T...- , o-2 , we have in the primary or Hartmann boundary layers at z = :!: a, d ( \r • ~/t' ) ' P, 2. - r: d:. -· C! cr ~ c ~ -28- 4:·s i £~ / 1) / t A , 2a. A ii B ~/ B c.,urrut I CM rrort I 'ir" Y, lwv'1~ 1''21 ±ijzJ, Uossc~4--a·"41" -'.\Uk1lMr,k- _chllnnei_(1,JalJ&___AA_(,\iL-f'~C&ilJud~ _ w:a..11~ B 5 a,e '.bo{/\ c~J~.:r-~- Y)t 6 Flow in Curved Channels. 2. • 2.6~1. ~uations for cylindrical flow. We now consider the extension 9f the theory of H & S to .flow in curved rectangular ducts. (See fig .. 2.6)o We will only ex.amine the flow when the secondary or radial velocities due to the curvature of tbe c:loot are very small compgred to those in the B· direct ion. Also, we assume that flow does not va:cy- in the e or stream:wise direction and therefore the pr-essure gradient in the streamwise direction must be zero, the . energy of the flow coming from electrical energy fed in at the walls~ The equations (2. 2.1 - 2.2.B) for steady flow written in cylindrical, (r, e , z) co-ordinates when °a/a.. 9 = 0 are (Chandrasekhar, 1961 ) : ( d\1'. _l_ u 2>u,= tr ~ ) ."' / r B . p lT 'r _.:.!.. 1 . ?.: -;:;::-- -·-· _Jj_ =-LJ t:, ';;;) y f-j €) {'.! ~ o< 0~ T f ro2- + -1 ~ _ l +~} · + 'vt Lor ">- Yo'{' ,-i. oz:·_ u-._, l 2.6.1. J. t.rr 1- ..,,,.- 1(1 {- a ) IJ"-r ., o-2 , we have in the primary or Hartmann boundary Jayers at z =±a, - '° d C ~5/-/r- ) (2!· tr- B c 2. 2i v- r- ~ d~. ~ -28- !) l f. Since in these boundary layers ~/dz = O(M) and 1;-6 = O(\Tc..,) 1 where trc is the core velocity, we have: ~-· =:_ 0 r- 0 I f__LJ:::....... J - ~-u- L '(' o-Bo2 CA. -- 2a6o7o (., Therefore provided K is small enough we can ignore V"> 1 o S.· 6 ~ d of ,) (i) Core g .mce , -f' ~ :::__ l_ - (': j cip > ~p\ '--- . r u-'(. _:: J \~'- I and h c., _;. J ( e) J where g and f are functions of f' to be determined by the primary boundary layers. 'd , o · (ii) Primary bounda:r:y layers ; Sincea~ ,;-,)ie 9 \2o6o6J becomes g i'.:::~ + M "elf -o :!J• e... + M ~u-£-- - o 2.6.11. c\)2- ~ - -- ) 6! 2 6 S - where \,= l F+ lTc ' ~I= 'Ac_+ k p and ht , \Tr are subject tog V-p:;-uc_ > hf = - & - he. at j ~ I I lrp =- - tr c... ', h P =- ~ - h c. t J? I I I \J a j == - , u- ~ b h _...... .,..__ away from walls. f I r / '-J Then in the boundary layer at f = 1 I L - M {__1- ' ) ' I - M(t- j) ,,- - I - e, ur= c ) V)r:C- e and at J -= =1 9 . .Le -(lfl(l +j) Je.-M(l+J) e trr=e , h'f= It follows thatf(v= 0 and3((:l) = l.. so that, . (-? t.rc... :::--1 ~c..= 0 (iii) Region £ The analysis for this region follows that in §2., 5 .. 2 with the result that on the wall J = 1, u-5 l (:>) ~ ) -t- h s ( p ' 1) -::=- b ) where lr ,: lj t, + l..rp + lr ~ IJ h =he.. + h r + h$ o Thus we have a boundary condition on ( ir_s + hs ) at 'l"t. = 1 j which we need for the analysis of the secondary boundary layer - region (c )., (iv) Secondanz: boundary layer In this regi on we assume, as in H & S (92), that: "2>/'6e >'> d/a! However in this case we make the a dditional assumption that 9 d la e. ::, > , / e 2.,6., 1l"" (' 1 or in other words t-i = O(aM""'°2)£.<.r19 the r adius of the inner walL Clearly if the eondi tion is satisfied when t = f 1 9 it is also satisfied men e = el." Thenj in the layer on the wall at e = e,, ~ if tr5 = --vvve, )(Ji and hs= (tv1/e1)hs 1 ~ \r'5 1 and h..5 1 satisfy (2.,25) of H & Sj namely~ rtJs 1 + fv\ "a~s' --::::- o, u"'hs 1 + fVI d u~s' - o dQ"- aS ~~'L ~5- -and the boundary conditions: c tl" I - _ .l ~ hs I .:::-- 0 v6 - . ) - when M ae since~hs/oe.)> ~ 9 in virtue of (2.6., 14).. Now we can use the solutions for ~: and h~ in §2 of H & S., The result for the velocity deficiency on the wall () = e, 9 is 9 c.. fl \. J 5 tr de- ~5 = ~- .(:+J! 2-~ 0 - , s c e c -~) t Mo/;? - )M1 ) where t ==- Ce:- e1 ) and on the wall t ::::: el,.-- g ::: M (-~)} z_h-/ (<"4-) ! M~2 e ~) . Thus r{!-J+~6f)Os~ - 2. IY\ (e,./e>·)+C-~tL~i. ( ~ +~ )+2IV1&.~N j , ~ (~.v.'12.\ (.' c."2. M t' - -1 4.J . This my be r~·writ.ten O -t r r p " ,,.:/"a- ;f o-.. Q =- J J ~~J~J_l_- I ~I -~ - _ J h_(..-J...-,) _\j_ · '1Sb(<2 f: ,) "' _l.1 - - . 2.'li ~ l MJ-.. Y, '(4 lt1(t".._/~ M Now if we integrate (2~6.,5a) across the duct, theng y '2. +-a_ J St~J) ch·dl?; :::-2ac.~where 64 is the fall in potential from Y-1 -o... the wall at r = r 19 to that rjt= r 2 • Thence ·r.._.fJ..o'- ,. z_a.., .6d =- -Bo r"~ u- d~ d ~ + r J..!. J,, d2:-1.P J e J ') (.f1-_-t6 ) (The effects on the flow of boundary layers on the walls at z = :±}.'.> are considered negligible). The analysis also enables us to the now ove, a body placed in such a dtmto Unlike a 'Wind tunnel)) a duct for investigating MHD flow over bodies has to be placed in a magnet whose gap is usually smalL Consequently the duet size is severely limited and 9 for fletw' over a practical size of body 9 wall effects cannot be ignor!',d even out wide the boundary layers o We examine the inviscid regions taking into account the effects of the mll and we also examine the boundary layers on the walls. Ludfo rd. (196 '1) and Ludford & Singh ('1963) have developed mueh of the existing theory for external flows in transverse magnetic fields over two and t hree d imensional bodies o They assume that the magnetic field is strongj) and that t he ~ondu.ct:ivity is weak enough to ignore the induced magnetic fie ld o T'.:-;:L3 is equivalent to assuming that the interaction parameter N (~15 _R, :;,: (]\/e U O } >) 19 and that the magnetic Reynolds number Rm (:s:::: /A G({J_ o a... )Le_ 19 where~ 0 9 ) 1 o We are able to exten:i the usual analysis of t hese lq'yers (Stewartson 1960) by c:akulating the higher order appr ox= irna.tions, wtlich i s possible because of the simplicity of the oo:re flow solution (a1r.iay from the si..".tgula.r zones) P for which a.'rJ. expansion in imrerse powers of l\T mqy easily be foundo The ~ppru,x.:_i1iation used by Iudford has also been used very success= fully by Bornhorst ( 1965) to ~alculate the effect of a. magnetic: f"ield on the free surface of a. mer~ury flow when N >') 1 o The fact that the theory a«:lcu.rat ely predic ted the fr.·ee surface profiles found experimentally demonstrates t he usefuJness of the approxuna.t.ion . It i s worth observing that 9 in general.9 it is not difficult to devise laboratory experiments which satisfy our criteria that N ;;;,) 1 9 Rrn LL. 1 and M >.) i w "While having the Reynolds- m.miber large enough for aecurate readings of pressure 9 vel ocity~ etc to be takeri. With regard to the practical usefulness of our approximation 9 our criteria are not satisfied by the nows in moat MHD devices at the moment 9 (e., g. in the biggest MHD generators N is only O( 1)) o However 9 ss their size an:i their i'i eld strength increase, so that N increases~ our appro:xirm.te methods may become increasingly useful in examining the flows in MRD pumps 9 generators 1 etc • 2 7 2 .§t at ement, of the proble m. 0 • 0 - - - 'lhe Magnet ohydrodynarrd~ (:MHD) equat i om· f or st eady 9 incompressible now ,men the fluid properti e;s are c on stant , are g Cu- . v ) lT ·:=: -.-- i7,, + j l' 'B -1- ::1., \} 4.- lT D -' ~ \. ..... t~ ,.._ L "'"' \{, :C Q I ~ (E f ~x ~) , 0 J, * V1~ ) \7. ~~c ) 2o'7 0 1 • 2. 7 0 5; 2.?.6. 'Where \.r 9 p 9 j 9 B 9 E are velocity 9 pressure 9 current density 9 -.J ,11"""'1 __..._., magneti~ f lux densi ty and eleljtrilj field respectively. When ~ ..(__<'.... 1 9 we can ignore the induced magnetic field due to J and a.srume that 1 in equations (2. 7. 1) and (2 . ? . 3) B .:::: B.::i where ~ 1) i s t.c1.e imposed magnetic f i el d. If now we ~onsi der a t wo ·~dimensional flow in the x - y plane 1 such that 0 and hen~e from (2 .7. i) o E-~ (ox ... ::::. ,3) E2;. / e>j :::.. c::i Whet he.r th e wallf!§ at .'.:)~{; (x.) )~ (1 ... ) are conduc t ing or not 1 provided I;: Jt, there are no current sources or sinks along these walls9 it may be shown that Ex = EY = Oo (If the electrical boundary c ondit i ons on "the walls at z = ±b vary r apidl y in t he x=di.rection t hen it follows that ~ /az \ 0 and Ex\ O, thus the applicabil i ty of the basic assumptions to real flows must always be caref ully checked. We discuss this point further in the conelusion )o I f the magnet i c field S~ lies in the y=direction and if we r educe the Jnrameters to a non=dimensiona.l form in tem.s of Q, the total flow rat e t hrough the duct per unit depth, B'() 9 and 0\., 9 a ,-...., repr·esentative channel widt h 9 the equations become~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :;:i'52,]_ HIM! ~~IDl'\S _LJ)'IT. { c ), baut1 da,Yj )~$ l ~) awi Lud F>1 9 the ele re;tromagnetie for ces are very much greater than the inertial forces" Thus in these regions the electromagnetic force is balanced by the pressure gradl en:t ~ and cons equerrtly the body force 9,,l,<.. ! 9 i~ irrotationaL Since,. as pointed out by Shercliff (1965)!1 the J ;('B ,..., ---., force only affects the motion of an incompresru.. ble fiuid with no free surfaces when it is rot_ationall) it appears that !i when no viscous effects are present9 as thej 'I.~ force becomes sw'ficierrtly hrge it becomes .ifrotational o The explanation is that 9 although in the final flow pattern th~ 1-£ force is irrotational, in the setting= Up process the j -f- ~ force'' has to be rotational" Note that 9 w1en the inertial forces are negligible' the velocity is very simply determined by Obm 0s Law and the continuity equation, as sho\\111 in §3., But 9 as Ludford =37= I I I has shown 1 this approximation breaks down in the region near a dis= continuity in the slope of the boundary walls 9 a.s illustrated by the 1cink in the stream.lines between C'i 9 c2 a:nd c2 c3 in figure 2,,7,, ~zj.ons Lo (Ludford Layers) o These regions emanate in the .field direction from plaees where the slope of the boundary walls char1ges rapidly,, Consequently lr changes rapidly in the x direction and therefore in these regions the inertial and 'Viscous for oes are appreciableo These are th6 singular regions near the f'ront and rear of a body whieh Ludford did not analyseo The struei= ture of these regions 1 mich we shall call . i layers 9 . is analysed in §4 and is shown to depend on the relative size of M and R., For the parameter range of interest it is shown that the thickness of th ese layers is o(rr1/3),, Our analysis assumes the slopes of the boundaries is always finitej though t he ir rate of change may be infiniteo This means we do not analyse the layers emanating from the rear of the body in figure 2,,7~ but only from the fror.r:to Howeve:t'9 since du4::lt walls usually have finite slopes 9 t.he analysis is valid for most practical si tuationso Regions }lo /71\, t~se reigiorn:i boundary layers are formedo We shall assume that their thickness i3 sw.1tll eompared with the size of the duct and that in these layers the dominant forces are vis~ms and electromagneti©o 'Ihese assumpti ons are &1.awn in §5 to be equivalent to assuming N::::.) 1 and M:::. ) 1 9 the thickness of tl1e boundary layer being ?(M=u),, In this ana...lysis 'lire implicitly assume that 9 as a. result of several experimental and theoretical investigations j if N and M are sufficiently l arge there is no sepg,r-ation of the boundary laye1"'s o In experimental investigations of the flow over cylinders 9 spheres and flat J31ates 9 - (Tsinoberjl 1963 1 and 'rsinober, Shtem & Shcherbinin 9 1963) 9 and flow through a diver ging channel 9 (Heiser 9 19641 it was shown that when the magnetic field is sufficiently great ll it can completely suppress the sepe..ration of a bou_ndar-.1 layer 9 while some theoretical evidence for this phenomenon has been provided by Moreau (1964) who demonstrated that a transverse :rragnetic field can suppress the separation of boundary layers on a flat plate and on a cylinder" 7 3 Core f lQ.,w o 2. 0 • As 1&«.dford ( '196'/) has shown 9 in the lir1tl. t N-41' ro P equations (2 • 7. 7) reduce to . (a) df /dX, + ~~ l ~ +l:= D) (b) d(f /N)/o~ (c) o~fe.i + av-(',YS on allowing p t.o grow large with N and assuming that velocity gradients are o(N). Equations (2.,7.,8) have the solution lJ\. :: - f ( x) ) P ~ N ~ (:l )-x £ c] ) v- :: j f ?;_ ) + j ( i,) · 2., 7. 9., Clearly.9 this solution cannot satisfy the no=slip condition u ~ 0 9 v = 0 at the walls. In fact~ Hartmann layers mst form there j of thi 11kne ss o(M=1) to reduce the tangential yelocity of the core flow (2. 7. 9) to zero., (See § 2. 7. 5). We there fore relax the no=slip condition j and require * onl y that the normal velooity at the walls vanish. F'or flow in a duct the top and walls of which are deser-ibed by the equations j = Ft ( :x.-) 9 ir = Fb ( .x,) respecti~rely the boundary conditions are satisfied if ft-f 'ex-)+ 5C~) = +i' L,t ,. Fh,f 11 + j' ~ Fb1 tA or j ( 2,) = .fb F,t 1 - Fi. +b 6 1.-=- f-( 5l jl =F'b- +t; - j Furthermore v t~:; satisfy the continuity requirement 9 1:c1g _ &, = (-f'th-fb) Q., Thus~ *ludford=t196"'.f) also deals with the solution ~3o2)o Since he is con.;., cerned with an infinite domain, however, he nmst take f 1 = constant 9 and cannot satisfy boundary conditions at infinity. These are satisf~ed by considering inertial effects for J.Arge y. =39= may be found in terms of E and Q by integration. and for the flow between the body and the bottom wall is~ , 1 IT :::-( __ _l__)~ \C b'(3 -h:i )+ ft/ (C t,-3 )l 2o?o 1Jbo V' ;: C-i, -+=b Cb-+i.,/' L J The solution for~.Q"' is unaltered by the presence of the body. Thus the f'lo11r over a body in a duct is identical to the flow in two separate ducts, their walls being the top and bottom walls of the duc:t 9 the dividing streamlines and the t op and bottom walls of the body., 'Therefore in the following analysi s 9 'Where we only ment ion flows in ducts , we are implicitly treating fl ows over bodies as well. Our duct flow solution (2 .. 7 .. 12) (or pseudo duct flow (2.'7.13)) holds whenever the wall slopes a.nd curvatures are finite, since ~ ~.:_ = · N(d-t-nf [V+ll (5-h)+ fb'' (n 5) ~ _ 2- ft' - +bi [Et 1 ( 5 - Fb }t Tb1 tri -9 l) . ...- 11.. +-b - +=6 However j ift-,l b or t-t b = O(N) 9 (2.,7 .8) fails t o hold. As dis-' . ' cussed in. §2 9 we onJ.y deal with the .©ase wheref+_.,l:, = 0(1) , so that we only consider situat ions where (2o7o 12) ±~ails to hoJ.rl owing to the curvatur e being O(NL (The solution (2.,.7o n) always fails at the front and rear of a body except i n the unlikely event of the body being casp 8h&ped at these points)o The solution (2. 7 e 12) may be regarded as th.e leading terms in an asymptoti c expansion ~ _ 1 _ '2. II\ .-::: v.. t. + N I.A 1 + N l,\2- + . lit' -- lr~ + N-1 u-1 + N-2 u-~ +,, i " N ( ft; -t- 1,r 1 f i t - . . , ) J To consider the higher approximations and still ignore viscous effects M has to be sufficiently- large. But since we are only interested in tb3 first or second order- a.pproximati ons, effects in the core • To find L.\.., ,. u-, into (2 0 7.7) and equate terms of O(i ) . valid. 2. 7. t• 1}.e ludf ord layer egua ti ons. if H;:..) N we can ignore ·viscous , f, we substi tut('! (2 .. 7 .1 4) 2.? .. 16. In regions where the wall curvature is O(N) the inertial forces cannot be neglected r;;n d the solution f"or the core f'l.ow, (2. 7 .. 12), is no longer v·alid. [ktppose su eh a region exists at x = 0, then we see from (2. 7 o 12) that u -o has an O ( 1 ) jump while U O is c orrtinuous a.t this point. (Note that . lJ i ~ (A1 and higher order terms are, in general, all discontinuou::: . See the example of §2.,7.,6). Now let us assume that the Width of this region in the streamwise direction, [ , is very much less than the ·vtldth of -the channel.9 Le.[; zz 1, and that the region appears to be a discontinuity i n the limit N~~o Then the proplem is t o show that such a layer can exist by finding a solution . for U. l) Lr in the layer which :rratches U. 0 9 tr O in the core (See figure 2 .. 8) .. We first stretch the x=co-ordinate according to the rule~ 2.7 .. 17. layer Th_, since lJ0 ha.s an 0(1) jump in the layer , if the change in the .... , r is.6u /:J u = o( 0 ) o Ac?ordingly, in t he layer put lA = {/ h Co) t S' ( \_) ()(; g)) ) p ~ P/S 'fbere h ( X- ) = Ft ( i ) ~ F1;( i, ) is the channel width at station .. Also let h(o) = h 0 .. (In the following analysis we assume that 6 .>) c (N -') 2 .. 7 .. 19;, in order that we can ignore higher order a ppro.ximtions to the core flow) • ...... I ' I In terms of U, v, P, X, ~ , e_quations (2. 7. 7) are '2. ( ) 1... d Ll -t- au 2JJ + S1.r1)LA_ = _J_ o t3 - r NU.- N[E o-tl )+l d ~) I' a ho dx 'eJ'f, Oj dLc)){ ht) t&~,< I (b) L 6 tr +SUd tr +- 6tr~ = -~p +..1 ~, 1 ho d X ot< 0.9' ag RE E,X J 2" 70200 (c) dlL/d)( + dV"'/dj - 0 where terms of O(R~1) have been neglected to those of 16 4 R°:1) All unknown quantities appearing in. (2 .. 7.20) and their derivatives, are assumed to be O(~): Equation (2.,7.20a) is thep 2. ) .·. ·~·, '2>P ::.. - ,2> 3 NU - 62.N(Eb+J_ )t- « 6 /+6(Jt i) oX h0 2 .. 7 .. 21 .. while (2., 7 .20b) is 1- dO- -=- - ~ ~.~r + -i- Th + <{_6) h6 d x '?,: :) R.~ 0 x 'G. On eliminating · the pressure and the core value of the j X f ignoring the error terms, one obtains the equation ,,..., ";tlr f h 6 ~SN 67.~ h n d+tr ::::- 0 1 o 1':. ci g 2. R & c) )(t which is als o satisfied by U. force~ and Depending on the values of N and R .four possible situations may &rise, leading to different values of S : -42- (a.) (b) (c) (d) cf -d.- '2. Electromametic=yj_scous balance g -6 NR., =- b M ::=-\ 9 and [; R._ <<. I e Thus i) = M=1z j and ]IL.,> R2 is the requirement for the existen ce of such a laye r o (This condition satisfies the criterion (1, .• 3) f or ignoring higher order terms)" Inertfa.l=viscous balanc e g ~) = R=1 and ~ 3N>) 1, which holds =- I , i.f 1-«-. R2 ...(_<'.._ M4' R2o (To satisfy (2o7 o19) this condition must be altered to 14'.. R « M <::<-. R2 ) o l Inertial=viscous=electrornagnet4,c_ bali3,n~ ~ 2> 3 I'\! -.::. L-:::._ \ t{ I)) 6-==- R - which holds if M = KR2 " (This also satisfies 2,7 o 19\ Inertial=electromag,netic bal.a.nce g 2) = (h /N) 1 /3 <<. 1 • - ,:- ~ ' R 2>>> 1 9 which holds if 1 « R2 ~ M <<- R • (Since 6 = O(N = 1/3) 9 S.:>) O(N=1) and (2o'7o19) is satisfied)o We now concentrate on the type oi' layer which occurs when M,R and N ha-,re typical experiment al Talues) e o go M = 500 9 R = 5000 j N = 50 o Thus we can ignore situations (a) and (iC ) 9 but we have to consider both the situations (b) and (d) since they may both occur in the same range of M and R.o Howeverll is no solution to (2o 7 023) which satisfies the required boundary condition as X-;.. ;± co 9 if the electromagnetic term is neglected arrl a balance of the ine!l}tial and v·i.scous forces is supposed to exist o Therefore we must c onsider the very nruch thicker layer \\hieh occurs in situation (d) vihere 2> = O(N=1/3) o We call this layer the Ludford layer in recognition o.f the similarities between this work and that of his 1961 paper and assume its structure to be governed by the equation c;x:,v .,· i,..! ';_;7- d -...1[ ::: 0 ~;,.:. . dq We find that it is pos sible to ..... construct a solution to this equation satisfying the boundary conditions and therefore we conlude that the errors, due to neglect ing the higher order terms in (2o7o23) of O(N=1/3), an:i due to neglecti ng the viscous tenns of O(M/R2 ) 2/3 9 do not affect the solution to this order of' approximationo It i s important to note t,hat, with this length scale, the boundary curvature s till tends to infinity with N, in fact it is O(N=1/3) in (X 1 :r) space, Thus~ the walJ. still has an abrupt change of slope a.t X = Oo Since the problan. is linear j we mey break it into two partso The \ core flow, from (207,,12), may be written as v 0 = v1 + v2 where I I I I I I ,,.1 = Ft 8 (j - +--i-J/ ~:- 9 v2 = Fbfl(Ft. =S )/ \,-/:.- v and separate sol utions for the I.udfcr.!"d leyer may r,e :tourxd whicll. mat~h with v1 and ,,2 as X--:a> ±;o0 Thus j without loss c.f g,ane::t'~l.ity 9 we may ass-ame that it- is the bottom wall w. hich en r~.;~s ab{u·r};. 11; ). I(f f m~td e11~ '(o~;t)y J~e problem of mat©h.~ng with ~;' ') 0 Let ~ - -:c..~...:::. t ! .(,j G~t... I h-J, r{+ ·- -.f'tt • r O ;;,t I~), am. put Ft ( 0) = L l = f., ~ -o,. ;r=-.,.,0+ · J ,- ·:=-'·. ( -·Y o ,. - •, \. The lower wall i s then g:1.ven by Y "" 0 in the layt"',r o The boundar0y eondit.ions on v(X 9Y) in the layer are then u--(r 0 - r;,;. + 1 ( : ... y ) ') " x -> - <._,,0 , I l,.,,,..r,.. in order to :rna:tc:h with v,, o "'- The problem for v may be further di vided by wr-iting 1- \ :f: r<"" 1 ;_r f where ·L. I I \. -" I \T and - .• ;li• ,. \ <.,· l, -+ --· a )i, ~:, a "('- , The solution to (2o 7 o 31 ) may be found by separating the variables and us :ing a Fourier series solution first making the further si mplicati on~ .i.- ·- Y + li ' for X > 0 '\ for X < 0 I I I D,'6 - 'I- c, ,2.. / I (~, I I I f ( bf 3(o.) .'{9,(~(\,h0t tf_:_ ..u: _~lt, X ,~ i\Je, -· Lud.,~J_J~\,~~(1_cJ VO[~DV1$_ v.olMes_ u ~- '( . I ! 11 ' I I I I I I , I ' I I I i I I Ii I I I I: 11 , I l I X I • b-1, ~'I -, 3 5 I I I I I I I * +-Then these t wo solutions for IT) and LT -+ are found by matching If) ,f.. o"- u-"' 2. ~ · and ~ -;_· at X = 0. The s elution is : d-;... (.) . ·::~"~ tor X > 0 :- ). v~= 1-Y- 1 '-- - n~ l tor X < 0: lc,<::, f )n+I (fl1TY,6 )< \ \-! • ( r. l ) J. :.- g_ _::__;;:- e. ~ li ll l l -Y ) IT j l"H\ "" .... , + we see that these series for ~\r and 2)2...j" /a--/~ ~re divergent at X = o, d~ ' and therefore our method involves matching divergent serieso However 9 the series are convergent forl XI = G for (if:: as small as we like., , Therefore if we equate ?s'J'""'/cYt-.'l- at x = = t to d;,...Li~X"vat x = + 6 ~ our method is legitimate. These series for u-+ may also be deriv~.d using a Fourier Integral, as Leibovich has shown, (Hunt & Leibovieh ( 1967)) and then the difficulty ot matching diverging series is avoided. Graphs of' \.r.y and f-Y- t.r~ against X are plotted in figure 2o9-; the discussion of the graphs is left to the conclusion of §207• 2. 7. 5. Hartmann boundary 11!1.yers. We turn now to the boundary 11!1.yers, B, and shCM how to calculate tM !low there to the same order of accuracy as in the core. Consider the non=dimensional equations . (2,,7,,7) written in terms of the s, n, z - co-ordinate shown in figure 2.10 so that U.. is parallel to the wall and lr is normal to the wall, and the maerietic field is at an angle ex. to the norma:}. of the walL We have; LA. d \A I u-- d :c-. -- - d p - N OS:;. o( c E O + ~ os-sd- - u- ~/\, .)_) t Rl Q?.. IA, -r -=-r- 207.33. d& C)'V\ c>e, ~ -)f - "'l~ o1.[E0 + 0:.~o<:- u--iw.d. )+l \1 2 er 2 .. 7.31i, .. dS . f<: r I dij2Jo_ UohJ:lfilLfc1\fe, b=d~ !"ju ~ _W),_ j2,.7,5 , i/ ////// 1 J, t Bo ~ . ~ I [ / 0 -r . I (, ll H-1) ( 0 14 0 L! ! l l/ 1 11 1 ----1~ -- i---;o/ Ti I / I I II I / I /)-s /~ , -('- , --,v I II (_aj ___ ~!j~~~ _dy·~b~.u~~rL \'t _ ~ '(U~'l)'tu lM . 0... 'jhl .. 'f't.!\JleJ dM ct __ o± _ ;;('.,.= Q) J. =-4§ ~ 110/ 1//I ,1 These equations rr:e.y be simplified by ignoring terms of order, [, , where~ ( .t:..<.. 1), ii the non-dimensiona~bot1::.da}7 layer thicknesso Then if' we wri t13 J = n/ £ 9 and V = lY' .i ,) ~ , the above equations become : I.Ad~+ V ~ __ ·-· ~ _ N C\\S ~ (Ee ,+~). Ui c\:2 I -' 0 .=~ -~ () (~ 1 N) + 6 ( R- j - c)j ~+~ - 0 os c)~ As with the 1Iudforc:f I layer, the structure of this boundary layer also depends pn the relative sizes of M and R. In this case if N(~( /R)>) 1 there is only one possible type of 'boundary layer i.e. one in which the electromagnetic and viscous terms are very much greater than the inertial tenns and balance each other o H~ce it follows from (2o 7 .,36) that ! <" 2. 0) -1 N== olo, ''" ( )·-' or f; 1 = 6 N R. :i 2., 7 ,,37. For the boundary layer thickness to be small compared with the duct width , D1 must be small, or M >> 1 .. With this approximation md, using (2. 7 .37) we can obtain the zeroth order solution for LA , 'CAD, wiich satisfies l 1-f - c.-s.t.(E. 0 l-;,. o <'..'.> M and M ->> N and the expansion may be written~ 1/\ ;::. LA. 0 \J" = tro f ::c f,J r . ( N-1 ;-, , , ; _z. . ) ,.. -t l f + \·· , -t- I~ \-~ i " . --1--- / M a , i · l D 1V\ :::J. ,f'\ 1 . I W\ ~ I · - where the expansion in either the square or round brackets vanish in the Th . th f. t . N=·J .,f=i th · two cases. · en, in e irs case, i .. e. ..;>) £( i> e expansion can only proceeed until N-r '""'' M-1 for some r, at which point it must either ..;r =S be terminated or a new mixed expansion of the form N M must be considered. We may note that in this case M and R have the same relative magnitudes as in our ~alysis of the Ludford layer, Leo R2 -<.(<.. M ~ Rz. ' which is a. condition satisfied in many experiments. Also in the first case it is important to realise that the higher order approximations may be matched to those in the core. = 'l =1 In the second case, i.e. M · ~':> N , M ...:;,':. R, t.11.e expansion is carried out in terms of ~c 1 , or equivalently sl which means that at the wall t he core velocity is not regarded as parallel to it. 'i'herefor e the core v-elocity also has to be expressed as a series in 6 1 and has to be m~tched to the bounda:r7 layer solution in such a way t hat the core velocity ce!:ses to be independent of the boundary layer now. We i gnore this expansion siri.ce it :i..s of no pract:i_ci!i,l use and concentrate on. the first case. We .fi rst 1:i nd L-lt.. . , using - .11'1. the zeroth order solution (2.7 039) fl LA 1"' s~tisfie~ / 5 _ ) ~ l> ~V-c + i>L.)~O 1-f ~ &.) OS ~ ,j \ O OS ) To find ~'"°and V. e1o0 we use the results of §20 7 o3. noting that Li~· .::. u O errs .. ,,,:t.. + 1.1b 1:v-J11. cl... , --A i'°": - 1 , ~ .,(_ + \j'\ .(JA,t-._ ,/... > &!JU V'- I ..e - V\ I .. where ~ .J = Fb1 and \AD , u-0 ,, Up Vp a.s defined in §2~ 7 o3o In principle, higher order terms in the expression f or U may be found, since only linear equations need be solved. The algebra is compli ca:t, ed, however. 2. 7 .6,. Example g flow through a straight-'W'alled converging and diverging ducts. We now eonsider the flow through a simple duct a.s an example. Let i t have walls at: ,....,, ;,-..,. o core; tlL.o'- / u-'I) = a l op0 / 02- = - N(l+~e), J boundary layer; \.\A, 0 = l - .,e.. - j i ~ 0 core~ \J\ = I - \ lr o -:=: ~ ~ L ~) "0 . ~ 2.-( I+ x. 4-c-,"V> ~) L-l H ~c C Oi),_;~;'-, - - N r-~-) + E.Dl J Iv v ..,._, - • L2.{ I+ ~ 11'MII tl-.. ~ ~ ·~·. JJJ-1 I I I I I I Ll I I 1·;·11/'J __ I ; ,. ----· . -1 1Tll l 77 I I 77111 ~ 2 . II. (b)~_y eJ~(~ _di,,J;;,b "'ki, ivi ik _ cme. 4~ ~" ~''.:9- ~.w .IV\ (A &~_#-l ... ~ue.& _ 4vJ:Xat._.X ~-- a c1_ = -45 b Us C.<~-= ±a O JO ) ol::=. ±+s O 3 . 4 Usl )t>Y :x:..:::. -a >J. ::::. --45 o 112-· YJ,~~-4-_us,, __ a,nl _y$,1o_~- ~ l<'lju - Ntier(. ___ .x,.~ _ ± a ~A-=- _ :±4-s () ~-( b.l~ __ _fuat .. u 5 ~ __ U_s_c:, +_J~:A.: ~-Us-r_t.:uY\,,J . --- . --!.1.-Lwkre.._ n jsifliG __ _ 0:,- Qrd_~ __ n_ru_mal__jE __ $f_. __ .t~_:_)__~ ""I - . where f or j .> ( \ -' ·)C, :~ () for " ' ~ <'.:.._ () --t .,,,:,. y· ..t~ 0 ·-~._...,. for -, :> :.1 ::-, ...... ~ ,,..,, ,;;, I .::L < 0 for !",,. -.( D t; I .-.,, "' . 0 ,._1",.., .: ... _ When x ~ 0 the .first order solution is~ r-.-. I -~ 1,... i·Ji,;. - c1,- - C),l;;> ,-\£ - 0 .\.~~ - 1 - ,, - - (AD. higher orders are also zero). When x ~ 0 the first order solution is~ I '3 ( - , ,. c , -- \' ') • 1 ::::. - ~ /\ ~- , - ' i ···, ' I J-- , , i ' ,. ', ""'. J .' ,:·, ." . \.i.. f --/I ;> · . \ '-'\ I - -. I ( '' -::~ l . .-; ... j \ ::-- ) \ .- - ~· .. --~··:~ - ' ..._. .._,s-:-_.:_ __ - r J ._,, f ..:, c,:,;-::, _,,,.... i + _,_ '- L'·", -- ~ ,,1 i , 1 t < . , - 1 1 · , ... , ... ";). , "' t , • t I. \ ·A ~- '~ :;JIV,.- v ,:-t_ ; In figure 2o 11 we show velocity profiles in the core for flow in diverging and converging ducts 9 i. e . positive and negative c,l. 9 and in figure 2~ 12 we show velocity profiles for the components of velocity parallel to the wall~ 1.A ~ in the boundary layerso a) Q_gre and boundary la;yers. The e.xample presented in §2. 7. 6 reveals s ome of the effects of considering highe r order terms in the core and boundary layer flows o Although the zeroth order approximations for the core flow are identical in converging and di verging ducts (except for direction 9 of course) 51 the first order approxi.rmtions di1'.fer f and in a ourprising way~ in that" for a given value of x 9 the core velocity in a straight w&Lled dive~ng duct, such as that considered in §2., 7. 6 is greatez- near the walls and least in the centre." whereas for flow in a converging duct the reverse is t:rueo =49= S eems to be no obvious physical explanation fo r trds effect .. which There , only occurs in ~l~rtain types of duct since 9 if i:11 e duet width is proper- / ( ~ "" '\ ·~ x:::,, · ~ _;_ e ve rre:1."L,y is grea es in 1e een re for a diverging duct and 1e1;~st in a co:rrverging ducto Thus we cone lude that the first and 9 presumably 9 higher approximations to the velocity profiles are very sensitive t o the rate of' change of the duct width with distance along it. It i s of interest to compare the values o.f , ,\ c and U I in our example of §2. 7. 6 in order to calculate the value of N which enables the required condition.11 N=\....i, << u (f to b? satisfied . For example, when cJ.-- = 45° 1 x = 1 and y = 0 9 & = Yt2 9 so that ll even if N is as low as 5, I.Ao the condit i ons for the ana l ysis of t he core wuld be well satisfied. On the other hand 9 for the analysis of the Ludford layers we must satisfy the condit ion that N1/ 3 >.> 1 so that in an experiment where N ~ 10p sa.y P the experimental core flow would be adequately des cribed by our theory but no t the experimental Ludford layerso Figure 2. 12 indicates how inertial effects be·come apparent in the H&rtmann boundary layers when the first order approximation is considered, so that 9 when the core flow is decelerating as in a. duct 9 t here is a. slight tendency f'or back flow to develop near the wallj '-lb areas when the eore f'low is accelerating P the flOW' near the wall is f&:stero It is interesting that the tendency for back flow to develop in a diverging duct is very mu©h grea.ter when l/1. trfa L.. c , as i n a duct whose 'Width is pro:p,5rtiona.1 to 1/(1=5t) 9 than when u1 )o , as in the <>c en..~le of §20 7. 6 ·?-rliich indicates that the f i rst order a.pproxima tion of the core flow has an important effect on the boundary :!Ayer flowo b) ~.dford la.yers and the relation between~ . Ludford I s solution and the duct f l ow problems. We have considered the structure of the Lud±~ord layer when the core flow is continuous in U 0 and 1'fuen the predominant forces are pressu~e 9 inertial and electro=magnetic !i the criteria to be satisfied by M and R for ou r analysis being 2o'7 049 .. The key to a physical tmdersta..riding of t he le;9'er lies i!~ the 1•ole of the pressure gradients, the JJ'.i:''SSS'l.11"9 gradient. in the y=direction 9 ~/ay.9 is O(:l'r1) in ·1 ° th T",.:it~ -d - - · •t •. O(N1/ 3) b •t. th the core mi e L."1. ·- e .1..,u~_._c,r. _Lay~r 1 is . j ecause :i is e pressure gradient which accelera.tes the f.luid in the y=direction 9 not.9 ot c:c~1r,se 9 t he electromagnetic force. Since tfu.e pressure varies in the · 2/3 y-cli.rectionjl there must be a. c omponent of dp/cbc of O(N ) which also varies in the y=directionj) Le. different from the core value of dp/dx = o(N) and this secondary component of dp/dx is balanced by thej-,(B force prod~ced by a perturbation velocity U of O(N=i/3). The practical signi- ficance of the pressure gradient is that 1 since pressures are measured more easily than velocities 9 probably the best way to confirm the exist= ence of Ludford layers is to check vhether the pressure difference across an as:Yl!!!J!:etric cbarmel a.t a point where the wall slope changes suddenly is O(N173): Note -that the graphs of t.rt- and ( I = Y = t/' ) shown :in figure 206 0 can be interpreted directly since U-,.._i (= U-/ ~)_ is proportional to v when )t_ .... 0 9 that is 9 f'or a straight duct joining a diverging duct, and ( I = Y = v-i (g,,e lF/ ~J is proportional to v when R+= 0 j that is 9 for a converging duet joining a straight ducto F'rom v-\nd ( I ="1' = Lr*) we cm calculate v for the general case in which k- + and k. _ both non=zeroo Also riote that the damped 9 for which there is no obvious explan~tion, , !lways oic:curs do1'mstrerun of any change in the duct wall o Our 1:111alycJis has been for two=dimensionu flows, but since experiments have to be performed in ±inite sized ducts the effects of the side walls parallt=)l to the fields must. be considered o Also it is only by considering the side walls that we can determine Ezo These walls may be non-conducting 9 or~ if eonducting 1 they may be split up into segments. They may also diverge in the z=d:irect.iono In these cases Ez may vary in the :x: di :rection and Ex is likely to be non=zero 9 in which case secondary flows may result.9 and our analysis will not hold e:x:cept perhaps in the centr~ of the duct away from the side wallso However 9 our analysis is expected to be most applicable in l'i. duct wit,h continuous conducting walls pa!!allel to B0 since then Ez will be uniform in the core and Ex = O. Ez will then be determined by considering the external eleetrical circuit am. the total current leaving the duct.. Even in this case the analysis 1,dll fai..l where the conducting-electrode walls end at t ... h.e edge of the power extraction or injection region. A preliminary analysis of the effect on compressible duct flows of very strong magnetic fields was given a.t the conference on MHD Power Generation at Salzburg. (Hunt, 1966b). -52- 3. Some electrically driven flows in :magnetohydrodyna.micso 3~ 1. Introduction am surrunacr . A corrimon feature of many magnetohydrodynamic nows where the magnetic field strength is very high is the existence of narrow regions extending in the direction of the magnetic field across which cH..scont- inuities in vel.ocity, electric potential at' current density occur. The universality of such regions was first hinted at by Braginski5- (1960) in examining the Jl'lHD equations, since when many specific flows have been analysed in which such regions have been foo.nd to occur e.g. the various •wakes I which occur in the flow over bodies placed in transverse and para],lel m!.f:'1letic fields, (Hasimoto, 1960, Ludford, 1961, and Childress, 1963) . Although Braginskii himself outlined the possibility of such regions being caused by sudden qha11ge~ in the electrical boundary comitions, he did not ana.J,.yse any particular physical situation so ~s to conclusively dem~mst.rate the existence of such a. layer. However, var:i.ou~ analyses have recently been made of such situations and since they are not widely }mown it is pertinent to briefly describe them. Yakubenko (1963) examined the pressure-driven, laminar, incompres- f',l- \/ sible i'low of a unifonnly conducting T luid in a. rectangular duct whose >. walls perpendicular to the magnetic field, BB, ver:v much longer than the walls parallel to the magnetic field AA, and whose walls BB are perfect'.cy- conducting for x<: 0 and non-conducting for x> o. Then, when the Hartmann number M :;:,) 1 , the veloei ty e:x:pre ssed in terms of the pressure gradient is O(r.f'2 ) when x .::::_ 0 and O(M'""'1) when x > O, so that some shear layer IlD.lSt exist near x = O. Although Yakubenko obtained an solution to t}ds problem by means of the Wiener-Hopf technique he did not interpret the result physically nor did he produce any numerical data .. Waechte (1966) has recently analysed the flow in the same long d\lct in which there is no pressure gradient, the walls AA non-conducting, the wall B at y=a, for x < 0 is perfectly conducting and held at a. potential cp 0 , the wall B at y = -a for x.c::::: O is also perfectly concmcting but held a.t a potential - rp 0 , a.nd both the walls BB are non-conducting for x > o. In this case there is no now in the core men x< 0 and therefore no discontinuity in the velocity. However, there is a 11 discontinuity at .x = 0 in d. q:> ;'ay 9 'Whi©h necessitates the existence of a 1.ayer at x = 0 i n 11,ihi it::h the velo('.: ity is non=ze:r-o o Such a layer" was first discussed by Moffatt ('1 961-1,,) who exa.m::1.r.ti?- d the case 1'here the wall at 1 == a is perfectly conducting a...ri d held at a potmti aJ. (po for x > 0 and for x <: O i. s also perfectly conducting but held at zero potentiaL There has te be an infinitely s mall -insulatin.g segment of wall at x :::,, 0., The wall at y = =a is perfectly conducting ,and held ~t '3ero potenticd; Again in this case there is a layer at x = 0 9 through which d

1 by dividing the: .flow up into various regions 9 which he investigated in tum 9 arid by using some of the resultw of' Moffatt 1s ( analysis he was able to provide an approxi:rrate asymptotie analysis in which he dis= covered the e.rlstence of thin layers emanating from the corners of the duct in the dirsction. o.f the magpetic fieldo In these layers the vel= ocity and ele ~t1:·ic field changed d:iscontinuou sl y v in a similar way to the layers of' Yakubenko and Moffatt o The existence of these layers was confirmed by the experiments 9 though indirectly from pressure and electric potential measurements at the walls 9 no probes being inserted into the flow O The main i nterest in these studies has been on the curious layers wi.~ ,.h • emanate in the direction . of the magnetic field from the places where the eonductivity changes. In ea©h case dif'ferent layers are found; yetv de&pi.te their similarities 9 a complete analysis and description of these layers in pressure or electrically driven flows is still awaitedo =54= I I 11 II I II 11 I i 11 The mathematical difficul~y is similar to that of amlysing MHD duct nows in that t,!:!"_ > 1 9 and how the results may be interpreted in physical. termso We then analyse the now when the electrodes are displaced relative to each other, the magnetic field remaining i n the same direction; this flow is similar to that discussed by Alty ( 1966) .. In §3.,3 we ari..alyse the flows da.e to circular electrodeso We first analys e the flow due to point electrodes plaeed in non=conducting planes OpPosite each other, be.fore analysing the flow due to finite circular . . \ (3o.) I J ,.5i --4- 1 I (1) I l-(2.b)_ I I /fob)\~ I / /// // ~l/7/77 I I I electrodes. We consider two cases mere the current distribution at the electrodes is constant and where the potential ('.)f the electrodes is constantf our anal:v-sis in the latter case not being complete. Many of' the salient physical phenomena f'ound from this analysis were shown to exist i n the experl.ments described in chapter 7 o ,:i 2 'I\..r0=dimensio1:IB.l electrode configurations. ;;o o -- - We conm. der the steady now of an incompressible fluid wi tb uniform properties driven by the interaction of imposed electric currents and a unifc,rm 9 tran sverse magnetic field. In ·this section we consider two= dimensional situations, in which all the physical variables j including pressure~ and the boundary condit ions are functions of x and y only . Therefore any external circuit connected to the conducting walls of the duet is continuous a:nd unvarying in the z direction. ( 'I'his condition may be relaxed if the magnetic field due to the applied currents is small compared to the imposed magnetic field.) We can apply the uniqueness theoran of §203 to this situationj the only difference being that dp/dz ,:, Oo Therefore P if we can construct a solution consistent with the boundary ©tmd:itionsj it. :Ls the correct one. We will assume that there is only one compon~t of velocity (in the z=direct~on) and since this assumption provides a solution we are justified in making it.. Then 9 using the axes define d. in figure 3 .. 1 9 the equations descr•ibing such flows are the same a s these of MHD duct flow but with dp/dz = o. Jx.- == CS ( _, ?>r;;>~x.. - v-z! Bo) ) j ~ == 6" ( - drj,(a}j) t ~jx./dJC- t djj/Q_j =- Q I d++~/dJ j ~ == - a·l-t~/dx.. 3.2 .. ·1 ,, o - -~ (F + f~HJ~) (:) .:)(.. O " -; ( f -t JA k.,}2.) ~ . ~ + ~ (c/uz;:; + d.~lrr-.) 0 - J )C.. to c. '?;:c..,. d_~ 2.- 3.2.6. I 11 I I 11 11 11 We can ignore equati ons (3o2o.4) and (3o2o5) since we do not consider free surfaces and ·we can r ewrite the r~st of th. ':' equations to give two coupl ed second order parlial dH'fe:remial equations in V-..?= and Hz o By normalising in terms of some reference value of H ll H1 say, such thatv v- ... u-~ I ( H I ,/~-;l ) I z h = ++cl:- I ~ I I and 5 = x/a 9 "'L = y/a, where a is some charact eristic length, then the governing equations become~ 62- v- ·+ d z._ l.T + f\/1 ?.>Yl 6 J ?. d -.le- -~) '"1~ + 2<,h ~ Md~: __ ~ ·(';:- C"-. ., 0 1 where M = B 0 a( ts"' / 1_, )2 ,. is the Hartmann number 9 We can rewrite these equations in terms of' Xll = 1;-+ h_ 1 and Y ~ = IT = k , by adding and sub- tracting them as follows g (£ . + 6 .l- )X t M ?)'A ~g~ a~ ~i -~ -+ ~ Wt M dt ( ?:/... "a'- ) and dj )- oi , I , ~ 3o2o2o Alined line electrodeso = oj) = Oo We now anal;rze the flow between bx, walls at y = ± a induced by a current I per unit. length in the z- direction entering the fluid at a line electrode (ioeo one of vanishingly small width in the x- direction) at x = 0 9 y = + a 9 and leaving the flµid at x = O, y = -ao A magneti~ field is imposed in the y=dire ctiono Let H1 = I/2 ~ then the boundary condi tions are g '.r+ °',) l :~ ~ (::> µ~ .:.. -H x. > () \' - 0 h - I ~> 0 1 ~- ~I J 3.,2" 11 0 l ;~ ;: 01 4-i!- -=- - H ,)L< 0 1 J-=--°'-1 I - 0 , ~ =- -I ) !< 0\, ~ ~ ·1- I We can~ these boundary conditions in terms of X as =57- 1' = I j > 0 5> 0 1_, =· -t- ¥1_ -t - This solut.i.on lo r X is convergent when 5 = 0 and therefore . we match convergent series a:t ~ = Oo Also the solution is valid for all values of M. Asymptotic solution for J.arga Mo As M ~ oo ~ ·the flow may be_ examined separately in certain regions (see fig o3 .2) o We examine these regions in turn making approximations in each . Showing ·that a solution exists consistent with the approxi"" mations and the boundary conditions justifies the approximations. In this case we can also show that the asymptotic solut:i. on is equal to the exact solution for large values of M by comparing values of X computed for various points. c= -t- -J. r'l_ I - J. j = (j + t j ii ) ~j; jt ) Aj 2 ::~ t!\'64 1-·°'j ~ , ~ J 2- = J\/l 24-t ~ ~ This solution :to r X is convergent when 5 = 0 and therefore . we match convergent series at ~ = O.. Also the solution is valid for all values of M., ~pt otic solution for larzy M., · As M ~ a.o , the flow may be_ examined separately in certain regions (see figo3.2)., We examine these regions i:n tu.m making approximations in each. Showing that a solution exists consistent ·with the approxi.aa mations and the boundary conditions justifies the approximations . In this case we can also show that the asymptotic solut:i. on is equal to the exact solution for large values of M by comparing values of X computed for various points. I ii I II 11 I \r t ·~ ,3 -2 -I i 1,- I --·2. I I -·4 J --·s \ ~3.3. A\i1\~ l'1V\e., ~\ectr-ode.s : _______ _ 'le-lo~§- pi-o~~-jn_ ,~i~_~J_ al; ~: ·5 onJ_fld_(o'A-ts:de ~ ksuund°'-!j \ T~_Ji 0 9 = 1 X = = 1 fo:r> X < 0 9 = i x~ X i(vi= 1) as ;(1- ~ )M~d:O Hence X2a = 1 for X> O = =1 for X 0,.41 = =1 X ,.,, =1 for X< 0 9 vt = =1 X ~ x1 (u; = =1' ast(1 + ii )~~co. Hence XZb = e-MLl+ 1\ rf (~ D~-e.-Nl (i+1 for X> o, =-e.-"('"'"~frF(.~)]t-e-M(i+"')J for x .I < // , .... / /r/ // / _ __/1 1~ _ _lo(t1-1) \ ' ~ ]': ~ ~lMn-Ot£ St;(etJ.ttllAJ#!.S b~e.,e.,vt loot da..6-ode..s Nh.u M ~) I 1""/ -+ 2., I L_L-:~~ ~~/: / / -- L--r L t . I / --L-. --1 --, . -~(3) I ' k ),j C..... o(M-t) I I , I I o(M.,.Jt2J I ~ .x.) ~ I . (/ b) (4) I (foJ I ~3) (2.b) I + il_;o(M-1) I I t- 2-b 1~----· tj J ,5 . 1)11\Qc.en .JinCJ __ cie.c.ttbdes_sh_llW~--a::JOlft:;te, _r~rcilS considered rather thari (3 o2o 15).. Since regions (Ja) and (3b ) iJDbedded in (2) .9 bt.."1', do not extend into (i) 9 ~,ltl.ri, = O(M)o Hence a(iJ. ! = O(M) and thus these regions extend a dist1;i.nce O(:r.C1) r ound the points 3 = 0 9 -Yi_ = ± 'l" Since these regions are small compared to (1) and (2) and do not exert any cont rolling influence, we can ignore thetno If we compare the values of' X computed fr::i:rr1 the exact solution at M = 20jl 40 and those taken from the aeymptotic solution we find that t he agreement is clearly good enough to show that these two solutions are iderrUcal vm en M~OQ*., In fig., (3.,3) the velocity profiles for two value s of 'Yl_ are shown and in fig., (3.,4) the current line s are shown schematically o The best way of understanding the physical reasons for the distribution of velocity and current is by considering what happens to the current arrl the velocity when the magnetic field is turned ono When there is no magnetic field there is no velocity and a current passes between the electrodes the current Spt'eads out from the top electrode at least a distance of order 2a before curving back to the bottom electrode o Let us consi der the quadrantj> Oi> °1> Omen the magneti~ field is applied; the large component o~ ~ ~ aeeele :rates the fluid in the -1"?. direction o Howevero as ll= increases u- B increases and thus ' = r o · Jx ~ ~reai3ee " Then 9 sinc~x. B0 decr~ases 9 the acceleration of u-~ dec:reases o This process continues untilj is reduced to a value X- !llfffoient for th~},;;,. B0 force to balance the VJ.scous stresses produced by \J~ • Thus as we see from figs(3o3) and (3o4) in t he regions (2a) and (2b) where t he viscous stresses are greatest 9 Le. O(JY.12 ) i> there is a large component of current perpndicular to the magnetic field such that JX~ = 0(~) In region (-J) 9 however~ t he viscous stresses are much less, L e ., O(M) i> and c:onsequ.ently the current has a smaller component per pendicular to B0 ., It is perhaps wrth noting that we can construct a s olution for * More recently Pr'Of o Williams has sho·wn analytically that t he asymptotic and exact solutions are identical as M ~oo o (Hunt & Williams» 1967) ., electrodes mich have a finite thiekness 9 b, where f; <<. a9 provided 119 specify the ©tl!'rent distribution on the electrod. eso Then it is e easily shown that as c:n·O~ th e sol ution becomes that of the line electrodes . 'llierefo:re our solution is a limiting solution of the elect r0de thickness ten:iing to zero. 3.2o'.h Displaced line electrodeso We now analyze the flow between tvro walls when the electrodes are displaced sideways by a distance 1 2b. See figure (3o5).. If b/a =f.. ani H1 = I/2 9 the boundary conditions ar e~ v-==C ) h =X= I 5.:::.R.l lr:. 0 I ~ >- '-, e 5.i({ I s<-t) :1=0. , j-=-"'-, ._:j .::. 0. I 3 .. 20 1 s .. there is little interest i n doing so o solution . We move straight on to the asymptotic We now conside'.l'." the solution ,ilhen M~ o::.o ., We will assume that 1 Mis large enough t o satisfy the condition that aJ.C2L._<.. bo 'l'hen in this situati on there is one new type of region not found in the alined ele et rode lroblan . This is the region j (.4) ( see fig., 3 o 5) 1 where . - c( wi - ~~) > s > - .l + 0 ( M Y2-J I f. - b(IV\-') >"l > - I + 0( i·vr··I) 1 in oth er -oords this region lies ~etween the Hartmann lqy-ers on the walls and the layers of thickness O(M=2 ) emanating from the electrodeso The solut ion in this region is simply 9 X = =1 i I I 11 I I O M-~) Lr _J.,,~-J----t-------~ " ;/ "' I r ·f rf~s \ :i I I ---.+-------1- f~-t \:~ 3.6~. VJou~ frof"ks fr £ow- b!.,~ tlispl>I) ~g.(:,b_ C:Uaent stx~s fr £ow ~+wev\. _ ~Jooui. ltn~_ ~ec-trodes ~htn_ M>> I ~OJekct~ It\ Y-!j?nL~ is_ aJso __ JtbwV\ J _ I I I Ii 11 1 I 1/ /1 :1 I I I , I Therefore \.J =- - I The solution f or region ( 1a) is . r, r1t'.·'5 - e.)' IMJ 1- - ,U'J l2. tiZ and in (1b) g X = =1 • j 'lhus X does not change in (1b) which is to be expected since X = -1 in (4) and X 7 = 1 as j-?) -~ o The solution for (2a) is much the same as for the alined line electrodes' ioeo X=1,5>l o - x = =1 .5 ~- l O and the solution s~- for ( l -5) JM ~) I t t} ~s~- M (1+j uf (LlE-))1- Q,-M(i+,ill IT - j this becomes g X = =1 + 2e=M('l~ when 5.c:~R. ~ x = =1o . =1) Thus we aga:in must have two regions (3) with thicknei5s O{M near the electrodes i n whit:h a/~~ :i.s of the same order as d/-li~~IO~ :I I I iT = ' I/(2 F1) 9 wtience we can obtain the first term in our . expression for Q., It is iJllp<>rta.nt to note that the first term (3 .. 2022) is independent of the value of B 0 ;i though if the electrodes were finite such that there was a finite pot ential difference between themj..6.

~ The disadvantage of studying flows due to Jine electrodes is that such flows are difficult to produce exper-imentally. Inevitably at the end of the container enc.losing the fluid some recirculation occurs which may upset the f.low elsevm.ere. However if circular flows are used there are no such end e±'fects, although the flows, being more unstable 9 entail other problems " In this section we examine the theory of flows produced by circular electrodes and thence predict some of the effects found experimentally, as shown in chapter 7. 3. 3.2. !1!ried point electrodes. We consider the axisymmetric flow induced between two point electrodes set in insulating planes opposite to each other (see fig.3.l)o 11e discoverd in §20 6 how such flmrn induced radial pressure gradients which in turn induce radial flow and why, if the magnetic field is strong enough, t hese effects may be ignored. We make the same assumption again, ' I 1: onlY considering 'the azimuthal or sir;d.rl component of velocity f and the radial and axial 00:m:ponents of current. T.heY!. 9 in terms of \f;E, and f+-o 9 the azimuthal compone:-;t.s of velocit y and induced rmgnetic field 9 the governing equ.a.tS.ons 'ciH e f =- Bo · - -' - d:2:_ 6 -= 13c d .+ L (d~ + J.. .cl. - ..L .1-,_~:>- )µ e. d~ 0 c, y :l- t' d 'r )-l- 024 Let the current entering the electrode on the wall at ~ = =a and leaving the electrode on the wall at z = +a, 9 be I 1 then the boundary conditions are~ -r' l+B ~ T/ 2:1'i tr~ =- 0 U-~ and H9 are continuou1:J. at z = ±. a g We now non=di.mens:ionalize in terms of I~ - a - 0 The solution of (3. 3 .5) subject to the boundary condition (3. 3.6) u- + ~ = t-'l ~ fc-1V ol j =h0".12J k ,(AjeJe.- iv;0tiJ J~ o L J(J 3. 3. 7. (-1)j ~J ~ 11,(i·,11/~ K i(t-0e) e.--\v~ S ~J~.j3J 1'fuere }A j ~ - (j + k) rr 1 ~J, = J 11 ) Aj =- ol j 1- fvl 21,q__ ) r j 2- ~ ~ J 2. + M 21t . =64= I I 11 1 As we have found before, the asymptotic solution is simple r and physically clearer o Dividing the flow into :3 r egions, as in (fig . 3. 2), with region (1) l ying between t he electrodes , regions (2a) and (2b ) lying on the t wo walls , an d r egions (3) extending a distance O(M""'1) r ound the el ecp,:roctes. Then in regions (2a) and (2b), (3.3. 5) becomes: c;?L --,~ f\l\cf )( e (o-+ h)) :- 0 3.3. 8° and th e solution in ~2a) is : e (u-- + ~l) =- I In r egion (i), cl,/oj= o(i\, ~ ~ O(MtJ and e ~ 6 lfvf~) and therefore 'c)e_ (3 0 30 5) becomesg (M ~ r -t ~ ( ! ~-) \I e ( u- -t-h)) :::::- o 3.3. 9. , OJ 6 ~ · '- 0 e A- JJ The boundary conditions are: and '\\hen j = 1 Thence e( u-+~ ), =;_ I - ~1 1~ \- M t 4/4(i-J)] In r egion (2b), the solution to equation (2.3. 7) is: t (1i- +ht1o = 1- .e..- MeY(4-(1- $J)f - .e. -Mt,+ .ij By considerip.g the symmetry of the flow we see that in (1 ), .· ·_· 1_ [ - Me_"'/4(1+ 5') -M eYC4a-sJ'J l.r' = .£ _ e. 1 3.3.12 .. Ze L J_ ( n _ . ~MtY~ (i- f J) -Mrt/46-3)] and " . 2e L ,._ ,:_ -e. 3.3.13. Though the form of the velocity profile is sim:i.lar to that for the line electrode , the important difference is tha.t in this case 1 V = O(M2), I I I I ,I Profo Williams has again sho-wn analytical ly that, as M-.;;,. <:>a ~ this fl asymptotic solution is equivalent to the exact solution (3.3.7L II I Hunt & Williams, 1967). I I I I II ~65- I I I 11 1 I I : I; wtiereas !or a line elect:rcx:l e, lr =0(1). We can also deduce this ~esult by an order of magnitude argument: In the region ( 1 ), / B u-: · :::::= arp 2>r O e ·= o@> r = o;tJ, where l = O(aM~) is the thielmess of region (1) and, s;i.nce at r = . O, ef;. =, O(Ia/U""'il) 1. 'The ana~si~ presented is not complete, but even in this incomplete fo:m,. it is useful in interpreting the experimental results presented in chapter 7. We will only exam:Lne the flows when the Hartmann number is :!Arge, since the interesting physical effects are then seen most easily both. analytically and experiment ally. We first analyse the flow when t .he electrodes ~re perfectly comucting using the sa.ine non-dimensionaliu:~d parameters as in ~3.3.2. ~ we consider the current I to be given and the electric potential, C::i. (p , on the elect~odes to be a depen:lent variable. We have one tu.rth~l." parameter, ;if the radius of the electrodes is b and ,l = b/a then - 1 I I I I I the boundary conditions in non=dimensionalized form are~ e - -t I b < 12.. d°h . - 6 L- ==- o ' J- -- JC J -::;:r - I (_ .. .JI l' = >e e __::::, 0 ) r :::. o, el ~ =, h ::: ye (J -::> 0 Now in order to solve this problem, following the methcxi used to examine the boundary layers on walls 11..A in H & S 9 we specify the value of h on the electrodes and then find an equation which this distribution of h must satisfy in order thatoh/a! = 0 en the ele~trcxieo Let h =f({:) on s = ± 19 e < e .9 where f = 0 '\\hen e = 0 andf = 1/ f when t = t The latter condition follows from the r1ecessi ty of h being continuous on the wallo As before we divide the flow into various regions as shown in figo 30 S o For this analysis we assume t ~at M is large enough to satisfy the two criteriai M>) 1. and Q.~ O(M=2 )o Region (!J_o ! f ( ( c· {) -l ) l ;v· h.1. '\ 6dj= o,), dcc ~o A. _«.ol 1) 'lheref ore ( 3 /3 o 5 ) becomes ~ . . \ an::l. therefore Therefore 9 ~Je_c _~~ oJ tr - and h ~ =O, 0 f Ce) ~ ~~i ~ ~ ~(en and since fQ is constant at ) = ± 1, it follows ·that~ ~ ?~ ( e_ 1) =- 2 /\ t l -where .A, is somee_oonstant to be dete1111inedo Therefore~ Re • _gion l In this region ( e = f_ ) ~). O(M°"'2 ) and I U- = 0 and h = ~ o We { , as calculated in see that though lr and h mey be continuous at e = regions (4) and (5)' dh/c)e . andc)~/ d 5 are discontinuous. Therefore regions must exist in wiiehc>.ffoj changes from its value in (4) to zero in (5), these being (1) and (2). Regions (_2a) .and (2b). - We treat these regions as in §303 .. 2. 2ifeJ = O(M) ,"?J/ae_ = O(Iv~) and therefore d/o j >) d/aeso that (3.3.5) becomes: ( }j + Md~ )( o-+ic)-- 0 . Thence, in (2a), V- -+~ = flt) .fw- t <_ £ I == 1/e e>.e. . 3.3.16. Region , ( 1) o 3.3.18. ReJci:on (2b,l. - Using the so lution fo r ( 1) we can now wr ite do1rm the solution for where (v + h ) 1 (f = _ 1) is the value of (v _+.! h) 1 when J = -1. Note that 9 except when f = 09 o (c1r4 .&,.), ff',:;-1)/a~= O(M2) compared withd(o-~A)/cij = o(M) 9 and therefore our solution for this region is consistent with our assumption c To find f (t:) o We now find ED. eqa.ation for 'Whieh . f (t) mu13t be a solution in order that e>h /o J ~ 0 at i = ± 1 when e < t O J Now ?>h (e , j) =- du u-+kXe1 s)] c) f C.) and theref'ore 9 since in (2a) 9 cil~·t l-)/ dj = 0 and since c;1h/o J = 09 "W.en 5 = ± 1 je-<. e.l) ldITv+~XeJ' .~ I 0J l J -=- ·- i =O In order to sat,i sfy (3 o3 o20) 9 we use our soli ... 'rtion for region (2b)o Thence 9 men p< € or ~ 1 <( O 9 ~. ,~[(~+~h +i )] =-~ rter,')- JIJ~, ff (t)0xrf~-etM/~dr dJ J=-1 l LJ2ci _ ·~- -,;(I - M;,~-jr t::i er;f l[t-e) ~.!)/~-/de + ofvi-1~ 1 3.30210 2 r 2:if . .c"l. c ~ J Th O U:!19 to f ind f ~)9 we have to solve this integral equation (3o 3. 21) 9 to do whfoh we first need to know the boundary conditions o However 9 before determining the boundary conditions on f in the I regions (2a) and (2b\ we must consider the regions (3) & Sinee , ... hen (< 0 c>h/oJ := 0 and ·when t'I >O 9J~(): a discontinuity exists at t' = Oj which implies that some regio11~ (3a) and (3b) must in which ~ == O ( 0/oe) = O(M). i'Tow in the regions (3a) and (3b) for line electrodes, (§3.2. l) 9 h changes i'rom +1 to = 1 , so that w:e have to determine whether the change in (3) is comparable with that in (2). We now that this must be the case for t he integral equation (3.3.21) to be satisfied. The equation (3.3.21) speeifies :f(e) such that, v.fuen e'-< a in regi.on (1), v + h has the same value atj = =1 as at j' = +1. If t he change of fin region (3) is negligible, when in region (2) f ='(J+-h\ . = Yt when t' = o. l' "~·0 Therefore the maximum value of (v + h) in region (2) whene < I} and J = 1 i s the :maxi.mum value arzywhere in the plane J = 1 a Since in region (1), (v + h) satisfies the heat conduction equation (3.3 .. 17) 9 the rre.ximum value of v + h . at the boundary between regions ( 1) and (2b) is less than that at J = 1. Therefore it is impossible to satisfy the j equation (3o 3.21) and t he boundary conditionf = 'lfl when t} = O. However9 if the change of f in region (3) is comparable with that in (2), 11 SO that t he bOTu"idary condition for f in region (2) at e = 0 is~ f = J'A/ t 9 where <.f it follows that it my be possible to find values of f'A a:.11d ;\ as well as a solution for f i~ region (2) by means (3 o3o21)., 'This result implies that c,f/djis O(M2 ) in 1 (3 ) and ~hus 9 1~ea1J = 1 when e_' = O(M=i), 'o~/axis O(M2 ), mereas for e = =O (M~ ) 9°a~/ax. = 0 near J = J. We bel ieve that we_ can find fA. and I ~ by invoking t he mi nimum d:s:iipa-tion theorem mentioned by Moffatt ( 1964) 0 Since the rraterials used for electrodes in experiments are not perfect ly conducti ng it wruld be of interest to examine the effects of finitel y conducting walls. But, since no analysis has been developed for this situation 9 as a first approximation to a finitely conducting electrode we make the assumption that the current distribution is uniform O'lrer th e electrode. Then _f Ce) = e/fl 2i an~ dividing up the flow into regions as before,.. we find that in region (4) 0 j. 0 I ""-0 I D 0 ----- · . - 0 !J c w 0 ,t .. - ~- 5 ... -- c w ~- / / // I I J I I I / . 0 0 11 r:----: ~ (~ I, £ <; § (T Lr= o, in region (5) lT = o, in region ( 1) h= / l 2-e I h= - ~ ,~ utll\, t 'J.. Lt' where ~ e I J/Vl I (2. II-] ) (v+ h) for region (2b) can be calculated as beforeo It is interesting to see how the electric potential varies along the ele ctrode when we make the assumption that the current distribution is constant o Using the solution for region (2b) Leo V-tt_:; t-+ e~ ~ -1\1\(1+~ I I.&, ___ ,e,r-fe--::!- €.r~rfe251[1-LM(,+j)7 {2- t L-i?, efif J J where e = t l J~~/ri, h./ " p we find o '/ aj at J = ± 1 and hence, - di I ==- ~ I ~ J; f ·J J=-l '• -== fv'\ fel:~! -~ (t -~e-lur l-r)F Therefore!) . t ,t- e e -'J l - ,21 ~ c::. ·~_:.. rz _, + (i ?_+ ± Xi +R-1f E:1 + i t e: e t -, j J~, 1 ,(2• l,... ii'~ _ 3o3o23o A graph o.(f1 .. ;-L.,.~ .. /:C ~ against t' M! is plotted in fig . (3o 9) and we see that the potmtia.l rises from its constant value in region (4) to half that value when e = i or t' = Oo Note thatj on j = 1, ~ /s negative and th at this change in potentia:i;' occurs in._ a,, distance O (M"""2) , so that, as /lei);(' ,te.. eJ<(<. "1' n,:e a,viC, M increases I the potential across the di.s c becomes more nearly unif o~o Thus for the potential across the electrode to be constant it follows that the current density near e.= ~ must increase, which we found when examining perfectly conducting electrodes. It also shors ~Jhy in a finite conductor the distribution of the current density on the electrode or i s likely to depend on the value of M. As regards the flow1 the chief significance of 'this potfntial rise is that H; i mplies the existence of a current of deniity O(M2) p~,rallel t.o the electrode and consequently a. velocity of O(M=2 ) outside th e Hartm8Im boundary on the electrode o When the potential of the electrode i s constant., although a velocity of 1 . o(rif'2) exists outside the boundary l ayer on the i nsulator where ~ 1 ~ Og there is no current parallel to the dise whene' i region ( 1) the distribution of ~ for a given valu e of J is similar for all values of M, ;:.) 1 . If we let f (t) =- t + FMt :J (~fM) I then in region (1) . 0 ( JM)) u- + lh - M.:_ [ f ( l + + J 3 i: M P.Jx r (- (t-ei)~/V\ kte 2.Jtr(1-f) -t>O t.. tM-.. 4-(1- jJJ + J~ 8 &f. r·· [--(t.-e')L1V\ J d.tJ- 0 {_')., 4(1- f) whencep u- -= I 'r,:;;·:.;& [ r~ (z J8-t ) /bfr' (- (l - E-)2) dt 4-L .. 1iA>1 J J ~ 0 ~ -I 9 (ifitl t ) ~r {:-(~ -t+Y) dJ: -f (:z, sq, l ) ,.,,r ('- (t, '-~1)d.t ... gc(l c;?6 ~ + ( (2~'J ) Mp (- (t -r+Y°) dtJ , where '"'"" I e _ ~ e' JM /(2.lT-='j ) , e + ~ e' JM 1/(2 .fi+J) . 'lhus f'or given j i) trJM is a function of e'JM onlyo (Note that the case of uniform current distribution is covered by this analysis)o tJow in region ( 1) ~ since'dhfor = O(M-!) and Mir = O(M!)' it follows that~z M 11"' (3.3o24) as WM first ~oted by Mcffatt (196li.)o Thence - I ~ : l~ (M ~av-Jd ( e1 IM ) I and t.herefore ~ is a function of (f.fM) only9 for a given value of J =72= ,, I I We use the converse of th~ result in chapter 7 to ~ educe from our a,g>arimental resu.l.ts thatJ-(t} is a function of e' JM. We now 5how how t he resistance between the two discs may be calculated .for an arbitrary distribution of current and why the resistance JIIU~ ahmys ~end to the same limiting value as M--?ex>o We define the resistance~ Rj' between the two discs as follows. R = 2 .64/I "1ere b +Cl\, 2--6(/,= - 11' b,. i [ ( "D_°' 2 '"-rd\"'J ie the mean value of the potential difference between the tw:> discs. Since, which may be re;tt·: in .;:. non-d[ima;i5l.1° ~n,aliz•~tsrm a~~ 1f ob e;,t 3.3026. rr h = f Ce) at J = ± 1, then Jn ~~ion c1) near e = 1, we can use the same rormu1a t o find c~" + h) in terms or f Ce) , which we rrund in our investigati on of perfectly conducting electrodes, namely, lJ t- A, = {V\ t (ff (d ""pi+- e'. )"' /,1\,4 ( i - J' ~ d r e.f«(I- J) l-~ ' L . T 1-~ e-irt"~~~/4(1-.fDdr]. Since f = l/ f... when p = £. ,. &e are only considering region ( 1) and not comd.der ing any distinction between regions (2) and (3), as in our dis= cussion of a perfectly conducting electrode), it follows that when M~ v+h = \/{. when t = J... o I I 11 Then, since v is antisymmetric in f , +I r' J, ltl~ct ,:1 J = -!., I b+ilt~.i. d J _ and from (3.3 . 26) it therefore follows that R = R = ?o.. ~ 1r~b' 3.3.27. Note this result only depends on the condition that f =\/(when e = t . of R vdll be It does not depend on the form of f and therefore the value the same whether the electrodes current at a constant potential or vd th a constant ~urrent density. To calculate R when the current deS?1ity is constant we use (3.3.26) whence (t, Q.. J' l /1 ~ 2ri:J )JJ -- -1fob l \ J;r{ M~ I -, or R_ - 'R-~ (1- J.:..ill. r ' ~ ' ) 3.3.215. ,,.t JV\1.-- Thus the form of the current distribution .on the electrodes will only be indicated by how the resietance varies with M and not by its ultimate value. We expect the form of the variation of R with M to be similar for all ty-pes of electroq.e becauee the thickness of the region (1) i! 1 alwaye O(M""'z) and t..1-ierefore the current ,;iensi ty in the z direction, for given I ,, is reduced by 0( f Mk)-1• This implies tha.t 1 (~/clz) and consequently the resistance are also reduced by 0( 1. M2 ) o -71.v- I I I, 11 I I 4• Qn the use of pitot tubes and electric 12.9tential probes in MHD flow~e 4 0 1 0 Introduction a.'l1.d S1!l!F.l!fil".:Zo In fluid. mechanics and MHD W1.en a flow can be theoretically analysed, e.g. Poiseu.ille flow in a tubejl then measurements of presmre 9 electric potential 9 eletltric current etc 9 taken a t the boundaries of the flow, e.g. on the walls of a duct or on the surface of an aerofoil 9 can be compared with those theoretically predicted and 9 i f they are in agreement, the analysis is considered to be verified. However? if no sueh analysi3 ha:!!1 been 9 then external measurements often give little indication a3 to the nature of the flow J> and in that ease direct, internal 9 measure:rrent5 of velocity J> electric potential etc 9 become necessary. To take such mea~urements we need to use pi tot tubes 9 static pressure probes, electric potential probes}' and hot wire anemometers to name a few. In fluid rrechanics we measu:re total and static pressure and velocity wherea!I in MHD we can measure several more variables j e.g. the electric potential and induced magnetic field (Ahl~trom 1964) j so that in principle we have a further check on our measurement a., However.? this advantage is more appnrrent than real in that the d:ii'ficultie s o:f measuring all the:se variables are very much greater in MHD flows, in particular a magnetic field changes the r elation between the velocity and the total pressure measured by a pi"tot tube 9 the velocity and reading of a hot=wire anemo= JEter 9 and the electric potmtial and that measured by an electric potential (eoP•) prohe o In t.lii~ chapter we analyse the way in which these relations are affected for P1tct"and eopo p~obeso(D.G.Malcolm of the University ofWarwick is imrestigating the behaviour of hot=wi:re anemometers) o Most of the internal measurements of MHD .flows have been in gases 'llhere the ma gneti t~ field has not been strong -enough to induce errors in the probesJ> but where the errors 9 particularly with e.p~ probesJ have resulted from electronic and ionic phenomena. 'I'he only investigations or the continuum errors have been made by those interested in liquid metal flowsjl (as we are). Lecocq (1964) developed some of the baaic theory of pi.tot and e 0 p 0 probes whicll we develop further 9 however hi~ eJCpe.riments were sueh that he c:onld not tes·t his theory since the rragnetie =75= ~·-~ .,/... . /i _____ ,;_ 13 4.,,\ . -n' j --+z. t~~ZJ+-a ttV\ .(1:1v, t1hl -1 11.bc.s l - \ t:u f'JL,, h a.J pvcbes ~ i c; I; (1: ,1\d > I !"I I I I : I 1 11 field effects were so ~mallo He measured yelocity profiles by means of" Pi.tot and e oPo pr obe s 1 but did not correlate hi~ results between the probes and)l since t he .f'.lows we:r'e turbulent so that no theory for the '9locity profiles exists y t he experimental results could not be correlated ltith th ooretical resultso East (196li.) performed some experiment~ on pitot tubes to determine the MHD errors involved in measuring unifonn flows, he did not use the pitot to exanine shear f lows or flows with elect:ric currents presento Moreau (1966) has used a, pitot tube to examine turbulent velocity profiles mere the MHD probe errors are negligibleo In §402 we consider Pt.tot tubes in uniform flows 1,here the magnetic am electrl,c field!!5 are perpendicular to the flow and analyse in detail various 5Pedal probes 9 finding that the MHD error is highly dependent on the probe 1:hapeo We then give a physical explanation for the prominent effects and discuss some of th e-pl°actical conseqL.ences of our analysi~ o In §4o3o we consider e.,.po probe:s~ though in this case we do consider the e:tTors of tll!ing sucll probes in shear no~.. We first find that with uniform flows there is UQ. probe error 9 owing to the syrrnnetry of the flow 9 but when t he flows a:re non=umf'orm certain interesting effect~ occuro We examine . these analytically and then discuss the physical reason~ for the error ~ o I:n ~hap ters 7 and 8 we make use of the results of this chapter in the int er pretation of our experimental results " 4o2o Pitot tubes 4o2o 1,, .N,n=dimen~ional equations. boundary conditionso In this section we consider the relation between the pressure at the tip of a blurrt body, Leo a Pitot tube, and the velocity of the uni- form flow impi{r1g on it 9 and ex.amine how this relation is affected by the application of a rm.gnetic field to the flowo The three major assumptions we make are~ (1) Rm« 1, (2) the velocity to be measured is un:i:ro:rm~ (3) the shape of the probe near its tip is symmetric about the planes y = o and z :a: o, with the point 0 9 x = y = z = o, being the cent:re of the total pressure measuring aperture (See f'igoli-o 1 )o If for example the probe is supported by a stem well downstream of the tip 9 we assume its effect. on the :f'.1.ow at th@ tip is ne glig:i.bleo In order to non=dimene:ionalize the equations we use a characterl:!!ltic length, d~ 1,11hicl1 rray fo,r exa11ple be equal to a 9 b or c., Then the ro11o·11.1ng forms are the most suitable re:;: the non=dimensional val'.'iables g lJ = C--/iL =- ( u}tr!w-)/Ll I § = k /R,,, 60 1 J = j /<,Ld)0 , j; ~ µ/,,U/· I .-1< -...t ,.... I I I I__ f ;: ({:>; d tt U O ~ I "9 , "2: -= X I j I~/::\ l ~ =~/I~~} 4o 2 0 1 e ,.., - and , ~.,~ ~ t:' t" LL:--1 1 where \,\.. is a characteristic velocity (e.,g., = 0 ) 0 Then the equations (2.,2 .. 1) to (2 .. 2 .. 6) the vaJne of t.l00 at y = z become g (~ -V)~ - -v'f + N(q-) 2>/aj) a/2).,~ (1i'J'e assume the flow 13 steady) 0 \<.l.. 1 we deduc e from (4.,2 .. 2c) to (4 .. 2 .. 2e) that Since In specifying the boundary conditions in the free stream we consider l!IOme typical flow:!:I in which pitot tubes are likely to be ueed 9 which include the flows ire ax:amined experimentallyt described in chapters 7 and 8.. As regards boundary conditions on the probe we will consider two kinds of probe ~ (a) those 'Which are non-conducting or 9 mich amounts to the same thingj probes mose surface contact resistance is very Jarge 9 (b) tho~e 11Jhose conductivity ie large compared to that of the nuido In the free stream ( or JSc/ 1 )-g} , ) i J~ao) ~ Li-- = ~ DC = ( uo0 , o t> ) > Ca.) } \7 ~ = \j cp ( Q J O _, d tymmetry eondition relating to the general flow over a symmetric body 9 subject to the boundary c onditions (4.2.4) and (li.. 2. 7)., N IV It we consider the governing equations written in terms of J,C k M thatg (E- -v) ~ = - VP' +~NAM([-< \?~t) .+ (c) (d) Then we see t hat if j = -J the equations and boundary condi tion(S are and con!istent with the following resul't ~ [_i.'. tr', w-'. b:. 'c ~ . b~ J ==- EA )-,>' w- ' -bx.J ~ ,-bz-J, ,mere the prime ref'ers to t he valu e of the variable at the same value of ,_ ~ ...., ""' --i,and 2; y but at Lt, = - ~ ., I f f& = ... ~ we have: b. .d__ ....- ,v r-/ 11>/1 I 1"v 1 ' r·,1 '. l , l ~ ·, lr I [.;J I b )(_ \ j J O L ' ::=_ ~, Lr- , - l"-r-, :::> ::x:. J lj j 1-t) z_ J J where the prime now re.fer~ to the value .ot the variable at the same value ,...., (#'""' of .x. and j P but at ~ -= - 2 o 'Thence we eonclude that for the symmetric probes we consider, on the line y = z = o 9 U-- = W- :)b:Jfai~ t2; = 0 I whatever the value of the ma.gpetic field., We now integrate (l~.,2.,2a) from;;__ = - L to X- = 0 alol)g the line 1 = z ': 0 1 where L (>) o./ b) i~ such tbatJ.{~_ i .(~~ - L) ; J~ 1 where~ ~(ti'.> Q~)'?,:.h,) 'Then 9 using (402.,2.,~> and L .~e result or our symmetry condition (4.,2.,9) we ha:vei ::, 0 p, - fL c1- = ~'::, + N 1· (O.f/cl~""- e<)dX :X:.=O I'll. x.=-L + l .r. (4. - 'o'.2-u_ ) ctz' R_ j c\U + ~--:ic. =-L J o-z In thi~ equati on we have ignored the e:r.ror due to the velocity not being zero at the aperture in the probe at x = o9 which is generally considered negligibleo Now 9 when R > 100,, even though the probe is used in a shear :flow it has be en 31:J.own experiaerrtally that the error due to the vi~cous term i;s negligibe ( < 1%) 9 (Rosenhead 9 1964)o (This assumes, \J ot course 1 that the pro~ is not U:!led in shear flow3 whose characterii,tic l~h iis much Je:s15 than d, though it may be of the sane order) o If' dP«>/lYi \ c'A BO 9 so that apc:> 100 1 we have +- N r ( fi(i-f .. ) I- ([.,-"-))di · ~ =79= In order to calculate the extra elecrt;romagnetie term 9 (the error) 1 in general we need to sohe t.h e set of equatiorrt>< 01-0202) 9 using the boundary condi tion:s U,o2o~.) and (4o2o 7) o (We could concentr~te solely rv .--.-r I"" on p ~ ~ and 3 p but with less physic al imdghtL HRwever :rueh a task is in general beyond us at the present time, so we concentrate on certain simplified si tuationso (i) R 4S...J.,0 In many instances the value of N is 10!1' c~nough for ~ to mke the - ....., "' approxims.tion that N 0-1 and that~ 9 i' 9

) 1 and . N ..:'.'...<. 1 9 which means that we must reconsider the bou..ndary condition5 C4o2o7)o and Using the expansion (4o2 o 11) and matching powers o:f N~ 12_ ~ .ea - IJ1u,,- '" + 9' ;< lrl> ) . ~ =- 0 1 {b) V(f o ;~ = 0 Si:q.ce the:r"e is no gene'ral solution to (4o2o 15) subject to the boundary conditions (4o2oi6)~ we cannot write down a more easily calculable axpression tha~ (li-o2o 14) .. However, there are two special cases 'Where \49 can: a) N <<- i J).., \lr:p Qi3' = 0 9 _ highly con~ting. In this case,, if \i71, ,k} = O, the only solution to (4.,2., 15) subject to the boundary condition in the highly corn:lucting probe Le .. (4,,2., 16b) is: -V a - 0 , whmce it follows that (4.,2·. 14) becomes simplY'~ . £=~ * x bp, = .. [ ( ~~- u. 0)d ~ 4.,2., 17., _ L- x..--l A..., Knowing the potm tial solution-, lA. 0 9 enables us to calculate ~ f !I directly._ Note that in this cease there is a static pressure gradient in the free stream and that to find 6 .,...,r one would normally t'WO ~ ~ ~ -, measurements off o - r~:::..-L and p:>i.;..:.L Po , the first with the probe and the other in its absence. (In th,6jsituationd ~a; -= d f~/~fi = 0 and we are assuming that static pressure can be measured error free at the boundary of the flow 9 e.,g. pressure tappings on the wall of a duct)., b) N L..L.. 1 9 a <,~ b. When the pi tot tubes shape is such that a << b, then near the centre of the probe the .f"low -,rill be such that d~!J'>'>c0/c}~ Then it follows fran the fact th <.:/ : ( 1..t1·l E-::tt.hat r, dE~ .._ ciEi!- ~ 0 , d~-- - ~ - !10 that we can regard f-2; a~ approximately constant in the flow round the pitot. Then (1~o2.14) becomes~ .... _ 0 ~ f, "" J C uo<)- u. l d x , 4.2.18. x.,.:::-l so that, in this case, knowing i..,\. o. : enables us to calculate 6. p,o 011tensibly this result is the same whatever the conductivity of the probe, but clearly if ~ = 0 in the probe, unless the probe short circuits the external f1cw 9 our result is not valid and therefore the conductivity of' the probe determines the ratio of a to b for the approximation to be Valid. The application of the result (4 .. 2.1 S) to a particular probe * Lecocq ('1964) appeared to be groping for thi~ resultj but hi~ anaJ.ysi s contains so many ob!lcuri ties as to be unintelligible. -81- l!lbOUld be nade with careo As an example we now evaluate Ap ~ for uniform flow over a two= diJnen15ional probe 1rd th a square endo Using the potential flow solution of Milne Thompson ( 1962 9 pp 2'73=275) 9 we f~nd. that 6p, _ Lto<> a/2.. , d~ . 80 that() - p, = l_ e u~ (1+ (i. 502..0.., \ 0 • {~ 4o2o19 .. ro D 2. '1fpuA) I It is important to realise also fhat the degree to which the flow j ie two dimensional depends on the value of N.. ii! (ii) a :>). b When the pitot tubes shape is such that a.>) bi, then we can aesume that ?lo ...'.1 L.< 6/dt in the centre of the probe j :50 that ~....... -El :::. ~ ~ o, d !:f a::? and therefore the ii.ow over. the pitot tube is unaffected by the magnetic field (Shercliff, 1965).. . . Then we can express the non=dimemiional j ":t B !orce(-NJ2 1 b I NJ~)as(-cbj/d~ > O ,-db~fo~) so that - r-. ~ - ~ - ~ +i - p = u~ - N bu ..... + N b l"'x..== o x.--=- L ~ .J~-=-t> YJC..~-L Now in the free stream 06:1/dX-:: d~oiq /d-:c. -::: -depA/d; -t' t.f ~ I and by definition b~~~-4 (~~(.:ic..~-L), ~o that 6 -p :. t.{ ~ -+ N (b u: - bl,.t_ ) 2 ~:X..;:: 0 J~t..::.C} 0 Now it al30 follow·~ f'rom (4o 2020.) that (4o2o S) become~~ 0 :;: 9 2. b 4o2o23o - ' whence we can calculate b:J 9 given the boundary eondi tion:!!! o We will again coneider two special cases for which simple solutions exist o ......., a) a .:>) b 8 j o0 = 0 If J7 = 0:::; 9 v~ t = 0 whence, ueiing (4,,2023) and the boundary cia -oa conditione on the probe (~2 .. 7), Le., actually on the probe ~ at the edge of the boundary layer~ it follow~ that '7xb=O everywhereo Therefore (40 2 022) becomesg "" * result may be c ompared with example L,.,, 13 in Shercliff 1s book where he finds the error for flow round a circular cylinder to be Tr times as great a~ t.his" II lA ~ ... -...... ,. """""°'-- This important result :is va1:ld for· all values of N, again its limitation is that WI:! do not know !I except by mor e detailed calculation 9 what the ratio 0./fr needs to be for this result ·t,o be a© (:ttrate . (The conducti vity of the probe does not affec:t this !''!?.Sult) . ,, ' b) _a ·-'/ ·!2,.._ a .';.:) If now· we consider the -orobe to be supported at y = ± c2; 9 its length C being comparable with b 1 and if' we also use the probe as a m:_tot=statio tube 9 the~ we can show that such a probe ls error f ree 'Nhatever the value of J d,:) and Ng provided it is non-conducting. (This result ha~ already been given by Lecocq,, ( 1964) L Let the probe be c onstructed as shown in """' pressure tapping (S) on the flat face at ':C.,:.. t'9 figt.U"e 4o2 l1 with a static "'"' "'\-50 that c,,,.. ·-- D1/. .. c .. / ... -= -J o I ,;;, I ,,, ·· -- · ..;~ :: - ef:2 Now if the probe is non=conducting the boundary condition (4c2.7) leads to ob'j/c~ = 0 along the surface of the probe whence the value of 61 at C i~ the same as that at So F'rom t he conditions at infinity it follows that ~- : l,··...:..' f_c.· - ;_ and thence from C4o2 c2'l ) that D. f: =· . ;.,'.'.'.'/:-.. /-z_ This result may be extended to compressible flows in that t he electromagnetie e:r.'T·or term i3 stJLzero~ The us e of a conventional pitot-stati© tubs may incur large errors in 5uch flow~ due to the Hall effect and therefore this result may be of · some practical use in tho:se circumstance:s ~ (Hunt 1 196fo) o c:) S:, :::,..> b9 a _:..~> c. We examine a simple but unrealistic kind of :Qitot tube in order to Calculate the er ror if T , ~ ''.:> c We consider a non-conducting probe .• ,. ,<,; ~·~ ~ ~ nu.1.\,(1 ii, a cir <,"U lar cylinder of diameter non=dimensional 1-,L 1 who~e centre i~ at ";i:::;;.{2 9 ,_-,.::::. c ~Z= (). 0 Then to find the error)' we have to llolve C4o2 c23) wt th boundary c0~d itions ~ Free ~treamg b ~·}A: R~:,(i.-cvJ~on the probeob~/Js =- O ., f J I / i \/ \ \ --------- -~ Fibt ~~~ . l\ol\- cond/\J\.0\-:5 J ,iiich ehows how in some circun~tances the error ean be n!:!gative. 4 2 3 A physical discussion of pi tot tube errors. O O O - - - - In this section we consider the physical reasons for the MHD error in pitot tubesi where possible comparing our conclusion~ with the analysis ot §1,..2. 2. We examine two linrl.ting situations for simplicity. (i) LkGO :=_ oowhen a << b '\tkiich agrees with our conclu~ion for a non=eonducting probe. We noted in §4. 2 "2 that (4.,2. 1 S) is not a good approximation for a finite probe which was highly conducting in agreement with ou.r phy·sical reasoning which ie also :!'lupported by the results of East (1964) -who found experimentally that the error term was ~gative when the circular probe he used WM highly conducting. (ii) '7~- = () In thi s casejii!<"')== 6u..0B0 and dffax.:: - cn~~o that near the probe tip wnere u.. decreases 9 Jz decreases and dp/c);x_ becomes less than its free stream value. Then, due to thie effect, although the pressure at. the probe tip may be less than the pressure far from the probe upstream~ the pressure :Ls greater t han at the point x = y = z = o if no probe were I I present 9 as demonstrated by C.4 o2o 17L ' When \ () there i~ another effect 9 namely that cci;µsed by the obstruction of the f ree stream current by the ~itot ,,.\t1beo We showed in §4 0 20 2 how t}'iis can lead to an incr~ase inJ ?- infront of the jito\ so th <'-.tjkB""):Jr:1oand therefore the error may be negativeo F,-d !.1 -3(C1· Finally9 we have t o mention that9 though the veloeity distribution is altered a5 the magnetic field is incr eased, thEl only a ffect of thi:5 is t 9 alter the term N fl,, ~0 ({ *-},7_) · Ji: and U2.i the dynamic pressure ·· '1- J_-: . -L 2:,,,.: .e;; term 9 t4.~ 9 on account ~f the general result (4.,2.9) of §4.,2.2., ~ 4.2.4. Conclusion. The most significant result of .our analysis of §4.,202 is that 9 if . -we design a probe for -which a >) b 9 then if jc,i,;).:::. 0 .. we can use it as an error free pi tot tube and ifj~ O we use it as an error .free . -~ pitot static tubeo 'I'herefore we expect that the shape of a pitot tube will have a significant effect on its behaviour -when a magnetic field is present., It is important to note that one cannot imply from our results that the greater the ratio a/ b the less the error because the velocity near the end of a conventional cir cular pitot tube increases as (1=r=3) compared to a more t-wo=dimensionally shaped pitot ..mere it increases as . 9 1 (1=r=2 )., Therefore y in the former case l (L!:,o- ll 0 )di,m.aybe less than in the latter . Clea't'ly t he fact that no mirr}nts, are induced as a/b-?00 ,......_, .,. finally reduces the probe error t o zero whenj ·= O 9 but for f:i.nite ...-.,<>f> ·-· ·-,----values of' a/b it is an open question as to which effect dominateso . While increasing the ratio a/b lead to a reduction -i~- p:robe error'J clearly such a flattened tube is unpractical for examining Hartmann bomi.dary , layers but i s very $uitable f'or those on walls parallel to Thus increasing a/b is not always possible. . .. It would seem that using conducting pitot tubes can lead to negative errors while non:..Conducting tubes have positive errorso However JI any attempt to find that value of con due ti vi ty 1 0-p , -which le ads to zero M1m error would be · u.-se/~ ' ' · j since the error would only be zero in one or two situations. It is unlikely that a value of op exists which giv-es no error in all circumstanceso I I 11 I I I We note that if the p:ro be er ror is thought to be appreciable in a g1ven MHD flow 9 then Dp shou1d be plotted a gainst u1,oa and if the resulting curve is not linear 9 then some MHD error i s presento We use this principle in t he experiments described in chapters 7 and g to detect and measure the }1:HD error term" We have not investigated the effects of a nagnetic field on the behaviour of a pitot tube in a shear' flow 9 but since for two=dimensional shear flow round a cylinder there is no effect on u.. along the line ~ :: 2:=- () it would appear that the MHD error term is not greatly affected" However 1 this problem needs further imrestigationo 4 0 30 Electric potential p:robeso 40 3.1. On the use of such probes" Electric potential probes wer~ first used by Lecocq (1964) to measure the turbulent flow through a square duct. He was interested in comparing t..11 e results from t hose probes with those from pi tot tubes and therefore had to c onvert his potential readings to velocities. From Ohm's Lawp (2o2.3) 9 and (2 ,,2 08) g V 2 cp :=-. ])D (vx ~), mch may be integrated to find V-.f: in a fully developed duct f'low~ -:£, u-tl ,c_, y) - L S: ( a:t + !)) dx_. 4.3.2. where the duct 0s walls are at x =±bi> y = ± a 1 and the magnetie field is in the y=tential i q> P but if they are to be used to calculate the velocity then it is important to realise this involves even greater errors than those in measuring (/) " =86- 4•3.2. _!he general :m,:9blem and_ some s:oos~i.§:.1..~a~§_,. We shall ,conside:r"" a probe whose extern~.~- shape is similar to that o! the pi tot tubia (figure 1....2). The dif'±'Hrenc e is that we measure electri c potential at O. x~ lj=-=:l =-(}instead of pressure. Since the probe hB.S t :., t :ransmi.t its-·information of the potential at Oto an instrument outside the fluid there has to be an electrically isolated region inside the probe j along its length 9 whfoh may be an el&c+:,:ric wire or simply the conducting flui d. (Por a. pracrtical ex.ample of the ~rpe of probe used see figur e 7 ol). Since this Ufnformation transmitting region u,frthe probe needs to be supported~ (an electric wire being too weak) g the probe has walls v-ihich n,.ay be electrically conducting or non-conducting. Thus th~ probe=fluid boundary conditions are the same as those for a pitot probe 9 i.e. (4.2.?)o As regards the free stream boundary conditions ·they are the same as (4.2o l~) only we now consider that d~~f 2>3 and d c{:;cRJ / 02:. may be funct,ions of y and Zo Using the same notation as in §402.2 9 the X=component of Ohmgs law may be tten g ' ~ '""/ -.I J - --- dcp c)x - w-,r.l .)C., - Now if<{> is to be measured in a flow determine~y the free stream conditions (4o3.h) then we need to calculate Gf{) Y where ~~ -= ~~ q5~~-L. 0 0 /jJjJ'"' - JJ._d &: - J..W-di As i n 84 o2o2o we examine Yarious spe cial eases which can analyse in gr eate:r deta:iL (i) Uniform free=Stream fiow and electric fieldo . If the probe is synrrnetric about y = o and z = o and if o~<.R> /a j: O and'ofJ-o/ d~ C$ _ uniform then we· can use the result (.li-o2o 9) 9 'Which showed that c,n the line 9: i. "'o9 Lr =IAr =b:;1 =b2; = 6 l) to deduce from (40304) that 6~ ~ 0 4o3o5o . This r esult was first prmred by I...ecocq 9 but for a restricted situation o Our result only assumes uniformity of the free stream conditions and of the probe shape9 the val~ or,.y being arbitrary. (tJ~oiJJJs~o~ 2if~tf;o_,. ~-3 -~ I~~u ~olk R,J ~f ~/~ =:;=~4. ofl'/jjf'b.." ~ ~ ~o I ~ ?.s'jJ~~0 . >> (ii) a « bo Non=lmif orm f r ee stream flow. In this an d the next s:p3cial case ·i,.re consider the situation found in boundary layers parall el fo the magnet i c field in MHD duct flows and in the curious 1f"ree a shear layers analysed in chapter 39 where, when M >) 1, o'if>~/ az: ==- uoQ (2) . 4.3. 6. . l ~ fox. 11 'eJri/ oj II and l ~ are O (M~) and may be i gnored, when M >) 1 0 We 0; attempt to estimate the probe error when the probe size is comparable with the dist.ance9 b 9 in which Uo0 variess, since such situations arose in our experiments. We rmke the asS11mption that a>) b ~ so that~ ~< ~i!:- and (4c2. 8) - d~ -becornes 'C7l. ~.:: 0 .. Then, since we assume that -'J = e:.F" e.., (,,Uci:; /<>z) In general of course W- is less in a three=dimensional now than a two= dimensional fl ow so that the estimate (~ .• 30$) "lill tend to be high. (iii) U.), be= Boundary layer f'low=probe on the }fallo (ft.e 1/ When the probe is on the 1.'V·aJ.l 9 t:;: - .6/z. 9 in a boundary layer flow, Ll..o-=Z.~o0k) where du.,o ('aZ:::. is a constant, then, of course, I.Ar is .12,ositi-ve in contrast to the unrestrained shear flow where it · is De,g~__ive. For a t vJO=dimensional probe square ended probe of width by // considering the continuity of flow we easily deduce that I 6 f =- - °' ~ ( duoG fa2:)/ ~ v so th at for a general flow we expect t hat 6

is easily seen to 'be O Q Jc()/ d / 6 J The second cause of error i s due to the disturbance of the n ow velooityo In factj as we showed in §.4.3o2 9 this only affects z ::. () if the flow is non~unif and the shear layers fou.nd in our study of electrically driven flows in part twoe Since still very little is known about the stability of viscous incompressible flov,rs im.en there is no magnetic field present 9 it might be thought bold to attempt to understa'!'ld the stability· of MHD fiows. However j in a i'ew simple cases of rotating flows 9 the theory has been found adequate to predict the effect of a magnetic field on the onset ot secondary flow~ (Chandrasekhar 9 1961) 9 though there have been no experiments to confirm the theoretical predici tions for the onset of instability in parallel shear flows. Despite the lack of experimental confirrmtion of the existing thoory in rarallel shear f'lowsj we intend to develop it .further, . first, though, co rrecting some erroneous cone lusions of previous workers. The reason for our interSst in these flow is that we want to lmow9 firstly, hc:Mi if at all~ the magnetic field stabilizes the various flows Which it indices in rectangular ducts 9 as shown in ps.rt one~ or in electrically (iriven flows, a s i n part tiv0 o Our second reason is that it is of some practical importance to understand the stability of the flows which are round in experiments used for examining very hot gases 9 eog., in thermo- nuclear fusion research, where jets of highly conducting gas are injected along the magnetic field lines in t.he area where t he magnetic field contains the plasma ll as in the rr cusp a geometry 9 or where the gas is ejected along the r:tR41 ~ lt~ {Lt/66) k- "'11&~9wf-~ /t:j, 1-lal,tt; lft><~f In our paper we also discuss the stability of MHD floWE 1"rom a new JJ.ta,,)} physical point of view so as to demonstrate tha t the effect of a magnetic . 1 field on small disturbances in an MHD t'.low :is different from that in a. static situation, usual discus make no different iation between these two situations. We first examine the currents induced by a disturbance 1 pointing out the important difference between electro- magnetic and .mec;hanical distnbanc es, arid then examine the electromagnetic i"' B force. By considering the rotationality of thej '1-- i force we find under what conditions the magnetic fie1d affects the for ces acting on the disturbano ees 9' 1 0 1 B() ~(})) j (see figtll"e 5.t: ) . Wooler ( 1961) has deduced the equa tions of a disturbance travelling at an angle 9 to the mai.n flow" Using the same notation as in §3 o.f Hunt (1965a) the equat i on,s/i~ A.\ ( 11 \ 1 ~ ) (U - e::'j.1J 11- ,\~w) -~ Lt· U." .._ ~~~~,l~ tlJ -I ~. (: Q ecs~ . 5.2.1. :. -l~ (u-N--Q.,1\~Lfll+,,t\4 ;,, ) Al I and ( U-c)~ _ B_p~~lli~ -· -__!:::__ ( lp '' -J\12. (f)) . 5.2 . 2. a C.0$ e ,,,\ R_.IV\ WhEll R <:.< 1 these equations :may be written as (u-cX tr''-Xu-)- v-U" + ~)\ 'ii' V- ;, -~ ( t/' .. 2. t J'+-A+ lr) 5.2.3 • .,;\ Q When 1\i is arbitrary the equations mroJ be rewritten in terms of ~u-c.)'--A'-.JL' ](tf-X")~ +2u' (U-c )tµ 1 ) \ ~ n,. = -L l( ~~:$:'.:.:) l/!J + (~tc)(}:>,.__ 1\"-}Z QJ l ,, \ R ;\R:M J ·+ ( 1.) 6 - )\:a. r~ tJJ where ~o,_ .,.;\ ",\.. ~ Q.\<)\.. .} A = ~~~:,i§:J) JA e CL~ C,.t)S'l..C' • We f'irs't consider the case where Rm 4::-. 11 then it follows trom (5 . 2 • .4 ) that 9 given f\/2. .> (/) )> () 9 q,- is least when e < 0 (in particulal' 4 = O 'When f{>-e = 41/2 ) and for given'G(~6)and q09 ~ is less than its value 'When (/;> = Oj) since ~ o ~2.c G-re.) < O>~e 9(0 Ct:G Q iy f'l/2. ) ~ :> 0 _93= ar1al 9 < 0 11 I ! -Then, ii' we assume tha:t. Rc:rit 6 incre_ases as ~ increasesi, the lowest value of R •t for given q when"\\ ''i>n,,>()wi ll occur when t)<-O cri. o ,~ T. and from the pr eviou:s l"'esult 5.t than the lowest value of R . t CI'l o i"ollows that this value of R •t is less cri . . for the same value of ~ when f> = Oo Thus 9 as Wooler pointed cut 9 for a sufficiently large value of the ina~etic field the most unstable disturbances travel at an angle { e/ > () when the magnetic .field is not aligned the flow 9 Le. { o o Woole:r did not realisep however 9. that the most unstable disturbances also tend to travel at an angle{ej>Owhen (p = O. Also we see that when/ ~f ~ (), the a = R it . . curve 1'1.i:ill lie below the curve deduced "-0 er ., ,min. tor (fJ = Oo. In other IDrds a non-aligned magnetic field is less stabilizing than an aligned one, though we cannot find a simple construc- tion in this case f or determining the lowest value of R •t cri o When \i is arbitrary and we have to consider the higher order differential equation (5o2., 5) the problem is more complic atedo liJhen .0=dimensional disturbance, A = B0 ( ( U Ij. (>) is the same for all values of 9 , ~ereas when I

o the Alfv~n number of the distrubance i A.,,,_ Bc/tlJ ~ e) varies -with <9 .. Given fi/2.) ({l) Oand e- < 0 9 then A < A O Alsop given e j) R and R are m independent of q> o 'Yhenj) if R " ... increases as A increases j) for given R given e ( < ei) and ·i it c~~ows that R . t and hence R . t are m9 m9 cri • en o · lowe:r when (/:t )09 s ince t hen A<.A., In other wordsll if the effect of increasing the conductivity (or R) a.rid the applied magnetic field (or _A) :rn. is to stabilize the llow9 then a magnetic field which is not aligned with the flow will ba ve reduced stabiJ:lzing influence., Clearly, if the effect of inc reasing the conductivity or the rragnetic field is to ruistabiliz~ t he flow then we cannot predict whether an aligned or non- aligned fie l d will have a more destabilizing influence. We can now gene ral:i. se the results of §3., 3. and 4 o:f Hunt ( 196,a) and state that 9 when a :magnetic field is coplanar with a parallel nowj) in the s ense we have defined, there is always some finite value of the Reynolds number for which the flow is unstable. fi'J:-1e other conclusion to be drawn from these . equations is that when f=· 1fl~. and 9 =--0 the equation for lr (5.,2o 1 \ has no electromagnetic tel111• Therefore, in this case tm velocity perturbation is unaffected bY the magnetic: f:l.eld and sine e this particmlar disturbance is the most un9Jiable when t he re is no ma.gnetic field,. it follows 'that th e stability o! the f'l.ow is unaffected by the rragneti c :field when it is perpendicular to ito On the stability o:f MHD flow in rect_anruJar.:. ducts. I Using the results of §3 of Hunt (1965) and §3.2 we now examine some general asp ect s of the stability of MHD flows in ducts. The conclusions we reach have already been used in the detailed discussion of the duct f lows in chapt er 2 (§2.4.2). When there is no applied mgnetic field 9 the velocity in a rectangular duct varies a,qross the duct in the x and y directions . (We use the notation of fig.t.J)o Very little theory has yet been developed tor examining the stability of flows whi ch vary in more than one dimensi.on and none for the stability of laminar flow in a rectangular duct. When B 0 is such that M~ 1 ~ the problem is simpler since a unif"orm core flow develops :i.n the centre and boundary layers form on t he walls. Let us consider these boundar'y layers and the effect of the magnetic field on their stabilit-;9.9 concentrating on the practical situations where R // ·1 m--. • ~9undery layers of thEi walls SR,. These boundary layers always have the same j'eloci.ty profile -whatever the various wall conductivities 9 the thickness of these layers being O(M""'1). In examining the stability of these layers we must co nsider the induced magnetic fie l d~ B 9 a s well as z the applied field 9 B • Althouf)l the induced field 9 B , has no effect O Z on the mean flow it may influence the . stability of the flowo It is easily seen that the maximmn value of B = O (R ) B , when R << 1., z m o m Therefore before ignoring this term it is advisable to calculate the 'Value of q 0 = oB O 2 ~ / (? V c 9 where b is the boundary layer thickness and Ve is the core ve~ocity . Thus ±'or the effects of Bz on the stability of boundarJr laye rs on fBJB to be neg1igible 1 it is necessary that M Rm 2 /R <<. 1 " The stability of these layers was first examined by Lock (,955) mo assumed Rn..<< 1 and that Bz was negligible . He .f'ound that the rragnetic field has a negligi ble effect compared to that of viscosity on the vel= ocitY perturbations .9 even though the interaction parameter 1 q0 .9 for the boundary layerj ~ O(M/R\ is of the same order in Mand R as the reciprocal o:f the local Reynolds number 1 also O(M/R). (In the case of the ilows we exami.ned mere B 0 was parallel to ll., q0 and R- 1 were not related since B 0 and !! could be varied separately. ) Thus the rmgnetic field tends to make such boundary layers stable by affecting the mean velocity profile rather than the actual disturbances. Lock 1s conclu;;;; sion was that the now is unstable when R :> 50., 000M. Boundary layers on the walls Mo The velocity profile in the boundary layers on the walls M depends • . on the conducti vi t,w of the various walls, but there is one property in rc.41:mmo-11 . .r)f all such boundary layers which .. , is that their thickness is O{M-2 )o Therefore, though the velocity varies in the y=direction 9 in these layers~)) t and at any value of y we can consider the velocity profile to be a ±'unction of x only~ Leo ![ = j O j O 9 U (x))., I':, If the induced fieldito be negligible, 14.3/2. R /R<-< 1 me ' where R :i.s based on the core velocity and R is based on a and the me ma.timum velocity in the boundat"y layer, and then we need only consider the ef'f ect of !3.._b- = (O, _B0 , 0) . This combinati1:m of mean flow and magnetic field is the same as that menti.oned in §S:2 ;E'or

= ~ol _R~ ~ What th i s irnplies phy Hi cai ly is that the oscillations in k induced by an oscillati ng field out s ide the fluid are much largetr than these induced by the veloci t y perturbations. However the ©S©illations thereby produced in ~ are of such a. high frequency that they cannot be amplified by the If fa is low enough for mean flow and are damped by viscosity. y> "- J\1- lp =- 0 then there is no electromagnetie force term in (3.3) and thereforej when oscillat ions in k occur of this magnJ~ they riave no effects on the stability of the flow. However' 9 if I ~J /t0 := 6 [i3 ~ ~ f ~ J //~I , anct if only the oscillations or wavelength o[L] anct frequency 0~, /~ , =97= I I I I are considered 9 (3e 4) becomes~ ( \'2. \ 'l1 l'-)\ lf) _ Boll - · 0 This approodlnation must be justified9 a posteriori, in any particular ease using the values of ol... and C found in the analysis 9 bb.t in all known cases this approximation has been f ound to be valid for disturbances of interest o 6• §2£Perjplental armara:l:;us., 6. 1. Introduction., ~ = 6.1.1. ~~rpose of experi.ments. The imin object of the e:lq)eriments described in chapters 7 and 8, was to investigate certain .flows by means of d.i rect measurements of' velocity and electric potential (eop), using Pitot and eop. probes. niere were four main reasons for the se imrestigations" 'rhe first was to conf'irmll at least qu.alitat:vely~ the existence of some of the remark= able phenomena predicted by the theory of chapters 2 and 31 which occur when M » 1 . The second was to see 'vJhether the results of the two probes could be correlated against each other. The third was to use the pro bes to measure the velocity an.d potential in some simple!) well understood 1 MHD duct flows and c ompare the rei;m.lts 'With those calculated from erle:rnal pressure measurements in order to calculate . the probe errors induced by a magne'ti4'j field, we hoped 1 thereby j to confirm some of the ideas of eh apter 4o The fourth reason was to show that the use of such probes can indicate how unstable and turbulent flows develop 9 in a wav that external measurements (;a,rmoto Although th ere are still some ex-periments which need doing~ the stu.dy of' :tJlHD dt.1ct;, f'lcws 9 turbul ent and lam.inar 9 by means o:f externa l reasu.rements of static pressttr'e and potential has now provided "Virtually as much inforrration as it can about the internal mechani cs of the f'lowo Owing to the pau~ity of the theory of UMtable and turbulent MOO duct f1.mrn 9 we ~an only ext.end our under.standing by internal flow i!Lµ.~.\-low measurementso (For the latest review of thepi.terature see Branover~ et al (1966)), This was the reason for Branover & LielaU$is {1962\ ~cocq (1964), and Moreau (1966) using probes in mercury flows 9 and clearly rmny more ,,R:>rkers will have t o in the futureo ThP-refore we hoped that an imrelBltigation into the use of su ch probes 11,ll..,known or &~ro:xi:mately understood f'lows would enable future experimentalists to have greater confidence in the use of these probeso 60 L2o ~rem.ents of the appa:r,,a:~¥"o The apparatus 'vttit~h was needed for our e.xperimmts had to have five main elements . t11ese ~ We outline here the main requirements for each of (i) The had to sa.tisy three criteria., the first ,,as that the magnetic flux density 9 B0 ii and t...he gap between the pole pieces, 2a~ were greft enough to satisfy the condition that M >> 1 9 wtiere M = Bc/:1.( i:s /i., )2 9 because we were interested in the curious flow whi ch then occur., the second was that ·t:he gap be g:r•eat enough for the boundary layers and shear layers which occur when M..),"> 1 to be imre:sti.- gated by probesjl the smallest of which were about 002511 in diameter; the third was that the length of the magnet 9 t be great enough for ].aminarl' andjl if possible 9 turbulentjl flows to become fully developed when M~ 1 . 'I'he criterion for the development of laminar flews in a~ non=conducting pipe is that i ~ aR/M 9 io.d1ere R is t he Rsynolds nmnbe-i-t\off{!qs6, t,ha.t 9 for given M, J.,was determined by the·n va l ue of R for accurate enough readings to be taken with the pitot and e, p aprobeo 1"fe do not he,ve a criterion for the development of MHD turbulent flows, this needs finding out . (ii) A re.£_tanruar du._ct was needed in which we could :imrestigate the .flows analysed in S2o.4 and 9 if posru. ble 9 many oth er kinds of flow· as well. The requirements of the duct we designed were thesei firstly that its walls perpendi.cular to the magnetic field ( BB) should be su~h as to have no contact resistance with mercury and to have a ver;y much lower resistance than that of the volume of mercury in the ducty i.,e o J.A (:::: 0-w vvj « ~ ~) \ 9 where CSw is the wall n s condur: ti "Vi ty and VJ its thickness, secondly that w <<~ so that the distance in the fl1xid parallel to the nagnetic :fieJd should be ma..,um..i..sed, thirdly the walls of the pa:?4llel to the rmgnetic field (AA) had to be non=eonducting. We also hoped to design the duct so that the oorrlucti vi ty of i ts walls could be cl"!a:l'l.ged a..nd that its walls could be ?"emoved to insert smaller ducts inside, to place bodies in the flow or to place grids in the flow !or turbulence e:xperiments 1 in other t'K)rds design the duct as a flexible 1 mere:u.ry-tunne l n • (iii) A probe rrechanism was needed to move the probes in the plane perpendicular to the axis of the ductj) Leo x=y plane. (iv) !_flow circuit was required fo pump mercury through the duct (. \ .,;--0 ' o,I i~t O '· ' - ·o - 0 N at rates varying from approximat ely 00011- litres/sec to e05 li·~res/sec 9 these flow rates corresponding to Reynolds nu.rnbers of about 250 to about 300(), Le. the range in which Alty found the duct f'.Low, described in 12.4, unstable. Also a f.l.OIT meter was required to measure these flow rates. (v) Inst:rummts~ we needed a manometer to rreasure as low pressure differences as possible ( '.:::: o020rn me:ft0 ~ consistent with a reasonable time to take a reading and with the fast flows to be measured wcu l d not all be completely steady. We also needed a sensitive potentiometer. 6. 2. The electromagnet. Jfaving considered the requirements for the magnet and its cost , we ordered an electromagnet f'rom Ll.ntott Engineering. The magnet has an iron cor e and is energized by wate!rl>-eooled copper coils which are wound 80 as to be flush w:ith the pole faces of' the :rmgnet, the coils can take up to 60 volts at 1000 amps 9 .DoC" The pole face area is 60 11 x 911 and the gap between the poles is 311 o We calibrated the magnet by measuring the flux density, B0 ~ ir1 the centre of the gap wt th a search coil and Cambridge flu:xmeter 1 as a tunttion of' the potential across a shunt placed in series with the magnet. W~ measured the h;fsteresis affect on B09 by.t no discernible effect was found (fig.,601)0 We then reasured the flux density near the edge of t he pole fa ces to the uniformity of the fieldy finding that when B0 = · 7~ 111-J~ ~the field was un:Lform to within f% over a volume 60" x 311 x 3" but when B = 'I o:24 wb/rvi .... the field was uniform to within }% S11 in f:rom 0 the edges of the pole facesi 1%9 2 11 in1 and 6% over the 60 11 x 311 :x: 311 volume O The cooling water rate required for the magnet is about 3! gopom. a pressure switch setting off an alarm if the flow dropped below this rate. 'lhe magnet pole faces tend to move together as the current is increased so spaces are needed to prevent t his distortion 9 lengths of 111 brass rod were found to be suffiC'J..ently strong. 6e3o The rectangular ducto To satiBfy the requirements that dA )> 1 9 w << °'-9 and tha.t no E:io l\s},, ~..J o4 _ _ G,c.k , r,r , 5e-OJvvf!.,, J\ V\'(g ~~ .Si~e,d - /<· . b!eed,'.j orf 0.11"' I /I / .· Joii'\ls L '' boll hbles h,'t" 1 1 ,. 'D\ I C 1 1. , 1 \\ ' I I U'?i lui J&" A se, "'.:) 5"1de, ~ s d '-·-J hcl'e. A. ...--· ~ 1 ~---·1 1 11 11 l n--, ·1 ,r-J. ~ --1J__'._ - ~pc--'"-,.,_ - r • --c-· -------- \ 1 0 H --·--- )- __ ....!. ' 1 't·' " I f I w - I j cJ i ,1t ~l.i I i i I I , [ , I I I I I ( at) , , · . · si I /~ 0 0---:-:_ - _ "'.6 \ )--~--- --·-----~.- ·----- 'l \ ~--·.,+-, ~---'.· \} f-6 --·I-T- - (;, "'c'J Jo,ol: . ~ i -- ······-·-- ., I r -·-··E --~-·-·----·-- t--L-r--- -- ~ o(b) ' 7" 11 -·---~j·-f{tf':::: :::·~~~:·~=-'f' I r==,-Ho\e. E, ·----~ , - , ~~ A I _ _i \ I i( )- c: ~:;,,~ed j - - '......... ~ ,~\" robe. ==re'\d\e_ I 5. -...____ = ;. - - . , 0 ! - - 1- I 3·010 .. <= . 1- ,- - - - =i..-=, - - - ~ 11,) !-- · l. - -·--· . - -····· ~ --·· - - --'j- - - - --· - -- -- !)",.'n of - !1- - - l-1 __ -, ---!r ~, 1-------1 1, ---1 x. }bw / , r- _._ -·· r- - -·- _ _{) ~' I \ cb. sh · ,, 1 1 • 1 . l . -J.1. \ - ~ - - .~.~~i.__,,. .. - , / t-~.,,;.~ k.,~::1 !) I f' bcire_ _e , - 1 1 (46) ~. v.c. ~k i_ '6 ' .,.'.::' 3roc,ve, ~ o I 1 . o o ~- r ~_k y ~ ):\ o i I &) S r- u=~ J r= _ _ -~--1_- -_ · ____ _ l ~ I - ; ~ ~ \ q,zs" -;) ~ i A ""--, <" 0 ' ('[") ~tf-(;:-'\\ t:t - "\ IJ\ 3 :..-,) cl ia-- er S c --0 'v;--- -61'' ~} r:;-- ,-e, ~ 1 61 e,U f ~-h ('> .. r- · < t ~ i !J": ~ ~ (\ c_] ::,- ~ 9-- r~ ,. --.:, ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 <57 ;F u- ~ v (~ - ('I l ~ ~0 n- plane The difficu1ties in designing a rre chanism to move a probe in the perpendicular to the duc t axis~ the X=Y plane i> (see figo6o2) are Ctllt..se4. ~ · the fact that one only move ~he pro oo s via t he top walls 9 (AA.) ~ utic.a:use the magnet O s pole pieces obstruct the wa.11:s BB ,and also the necessity of avoiding Two ingenious solutions to the problem have been f'ound by Moreau (1963 9 1966) ., In t.he first h e the top of his duct a, continuous movable steel ribbon through which the probe prouected» a volume above the duct being full of mercury enclosed by t he ribbon and side walls o The imin disadvantages of this method are its ext,ra1ragance mercury arrl the lack of really accurate positioning required for boundary layer traverses a His second solution was more e conomical of mercury but agait1 not roitable for boundary layer work~ 'Which Elid nor, worry Moreau since he was investigating jets o We adopted the met hod of Lecocq (1964) who had used his probe mechani sm to investigate boun.dary layers (see figs o6o'.'3 and 7,.1) ., The prlnedpl e of his method was to move the probe in the y=di:rection by plac:L"'lg its stern~ f Y in a vertical hole drilled at a radius R i n a cireular cylinder 9 t he spindle S 9 so thatj by rotating S jl whose arls is WJ:rtical 9 the probe stem moves in a circle Jradius R; i.n the y=z planeo 'Ihei immediate adv-antage of this method is the ease ·with whieh the . spindle and the probe ma;y be sea1ed o There are three main disa.dvantages o The first is tha t the probe is moved in the z=direction as well as the y= direction, this does not matter j of cour se , in a fully developed duct flow 9 but does matter in our driven flows described in chapter 7 o The seeond is that 9 if the probe is fixed to the spindle, . its orientation relathre to the flow chariges as the spindle is :rota:t ed; to mrer©ome this difficulty the probe must be free to rotate in S and its orientation must 'be fixed by some other me ru1s o The thil"d di sadvant- age is that; for our type of duct design~ t he spindle cannot be as wide as the ing was best, eogo Dunlop, Neoprene, 3 wrap reinforced tubing 'I'ype 420B 1 but even then hal t o be changed after 5 hours intermittent running, at these pressures .. 6.5.2. lfil,.eetronagnetic flowmetero To measure the rather low rlOWTates in our experlmer.rts we decided to use an electror:ra.gnetic flow meter and designed the first one similar to that of Sher el.i.f f ( 19 5 5 , fig o 1 9) 9 the main di ff er enc e being that we used a Swift=levick pennanent magnet~ whieh hag ,"l. greater field strength(i'Oo~) than that of Shercliff 1s magnetron magne~(~MAL" U JOO gauss) The flow= 9 meter was calibrated in a slightly different ,1a;r from that of Alty (1966) and Shercliff (1955) ~ in that we recorded the time taken for a given volume to be filled at a given fiowrate rather than t h e weight of mercury passed in a. given a. given fiowrateo The apparatus used is shown schematically in fig o6o k... 'l'he header tank w"as s:ilnila.r to ·that of Sherclif'f, except that the pipe inside the tank had a urose v on its end to make the bubbles smaller a. nd flow smoothero The weigh tank had two openings 9 at the top and the bottom; the 'Perspex 1 tube inside the tank had three insulated stainless steel wires, x, y., zl) leading down its exterior which were bent hori~::>nta.lly through the tube wall and bared inside the tube at the points X.? Y, z.. The process of calibration Consisted, after first filling the weigh tank (wot) with mercury, of opening the on=off cock A and pumping the mercury into i;.he ,header tank (h. t) g th e air vent 1 V, being open o Then the air vent 9 V 1 . and A "w"ere closed1 the adjustable cock 1 C 1 was varied approprla tely and the eock B Was opened.. Then the mercury filled the woto a:nd when the mercury level =107= I ( CA-} .. 5£.Ght)t'\ ~A ~__.,,,_> B ) i ! res.ched Yg the wires x and y became connected which triggered off a relay t o either start an eleetrie counter or light an electric bulb. In general two readings of the potentiometer were taken be fore the level reached Zp 'When the wires z 1 y, and x were connected which stopped the count er or extinguished the bulb. We found that the flickering contact 111&de at Y and Z led tot he timing of the electric bulb by a stop watch 1,eing more accurate than using the counter. With the shortest time measured being 4 seconds we found that the variation in the measured flow ra.te 9 i.e. P x 8 9 i..fu.ere P was the me an potentiometer reading and S the ntl111be:r of seconds the light was ong was about .,5%. To measure the '°lume used, we put the w.t on some scales and, a s we filled it by hand, measured the i ncrease in weight while the light -was on. (The tank was out of the ei reuit 9 being disconne ~ted at the top and to the left of the cocll': 9 A). The error in weighing was about .,1% so that our final cali= was accurate to ,,6%~ in the formula Q is the volume flovv.rate in litres/ sec and V is the potentiometer reading in m Volts. To avoid the complication of s creening the nowmeter from the field of the main eleetro:rragnet9 we .de.cided to plac:e the fiowmeter immediately under the header tank (see §6.5.3 and .fig.6.6) and therefore su::l:'fieiently far from the ma@",1,e t to cause no error o H0 wever 9 we found t hat this caused bubbles of air to appear in the diverging part of' the tlowmeter where it changes section from a slit, .035 11 wide to a 1 n diameter tube. (The 111 section then decreases t o the ! 11 • tubing). 'rhis phenomenon 'Which only occurred at flow r ates abrnre .03 litres/sec led to bubbles near the .flowmeter electrodes and erratic r eadings from the f'lowmeter. We then had to make a new flowmeter (Mark II) for these higher flowrates 1 shown in fig.605 9 in 'ffhich the transition from the wider gap (e12ou) to the f 11 tubing was carefully me,de by filingo Even this flowmeter suffers from the same entrainment defect 9 but fortunately at flowrates above .05 li t.res/ sec . 6. 5.3. The !low eircuito We now describe the now circuit used for the experiments in t he =108= r"ii::x=J:- ======== . C',,:::7-., :t:=:::,,.. ' --- Ii I I ina,:tn duet and the calibration duet which are described in chapter 80 The pr.tnciples af the circuit a:re the same as that used by Alty ( 196i) 9 Lecocq (1964), and Moreau (1963) 9 in that the pump is separated .in the c-lrcuit rrom the exp:3r:imental duct by two weirs ($ee figure 606), the mercury is pumped from the lower weir tank (Lwo t) to the upper weir tank (u.wo t), 'tlhere a constant height of mercury is maintained by the mercury falling over the weir and returning to the do"l'mstrea...m side of the Lw.tovia the over.flow pipe. That which does not overflow returns to the Lw.t. via the .f'lowmeter and the experimental duct. The main dii"ferenees between rur c:i.rcuit and Alty 9s a.reg a) the larger scale of the circuit resulting from the higher f'.l ow rates and larger magnet used,. b) the f'lowmeter being far from the ms.gnet 9 as already mentioned, and c. ) the addition of an extra pipe for draining off the min duct. This extra pipe was used in the following way~ first the tap (5) was closed and the taps (3) and (g) were openedf (the taps (1) 9 a.rid (4) 9 and (?\ being already open 9 (2) and (6) being elosed) i then the pump was started in the reverse direction to snpty the contents of the Lw.t. and the duet into the reservoir tanks, the air vent on the du et being opened to speed the process. The purpose of t."1is fast draining process was to enable us to lift off the probe block and change the probes quickly. The way in which the rest of the cirwit was used in the experiments will be described in chapter g. It is ·worth commenting on some of the details of the flow circuit. ! 11 bore #1 wall 9 flexible, industrial 1 PoV.C. tubing was used throughout the cirooitj) except in the pump, and was found quite satisfi'l,ctory .for the high pressure s involved9 (up to 43 p.s.i). (Elastic P.V.C. tubing is liable to fracture at these pressures) .. In order to the removal of various parts of the circuit we needed easily detachable joints in the tubing . These were made of stainless steel to the same design as those of Alty ( 196,) e Jn all the joints between the tubing and the various Weir ta"1ks 9 taps, e'tc , stainless steel connectors were used, which were made on the same principle as those on the main duct, jubilee clips being used to seal the connectors t o the duct 9 tank, etc. Another example of their use is given in figure 6/(' where the on=off tap used in the circuit is shcwn. These taps are made by le Bas for pressures up to 200 Po:SoL =109= in circuits with rigid plastic tubing; how~ver, when modified for use with fle:xible tubing by means of the stainless steel connectors shown in fig . 6.7, we found that these t aps did not leak and 9 beeause of their positive action, their resistance to the flow was always the same when in the on position. (The importance of this characteristic will be more apparent in chapter 8). To provide a. variable resistance to t he flow we first tfied the method used by Alty P namely a micrometer screw adjustment of a bung in the outlet of the uow.t, but it turned out to be unsatisfactory to the air being entrained in t he .flow round t he bung which in turn led to bubbles i n the flowmete:r immediately below the u.w.t. We there= fore used a le Bas t:hrottle v-alve below the .flowmeteri as shown in figure 6. 6, the valve bei ng modified .with stainless steel connectors fr1 the same way a s with the on=of'.f taps. 6.6. Instruments. 6. 6. 1 • Manometer . To measure pressure differences we used a manometer similar to that built by Alty . ( 1966) 9 though allowing the mercury to stand vd t.h a free surface in the tubes connected to the t a.ppings so tha. t the existen~e of a pr~ssure drop (if' great eno~) or the existence of bubbles in a tapping lead could be observed -by t he difference in height of the free surfaces. Alth ough j theoretically the manometer could m,Hi,su:roe pressures aecura tely to ·within 0001 11 meths 9 in fact it was rea:rely possible to do so for the many reasons described in chapters 7 and 1:3., One aspect of the design which has not been considered before i s the electrical contact between the tappings in the manometer. In some .situations if such a contact exists the fact that the two tappings or the tapping and the probe are at dif'ferent potentials can lead to circulating currents which affect the r" tsur ed pl"essure difference. Therefore we examined whether the pincllcocka used in the manometer, when closed, electric ally isolated the mercury either side of the cock as well as eliminating any flow through it., We found that 1 if the cocks are tightened up well and placed centrally in . the pinchcoc:k, they do inftact isolate the mercury either Bide of them., In the manometer we could either use meths over mercuz•yll as Alty ( 196,) did or air over meths over mercury as Sherclif'f ( 19$5 ); in general we used the latter method o =110= Potentiometer o - . We used a Pye potentiometer to measure steady voltages, across the shunt in the electro=rnagnet circuit~ between the electrodes in the eieetrically driven flows of chapter 7 9 between the eopo probe and in the walls of t.he ducts and across the flowmetero . The pctentiometer used with a galvanometer can :rre asu re up to 1/ A.,,-V9 &'1d it is sometimes possible to estimate to !µV if the voltage is steadyo When the voltage was rather unsteady we tried to use the galvanometer direct since it is calibrated ~ but .we found that the resistance of the circuit was too great for accuracy a 7• Jll_x:periments on_!!lectr i.cally driven flo~o 7o1o Jntroducti~no There were t'wo main reasons for investigating electrically driven flows as well as pressure driven flows; the first being that we :had &(Jt!.lysed these kinds of fJ_ow and found some interesting resultsy (des= cribed in cilapter 3) 1 which -we thought would be vrorth while investigating experimentally, the second being that we could use these simple flows induced by currffit passing between two circular electrodes to test the probes and probe mechanism "IAt.ile tne rest of the flow circuit was being construe ted o Be.fore c:onsidering the exrerimmts we fi!·st describe our apparatus, showing how we used the probe mecbanisrn to examine these flowso We then apply some of the result,s of our analysis on the use of probes in chapter ,4. to predid some of the likely errors in these experJ.ments and in considering the best design of probeo (Ma.ny of the theoretical con= cepts described in chapter 4 were developed after these experiments were completed, so that our probes migltwell have been better designed)., In §7 a3o we describe the e:xperiment-:s on the flow induced between f'ini te ~irrular ele;etrodes o First the flows were examined to see how low the ~ur.cmt needed to be for no secondary flows to o~cur .9 so t hat our results eould be compared vlith the theory of g3.3o 3 o Then we measured the va:r·iation of the resistance between the electrodes with the that the e varies linearly Hartmann nur.ober 9 M~ successfully shcwing J_ with M 2 when M »i ~ predi~ted in §30303. and that, as M"""°° 9 the resistance tends to the value We us~d electric potential probes to investigate the curious layers joining the edges of the electrodes and were able to demonst,rate that the thickness of these layers in 1rmich large potential l gradients oc:cu.rred is O(M°"'2) o To verify the existence of the velocity in these layers we traversed them with a pitot tube and examined the Variation of the ire loci ty with the currento Finally we compare the results of the two kinds of probe to draw conclusions as to the errors of the probes and th,?,---·nature of the flows. ~112= "'1 --+~ ,; ._:, \ !" b '.l- ote.- P.V [ _ tihbe.- ,~-- '· '·., ' ""'- "'-, ' ~. ' ·, ~ ' , ' I I ,, "'.,, ' i f'I, 7 2 The experiment al apparatus • 0 - - 7o2o 10 The duct and the electrodetto Our experiments on electrically driven flows using mermiry as the conduc ting fluid were performed in the rectangular du et whfoh had originally been constructed as a prototype i'o r the main 6611 duct 9 described in ~60 3 9 a..11.d which was then. modi ffa d :t'o r examining electrically driven flows (see figure 7 o 1) o For the first set of experiments two Perspex blocks 9 !" thick.11 were made ·with copper discs irn in diameter · (=Qb) and frn thick 9 let into them,, the surfaces of the copper discs being flush with those of the Perspex blocks (fig o'7. 1a). The blocks were placed either side of the duct with a gap of 1 ,,47n (=ea) between them.11 so that e = b/a = 0 5120 (The copper wa,lls of the duct were isolated from its interior by rubber sheets t o avoid any short circuits). Each disc had two wires connected to i t 9 one to supply the current and the other to measure th e ele ct;rl c potential of the disc. A fifth wire was pla. eed· i .n one of the tu.bes leading out ot the ductj) its pur pose being to measure the potential mid=way between the dj_scs. We fm.nd t .ha.t with this f:irst apparatus the layers emanating from the disc edges were not sufficiently thick compared to the width of th,c;l probe and also~ sineae we were interested in examining the flow at a dif'ferent vaJ:ue of e ll we made a second set of experiments in ,;.fuieh one of the perspex blocks and the insulation OE one of the duct 1s copper walls were removed so that we . were effectively examining only one half of the space between t,wo dises o The distance from the disc to the ~opper face wa:s L 97 18 (~) and thus ( = b/a = o 190 as shown in fig. 7. 1bo In this case we e,ttached two 'W'i.res to the plate to measure potential and transrrrit the current. With the duct placed in the electro=magnet in t..he first apparatus the maximum value of the Ha!rltmarm nurriberj M1 based on a was about 600 and in the second a.bout 1600 0 In order that the flows developed were Similar to those described in the asymptotic theory of S3o3o3, two con= ditions had to be satisfied by the apparatus. Knowing the rre.ximum of M attainable we can now state these The first was t hay any error in the alignment of the tw::i discs had to be very much less than the .1.}ri.ckn.ess of the r egions ( 1) s Leo the layers emanating from the disc l, 1 edgesl' whi tllh are O(a.M-Z) = Oo( ,.03on)o We can confidently M.y this condition was satisfied by the two discs., with the one disc of the second apparatus t his condit ion did not a.pplyo The second condition was that the thickness of r egion ( 1) should be very much less than the r adius of the electrodesr which required that 1 e 1 b » a.M=z or M2 >'> 1 o l The naximum values of e M2 attainable in the two apparatus were 13 and 70 70 r e spectively.11 mich Eihows t nat the first apparatus met the c:onditions of the t heory better than the secondo (We did not use larger electrodes for f ear of t he regions { 1) touching the top and bottom walls of the duet) o 70 2020 P:robe me~hanism. Wher1 descibr ing in S6 .. 4 the -design of our mechanism for moving probes in a du ct 'tttere the flow was fully developed,. we mentioned that we ~oul d also use the me chanism for examining electrically driven :f'low. To examine t he f l ow bet ween two circular electrodes placed in non=conduct= ing planes oppos i te each other wi. th a magnetic field parallel to the line joining their centres 9 we only needed to examine the flow in one plane, 0 ""' const ant v (to t he notatim1 of figo3o 7) 9 because.., for low enough veloc:ities 9 the flow is axisymnetrie o Since 11\re wanted to use t he mech- and the probes designed for examining duct flows t he rninimum number of alteration s 9 we iehos e to examine the flows in the plane '6 = Jf / 2 . As a result of t h is deci s i on we mounted the mechanism on t he duet as shown . i n f'i gu:r0e '1 . 1 o co The method of moving the probe in the plane, S = 7r/2 9 using. the notati on of f'ig o 7. 1 9 may be understood by referring to 7 o 1a.P wher e the locus of the pro be stem is shown in the r=Z plane ($ = 0 ) o To move the pr o'be li£. in the 0 = 1\ /2 plane JI we could not keep th~ a..ttgle '6 between the probe and the duc t axis 9 ()= OgtJ = o) constant; br1.t 9 by s pe~i f ying the dist ance 9 z, we c ould calculate the angle cA a.t 'Which the probe spindle., S ~ should be set in order for the probe tip to lie in t he 0 = 7' / 2 plane" To set the probe we first turned S t,o t he appropriate value of 0<., and then t wisted the probe on its own axis 'u."'ltil the di stance between the dulllll\Y pro be and the durrany duct in the Z= directi on ·wa s the same a s that required b etween the p:robe tip an d the elettroo.e 9 the dummy duct 1:eirig so that its wall was ve:~tically above the electrode-. {is a consequence of this method of mo,ring the probes 9 being ,in frofa ·their tip to the centre line of their stem9 the probes were only able to face into the flow when z'::-ta,j'.Q. 1 and 9 in the first &pparatu:s at z ~ =a, f~=1 j and in the second at z = .,25a, j \sto25. Theref ore 9 without making new probes of differing lengths, the pi'l:,ot t·:1bes eould only be used near these value s of z 9 such a p:ro be being accurate to 1% if it faces into the flrn..,r to within 10°. However, the eleiGtric probes could be used ~t a ll values of z 9 since they do not critically depend on pointing into the flow~ or being at right angles to the ~u:rrent patho But 9 if ~ is the angle between the line joining the probe os tip to the axis of its stem and the duct's axis~ (see figo 7 o 1 a~ b\ it is clear from our analysis of chapter 1i. that the probe errors are reduced if )( is kept to a minimtlnlo When the probe tip was on the du~ t O s ©ent re line 9 ~ took its marlmum Yalue 9 about, 45° ,, We mention here a few of the considerations which led to the design of the e.,po probe we used in the experimen:ts9 bearing in mind the a:nalysi~ of chapter 4., On the or1e hand su.c:h a probe needs to be as srraJJ. as possible 1'lhen used in flows such as these where the gr adients ::>!' Ye.loci ty and electric potm ti al are large 9 for the rea sons given in .:-riapter 49 the probe size aloo needed to be minimised to reduce the size of the vortices shed by the probe 111lhichi; beiing CC\..'rrted: round 9 w,,uld tend to affeet the potentia...l at the probe tipo On. the other hand the probe must be Stlf'fieently rigid for its po.5i:tion to be determinate 9 partie:;ularly since in th..1..s experiment the probe would not always be . f'ating into t he .f.111:nij also the conduating region insi de the probe must have a suffi©ient: diameter for its resistance to be reasonably low and this w.ire ha~ t...o be ed from the probe 9s exterior if made of rneta,L The that t he strongest small diameter tubing easily available is made of stainless steel determined our choice of the material !or the probe 0s exterioro 'I'he main alternative was PIJrex which Lecoaq us~d, this sui'fers from the disadvantage of being brittle and therefore ea.& broken if the pr obe was inadvertently pushed against the wall and also it is less easily bent to the requir'ed shape than stainless steel., =115= lj I Po.. \\ad ~UM oY-I p 1 Ol-hf\\ln'I V\JI re., g()W'ever the advantage o! Pyrex tubing is that it does not require in= sulation from the conducting material inside the probe. We could either choose to have mercury inside the probe a.s our conducting region or we could use an electric w:ir e. 'I'he advantage of the wire is that it can be made to protude from the end of the pro be and thus present a small area to the flowo We chose to use Palladium and Platinum wiresjl the thermoelectric potential of these wires being close to that of' mer.m.1ry, we did not try out the method of Lecocq (1964) who used Platinum wires coated with sodium, "Which 9 apparently 9 reduced the eleetrie potential difference between the wire and the mercury to zero o The :iiml design is shown in figo 7 o2(a)c Note the two diameters of stainless stell tubing used, the use of flexible plastic tubing a.s ' the i nsulator between the steel tubing and the wire, and the coating of the exterior of the probe 'With a. thin layer of non-conducting Perspex eement,, We now cansi der t he various regions of the flow between the disC!s ~ as described theoretically in §3.3o3, in order to predict the kind of' errors to be e:xpeeted~ ,Region (&1 In this region the current densi"t;y is uniform and the velocity ifj zero so that 1 if th e probe is at right an.9-ges to the current 9 Leo ~""' o9 from our symmetry result of §403,,2 9 no error woul d be induced., However, as we have explained~ the probe could always be ,. at right angles to the plane 0 = 1\/29 so that we could expect some error due to blocking th.e current s~ Then the error in ~ compared to 6+; the potential of the dis~ is easily :seen to be Cl(d/a) g· where d is the probe diametero (There \ is another possible source of error caused by a local velocity 9 \f 11 induced t '"""' by the displaced currents_; then the '1 x B electric field could affect c/> m9 the measured value of .J. 9 but {'; th'": region (1) B is parallel to 'P ...,£ 1 t::/~., and it may be seen that no error can result f'rom ~ x B 0 ) o .&!gion Cu In this region, 1/>here severe velocity and potential gradients e:xist and the approximate relation -M T Lr Q 'to ~ 0 7 ., 2 o 1. O'f"' hOldS true we can use the res1~ 1 t. (i+o3o!5) to estimate the order of ins.gnitude of the error betweeri 4t a..,_d q mo Changing the n:,ta.tion of ~4. )o 2 we ba:ve ~ Q. f i"V\ ~ ~-+ k d B0 d~/ay-, wtiere from §4o3o2 we @an assume k to be a positive constant of order unity. {In our analysis we assumed Rd»1 where R is the Rey:rrolds number based on the probe diameter, and that the flow was independent of Rdo However if Rd ia lc,w enough the flow is dependent on Rd and then kin (7 0 2 0 2) becomes a function of 1s6 ) o For the purpose of this approx=_ iDJate argument we also assume that the probe is pointing into the flow9 i.e. z~.a.,11 the error in (7 02 .. 2) migj.1 t be proportional to ir'9- as 111n,ll as dtre/ d:r' 0 Using ~7 .2., 1), (7 o2o2o) beeomes 9 ~ N\ ~ q> + f<.- d ~-c) )/o<"2-.. Two :rrain results i:,tem from this. If we consider a very simplified expression to represent the fall of cp through the regions ( 1 ) 9 say f= I- e-irf (e_ ') where(' =('<-0/aM~ 9 then we can first see that °'aef::>rn /ar has t-wu maxima one for t < 0 and one fore I .> 0 9 and secondly that if k is low enough 9 the maximum value of'd~M/<>e,' is less than that of ocp .. /ci::.,' 0 As is obvious if (7.,2o3) is written in tenns of ~I 9 ioea ~YY\ ~ + ~- d 'L ]\I\ ~Q_[f-;i_ I 7 o2o4o a~ up ~- the @ondition for the error term 't'o 1;:,e negligible is that g,~<.,<..1 o From (7o2.1+) we also see tr.iat9 if Rd?"co 9 (j)YYlcC ~ Ol'.' Iy the ~rent passing between the electrodes 9 whereasj if the flow over the probe is sensitive to variations in Rd 9 \ <:/) m would m:>t be proportional to <£ or I., If the error term is appreciable i, it . foii;ws that JI even if cp is a function off I at a JxJ.rticular value of j 9 (/J m is noto Si.nee the potential nteasured by a probe . is the :rrean of the potential across the face of its tip 9 a circle of .,025u~ in diamter9 to calculate the error we had to average ?:/-p_ or du-8 across the probe faceo OY-2.. ~ Finally we note ·that we could either calculate cp purely fr<::i.'llc/>vr,., by int.egr1ating (7 o2.h) or we could use the results of the pi tot tube . readings Lr8 as well as the readings of <{!; rn to calculate (p .from (7 ,,2o2L =1i7= 2 4 Fitot tubeso 7 0 0 0 The considerations lea.ding to the design of the pitot tube l(eTe very similar to those lea.ding to the . design of the eopo probe, the only difference being tlw. t the probe should not have too small an internal diameter because of the need to reduce t he time for taking a reading of pressureo Again we used various sizes of stainless steel non-magnetic tubing for the probe 9 each tube fitting inside the othero The tube was coated with Perspex cement in order to minimise the effects of the probe on the electric fi elds , however this was not really necessary as the contact resistance of stainless steel is so JBrge as to render it effectively non=conductingo The final design of pitot tube is shown in figure 7 0"'1b) o From the theory of chapter 4 an.d the experimental results of East we expeci"J,d that the MHD probe errors could be calculated from the formula~ .ro :::::. p-+ lpu-...._2 (r+cx:. c:s- Bo2 c1) 11 6 :::, 2 '-- "" ------ I e ue where p 0 and p 8 are the total and static pressure respeetively. It turned out that N = tr [Jc:?d was about unity so that higher order te:rms in the e u-e, expansion should have been usedo However, the , results of East gave ol = 039 and our own results of chapter $ gaveo(:::: ,,4 i~or values of N of 0( 1) ~ so we assumed ol = o4 in our ca,lcula.tions of velocity. The other source of error to be e:x:pe ~ted was caused by measuring velocity in a shear flow the length scale of wiich was comparable with the diameter of t.he pitot tube. However we show in §So2 that using a pitot tube to measure the velocity of a. pl&"".le Poiseuille now in a duct, the width of wbdch is only f'our times that of the tube, leads to negligible errors over the central half 9 but appreciable errors ( ~ 50%) wqen the pro be touches t,h e wallo Therefar e in a free shear f'low such as this we do not expect errors in velocity greater than 10% due to this ef'fecto We decided to measure the velocity ind'\;lcea in the region (1) by means of a pitot tube only9 the pressure in the pitot tube being measured r-elative to the pressure at a tapping in the wall of the duct, Pw" The static pressure was not measured in the layer-, eve-fl thoµgh there wa.s a small static pressure gradient through the lay-er due to the rotating flowo Howeveir we were able to calculate this pressure gradient using the equation I I I I ,I , .t:. \ M = 13'70 1 ,.{._ = · I°! 0 o · M -= sii . t ;'., s 12., / x . IV\ = 2.04 ) t .:= ·512 /6 • M = o , t ;. ~ s12.. 150 I I 0 25 x x loo So 2.S I it'\.a.mps I · o ,) 3,0 ~1~~-k,f\h~l_b~e., d 1se,s Ap-. ~~ C 1AY(O'\,l 1I r-ai vo l(;ous _ N\. error in p 0 for the moment, we have the usual relation and p 8 , the total and static pressures, i.e. ro -;::;. f>s + i eue2- 7 .. 2.?o E].i:mir~ting p from (7o2.6) ro1d (7o2.7) we have : ~ a R. ::::: -+ p \.T ~ '<-- -+ ..e d LT e '2._ c)Y Y 2_; a)Y y S ( r~ ~ Po ) dr . e 'f -v «) oY 7 .,2.So ThusSJ by onl y mea.sur~l0 9 we could calculate lrg.. Since t he static pressure effect is o(Oftj( <.<. 1), we could a.Jlow for t he MHD error SJ which was greater than the static pressure effect, by using successive approximations to calculate U--e , viz Lf,,-,. =- ( 12....,,_ l(r ~ ~) dY )V(i + · ~~-o--J \_ ,,1 1:7 h.- er ~ er e n _ 1 I ~ 020 9o (We needed to use faro iterations at the most in our calculations). 7.3. ~rimental results. ? o3o 1 o ~le@trie Roten tial measurements. Since the aim of the experiments was t o reproduce conditions e.tarrd.ned in the theory of §3.3.3 we first had to establish that a laminar now regime existed in which the secondar, the mean potential between the discs, and I, the total current flowing between the discs, would become non~linear. Thus, by measurlng6(p against I at a given value of M, we were able to find out how low the current I needed to be for us to acllieve the required flow. ti..g. (7.3) shows t h e --6cp =I curves for the two apparatus at various values of M. (For the l!econd apparatus we riave doubled the potential b~tween the discs and the =119= I 0 f\() I :B r;p II ~ • 0 c- rn I i z x • :><. \ x \ • >< \)( \ lf) I - Jj-- '° \ <) II) 0 "'" -0 f'() () ~ () tJ) t:.--- t Ci f µ -,....l ~ ~ ~ ::, u I , -,,a11),, Note that 9 in the range of_! considered!) .6cp 3'., I when M = 0 and that 9 ·when M ~ 0 j the eurve of .6ep aga.i:nst I is a straight. line for I suffic:iently low 9 but as I increases the curve eeases to be a straight line imlie ating the onset of secondary. flow" There are two curves for the first apparatus (two discs 9 Q, = .. 512) taken at M = 5S8 and M = 20li, ,, N0te that t he value of I at which the flow becomes 1.L'l':lstable 111 higher when Mis higher)) thus indieating that an increased magnetic field tends to suppress the secondary flow" This may be 1 explained by the fact that 9 since the velocity 9 Lre, is proportional to (n.f'2 ) !)· the ratio of 1ne:rtial forces inducing the S?eondary flow to the viscous forces restrain- ingj being proportional t o (s-8 9 decreases as M increases for a given value of Io H0 wever a more detailed discussion of the onset of secondary flow is impossible withm1t knowing the form of the secondary flow distribution~ whieh at the present time is obseureo We oontinued this imre~iigation of the onset of secondary flow by examining the relation between~the difference in potential between that measured by the eleetric potential probe and that on the lin.e z = 0.1 , and the current I, the second apparatus (one-disc) being used., The probe W!3 placed at a radius of' 1 ,,271; and a value o:f J = =,, 95 !1 Leo in the region ( 1 ) 9 so that any secondary flow effects could be markedly demon- strated,, As is shown in figo 7 o4 the curve becomes non=linear at a much lower value of I fo:r. the same value of M than in the Lqi - 1 curve for the ~econd apparatus , shown in f'ig,,7,,30 There may be three explanations for thie, t he first is that the 6.cp- I curve is simply cu :erlng awe,y from the straight line curve gradually and there is no definite point at which the curve ceases to be linear, the second is that the probe itself induces a local secondary now l against ( lM2')~i for the tm electrode configurations in whieh 1 = .512 and 0190 res:i::ieetively. We draw three rrain conclusions .from these two sre:its of results. The first J. is that R/R oc, is indeed a linear function of M 2 o The second is that 9 to wi t.hi11 2%9 Le. well 'Within the experimental error 9 R/R c:;,0 = 1 .oo when the lines of R/Ro0 against ( { M})=1 are extrapolated to the point where M"" a() 9 and the third is that the slopes of the two lines are different being within 60% and 20% of the valt:1.e of the slope found theoretically by assuming a constant current distribution aeros5 the electrodes ( see §3.3.3). We take up this point in §7 .,3 .. 3 after discussing the detailed results of the probes. Having danonstrated that some of the external characteristics of the behaviour were approximately as prediQ,ed theoretically, we then examined the internal flow structure.. In our theoretical discussion of §3.3.3 we first postulated the existence of various separate regions and then made various deductions about them some of 1rfufoh we have been able to verify e:xperiment ally. In the central region between the e1 ectrodes, region (.4) 9 we con~l.uded that men M >') 1 the velocity is zero and that =121- 0 +/· -·2.. -·t +·Z +·6 0 t ==- • 5 12. 18) M = 1550 I ,t = . 1'1 ° I ~ ~ 0 ® /vl ~ 1550 , J!.. .:.'. ' I '\,L r (=p l:" b' /'1,~j\ie,, = ··t;e.J_OC,_~ec .. e..kclv: Ddft_~- ~~-.M~>-'-- ~x,_d ___ M _ :-:. __ Q _______ l'J 0 in (r -. II II ~ ~ ~ '° f (J- - + + ~ II cY-) • 0 --r {'{) ./ I .. ~ /. l~ ............... • • • • . .. ~ lr) ( tl ~ - 8 lf) • 0 + I\ I "<-""""") 0 + / / -\' I /. 0 ./· cJ ·/ + 0 ~I I 0 I J 0 -\- l 0 I 0 I 0 + 0 0 0 '-9 + 1' • _J) ~ ' c-J f- I () I -------- Cs; I ~ I I I I I I I I I the current density and electric fie ld i s 1.miform, provided t he ~rrent density is uniform on t he electrodes in t his region, as, for em:atilple J> on perfe~tly conducting electrodes. In fig .. ?0 6 we have plotted(-cp)11crb2;bT against J a.long the centre line (r = 0) v,.h en M = 0 and M ~ 1, since t~)fi t16~l~ 1>/Jefe 1d'I, is the value of

and that when M >) 1 the c:m rtes become straight lines in.di ca:!:,ing that the current distributi on is uJlifo rm in t his region and that therefore the spreading is eliminated., The slopes of the two stra i ght line~ di fferent because the R/R oe:, against 1/ (tNil)curves have different slopes, however.11 when M--==> oo 9 the lines shoul d merge, cutting the ordinate at " We should not e that the potential measure= (- ~) 6 b7.ii /-Cct -= I· o ments in this region were only likely t o be in error to order (d/a..) j ie., less than 4%P due to MEW effects 9 {§7 .,2.,2 ) 9 but the random errors were about 5%o We now consider the results of the r adial traverses of the ele~.tric probes in the region ( 1) o Fig., 7 o 7 shows t he results of a potential traverse wh~n M = 0 9 which a~ts as a reference with which to compare those when M .::>"), 1., . We then made three sets of measurements of (p in the fir~t apparatus 9 Leo the two disesll when J = 0291.J. and M = 175~ 330 and 610., (The notation we u~® is the same as that of. fig., 3 .. 8" I being positive when parallel to the magnetic field)o fo fig . 7 ., 8 (a) we have plotted the results in the form of one graph of~cp)c-11bt/I agains·t(,r- b)fa'\. 1Vd--) (-- t' f\/1-Js.) A' ' I i v1 Qin order to show firstly that t he t h ickness of the , l ' region ( 1) is unquestionably of order (a,1,1=2 ) and secondly to show that the distribution of cp and therefore u e is simil2.1.r for different values of M in these layerr-s., We have drawn t he best line through the experimental points j) because they show only a sma ll systematic departure f'rorn thi:s lineo We could perhaps say that the best line through the Poi nts f'or M = 175 wuld have a greater slope than the curve drawn., whieh WOUld be expected from (702.4)0 However 9 considering the randomness of many of the errors involved, the curves do not i ndic ate any large ~ea.le ' l departure from similarity exc~pt where (r=b)/(a.M""'2) < - 3 , when the values of (- ( I I ( J l "I 0 j I (f.1 I I I I x I I I () $ J Q 0 (J)-) ~ N"i ~ '-..-I. ! ·I n~ i ~ ~ ~ I -~ d ~1 ~ ~ ~ a c ::-£:\ 6 ' '!()' - I \ I ~ -'' ~ J.sfJ - 1 4,.) ,j ~ . i i . I I ~ · ~ gr:, I i I ' _, ..u! } ~- ) ~ 1 :::, ~ -\::::- 1 S3 i..:,I b ~ 1-1 I '.'.) ' - ~ 8 I r ~ · ..µ 1 O' €1 CS! ~ - 1 ~ I • I cl j ~ I 81 I I (I I 0 I " 0 ,o _ Q N) - 0 . ~..,_rl ~ -.::6' I ,a.:_, . - 0 l () rl I 0 I~ I .() + I I _f9 l!) I 6 eipeeted eince in the central region 9 (t) , as ~ rave already noted, ~~) er 6 '.l.. /a I va.rl es linearly 'With M=z 9 (--4 ) increasing as M increases., The results sh a~ in fig o 7 o g (b) were taken in the second apparatus the dis c and wall 9 and were plotted ila the same way a.1' tho!e in fig. 7.s(a )o Tu thl~ ease we have same results taken with the probe just touching the wall or very close to i t ll J <(' .,01+3 9 the:re being mo detectable difference due to moving the probe very slightly near the wall. 'TI,.e most interesting point about these results if3 that near the edge die@f·f) a.ndl' what is more; the c'l:1. stanee in which t his drop occurs is Toerefo re.._the potential on the electrodes ea.nnot be considered as of the 1 o(~) . resembling that on perfedily conducting elect:rode$ 1 the question of whether it resembles that on electrodes emitting current at a constant density is settled by reference to fig o 7 o B (e) where we compare the experimental points with t he potential profile produced by rueh an electrode. The discrepancy for r <( b elear, ly shows why the a. ssumpt ion of" a. constant current density i::J erroneous )) but the c omparatively good agfleement for r .> b indicates 9 perhaps 9 that in this reg.Lon the profile is less sensitive to the ~urrent distribution on the eleetrodeo Note that if the e lectrodes were perfectly conducting 9 the probe would have reeorded a eorrntant potential aeross the electrodeJat least to O(d/a) o The second point to notice is that t he profiles of 1 for all the Yal~is of j 9 examined infigs o7 o8 (a.) and 7.,S(b) ar0e functions of (:t>=b)/(a.M 2 ) 9 fmd therefore it follow::s from OU!' argument in. §Jo3o3 that the currAnt distribution on the electrodes near their edges was a 1\metion of (fr--bJ/g,...,Mt). . It :.w interesting that the thidrness of t he layers are approx:i.m.tely 1 . the same in all cases 9 being about 6 a:M""z . - This nay indicate 1-by the profiles are not completely si milar and why the sJonns of the two ourves o 1 )-1 17. rf < I - 1 of R/R 00 against ( .tt_ MS. are different in fig , l .~h since i.fc)'::'tJaM 'S.- the ratio of the t hi t'lkness of the layers to the radius of the electrodee is .:>) i is not really justifiable i .n analysing our experimental sittw:t.ion 1 and consequently We do not expect that the eurves of' R/R ~ against ( Q. Ml )=1 to be identieaJ_ for the two apparatus . Neithe r do 1rre expect the cp profiles =123= _(} 'NV t,.') <) -c.; I\ 11 )- >- -~ L ol f 0 ~ Cj '4 r- be r'1 - ~ Ii 1\ ~ 2 0 • -~ 0 0 - 0 I.I) ~ ~ () 0 ~ 1\ ~ 0 J I 0 *~~ ~ 0 \() .o · E • '° "<] £~ ~ l.J) . {'() • b~ -c,J ' 0 • c ~ 0 '° • . to be the same, even if they had been measured a:t the same value of f .. 7 0 30 20 Pi.tot tube measurements. As · with the electric potential probes 9 when we began to use the pitot probe we first checked that we were :measuring a velocity low enough to be in the required flow regime. Wit h the pi tot tube we also "•d to ensure that the measured velocity was high enough for (p - p ) IJ if the MHD error i5. negligi. blei> we had to find the value~ of I for h 6 p,.::. p O - f w , was proportional to r2 mere Pw is the pressure at the tapping on the wan. In fig.7 0 9(a) ·we plot 6f agains t I 2 when r = 0 9 M = 13709 and 11 1 when r = 1 .33b, M = 1355, these and all subsequel'lt readings b~ing taken in t,be second apparatus 9 Le. f= ., 190., 1\lote that when r = o,tp < 0 I since Lf (7- = o and the stati~ pressure is below th9-t outside the discs due to the radia 1 pre1rnure gradient • When r = 1 • 3 3b i> l p ;i. 0 sh cwing that in region U) the rise in total pressure is greater than the fall in static pressure 9 mich is 9 of em!'se, to be expected., The interesting point a.bout these two curves is how they show that the static: presemre in the c: entre is less sensitive to the recor'lied in the f'lmi region ( 1 ) • "--"" onset,secondary flow than the pres:sure The other interesting fact we found when investigating the onset of the secondary .flow was that :1 a~ the Clurrent was raised, initially the flow was steady 1 but 1rhen I~ 5 amps a steady o~c.illa.tion. developed wi. th a period of about 2 seconds~ which was easily observable on the manometer by the rise and fall of the meniscus. This indicates that 9 as I in.Greases~ an unsteady flow occurs rather than a stronger secondary flow~ as in the experiments or Lehnert ( 1955L Realising that the most critical region for examining the onset of secondary flow was region (1)j we then measured6p ~t two values of M 'When r = ( 1.267 )b. The results 1 plotted in fig o 7 o 9 (b) 9 show fi Mrtly tllat the velocity decreases as M increases for given I 9 as is to be e:x:peicted from the theory of ~ 3 J 3 o Secondly they show that the ons et of secondary flow is suppressed as M increases, which i s the same conclusion -124= 0 l •O \ Z.•0 ..3• 0 e' = (Y--b)/C({ ~,r~) -% 1, 10 lbe.- VQfltAtl6Vl ~ V(dDc~ ~~ md1us trLO_\~-- _lf 9 bt since we could not lower M enough to obtain appreciably different yet repeatable readings and at only one value of I 9 • 7 amps. From t he radial distribution of /j, p we cal~u= lated lf ~ using the relations (7 .2. 9). Since 6 p is positive i.."1. region (1) and negative in (.4) it is zer o on the boundary between these two regions and consequently it is impossible t o calcul ate the vel/ity t here at all accurat el yo We have plotted [ ( lr ()) 61 '2. /Vl)/2 Jovt 1] against (v--bXO\ M--~2.) in fig.,7~10 so that ii' a suitable theory ea.n be developed it may be compared wi"L,h these results . We note that the velocity is greatest nearest the wall which i s predictable since the jump in potential across t he layer is greatest when (p is greatestj Leo near the disc. Also note that 9 as r decreasesll U--e, gecre™ more sharply near the wall 9 which is to be expected sincell if the wall :i.s highly conducting , the current must leave the electrode at right angles 9 thus redueting the shear stress and consequently the velocity at the ·wall. We may :note that . the Hartmann boundary layer here was so thin. 9 .001 11 t hickj as to be negligible. We compared the values of U-t::, against our only available theory ll namely derived from the assumption of a constant current distri= bution on the electrodes to see whether t he values obtained were of the right order and fau~d t hat at j = = .. 99 j r = b, the theoretical value at a current of o7 amps was 3.09 cm/sec, whereas t hat found experimentally was 2040 cm/sec~ at j = =o97, r = b 9 the theoretical and experimental values were 2o85 and 2 .. 65 respe©tively. Note that the experimental values are lower than the theoretical 9 which is to be expected sir1c9 the maximum velocity induced by the theoretical current di stribution =125= \ \ '\ ' ...... ......... ~D ~ · 5 I I 1·0 2 ,0 ~flLiiimparicev, 6f:0 ~~~~fl~L:md e.h:h:.- f Dbii(.11 ~_fr veJC(.;f,J--(J = ' 1C\3 1'\i = /7)&7) occurs at r = b j whereas the experimental maximum occurs at r > b, which is to be expected with highly conducting electrodes., 7 3 3 Discussion. • o· • Having calculated the velocity from the pi tot tube readings, we can now compare these values found with t hose caluelated from the electric potential di stributionj using the rela tion J -"?i Cf> B - -- + U--e- 0 = 0 3.3.24., c)y Rew.ri ting this in a rwn=dimensional form we have~ ~-cI~d?ir) I ~y Jn_ fig .. 7i11 we have plotted tSd d (cf;/:r:.)/a-r and(Lre Mo.. fov{/1,gainst (r-b )a.JYI='°z ~ using the uncorrected readings of the eoP• and pitot p:rob~. (With the latter we have corrected for the static p1•essure gradient.) 9 We see that a discrepancy of.>100% exists bet~en the two cu!"Ves. We then ealeulated(u-e-MGt Jo~)/I using the formula (7.2.9)g (as we did ror fig. 7.10) ~ and thence calculated the mean value of kid_ 2. c):~ IMo-. lT ~Jo~./ I] across the probe fa~e in order to use the correction f~rmu~a (? 02.2) for pm' (We took k = t being the value for the two.,.,dimensionr; prob'3 _ _ examined in §4.,3). We note that though d~ri/a2 e:.. ., 1 9 since ~~I.rt /~t:, r was so great the c.orrection was large enough to reduce the difference in the maxima to about 3o%.. We also note that the 1mximum of the uncorrected curve of t he potential gradient is at a lower value of r than the veloeity maximum and that, with the correction applied 9 the maximtun moves to a jggher value o.f r., We note that this displacement. is appro:ximately equal to the diameter of the probe.. See fig. 7 o 11 o This effect 1.~s predJ.cted ll1 §7e2 .. 2 for an t e1v potential profilej which we saw in figc7 .. 8(c) resembles our experimental cu :rve. (We may note that the criterion :for the e.,p ., probe error to be negligible, i.e. d~/a2<:< 1 ll was n£t_ satisfied , d~/a2 = ., 105). The main reason for the difference i n these t wo corrected ~ui:"'ifes is probably that the experimental situation did not suf'fic::iently satisfy the condition that cl/ar .:» 1/r and that therefore t11e radial currents were sufficiently large to make (3.3o24) a poor approximation. In conclusion we believe that these experimerrts have convincingly demonstrated the foll01, qualitat ive flow :"phenomena predicted by Moffatt (1964) and furthar discussed in chapter 3o (i ) The I cham1elling' of current between the two circular electrodes o (ii) The existence of thin layer s joining the disc edges of the circular electrodes. We have ob:served that in these layers a velocity is induced, which, wh en M >> 1:. decreases as M increases and that these layers become t hinner as M increaseso (iii) The dependence on the magnetic field of' the potential distribt1,~ion across the eleetrodes 9 due to the finite conduetivity or the electrodes. The :rrain g:ganti tati ve results are g (i) That when M >) 1, the resistance between the two disas R = 6cp/I was found to va:ry with M according to the formula /_ v ~~ R/Roe = I- R I_ M I i-lhere k is a constant depending on the geomet.ry of the electrodeso This result was predicted on analytical and physi cal grounds in §3.,3 03. (ii) The potentialg ~ 9 in the regions ( 1) was fou..nd to vary with the radius Y-- at a given value of j a~co:rding to the f ormula~ (p f~ _b..._ f (t-,-b )/( °' M-~)) The function f varies with the disc geometry and the value of J it is independent of M when M ~~ 1 o We concJude from this that the thiir.;kness l of the region ( 1) was O(~). (iii) From the previous result, using t he theory of i\3.,3.,3 we conclude that the current distribution on the electrodes was a functio11 of [--r- bX'_ °' M --\) J near the edge of the cli.scso In t h e centre of the discs the current distribution was constanto (iv) The value of k (see resu__lt (i))i, for the second apparatus ( l = o 190) g was 1 .,22, whereas that calculated assuming a constant current distribution is 1 .,064 - a difference of 20%0 The values of lf& found from pi tot tube readings at Y = b were within 25% of values ealr.:ulated from the same theoryo The distribution of' ~ for Y< b did n,oi compare well =127= '!dth the theoretical profile.11 but did a~ee to within 15% for r > bo Most noticeable though was that the shape o:f the two curve-s was very similar .11 indi eating perhaps that the potential profiles for r > b are not very sensitive to the current distribution on the electrodeo There= fore we conclude that the constant current distribution thoory provides a. rough estimate fo r the va.lll es to be expected experimentally ll particularly for r > bo ( v) The calculations of -velocity in tb e region ( 1) deduced I ' from Pitot probe measurements 1,,r"lra between 100% an.d h.O % higher than those made from electric probe measurementsi, men no corrections were applied for MHI) probe errors o After applying such corrections we found that the difference between the two sets of measurements -were reduces to between Jo% and 15o%, also the value of r at the maximum of the eoP• readings became closer to that of the pitot rea,dingso Thus ·we conc luded that our error eorrections were of some value 9 particularly that to the eoPo probe w,iich has never been used beforeo However, the large discrepancy remaining between the results demonstrates how little we understand the probeso (Some of the discrepancy may be due to the flows not satisfying the conditions of t he asymptotic theory j by which we compared the results of the probes)o S. Experiment.a in reeitangula.r duetso The aims of our experiments in rectangular duets were t wofold o Firstly we wanted to use Pitot. and eleetrie potential probes i11 stabl~ ll laminar flows vhich are well u:aderstood in order to measure the errors caused by MHD effects, such as those discussed in chapter l+s and those eaused by using t he probes in regions wher01 the probe size is comparable with the distance in mieh large changes · in velocity or potential OCC:Ut"o Secondly we v.ra.nted to use our probes to investigate the flow in a duct whose walls perpendicular to the rrtagl'letfo field (BB) are highly conducting and wh ooe walls parallel to the :magm.etiie field (AA) are non=' ioeo that flow examined in §204 and in our paper9 Hunt (1965)0 In part,icular we w-a.nted to confirm the existence of the salient features of th~ flows found in our analysis and. to investigate the manner in whi@h these .flows b~@ome unstable o We mentioned the work of East ( 1961~) 9 Moreau ( 1966) and Lecocq (1961i,) on. Pitot tubes in ehapter 4o Other experiments with Pitot tubes in :magnetie fields have been performed by Sa~hs ( 1965) and Bran over & Lielausis (1961) on velocity profiles of turbulent flows in na...ryow rectangular channelso As far as we are aware there have been no experiments to lleasure veloeity profiles of ;tami,_nar MRD !lo"W'\5 9 for the very good reason that su~h a task is d:iffitmlt an~ of' oourse 9 one 8rs measurements ean be compared with the theory o Therefore the work described i n this chapter is the first attempt info this fieldo more we describ e the results of electric probe measurements and j ,-mere possible 9 compare t hese result s with t,hose of the Pi tot tubeso (Al though Lecocq used both types of probe he did not the results of th~ two probes)., -1 29= Alty (1966) has already examined experimentally the dt et flow we Hunt (1965), by means of pressure and potential measurements on the walls of the duct, his results agreed very well with the theory as described in §20 5. 3. However, as the Reynolds number, R9 of his nows increased the flow ceases to be laminar and exhibited certain interesting effects; these effects could not be examined further by external measurement s 9 but only by probe measurements., Thus the work of §g.,.4 is a continuation of Alty 1s worko 8. 1.3. Summarr In t:l$o2 we describe .experiments to examine the flow in a n9-rrow, 0 116n x 2i11 , duct with non-conducting walls using two Pi tot tubes, one with a circular .tip of diameter .02811 and the other with an oval tip (.01'2 11 x .062n). Th~ Pi tot tubes were supported in the thin duct from a wider circular duct, 111 in diameter. The main conclusions we drew were~ (a) At the junction between Sl,lch .a thin duct and a. wide duct 9 the ex:i.t . effects are very much stronger, Le. affect the flow further up- stream,11 the greater the magnetic field. applied perpendicular to the thin duct. As a re?Ult we were only able to use the Pitot tubes at zero or low values of M, the Hartmann number llsed on the 1'1a.lf width of the duct • . (b) When M = o, Pitot tube0s{eren.~p to { of the duet width , can measure the velocity to within 7%, the experimental e!'T'or in our ., whenFobe is more thAn one diameter or. thiclmess away from the wall. (c) When M = 2.36 and M ~ 5.03 we measured the velocity profile across the duct and found that the agreement between the theor~tical c:m.rve and experimental results was about . 7% when M = 2o36 for the w;ide probe and better than this for the narrow probe. The result s at ~ = 5.03 were poor on account of the greater exit effects..., These are the first measurements lmown to us of the velocity profile in l aminar Hartmann flow. Il). §Bo3 we describe experiments on., the flow in a 06 11 x 3o01!'. duc.t, 32 11 long 9 made of non'."'conducting material 9 and placed insi~e the 66 11 duct described in chapter 6. · We first investigated the MHD error on three kinds of Pitot tube for values of N(=O"'Bo1J/e/J.,,,) up, to about 3o The flow in ·this duet was less steady tha}'.l in the tf II duct 9 but despite . the random e1Tors in the manometer readings 1 two main conclusions e:merged. First the Pitot error did not increase linearly with Uo0 or as the square of B 0 as predicted by the fornrula where p0 and ps the dynamic and st<},tic pressures. ';l'his was t o be expected sincef N <,:' 1 was ,not satisfied 9 , the requirement for the theoret- ical validity~f"tfI'o~~1); however it was interesting that the error was ~131 .,;. I less than that predicted by (801.1) a~ N increased. Secondlyj using~ -a.s a crude measure of the probe error 9 we found that if N ·was based 9n the length DP 1 = 4. x (cross-section areaiperimeter) of the probe tip 9 d... -was greatest ( ~ 1 oO) ,for ,a flattened tube in w4ich the width p~,ra.llel to the magnetic;: field, a.pll = .,012 11 and the width perpendicular to the magnetic field, . b = .,062 11 ; it was smaller f or a circular t,ube (,:;;(.;l! ·4 ) and least (d\, ~ o2) for a f1attened tube in which .ap = .,073'\, bp = .,02.411 • This.effect was a qualitative confirmation of the r~sult predicted in §4.2. We also used electric p:robes in this duct. We first measured the electric field in the eore, finding good agreenient with the theoret= ical value for laminar flow ( < 1 .5%) when M = i.40" 2h-7 but poorer agreement (!"' 7% ) at M = ',/. f. In the boundary layer on the walls parallel to the magnetic field (AA) the exper::l,.rnental measurements differed :rmrkedly from the theoretical values ll 1:;iy about 50% for M = 247. However the difference decreased as M increased, indicating that as M-'>CO the agreement with the asJ'lnpj:.otic theory would improveo In §go4 we describe experime~ts :in our main 66 11 ducts whose walls perpendicular to the :rpagnetic fieldJI Aall are highly coJ;J.ducting and walls Aa are non=conductingll the dimensions being 2o1~86i1 x 3.,01011 • We only ecrr.a.rrd.ned. the f+ow at R < 1000 and M = 943., Our measurem(,'nts of static pressure 9 AP 9 showed that the flow ceased to . be J.amine,r at- R ,S 70 a.ndfor R "> 500 settled into a weD, defined second regime in which 6Po(' R and 6P /R. was about 206 times . its laminar flow valueo The ±~low was very • unsteady for 500 > R > 70., Measurements of veloei ty in the boundary layer, on the, walls BB were below the values predicted by the laminar theory (H,mt 9 1 96 5 \ yet the velocity profile e:,µribi ted qualitatively the main features of,the theoretical laminar flow, namely a large velocity close to the wall, a negative velocity in the outer part of the boundary layer _and a cope velocity less than the maximum velocity in the coreo The electric potential measure:qi.entF la.ken.. relative to the wall A.A were also belaw- the theoretical, bo·th in tha core and the boundary layer, ho-wever · they, indicated clearly the, width of the boundary layer and the important that l, = 0 in the core in tl;i.e second flow :r~gimeo Comparing these results of st:;.tic pressure, Pitot J)l\'etsa.ur~ 9 and the potential measured by the e.po probe we were able to provide an order of ]D!.gni tude explanation for the curious second flc,;,r regime, in ·,,rhich secondary flows are likely to occuro These experiments and those of 9hapter 7 have shawl:) that 1 despite. their limitations which need thorough prior investigation 9 Pitot and eoP• probes enable us to investigate .flows not amenable to theoretic;:al at;i.aly= sis and increase our understanding of those fl ows. We cannot 1 yet 9 . . j:kt.1.n-b+~·ttri,e. place great confidence in the,( deductJ..ons made from their measurerre11.tso Clearly further work is necessary. I These experiments ha·ve also sho'W!l that the main 66 11 duct ca...n be. , used for investigating other duct flows as well as that examined in §8.l~, thus ~ndicating its versatility. The other important fact proved by t;hese experiments is that it does not lea.Id I I I ( "' } =5 , f xe.s .B t-.,5 _ \ \ ~ l>~ '\1!: l1t,-,,,~ t,.J · I l+:l-p UJ-=r-' N\At . · \ :: 11 'i& r,;:=,;1. / N. l~l }U •11 i' '., i ·, / rfi '"T---::r---__L__~ll I . II i I . I ' I I 11 : . I ,, 1 • I 1 1 s-i. 11 1 I' I I 11 \ j : I J :, \ l 14 ; Srud , T. J' - 1rj___ I I I I ' 1 Ii j 11! --,;-;;.- _j -- ---- - - - ---.-----(1- - - _,__ ' o ·· .. , 11 a - \I ~ ~ -- . -_ + ' lj• - -- · I vv --~,1~ ,. \ ; v r\~"'\' \' )? ,,_-- -:h.__-~ ' II l/ H I .......: l.!... \ 1\.-f y ,1·-,,.:-~ ' !--",1 4- _ ;,> ~ - \II · ~~?' ... \~ 1/ \ '\,' :0',\_), -- -1i'------f.l 't- 1 _ 1- 11 - -- _11 _ _ _ "l:'....'l , ;:;:::- r !_; ---~ ---=--f--p --_t11r-, f-,1- L1 "":j(I) 0 - -- 9 - - -- - I -- q -~ ~4) - .~ -- + I --=-- .:1 , ' I - -----~ .. -A t' ;e..ce., .::x::.. , .!. • h,us0s lc:Jk. i; 'YL0.11,ve, N._jloV\ \.'VCJS~;Y\c,- \J r t A II E.. , ' nJ e... h D \ 'J;:' CJO.Nl,k ---- A 1 ~~~!f----f> -0 i 0 I''ne purpose of our first e.:xperiment on the use of probes in rectangular ducts was mainly to examine the errors caused by using a Pitot tube in a shear flowo We found that most te.:z...>t books on this subject merely recommended using Pitot tubes 'Whose diameters were much less than the distance in \'fu.ich the velocity crianged appreciably. or else gave a. very erude factor for measuring the displace:irent e.f.feet eogo Rosenhead ( 1963') p0 620 o In air or 1rrater now~ if the velocity profile is required very near the wall. 9 hotwire anemometers-P Preston tubes, or heat transfer measurements may be used; all such measurements would be very eomplieated a..'1d uneertain in MHD flows. Duet . As a result of these considerations we designed a rectangular duet with dimeinsions !rn(= 2a) and 2i11 (:: 2b) ~ in section, to be used with PU,ot tubes of diameter (d) up to 0028·11 9 Leo d < ol+Ba. In order to avoid blocking the channel with the stem of the Pitot ·we decided to increase the duct width downstream of the Pitot tipo The duet 9 as const'Vi.."t:lted~ is mown in figo8o 1 o It '!tffi.S made up from various pieces of 11 1-erspexu ooing glued a.nd bolted together. Its length was sufficient to enable us to measure fully dev·eloped i~lows and a settling ehamber was ©on:str··mrt.ed upstream of the slot. To reduce ~ny tmsteadiness, t his gap w~s filled 'With a nylon washing-up s~r.rubber" The pressure t.appings were constructed by the same method as those of the 66 11 duct described in chapter 6. Erobe~. The P-ltot tubes were constructed to point sufficiently far upstream into the na:rr ow portion of the duet ( the slot ) as to avoid any effects caused by the duct widening and the blo~king of the flow by the probe stemo The first Pitot was constructed so that its tip would be protuding } 11 c~~IJI...) into the slotp sinee we believed that with 01" 1'rl. thout a magnetic ii eld the exit effect would be . negligible this :fa.JS' into the flowo (How wrong we were is shown in §g.,20~~) o This was ~onstrueted in a similar way to that described in §702.,3j) namely by the fitting together of different stainless steel tubes, the tube at its tip being o028U Oodo 9 00155¥1 i.,d. (See figocio2a.). 'I'he seeond Pi.tot had a (")]f-d. "';,\ti..D[g;,\o.r-1~-_ i I j.--tJ3e. cf ~:t,\.\, d\J(C,t' , I different tip.9 being a .,OlJ-21! Oodo tube which was drilled out until its i.d o was .,03611 and then flattened until its external 1,rldth wa.s .012n 9 (see figo8o2b )o We used the Pito~ uninsulated and insulated, but f oun:i no difference in their beha:viouro Probe mechanismo The probe mechanism was not used in quite the sam/!9 way a.s described in §6e4o Instead of using the eranks to maintain the c:rank=bar B (see figo8o 1a) parallel to t.he dret we removed the cranks and fixed the cra.nk=bar rigidly to the spindlep S 9 by means of a dowel)) Do Then turning S moved the dummy probe across the ductj but altered its orientation 9 '(f' j relative to the du ct axis, sincet< 2° for this thin duct the effect of varying (5 on the Pitot was negligible. The spind;t.e S was turned by pushing the cra:nk~bar B with a screw adjustment attached to the probe block, see fig.Jo1(b)e With this design of du et i it was very difficult fitting the probe mechanism and probe onto the duct. To do this the studsJI T, retaining the probe block had to be removed and the probe block very gingerly manoeuvred onto the duct to avoid knocking the . probe, (the probe was fitted in the probe mechanism outside the duct.). To ensure correct aJ..ig;unent of the dummy duct and that the probe had not been knocked 9 we rem.oved the end pieee~ E~ and looked into the duct a The details of the duct rreasurements and the various oonversi.on factors for calculations of the experiment,al r esults are giYen in table 8010 S,,2 .. 2. Sta._tic pressure measurements. Since this was the first experiment in which we had used the flow circuit described in §6 .. 5j we ought to mention the procedure inviolvedo BMause the static pressure reading on the manometer between any two tap- pings or between a tapping and the Pi.tot when there was no flow 9 (the zero reading) 9 tended to vary it was necessary to take this zero reading as often a.s possible, otherwise interpolating over a long time between two zero readings led to large errors in ~aleulating the pressure differenceso (In the electrically driven flows this did not create any problem as t.he flow was started by turning a m.teih)~ A typical series ,\o ,b I $' I o 11 I, ~'&i__f1e.~..dmf{<6-~&~:tt.1.od o0~cluc.l: ~c:rmr f e.' of readings would be taken in the following way o We assume the f1ow eir~uit has been filled such that there is mei:r'Cttr'y either side o:f the weir in the lower weir tank and that all the taps have been closed., (We refer to fig~6.,6)., (1) Take zero reading on manometer., (2) Open taps (4) 9 (5) and (?) o T' does not 11:!"ad to a .flow from the upper weir tank u.w.,t. to the L.w .. t. s i..-r1e:e the pump seals the flow when it is stationary. (3) Turn on pump at desired f:ow rate. 'l'his makes the mercury circulate between the lowoto and u..w.t., returning via the overflow pipe. (4) Open tap (1) and regulate throttle valve. Flow now starts through the duct 9 settling d01,m very quiekly. We ensure that the pump is opera.ting fast enough for there to be some flow through the overflow pipe .. (5) Take manometer rea.ding. (6) Take potentiometer readings of voltage a@ross the flowmeter and the shunt in the magnet supply circmit. (7) Re-check manometer reading. (8) Take one or two more readings at differing flow ra:tes 9 by regu:Ia ting the throttle . valve and the pump .. (9) Tttr.'n off tap ('1 L This stops the flow in the ducto (10) 'Ihrn off pump. There may be some leakage back through the pump so we also !jlose (?). (11) Take zero reading on manometer. The first measurements we in this duct were static pressure readings between t__appings (4) and (6) 9 /J.46 ., (See f'ig.8ofo)l> the ,itot being in position in the duct and M = 0 o Our r·esul ts ~ which are plotted in fig.803 9 showed that 6.Pi,6 was proportional to Q only when Q < 7 cc/ se~. This surprised us s::µ1ce the flow was fully developed and we ~otJ.ld not believe tmt the effect of the Pi.tot tube was so g!"ea:t o Hcrv1ever ~ in , the linear regime we caleulated the mean value of tlP46 /Qv (see . t.B.ble 802) ~ and found . that. it differed from the th~oretic;:a.l value for plane Poiseuille flow by 1 o 5% with a standard deviation,, s"do ~ of 8%0 At these yecy low flow rates our pressure differenees were difficult to measure and this was the cause of the ra...ndomness of the readings. (The mare readings we took the more consistent the mean value)" \ 0 () ~ II 0 --' c{l (µ E ,l - ,...... ;:-+-' ~ _J ,---... ~ _g.:::_ ~> :..,., I \ '~ ~ a 3 0 0 ..... I I I~ ..s= ' 0 .....\- I 0 µ · -~ -S" 0 ,0 _ __, D ~ ;~ r~ ,, 0 ·-0 j (\ ., x ~ d -~ 1- Jc ;ci _p 0 Or' ~ - ()() c 0 (.) tJ &:>-._., ~ ~~ <,.) --.<:?._ ~ -er ~ xi 0 0 u _Q <-- -.,:. / / '(- . ------ t- . .--- 0 ,bOS -t}e,s_lari~'PI~ re.. Jrof-lt,ri~ Y'ltL~6_1'/_r~(Q) _J\Lllr:: -#1e.. lVld_of -ft7e.- dvd: _ lAJhl-v\ J!l ~) l_. __ i That the cause of . the non-linearity was an erl t or Pitot effect is shown better by figoBol~ where the pressure difference~ be·tween various tappings along the duct are plottedo When, Q = 6 e.e/sec 9 the pressure gradient is the same as that of plane Poiseuille flow near the exit but not at the entrance, interesting to note that the theoretical (ie €.) entry length = Ra/20 = 10 411 when Q = 6 ec/sec 9 whereas we find that the. 10 411 from the end of, the duct dp/dz is 00% greater than its final value., When Q = Bo 55 cc/sf}c 9 we see how the pressure gradient is least in the cent re of the duet, thus c onfirlliing our hypothesis. -·- .We then measured AP, 11 , as a function 9f Q (figo8.5) 1'ben M = 23.8 and M = '4,6 .. o and; to oor s'!ll"prlse 9 that the ~ P,i.i - ~ relation was not linear for thf; same valuE;s of Q as the . ~p4l,- 6< relation was linearo The entry length 9 of oourse:p iri. this sit uation was less, the .obvious conclusion was that the exit length was greater o Again the A P-2: eurve conf:irms ,this Yiewo We see in fig.8 .. J that when M = .46oO, dp/dz agr~es with the theoretical value .for fully developed flow .when (=z) > 4n~ but diverges from this value ' -ve:ry sharply as (.=z) ~Oo We believe that the explanation of this effect is quite simple and should have been forseen. If 9 when M '>)1 j the flow had changed B'Uddenly from that of comren= tional Hartanu;m. flow in. the narrow part of the duct to uniform now in the wide pa,rt 9 ~t would have meant that the .current in the slot would have . returned from x = b to x = =b via the high relsistanee Hartmann layers on the walls o Inst'ead of doing this the current near the end of the slot could return via the low resistance , pat}) of the wide part of the duct where, v z and Ex much . lower o Thus 1 the wide part,_. of the duet effectively short circuited the Hartmann flow at the exi:t, of the slot (!)a.using (=j.x) . in the core to be greater. and producing a component of ~u.:rrent =jz for x > o and +jz for x <. ~ o Clearly the , ef'fect of t,he short, eirc-q.iting would be ,grea.te~t when M was greatest, .and would diminish towards the entrance of the slot 9 Le. (=z) increasing. (We re.fer to this hypothesis later)o .t ,~ 0 (i) -· --------y---------,------~--Lo loo (c. c/ sILc )._ ' 'fuL_fu~~-F2~re,~nincl,i_~-*~l_-0_p,P )a~ - · · r11 el-,~~M ~ O cw:l ~_k, is~~ __ g,.nJ!"Lg~l,,';,_dvci. 0 - circ»l.k,_ll,lbm MO z.,._:,_(. :- .. '}lolit_V\ tcl_ ~ttoL_ilLc_ 11 Since the exit e.ffeets were WO}~S~ for the statie . measurements i'fuen M >> j than when M = Oi1 w~ expected a. similar effeet whe~ using Pitot tubeso This was~ indeed 9 the sase as is shown by figoEL8 where AP,p is plotted against Q., . We see first that b.. P,p is rie.w:,~_ive and second that./:!. P,f' varies approxilr..ately as B0 2Q at the same value of x and z o This !'el?'1lt would eon!irm our hypothesis that near ~t @f the slot ;-men M .>> 1 ~. large cmrrents eir~ulate in the x=z plane 9 ~in~e the presence of' jz leads to a vertical pressure gradient (=j 2 A,) 9 whi~h would p:i;oduee ,fi negative pressure .in the Pitot 9 To further test this idea 3 we measured_bP,p at x = .,511 and found 9 . as would be expe~ted on our hypothesis j that ( - bP. p) was redu(lledo Toa:t the effect diminishes as (=z) increases is verified by the measurements -of' [.) Pip ta.ken by the thin Pit.ot at z = =!11 ., we, see that (- AP,p ) i.s redu~edo After first using an mitnsula.ted Pitot 9 we coated the Pitot with non°-,conducting Perspex ciement 9 but found no difference o We note t.hat the MHD eirt"Ol"~ of' chapter. 4 would lead to a. positive b. P, p and so diminish the negative pressureo , We, then deeided to measure two velooity profiles at M = 2.,:36 and • N!ffi ,:,,or1 ~flfi"' , 2: . M = 5o0'.3 9 the/...~• ~ .~A Fjp~ i70B0 . Q9 where B0 is rrea.sured :in wo/m2 ~ Q in litres/ se~ l' M.d 6. P,pin L"lehes o.t rneths o . We found that 9 at these low values df M9 b'ir was approximate'.cy proportional to Q2 so that i V1Fa @ould~o~p; our r~sults with the theoretical Hartmann flow profileo Our results 9 (figo 1:t 9) 9 show how even a.t these low values of M the correction factors and how unreliable the l'."esults ar~~ inconsequene!:leo However)) the results for M = 2o36 when , i!- = y> d>ee the theoretial to within the experimental error and eertainly demonstrated the flatteinirig of the, velocity profileo Our results with the thin probe are better 1 f'igoSo 10 and three out of the .four ·points. (eall'.!;h takm from a graph of h. P,pa.gainst Q2 ) for,a = Y> d agree very closely,, Poo:i;· as the :results of f'igsoSo9 and ·8., 10 are, they are the ,to~ measurermnts Y we know 1 of velocity profiles in Hartmann flowo } I ~fr-.l·· · . ~ G I I ~ , I The :rmin purpose of. the experiments in this duc:t was to investigate the Pitot and ~ .. p 9 probe et".l;'ors when the interaction para.meter base on t..h e probe dia!ll.eter, N.~ was O ( 1 ) 9 sine e the .. t'!lJiPeriments had . been designed f'or this . purpose in the 1In duet f ailed when M >> 1 " We, needed a duct w.t th non=eondueting wall s 9 (so that E ":\ 0 in the core) 11 ..... sufficiently narrow for ;reasonabi :, a.remurate readings of Pi.tot pressure a.t at,tainable flo-wrates 9 and yet wide enough for the probe g_ot to block the .flow. Dutto ,We de~ided, to make a duet .,q-a x 3o01 11 in section and place it inside the ma.i.n 69 11 du~t so .that we eould use i;.he probe :mechanism.easily" The , i.'!'lternal duetj which was made of VPerspexn 9 is shown in figo8o 11 ., Its length was 32J18 i> with a rrunded en try~ the probe rneehanism was' 911 f~m the end to avoid any e.xi t -effects whi@h would be smaller with this duet anyway a The internal duet f'itted into the main duet snugly f.or the leakage between its walls and those of tqe main du.tit to ; be negligible.a Even with the little leakage there was~ we felt that short ~ir~uits @ould only .be eliminated by cw,rering the eoppe1~ walls of the du~t w,ith semta.p~ o ' The only questionable f'eatur~ of its design were the ispaeet50 ~ shown in . section in figoBo 11 (b) 0 -whi@h were needed to keep the two walls q.parto Aeeording to the entry length e~.= · flte5,e. c:ulations of Shercliff (1956) 51 .the ef'f'eets orJ 0spaeer.s0 nea:t" the probes would be negligible at high field strengthso -We might mention that the su~cessf'ul eons:l,ruetion. and use of this inner du@t demonstrated the versa.til,ity of the,- 66 11 du(:to P.t-obe.s o One of the aims of these experiments '\II.Ta~ to see if .t.he ·shape of, ~ probe affected its MHD error in .order to ver1.fy 9 at least qualitatively9 our theoretical coneilusions of, S!i-o2o We had already constructed a and a flattened Pitotj v.rhose dimension parallel to tht;i nagneti@ field, apfl (=0 012 11 ) was very miieh less than that perpendi&alal." 9 .bp 9 (=.,06218 ), so now we construeted one with a.p = 0 073 18 and bp = .,0241~ {fig.,8o12a);the reason we increased its size was to reduce the lag of the Pltot ·reading =/40 = relative to the s:tatie pressure rea.ding9 whieh was even more 1.mportant in this duct -where the flow was considerably less steady than in the ta duct., As an el~etrl tt potential pro b~ we used one already eonstrn~ted 1 . . for the g'8 duet 9 We used it in preference to tha;t construeted f or the ele etric ally driven flows be oa.use the now. at its . tip would be less a..ffected by the stem in this design., (Fi gogo12b)., We first made .static pressure mea.surements 9 -when M ~ 135 9 between tappings (4) and (5) G We. found that rma.surements of ti.~ were not the same as those of (.:.. t. P4r ) ., ( The notation refers t9 the way in whi@h the pressure tappings are eonnected to the manometerj either tapping (4) or (5) could be oonnee.ted to the .. micromete:r side of the JMnometer 1 if (4) 9 we measure APn; and if (5) 9 bfl.,_r )., Whether t his was ea.used by the :rmnometer or some spurious connection we are not sureo Ho~ver the results were repeatable and the mean of llP.n.1 ,and (-AP'f.r) mtlS found to agree elosely with the theoretical value, as shown in tabl~ :g.,60 ·. . ·. . 1 We .found the flow in this du~t more unstable than in the 81 du~t ~ though the flow was lamina?' the pressure was all the time osdllatingo This may partly have been caused by.the f.a.l@t that there was litt le eonstr'i@tion betwee!J. the du@t and the lqw.,tj wheJ;"e the flow over the weir ~s not . . steady~ so that though the !lowr_1t..,t~9 as rre asured the flowmete1•, 11~s very steady 9 the st~.,i~ pressure level in the duct .was fluetuatingo On a.eeount of the different lag in the leads ne~essarily led to random errors o go3o3o Pi tot tube· ,measurements O The first readings were made ·with the e:ir eula.r Pi tot used in the !10 du~t (still :tnsulated)o The pi.tot tip W9-S in upstream of the pressure tapping so that» in ~alrula.ting the veloe ity 9 we had to allow for the stati~ pressu:re drop 9 6 '1 o . We first measured t1R., against V 9 the . flow- meter rea.ding,,when,M = 1350 The results tabulated i:rJ. Table 8o7(a), the difference 9 .4 9 between the theoretical value o:f t>P 9 = b Pc,..;.t:,fls 9 ' ·IDO- II Me.-1'5 b. .c:ffo •0'&0 •?Y]o ,o{.o ·~o ,oto •03o · •6'2- (). / 3 , c 4'0 5 · o \I L~ v) ,f-f,,. ~ t.Cl\d :5 ~ _$,__I 3 __ Var:tat,t\cWLff YLLoi_ -bbe,, __ &Jlor __ j~~l~--fb~_mlL_ wb M = Z!i3 ... __ (J\~.ct 13 7 I I i. I ) U~Pf>"" !4~ ~ (?r+!J e,"'-1.(f;:,, 11;_.,~ being calculated from.Q an.,.., (),1 <-/q -t cL/ t.t\ as would be the case higher order terms in N were appreeiableo We then used t.1-ie Pitot !) already desieribed in fig,, 7 .2 9 to see if the Pitot Jag was. reduoied by such a design of tubeo 'I'h'!',re was only ill. small,remento We used the tube to m!Htsur0e ,b.11.-, against V wh~n M '"" 11-7 and found that the ire an value l'.rt OC. = ,,49 r; but since o<.. noti~e0 ~ ably dt:i~r.eased a~ V increased the result has little :meaning (See table. So7(b))o Clear~r in this ease the higher order terms were appreci&.ble o We used the t,:rJ.n ntot tube w..i©h md been used already in. the k1u di.1et, 9 (fig o8o2o(b)) 9 t.o l:ie,e i.f ::1..ts MHD eiY-.".r'Ol'." would be ~e.~ tha.i"1 that to random error on a,~eotmt of bhe lo:nger lag of tbJ.:s tube" The, :r0esults 9 tabul2:t,cd in table SoS and plotted in fig.,80 '13 9 show,the ~ti!'iation of h, ~nd o<.. ,d,th V' for M.:::: 137 and f'cr.r0 M ~ 2530 We seej firstly that the gene1"'al increase of b, wi. th V is n;ore ,::lis~ernib1e 11m~n M 0:: i 37 than wht~n M ~ ~53 o J:n;th.~ laU,er,, the poin:ts do not really ind1.e:ate &1y pattern at.all9 on account of the random errorso We have hesits;ntly drawn on 1J.go8o f3 a line 1-mi~h might represent the irar:i.a.tion of' /::. ea.used by the second ang higher order terms in the expansion in N of the pitot erroro However 9 if we merely regard ex: as a. crud(;? measure of' the pi tot error these results demonstrate error is greater with this kind (area) /(perimeter) of the probe one important fact 1 namely that the M'rID of probeo If' N is oosed on D = 4 x p tip (:Leo 4 x hydraulfo mean diamete'.r.') then o( :i.s somewiere-between 3 and 4 times greater for this prohe than for a tl'lircular prob~ o It is that the .error we find is 5 times ~~~ than that. predicted by the t.heory of 311-02 0 We ha:1Te no expl~.nation for thiso =142. = I · ~II ~ J ,61o ,o~ ~ t'i,'' .1 /nV \JN\~ )( · x>< 0 ,/I / I 0 .... .. .. _, __ , _ __ ' - ---·- ,-- .... - ... 1;_.,_) Z.. t) I 0' c, I +·o ' s-·o l~·o . Eneouraged by this confirmation of our theoretical prediettion of S4o2 we then examined the MHD error in a Pitot tube f'or whi~h a >> b p p shown in i'igo8o12(a)o The results are tabulated in table 809 '1hence we see that d.. _ is not appreeia bly bel?w that of a circular tu be, w.. en N is based on D __ The tube used had a ra. ti o of a /b of 3 eompared to p p p . the ratio or b /a in the former Pitot tube of .. 5. It would be P P how interesting to investigate in more detailj this ratio affe~ts the MHD error. s.,3.4., Electric potential masurements. Before describing_ our measurements we first note.that we eould not form an adequate loop of wire in the magnet gap to compensate :tor the f'lux linked by the oircuit between the lead to the tapping (5) and the electric probe so that our reading of potential was subject to oseillati9ns caused by_ small variations in the magnetic fieldo , (We could notD using the 66 11 duet mich just fitted into the magnet 9 use the method of Sher~li.ff (1955) mieh would have entailed having the tapping . lead leave the magnet gap i n the same plane perpendieular to the pole fa.ees as the probe)., As a reference for the . probe poten tip 1 and that of tapping (5), '$}!;, 4'br =,pp-p relative to 'Ptt 9 the potential tapping of tapping (lr,)., Then we refe,r to 111~ Ip o Since we could . not find any difference between !:::.c/1;P and f:4rip we only refer to A cp o We first, examined the variation of Arp with Q and found that over the .tlihwra.tes and magnetie field strengths available D1~6l o In the core we measured the difference in A(/;J / V measured at x = 0003 and x = 0753 for values of M = 41oS 9 140 and 247 and found sati~fa~ory a.g:f!eement with the theory. of lamimr flow in a re ~ta.ngular duet 9 using Shereliff 9 s (1953) theory o , Clea.rl7 no , systematic MHD error was disee,m= ,, ible from t here results mfoh, of course, was to be expected from the = 143 = 2· f•O ol___~~~~-,-,~~~~~-,--~~M_~, ~ •C>l 'oZ.- _..,... 4q)* VMY:i.. In m\J(rnY ·, 'oo<;;- I _J 11-ote- ,._;.d_(ii ~ I (M~~SJ J ~,!-....~~---'-~~~~,~~~~~~~-,~~ ~~~ · 5 I ' p X ~ (_b- x.. J IV\ i-2- symnetry arguments of §4.30 (Table Bo 10) o It wa.s when we ~omi:ared the aetua.l value or brp/ V. with the theory that curious discrepancies oecurredo In fig.,8.14. we have plotted D.1/Vr,tlfvagainst X = (b = x)/a~ 9 (It may be deduc ed from the theory of Shercliff (1953) that to .O(M=~), in the boundary layer on.the walls parallel to tl).e magnetic field Al}., Arp J,"fi' /flt, M-Vi .. 6( :::: J!,{?oo,, Bowever with the the·oretica.l error only of 0(~1) it is hard to see why such a discrepancy exists when M = 247 o Little further .. insight into this -curious result .wa~ aff orded 'by the traverse of thee.po probe in the bou:t;tdary layer, fig oS'o'l6. cw~ measured li> 1 of Shercliff (1956) -was only just satisfied when M = .42o Of one thing we feel surej that these discrepancies cannot be explained by. the fact that we were measuring. relative to (5 u) or (4) rather than_ (5)o We regret there was not more time to spend on these I e:xperimerrt so They ought to be repeatedo t J/g '' ' I I ·7 ·I ·:i· I •).. $DO ---------- ~b,,.;nar fi,.i'._'.J 1 looo ,02. I I I 11 130 4. 2! 11 :x: 3" ducti conducting and non=conducting wallso In fois experiment we hoped to use our probes to examine the curious flows predicted by our theory of 82o4 and Hunt (1965) and t;;' continue the investigation of Alty (1966) into the instability_of the flowso As was intended in the desi gp. we cou ld use the main 66 11 duct for .this.purpose with the copper walls exposed to the mercuryo (See fig o 6 o 1 ) ., To reduce the copper ~,, ercury contact resistance we le.ft the duct full of mercury ±~or 3 da.ys ;o The only new probe used in these experiments was an electrie potential probe ~ic}J. was designed to minimise the effect on the now near the ( 5), the Probe is shown in figo 8., 17 o The basic data of the apparatus are presented in table 8of1. 8040 2o Static p!'~ssure tne"'asurements • . We first measured the static pressure between. tappings (.4) and (5\ t:>.Pc,~ j as a function of Q w1en M = 943. We assumed that the flow was fully developed since the entry length, given by(a R/M2) was mue:h less than the duct width. Also Alty ( 196,) had shown that for higher values of R and lower values o±• M t!J,e flow was fully developed in a. yery shor t distance. figoSo 1$., Our results 9 a.long with the theoretical l:ine 9 are plot t f'Jd in In taking the readings ·Jt was that the flow ,,,as very less steady when R <. 500 than for R > 500j when the readings were very reproducible., This would seem to relate to the curious kink in the graph wien R < 500., It is pertinent to note that Alty found that his A P, against R curve .touched the theoretical laminar flow curve at R ::::! 1000,j) gradually moving away from it «s R increased. The,differenee may be caused by the fact that our curve was taken at M = . 943j as compared to Altyqs value of 228, however we showed in ~2o4o3 that th~ critical Reynolds number is theoretically independent of M as M__. oo 9 so this is an unlikely expla.rta.t.±on., A more plausible one is that his flow circuit produced a more smooth er fl-0w than ours thus causing a smoother and later transition to the second flow regime we seem to f'ind 9 I I I I \ i 0 ~ l 8 x Q' -CJ,) c .... J + (' (, ('• (' 01' '(Ii- ~ h (--- --, (' j\i ?O 11 (J) ... !. ....0 ()' -~ (] -..._.....- -- :~ '['.< fl er 3;' JI arguing by analogy with non-MHD flows. Thus our readings indicate that the minimwn critica::J:_ Reynolds number for M = 943 is < 70 and that . fo :r R > 500 9 a. stable 9 but , not laminar second flow regime is set up.. (This second flow regime !I if , t or.:-pl .de.~ 1·ully de1,reloped.11 ean:not bepaminar because there is only one laminar1 fully developed flow as shown by our uniqueness theorem of §2.3) .. . We also note that this second flc,i,,r regime is -still basically la;rr,.inar because . 6P is proportional to Q and not Q2 ., We .refer to this a gain in §s.,.4.5. 8 .. .4.3. Pitot ; measurements. We used the f'la.t Pitot tube (a.p = o073n 9 bp .= ,,02.411 ) of fig .. S&12(a) to investigate t~ boundary layer on .the lower non=conducting wal.l p arallel to the rragnetic field at y = o. Realising that the flow would· be r ather unstable we attempted to measure h. q...,, within a small range of Q so as to plot u.z/c;t at one or two parlicular values of Q. It was exce~dingly difficult taking the readings on account of the unsteadiness of the flow and the lag . between the and . static Qxr results tabulated in table 8. 1'\a.and plotted it:1 figoBo 190 Note~ firstly t,hat we computed v z by using the result of §g;3 in taking o<.., to bei ,,4 9 when N was based on b o . ~ Second we assumed the m .. essure1 to b~ p , / " . C;011sta:nt across .the ducto Thirdly 9 since the Pi tot was placed i 11 down= ... . 1 • ' stream of the ta.pp:i,ng (5) we used the' static pressure drop measurements to calcul.a.te l.l~ 9 the static pressure drop between (5)' and the probeo Fourthly 9 where the, velocity was clearly negative and the readings even ,more unsteady$) we have plotted the apparent values of =Vz on f'i.go B., 199 merely to indicate the presence of such backflow. The results of these readings indicate; first, that the existence of the general features of the flow predicted by our theory was confirmed; a large velocity close t o the waJl in the boundary, a negative velocity and a 9ore velocity less than the rraximum boundary layer velocity~ second, that the form of the velocity profile_ varied as Q varied, the lower value of Q leading to values of v /Q closer to t he theoretical near z ! I 1 0 -· 007 • .x...::. l 64 J x .):'.._ !: 'qg3 I / 5P My· ! gJ Jc..= I, ?>4.3 .,It, . t~ I 1 :,c..=- I· .Y7~ O,'M1V\O...v · '2..J ! w I I I I ,/ I I. w -::c.. :c ),4 I 3 / ·IS~ f:) 0 x_ ; j . l/4.3 ./ I 8. .:x:. .c.- i·4- t'6 £ x.., = I· 4 '17 © .),:_ ,,_ I· 4ei.3 . >( I I I R lbOO +- ' YoJe.. Wt ' ! •4- / 3-o . ~ Ii ,21 Pohlu.L t+tc, ;)'\ bcul\d':'.'.J le'.:'!'-' W:o .x_ = 6-~: M .= q 43 the wa.llz third 9 that the velocity shea:r at the wall was apra.rently gre~ when the flow was unstab:J_e; this e.ffect would be e.x:pect~d from the static pressure measurementsj but the readings here are uncertain because the pro be was so_ clos~- to the wall; fourth I that the apparent vru..ues of velocity in the eore were between 50 and 70 times as great as the theoretical value for laminar flow .. (More about this later). 8e4o4,o .Potential 32robe mea.suremer~. We only had tine to ~asure the potmtial on the line y = o~ and we only measured the potmtial relative to the tapping (5) after assuming that the potential qetween the probe and the copper wall was negligible when x = y = o . N0te that the probe was vertically above t,he tapping (5) ,, We measured Aand Q is linear in the core for R < 1000.11 the highest value measured" (ii) The electric field in the core is zero since all the points fall on the same Acp!.P = Q curve. (iii) In the bou:r.J.dary layer 6cps-P is only proportional to Q if Q is sufficiently lowo It .1iv'a.S diffi cult to determine how low owing to the randomness of the readings. Taking the best straight lines through t;.hose points which might reasonably be ~f;w,J4-to be in the linear refirne 9 at the various va,lues of x we plotted e<1n, /Q against X = (b=x)/(a.Ii.f-Z) in order . to com~re the l ee -Pi9 .8,ZJ theoretical la.mina,r profile with the expnimenta.l one. First1 we notice that the e:xperimental curve falls below the t heoretical for all values of X and second we note that thE;l e:xperimental curve does not have a maximum)) unlike the theoretical curve, where it occurs because v ~ 0 at this point in the laminar theory. We may observe from the fact that E = 0 in the corej that the x copper walls ha.d a negligible resistance and therefore the ccndi tions of the flow were as intendedo Our aim here is to provide a plausible explanation for the differences between the results for ~'5--~, (hereafter /J Pi v!?l/Q1 and 6,ps-P /Q and those predicted by the lamina.r theOFJ' o We start from the incontrovertible fact that E = E = 0 in the core in both th~ si tua.tions j x y . hereinafter denoted by the suffices 2 and ! respercrl:.iV"elyi furthermore, the velocity is uniform in the core in both cases and therefore~ clp/clz = -a Vi-Bo" and A p"l.. - Uf; o,.d,2.. 6P,. . ~p,-.e) 1 . . Now vve see from figo8o18 that l>ft':::!.-2.,6 AP, .1 t,.)fi€Yile.. ( vz() t-e.)'" ':2,1(,r;;t)~), But in fig 8019 we see that ( VZ0 f€h. ~ ~O (VZote) 1 Thus some di.screp&.Tlcy needs to be exphinedo We see f:rom the Pitot and eop .. probe trav~rses in the bounda.ey . ( I . layers that . the turbulent: boundary ley-er thickness is po.t,, greater than t,he lami.naro Therefore we can still nw,ke the approxi.mation in the boundary layer g- = dm /'ltx = v B = 0, Bo4o.4o T z o with an eJ::Tor of order (.i.r / cr1r .t. .. . )., the suffices referring to the core and bouncta:z layer re speci;.ivelyo From (8,,lt.o.4) it follows that 6.c -:. '80 .[ Uz d (6--;;.t},80 fi,1't_wher~ Qf,.{ is tl).e VQlUJJle flow rate in the boundary la.yer o Now in laminar flow (Hurtt~ 1965) 9 Q=,Q&-( + 6(G where QC..~ '? ;it f:?tr .{ Now in our flow we found that (-'$\ : , l-41~ , whence fI'Qlll the consemtion of flow it follows that: 61 ( r ~ , l l¥cJ ~ ( ~' J + · 5 ( ~6- f) 1 ~ ~ G 1 ( l-t • 3 ~ -: I) for our duct men M = 943,, Thus! ~ (51 (UZh =l4i = which is in better agreement with (8.4 .. 2) than :is (8 .. 4 .. 3) .. We believe that the explanation .for (8 .. 4 .. 3) is that a }:'.".'essure gradient ~/dx (< 0) exists in the centre of the ductne~rthe wall x::::: b., This pressure gradient may be caused by turbulent seconda.r ;1· .f l ow whfoh impells fJuid ~ places where the shearing stress is r.i;T •,at est .u1.d . towards places where it is least, to .paraphrase Pr~ncttf ( Vi'.32,., p.,1.49; such a flow,would induce a velocity vx.C> 0) and thus a pressure gr adient (dp/tbc) < 0 9" Q .. E.D. This apparently comrincing . argument has two ]Jlain flaws g (1) Why is ·APs,., proportional to Q in the second flow regime~ if this r egime is dominated by secondary flows? (2) Is the reason for the discrepancy between Alty 0s results and our vs simply due to the greater unsteadiness of our flow"? or does the value of M matter? We have to leave these questions un.answered .. We note that it follows from (8oli.o4) that we can calc:.mlate v z ;in the boundary from the potential profileo In figo8o 19 we have plotted 3 points by measuring the slope of the l4>.!P/Q against X curve of figo8o21o The agreement between these values and .those .:rreasured by the Pi tot tube is qu.ite good ( r.l 5%) near the wall but is poor as X increaseso We conclude by observing that these measurements of stat ic pressure !I dynarrdc head and electric potential, taken.together can be correlated and they show how the use of Pi tot, and e.,po probes enables us to increase our understanding of very complex,, umrl,:,eady flows .. 14q 9. Conclusions.o Su.m:mari~s of the work descr:1.hed in t.his thesis are to be found at the begirming of each chapter. In this chapter we mention some po3Sible Jines for ft1J'.'th(n." :!"esearch wh:i~h a:r~ir:ie out of our work and some improvemsnt s 1ohich might be rr.ade on our e.Jr.p-:: :ri.menta.l apparatus. Ttte most important development of the theoret.i,:;~l 1rJOrk en MHD du~t flows desc:cibed in cha,pter :2 should be the e.xt.e,nsion of the analysis to comp~ssible flows. We believe that such ~, developmer;.t is not only possible, hut of practical us e . 'Ihe reasons f or our belief were set out in Hunt (1966,b); however the out]i.n(': calculati ons o.f that paper ·w:i.JJ. obviously have to be worked ont in gren.ter detcd}. before these . calculations are taken seriousl y by the designi:T·s ,::, f MHD generators. Th~re arA still some interesting aspe cts of J..a:minar dn ct flows to be analysed, e.g .. t.h1:, boundar-J layers rrn the walL"l ,pa-ra.ll-81 t o the magnetic field in the di verging ducts considered in §ze 7. 9 or +..h~ flow in a duct with a sudden change in eras s secti ona.l area .11 (not the sudden change in the r a,te of d:ange we exa.min('}d). Clearly the thoory of . Pitat. and electric potential probes o:f The theory will only a•hr.mce 1rihe.n we ur,derstand the flow over bodies placed in various kin,i:": o f' flow 1A" the magnetic fields .9.t various orienta,tions. 'l'his a.s:pect of IvlJ-ID theory ' ,, ha.s been pooh-poohed in the past (by Professot• .SlH?rcliff' in particular) -~Js being entirely acadernic; tl1e stud:,t ... of Pitot tttbes is definitely not acad~nic and therefore this practical appl .. "tce.tion may stimulate further theoretical work on the M,lID f l~w over bodies. Also .. with th t, advent , i.:>f the use of MHD probe9, we . can now i:nvestig1!l.te the ,flow over bodies in ducts experim.entall y , ,:: . g. Tsi.n0be:::- et al, (1963)~ i.fnich ~hould provide 1m.othe r stimulus to this t .. heory and 9 most importruit 1 a check on it. As r-ega.rds the possible uses of' MHD probes 1 the number of flows which w19 cannot analyse and which need irnrestigatin~ are Jj_m.itless, However, it is more important to concent,rat e on flows ;;ib6ut which we have some theoretical understanding. One such is t he onBet or turbulence in narrow channels; this type of flow has IM-inly been exarrtlned by . en~mal pressure measurements~ and upon these a huge body of semi- empiric al theory is built. This theory badly needs verification .by interral probe measu.rerp.ents.fl1s9 this particular flow is technologically the most important and, we feel, the one ·where most effortshould be concentrated. Our flow circuit is subject to rrany s erious defects v.hich mst be elliinated if more accurate im, asu.rem:mts are to be made. First, our choice of pump was disastrous, the f'low it produced was not smooth and the trouble caused by the wearing down of the pipes in it produced more spilling of .mercury than ever a small leak from a centrifugal pump would cause. Having seen the flow circuits o:f Moreau arrl lecocq 1 we feel sure that, if a cir~~it with two free surfaces is to be used, a centrifugal pump is quite sa.tisfa<;to:ry. HoweverJ from the published accounts of the flow rigs at Riga, it is not clear whether the Russians, 'Who use closed circuits with electromagnetic pumps, achieve more or less steady flows tha,n those using centrifugal pumps. This point must be resolved before any satisfactory measurements are to be made on the onset of instability in }1HD flows. Another point to be resolved con- cerns the best design of weirs for use ,,r.i t h mercury. The one we designed seemed to induce an tmsteady flow over them, perhaps because they were circular in shape. Some e:x:pari r...ent s should be done to find that design of weir whic.;t/t*e least amount of mercury and yet produces a steady flow over it. -151- J.leferences. Abbas, S. (1966) Ahlstrom, H.G. (1961~). Alty, C.J.N. (1966). Berezin, D.A. (1963), Baylis, J.A. (1966). Bo:imhorst, W,J. (1965) •. Braginskii, s.r. (1960). Branover, G.G. et a.1.(1966). Branover, G.G. ~ Lielausis, o. Chandrasekhar, s. (1961). Changt C.C. and Lundgren, (1961). T.S. Chang, C.C. and Yen.J.T.(1962). Chiang, D. (1965). -152- Ph.D.Thesis. University College 9 London. Experiments on the upstrerun wake :tn magnetc~fluid-dynamics. J .Fluid.Mech. 12., 205. 'MagnEt ohydrodynamic duct flow'. Ph. D~ Thesis Cambridge University. Stable motion of an electrica.lly conducting .fluid in a rectangular tube in the i;resence o:t a t.r~nsve:rse magnetic field. Z.P-.L""ikl.Mekh. Tekh.Fiz.Noo3 9 155. (National Lending Library Translation). Ph. D/Thesis. Cambridge University. MHD effect in open-channel flow. A.I.A.A.J·. p.1181. 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Tra.nsL F=2~.1 , Sept .. 1964. I 11 I Table 8.1. B • .. t .,,, 1' ' U 2·.l.1n d1.,_ .. ~t f,.J',L .. 1 a si ,c:, , ;_a · a .1 or rr x - ,. . v t, ~-~~-------·~= Cross-section dimensi ons~ 2a = ¥ 11611 9 2b = 2.37511 o Properties of mE,rmn'.''Y (NK3 U:.c'1its) ~ Density of meths, e M 103 rn=J / 1. 0M3 x rn·) ~120 x iC3 25° 13€5 x 103 i t!'? , =--3 I r, .J•- .JC 10 'I a03L. x rn6 , 8:12 x w3 (This data is also us .d i n tabL':le E\5 a!1d 8~ ·1 ·;) Rs;ynolds number , R == (-'3:-J f?°'-/-P( u = 73 ci at 2c., c " Pressure gradient s i.n fuUy de,ve1op1:;d la1ni11ar i'lowg H = O, 1·rhence Jk/J~ .·1' .r1 li .i.'} . ,,,"'/.,"'.,,,,, J 1 / J.,,,._ 1· - · -in~, 1-, "',-.. ,~ ·r ... . L~.., ""'o ...__. t .. ._. .. J) V' Yl..f (f i:;.: .. l.1. J.. t.; .1 .:.. .... ·.,_; V ...... meths per inch of duct 9 calculr3. ti ons of d t\ / d j!. ~ h_ being ma.nome ',I?!' reading ,, 1-'I~ -,mit :subseqU.•\:lnt foll,::n,, f::•on this cne) . d p/12: =- ~et 36-(. +~ ... hM- 1/M) Velocity profiles in fully developed J..amine,r :flm,;g M = 0~ ? ·.:. _} Q ( /- 1:iL/Al) ~l!). 6- whence JAPif / I) ~ tJ 4J>Lt { 1~ 'JY a9 (Qin cc/se~,. tlP,f' in inches of rneths) . Q M ( I - WJh (11 /()_) Z-,,-(r · M -- -t"""' t.. M =1 57·- Table $. 2. Static pressure drop in duc t I when M = O. _Q (c.c./sec) /J.~6/a (inches of meths/cc/sec)o 3,62. 3Q 86 4.B2 3.13 5.10 5~38 5.1+7 5.57 3.56. J.7h. Mean ""'3o59 Theoretical Value = 3~6k standard dev, ation (s . d)=.28 Table 8 9 3. P:ttot tube r eadings in I wh~n M = O; . circuJAr fu.. . Q (e.c/sec) 3.32 4.00 4.1 l~ 4.41 5.30 5. 51 6 .. 15 6.25 6050 Cl P,p/fr1 / 111>,,. / I) 11/'r\elt:i/ ~c/~)l.. =2 3.1Sx 10=3 5464 x 10 2.00 4,.J/? 2.06 li-,S3 2o51 5~01 2.64 5. 1 a 2.66 5.16 2.12 h."60 2.28 1,. "78 2.37 k .. 87 Mean = 2 .42 x 10-3 =2 4 .. 91 x 10 s.d. .= .35 x 10=3 =2 c30 .x 1 O (i oe• 14.5% of' mean ) (i.e., 6.1% of mean) =3 =2 Theoretical Value = 2 .. 34 x 10 1.,,.81~ x 10 Note: ( 1) Q c::::.. 7 c .c./ sec so that flow is in linear regime . (2) the square root of the mean value o:f N,,/£;7 A.fp/ 4_._92 __ and so very close t o th e me~n value of .fi;Jfr, / &t.,p/61" Thus to calculate Mip/ [} l) we can cal culate t;.P,p/~ '>[ and then take its square root= a much simpler process . Table S.4. Pitot tube readiwrn ::Ln duct I ,,!ten M. = o~ flat·2endeid ti:Q,. Q (c.c/sec) 3.00 %:;,!!.n value :::: 2. 37 s~d.= ~1h.(6% of .mean) 4.10 1~~-41 h.62 :;.10 5.51 B.35 2 .. 31 2.32 2.53 2.62 Theioretica.l Value = 2.31J.. 2.23 2.23 Table B.5. Bas:!_c _ data .f9...r .611 x.3" duct (II}. Cross='2e~tion dimen..<:iions; 2a ""' "600 18 9 2b :::::: 3. 01011 • Distance between probe and du ct entry = 22 11 Calibrat.i..on of .flmvmsiter (Mark II)~ Q = J3V; (Qin c.c/sec, V in mV). Maxi.mum flowrate ' .06 litres/sec. Rey-nolds number, R, = 5? .2Q ( () ) Ha.rtman.11 nu.mb er, M = BO x 213. 3 , at 20 c t Theoretical pressure g1"a.dient for la.mi.nar, 1u.Uy developed flow ~ M=O dl - ,. 6'-, I -t Q T-i : )(, 0 M >>1 'o ~ i M 61_ (1- ~s-2.. 11 J_ f' ) ~'df -+ 4tt3 6- fr M'l1- M db.. '; '2.! g'B !-., x I o -r . V t:j di {I - • l~t, M-'h. - f-1-,) ) using the result of Shercliff (1953) . Entl"IJ length (1) whe. .... M >>-1 ~ l = ~R/M. (Shercliff (1956))0 Hence, since l = 2011 , R/M ~ 62 for full;r developed flow in our ductc P1.tot tube measurerrent,s in the core when M » 1 ~ -159- where A • AP. + t> P, , e, Po i ,}_ t "i.' ~ f. e 6/'-I (/i,:, {,--( I - · I flt 11-.... H ~I) )._'2..., N = (TB r;'" {d, op,(;., )le "c, is used ft:r P.i:tr,t t ubes with circuh,r . tips 9 and the s:m.alJ.est 1nlua of "\" or bp :ts 1J;:H:id t•o:r· flcttte:ned t5-ps~). ol.... is an ,13.rbitrary constar1t t l'> he measured., a:nd where A~ tip measured in the +z d..i.recti.on. Electric potentia l probe measnrement.s ~ If A.tip i s th ~ potential . dif f siremc e between the p:t•o be tip an cj t.he tayping (5) at y={)~ x = b = 1. 505n 9 then in the cor$ when M :>.> 1 9 the larninar flow theo1"'y is that. ~ =- lFc.. Bo {t- H- 1) =- ~ /- M -, ) Bo l::,,.x_. 4A6-(/- 1 r'1f1- 11'--/1-J ,,lhence ~ ~ 1 -6 2. ,10 -4 Ii. t;-"- V ( I - · 18411 -,,,._ -,. D(tl-31,)) In the boundary layer on the wru.1 at x = b 9 &r) - a (AcJ>J - /. ( Ii.A )! \ ~ ~ - Botlrc._-:-~ /+-OY:J -1 ) where 6..c_ is,the core value o:f ~ o Using the result of Shercliff (1953) 9 b ·4 xl t)-S 8(> l1-yL l/ U- · ,037'7 ,0{)9~i ~030 a68 1 ~ 1 B 3.ld+ ,,046 .ot,-50 Q009B ~-.009. ~6i =,32 Hean value o:f ex, Ql l = .389 Sodo =.4 Hean value c.f 1'J" -,- .,82 {b) i,¥J.ensions ; .Qj!i:!! o.d."" .020!l Ldo >T \J 1. 95 ~Ok9 .. 011~5 .0105 .045 l+o, 51~ c6S 2,.60 .058 co0258 .,Ot4.1 .,Ol~6 3,.40 052 3.35 -~0'77 00l~2g ~OH!i 0052 2.65 ~L-6 3., 35 .,058 00428 .. 001 £51 ~033 2.65 .,29 cZ" - .1+9 =161= Table 8.8 7 .fi_tot, tube erl"f)J.".§ in tL.. {flattened_ P = 1.2. F (b) saine Pi tot tube: M ,,,,. 251 • 1. 7$ LB1 2.25 2o43 2.81~ 3.5? 3.92 .0?5 ,.079 ;,092 , 062 "129 • 1 '11 ., 157 .. 0125 ~0129 .0:200 .. 0233 00318 .. 0318 ,03913 ?050'i .. 0607 s.d. - .,25 .0098 a010 ~012 .-013h .,0157 ,,0157 a018 ~0197 .• 0217 A c067 ~052 ~Ol/1 .065 ,,012 1;061 ~01~1 -~075 N i.79 1 ~ 76 Lli.2 1.31 1 .. 12 L12 1.00 IX. 3.,0 L7 ~92 Table 8 .. 9 .. Pitot tub-e .error in du1::t II . (flatt ened tip, ap>>bp) Tip dimension. .,073 11 x .. 0.21~ 11 ; M tv253 (Fig.,8o12a) • M v APrT' -~Po -~ fs . D. N (>(_ 252 2.71 0055 o02SO ,,0145 ,,042 2()34 ,.6!+ 255 2o85 c:, 047 0031 .. 0153 ~031 2.-66 r, 38 253 3.,38 .. 055 .,01/35 ,,01a1 .~030 1.,88 ir3? 253 3,,55 . 060 ~048 .0190 ~031 1.,79 .,36 253 3.92 .065 ., 0585 .0210 0027 1.62 .. 29 With N based on bp, o<.. = ~l+O -With N based on Dr,, (>(.~ = ,.24. Table 8~ 10 . Electric_12oterrtfal nrnasul"t-'Jffients in core flow of d·qg_t, IL x inches .. 003 .,753 . 003 .753 .. 003 r.753 B 02 wb/.m . 196 .; 655 1. 160 M 140 "°lf>O .. 0 t)b' ~ ( 0 f :!, ii . 'L· , l,03 rt .271 ± "01 .,1~.15 rn .4?13 :t $001 .,250 t ,,002 ( f:4;/VJk::: 0 Theoretical - ~q,/ V )> t.:: - :,_1- value o 1Y1v'/""'tf <>3?'7 ± ~012 -.396 ~130 = ~003 ~1305 ,.227 ± .. 003 .,2305 Note (1) the values of Ap/V ar·e mean.vt'i11H:H, ·deri~Jing from ~~veral readings of &p at various values of V,,, (2) The pr ob e used is thc1.t shown :!.n fig~S.,12(a, )~ Table 8. 11. Ba.sic data of 2! 11 x 31~ d~i;,.t. (JI]l. Cross-section dimension s: 2a == 2 .• lil:i6 11 9 2b = 3,.010 11 • Positions of tappings .rela. tive to (5) in +z direction: (1) =46 11 ; (2) -44.5"; (3) -23 '. '; (l~ ) ~1L2511 ; (5).0; (6) 71'6 Reynolds number 1 R = 1930 x V = '!Y.i.i5 .. 5 Q; where Q is in c.c/sec. and V is in mV. Hartmann number" M = 820 B • 11it1ere B is in wb/m2 • ' o - 0 Flowmeter calibmtion 9 Q =~ i3.0 V., Pr"~ssu:;'."~ gradient in fully devel oped l flow (Hunt 1 1965): 1£._ - az (··3~ . .1. )-, 7>2 - + -f - -4a3(r · l;-M3'12.- f1l.- '11ome dk/h = ,s;. x/D-~ v 11Y•-/(1+ "M~Zj The theoretical velocity &id pot~"F·;~.01 profiles in the boundary lci,ye:r at x = h may be found from ( i,:,.;1:-;.t 9 1965) . In the c ore the potential relat ive to tapping (5 ) (x = b 1 y = o) is theoretically: ' I '-t C/ x to-~ go V (j_-1- 4· 02. / M '10 To calmile;te t.r~ fr•om A Psi:, we use the experimental value of dh/dz to :1:'ini::" 6'P_s and the value of' !)(._ for the .MHD correction factor of the f l-9.t t en e;d Pitot tube f r om the table 80 9 • ., i..e. _,4,; so that ,6 Ps-P ~ l e ~ 2- (I+- ,y... o- 841..frp \ + b. f.s 2-. '(: ,.,-i- J Thenct?. 1re cal ir::nla:t-e ~. Note th8,t {j & < 0 since the probe tip in th::1.:::; q_iase is .. ?5010 downstream. of tapping (5) * '.l'able 8 0·120 !'itot ~Mun duct IIIg M "" 9430 Ti :p dimensions e073" x e024". v I .,,~, .. b,~p ,:s +~ 0 0 lT' lT tr:j "'d.. ... ~I/ ~~·or v~'lf r,,,.l,,, , W't\ ll.U I it r- . I . I ·Ou~ •fO,o ·otR ·D.)A"' ·0'13 · i,43 1-~ l. ,S3 . .;2L,.3 . t,2.q •l)U' ·04tJ ·0£1 •05,'T . 4·1Jb . j' -o~ i: 222 l ·1t r061 '"~ff •/l,/ ' . . {) l.4 ·?J . 6'.l.F •till ·1H1? 'ft! ' !Jb? ·OU, •03/ ·ot,.r 3·67- 2~63 •2.rJ 1-04 •02.0 -on ·Ol,J> 'fXt8 ·, 3 ·K'o 2-?-6 •2,.o/ ·· 01.,q I ·06 ·01..z. '013 ·on-- -on· l-1·06 (. '14 !·04 ,222 ·018' ,() ·D7_3 ·064 ·690 -OW ' ()],..I ·OJ6 -c.n, 03rJ · 0 26 ·())'l . 'lf'tJ ·()?.S . 02.,. 1 . {)r-2 ·Or'V g-g;i 2·8'3 1 272 ,.,~ -t.:l 10 -o{r- ()t,r · 0'18 3-ro 2·]6 -1.-01. 1-'f~ - ·r,os- 0'11 ., ·Ol.ft, -x v f1' 5 + 1/= f·o, i/,v ·Ji? 'C) 'SCJ ·?l -·uo', ·02.1, 1-.o.i.o ; OU) 2 ·L1_r /, j-1) ',,, ff I ·8t - ·OtJS '027- •(2L ·r - ,013 ·Ol? ·O/S- !·06 - ·o,s- ·033 • Of '6' . o, I? 2-32 ., ·Jr- · IU, I '50 -· 034 • (> l(Q -tio6 H1q -· Of I) . ov6 • 036 ,114 . ts- - ·on • 01t • •035' 'C/) - ·oi.i .. . 1>2.q . 007· · 01'-, (-2-05i ~,~) /·(.d1 - ·065 ·O~q , 01.t ,1 14 ,q3 - ·()t,J '{.l2 q -·01, -2· 1'-, (: ,,r) - ' ·3/11 -q 3 - ·03J' ,ou, - ·Obb ~I.&>) t •/3 ) . 614 .q3 - "l>ID O)l.1 ·0/Cf z ·'58' 1•44 . I 1. (s i;t-e_ '2 ·t11 -·o7'S" 'IIO ·04S' J·61 "2·63 '{) 8 16.S- , Mech. (1965), vol. 21, part 4, pp. 577-590 577 ijagnetohydrodynamic flow in rectangular ducts By J. C. R. HUNT Central Electricity Research Laboratories, Leatherhead* (Received 27 July 1964) paper presents an analysis of laminar motion of a conducting liquid in a gular duct under a uniform transverse magnetic field. The effects of the having conducting walls are investigated. Exact solutions are obtained o cases, (i) perfectly conducting walls perpendicular to the field and thin of arbitrary conductivity parallel to the field, and (ii) non-conducting walls el to the field and thin walls of arbitrary conductivity perpendicular to eld. re boundary layers on the walls parallel to the field are studied in case (i) it is found that at high Hartmann number (M), large positive and negative rities of order Ml{, are induced, where l{, is the velocity of the core. It is ted that contrary to previous assumptions the magnetic field may in ,cases have a destabilizing effect on flow in ducts. Introduction le design of magnetohydrodynamic generators, pumps and accelerators ares an understanding of the flows of conducting fluids in rectangular with finitely conducting walls under transverse magnetic fields. At the 1nt time even the case of uniformly conducting incompressible laminar with no variation in the flow direction has not been fully analyzed. In this ~ we confine ourselves to problems of this type alone. The main character- s of such flows that need to be known are: .) the volumetric flow rate q through the duct for given pressure gradient magnetic field; .) the potential difference between electrodes placed in the walls; I the stability of the flow. nree exact solutions have been found for incompressible laminar flows nets with transverse magnetic fields : I) rectangular ducts with non-conducting walls and the field perpendicular ne side (Shercliff 1953); !) rectangular ducts with perfectly conducting walls (Chang & Lundgren l;Uflyand 1961); I) circular pipes with non-conducting walls (e.g. Gold 1962 and Fabri & lrunck 1960). Pproximate methods have been developed for the physically interesting I Seconded to the Department of Engineering Science, University of Wa rwick. 578 J.C. R. Hunt case of flows at high Hartmann number, M. For a rectangular duct with conducting walls Shercliff ( 1953) developed an approximate method for analy:~ the boundary layers on the walls parallel to the field and thence deduced and the potential distributions round the walls. By ignoring the reduction flow rate due to the boundary layers, he then found a first approximation fo in a duct of any cross-section, which was later extended to the case of du; with thin walls of any conductivity by Chang & Lundgren (1961). Sakao (196 used a variational method to find a second-order approximation for q in circul pipes. In finding the overall features of the flow at high M, approximate metho are often best since the exact solutions are in the form of infinite series who rate of convergence decreases for higher values of M. It is possible, however compare the expressions for q at high M obtained by the two methods. The 0 ' case hitherto of the approximate expression for q at high M agreeing with th derived from the exact solution is that of flow in a rectangular duct with no conducting walls (Williams 1963). In the same paper, using some lengthy math matics, Williams deduced an expression for q at high M from Chang & Lun gren's result for flow in a rectangular channel with perfectly conducting wal The asymptotic form of the exact solution for circular pipe flow at high provides an expression for q which differs from Shercliff's (1962a) and Sakao ( 1962) approximate expressions by a term due to the velocity defect in the bound ary layers. No satisfactory approximate or exact solutions exist for the most importai:r practical case of a rectangular duct with conducting walls parallel to the fie and non-conducting walls perpendicular to the field. Some observations on thi problem have been made by Shercliff (1962b, page 16) and by Braginskii (1960) Grinberg (1961, 1962) has attempted an exact analysis using a Green's functio.1 M agnetohydrodynamic flow in rectangular ducts 579 a,tive to the axes defined in figure 1, the equations describing such mag- ydrodynamic duct flows are: jx = cr(-orp/ox - v,,B0 }, jv = cr(-orp/oy ), ojxf ox + ojy/oy = 0, (1) (2) (3) (4) iv are the current components;

oo, /J;,Y;"' (t a1M)i(l ±0(1/M) ... ) "'\, where .:\1 = (t a1M )i, _ ([i - M /a1] cosh r11 l + id A r11 sinh r11 l) cosh r21i], (llhence K; "' t[exp{2(ta1 M)i l}J (1 + dA(ta1M )i ) (1 + 0(1/M)) K i "' @r)LJ [(f,Pt1 l) ( 1 "i" d A J..1)]. .... . N { ( I+,,.." j) o,cp(2,. Aj'() . 582 J.C. R. Hunt M agnetohydrodynamic flow in rectangular diwts For clarity we take the two cases of d A. = 0 and d A. = oo and consider the V, H and profiles in the boundary layer. If f =;+land = 0 at 17 = ± l , the L------------------------r-- for d.,i = 0, as M---;,. oo, 00 2(- l)j cosa-17 V - ~ M 2 1 [1- exp( -\f){cos(\f)-M/aisin (.:\.f)}] j = O aj 1 , 00 2( - 1 )i sin a· 17 H - i;O M 2ai 1 [-(M/ai)+exp(-\f){(M/ai) cos(\ f)+sin(;\s')}], (17 In contrast with the exact solutions for rectangular and circular pipes with non-conducting walls, the higher terms in these series decrease exponentially and therefore it is a good approximation to consider the first few terms only. Hence we see that the V, H, and boundary layer profiles approximately have the form of exponentially damped sine waves, the thickness of the layers being O(M-i). In figures 2 and 3 velocity profiles when dA. = 0 are plotted for various values of 'Y/ at M = 100 and for various values of M at 17 = 0. In figure 4, the velocity profiles when da = oo are plotted for various values of 'Y/ at arbitrary M, provided M }> 1. Here the abscissa Mif provides a universal plot, when M }> 1. Note that in all cases V/~---;,. 1 as f-;,. oo. The dramatic effect on the flow of varying the conductivity of the walls AA is seen by comparing figures 3 and 4. When d A = oo (figure 4) the maximum velocity in the boundary layer A is greater than the core velocity though of the same order; but when dA. = 0 (figure 3), the maximum velocity is O(M)f,; and the minimum velocity is negative provided Mis high enough. We can deduce from (16) that the maximum velocity tends to 0·25~ as M -;,.oo, whilethe minimum velocity becomes locally negative for M > 89 and tends to - O·Oll ll!Ya as M ---;,. oo. The physical reason for the effect on the flow of varying d A w~en M }> 1 may be seen from equation (13) which shows that the form of the velocity profile depends on d A. Mi, the ratio of the conductance of the wall to that of the boundary layer on the wall A. Thus when d A. Mi }> 1 the currents return to the walls BB through the walls AA and when d A. Mt ~ 1 the currents return to t~e walls BB through the boundary layers on walls AA. These effects are shown ID figures 5 a and b. In the first case the j x B drag force remains almost as high in the 0AI A 0AIA 0 "' t-- 6 '° 6 "' 6 '<:!' 6 "' 6 0l 0 -6 4J) 583 -+:> ~ "' .st.. al O Oil d :rl ~ ::1 ;::,..- --- d ;::,.. > 00 4s ::I 0 0 ...:: ·c 0.. al d > ... ... Cl '2 o-0 I -II II ~; o· 0 ... II (l) >, "l~ ~ ~ H~ (l) -0 _g~ § u O . ,.:, 584 J.C. R. Hunt boundary layer as it is in the core and in the second case the j x B dra £ decreases to zero at the walls, which explains why the velocities in the bo!i;: layer are much less when d.,,_ = oo than when d.,,_ = 0. The reason for the la ~ositive and negativ~ velo~ities whe~ d.,,_= 0 is diffi~ult to explain simply,~ it appears that relative to its value m the core, the J x B force increases at t outer edge of the boundary layer, where the negative velocity occurs, before decreases near the wall, where the large positive velocities occur. ::,..~ --::,.. 1·4 .-------------------- 1·2 l ·O 0·8 0·6 0·4 0·2 l·O 2·0 Mif 3·0 4·0 FIGURE 4. Case I: dA = oo. Graph of V/V., against ,./111.f in the boundary layer at g = - l for various values of r, at any value of M, provided M ~ 1. Figures 2 and 4 show how little variation in velocity there is in the 71-directioD as compared with the f direction which is to be expected since the magnetic field tends to damp only the vorticity perpendicular to it. M agnetohydrodynamic flow in rectangular ducts 585 ence, 00 8 { Mf(2a-)-l - d.,,_a2 } Q "' ~ 2( 2 M2 l + 3 3 t . i=Oai ai + ) Mai{l + d.,,_(iaiM)} (22) st term in this expression represents the velocity flux due to Hartmann tween the planes 17 = ± 1, while the second term is the change due to the ary layers on the walls AA. Note that the form of the second term depends Boundary layer Boundary layer Current lines ---f Current lines ----------- f Williams has worked out an asymptotic expansion for Q when dA = 00 al (b} M-+ oo in terms of 1/M. It is possible to use a simpler method than he used li\E S(a). Cross-section of the duct when dA = 00 and dB = 00 (M ~ 1). (Not to derive the same result and this same method may also beusedforanyvalueofd~) (b) Cross-section of the duct when dA = 0 and dB = oo (M ~ 1). (Not to scale.) We consider the expression for Qin equation (15) as M-+ oo and make thE same approximations as in equations (16) to (21). As M-+ oo, Myi/ai ~ Mil; /rJ:.he value of d.,,_JMi, the ratio of the conductance of the wall to that of the and /Ji c::: \, where i\.i c::: (iaiM)i. Hence for low values of j, such that ai P .Mbdary layer. If d.,,_ =OO, Myi/ai'?>/Ji. Also, as M-+oo, cosh2/Jilc:::sinh2/Jilc:::}exp(2l\) and henOI 00 l 39 00 1 cosh 2/Ji l '?;> cos 2/Ji l and sinh 2/Ji l '?;> sin 2yi l . Therefore from equation (IS) Q ,..., _±!,___ (1 - __!:_-) - ~ 8 f 23 c::: ~ (1 - 2-) - ---i-a ~ 3 , as M-+ 00 M 2 M i=O MzaJ M 2 M M21r• i=O (2i + l )z Q i; 8 {l+ (Mi\.i /ai)i{exp(2li\.i)} summingtheseries leadsto "'i=oaJ(aJ + M 2 ) 2i\.Ji[{exp(2li\.i)} (l+d.,,_\)J aid.,,_ i{exp (2l\)} } Q ,..., ;;2 (1-! -2l~~ + 0 (~2)) • - (aJ + M 2)lf[{exp(2l\)}(l + d.,,_il;)J ' 586 J. 0. R. Hunt M agnetohydrodynamic flow in rectangular ducts 587 Hence the mean velocity v ,..., ( - op/oz) a2 (1 _ ___!:_ _ 2·40a) z 17M2 M bMt . satisfy the boundary conditions on s = ± l by expressing V and H as series ins, with coefficients functions of 17, In the exact expression derived by Williams the coefficient of the third term 2·43. If d = 0, 4l ( 1) 00 64 Qrv - 1- - +~ M 2 M j = O Mi!- (2j + l)t 00 1 = ~ ak cos cxk;, k=O 1r 2(-l)k cxk = (k+f)z and ak = cxkl 1·20 4l ( 1 ) ,..., Mt+ M 2+ 0 Mi . Hence the mean velocity ·uting these values for V and H into (7) and (8) again leads to two differential equations for vk and hk -; ,..., ( - op/oz) a2 {~ 0·30 .2_ oo, using the methods of In this case walls AA are non-conducting, d A = 0, and walls BB have arbrtraliains (1963) and it is easily seen that the leading term is O(M-!) in agreement conductivity, dn. The boundary conditions on V and Hare the previous result (24). The significance of this term has already been at 17 = ± 1, V = 0, oH/017 = +HfdB,} (21Ssedin §3. ·~ and at s = ± l, V = O, H = O. ·oin (26) we may see that V and Q depend on dB M, the ratio of the conduc- "I' I I , I 'I 588 J.C. R. Hunt tance of the walls BB to that of the boundary layers on BB. Decreasing d makes the current induced in the core return through the Hartmann 1 B . ayers BB and hence reduces the electro-magnetic drag on the flow. This in turn d out the sinusoidal form of the boundary layers on AA and for some fini~ no negative velocities will be induced in these layers. In examining the case when the walls are non -conducting, Shercliff derived the exact solution for ( V + B), but found that this solution gave lit information about the boundary layers at s = ± lowing to the slow converge of the series. Then by assuming that, in the boundary layers on s = ± z, he found a self-similar solution for ( V + B). Thence he was able to work out velocity deficiency in the boundary layer. Shercliff's method is not applica to cases other than dB= 0 and d A = 0; no other type of self-similar soluti has yet been found. M agnetohydrodynamic flow in rectangular ducts 589 yers on the walls AA is O(M) vz, and since the thickness of these boundary is O(a.11£-t), the Reynolds number of the boundary layer Rb.1. = O(aMt) v2 /v, vis the kinematic viscosity. Hence (29) R is the overall Reynolds number of the flow in the duct (R = v2 a/v). , for given R, Rb.I. increases with M; hence the critical overall Reynolds ber at which the boundary layer becomes unstable is reduced by increasing Note, however, that away from the remote walls AA the flow would be very e. w consider an approximately square duct with a/b = 0(1). We see from tion (24) that in this case most of the flow is in the boundary layers on AA. mean velocity in the boundary layers on AA is O(M) ve, where ve is the core ity, and since the thickness of these boundary layers is O(aM-t), the overall fn velocity is given by 5. Conclusion v2 ::: O[(Mvexa2M-t+vexab)/ab]::: O[Miveafb]. Though this study is far from complete, it does indicate the need for fort 'f Jb O[l] R O[MJ. / ] d · R - O[Miav /"] ce 1 a = , ::: 2 av v an since b 1 - e .- , theoretical and experimental study of M H D flows in ducts with conducting wa e · · First, it is not difficult in a mercury experiment to raise M to values greatt R::: Rb.I.· (30) than 100, and the effects predicted by the theory should be observable. r h" fd t .c • R R d t · "th M Co par· . . . 1or t 1s type o uc J.Or given •, b 1 oes no mcrease w1 . m mg Secondly, the stab1hty of the boundary layers on the walls AA m the prese d ) . d" t th t th th· · t. h d t th th t• fi ld an (30 m 1ca es a e mner e uc e more e magne 1c e of excess velocity and reversed flow needs theoretical examination. The anal d b"I" th fl · th b d I AA to esta 11ze e ows m e oun ary ayers on . of the steady-state duct flow problem does not depend on the value of . 1. th t th .c f th 1 ·t fil f t• . . . tis important to rea 1ze a e J.Orms o e ve oc1 y pro es are unc 10ns Reynolds number R or the magnetIC Reynolds number Rm, but the stab1hty d R Th 1 .t h t d dfl · th b d an not us ve om y overs oo an reverse ow can occur in e oun - such a flow depends on R, Rm, and M. In most practical situations Rm 1 ·AA t b"t .1 11 R ld b w ot ayers on a ar 1 ran y sma eyno s num er. e cann assume, and we can ignore the Alfven wave motions associated with Rm~ 1. c h h b d 1 1 t bl M ,..,... th ·11 . . . 1 1ore t at t ese oun ary avers are a ways uns a e as --,,.=: ey w1 Rm~ 1 the stability analysis depends onlyonR andM. Lock (1955) hasana Y bl 'b bl t ffi . tl u II R Id b h t th 1 the stability of Hartmann flow and found that in realistic cases the magne a y e sta e a su men y sma eyno s num ers, w a ever e va ue field stabilizes the flow by its effect on the equilibrium velocity profile and h II f th d t II .c tl d t· (d d ,..,...) th • • • • • • • • • • ...J en t e wa s o e uc are a y con uc mg A = B = = e by mh1b1tmg the growth of small disturbances, smce this 1s dommated byviscU1 .t fil f th b d 1 1 t · · t f · fl · (fi 4) effects. We can then make some qualitative predictions about the stability chi Y pro _e .0 Me oudn arythayRers a soldcon ainbs pomt 8 hio. Ihn tehxwnb gudre d ence ra1smg re uces e eyno s num er a w c ese oun ary the flows studied above, based on our knowledge of the stability of boun b bl B t. thi .c M::,.... 1 th I ·t · th b d I h th · . fi ld 1rs ecome unsta e. u m s case J.Or ? eve om y m e oun ary ayers w en ere 1s no magnetic e . . · d · h b d L t · h b·1· f h b d 1 h 11 AA · a dwlrs on AA 1s of the same order as the core velomty an smce t e oun ary e us examme t e sta 1 1ty o t e oun ary ayers on t e wa s m thi k . 0 M-1 . . . . . aJlr c ness 1s (a 1!) with perfectly conductmg walls perpendicular to the field and msulatmg w ' R = O(M-t) R parallel to the field (dA = 0, dB = oo). As M-,,.oo, there is an increasing number c b.l. •· points of inflexion in the velocity profile which indicates that the higher M thelo"'ovided a/b < Mt the shape of the duct does not matter.) Therefore in contrast the Reynolds number at which the flow in the boundary layers becomes un~~a~the former case (d A = O; dB = oo ), raising M at given R may first tend to de- (figure 3). The degree to which the magnet~field is likely t? be dest~biliz~ilize the flow in the boundary layers on AA and then ~o stabi_Zize_it. . depends also on the shape of the duct. If a/b ~ M-t, a very thin duct with wa.Jriie only tentative conclusion we can draw from this qualitative analysis AA much shorter than walls BB, the mean velocity in the duct closely approach\hat, for flow in a rectangular duct with conducting walls, the value of the the core velocity and most of the flow is in the core. (For a/b i M-t most of ~ran Reynolds number at which the boundary layers on walls AA become flow is in the boundary layers on AA (§ 3)) . Then the mean velocity in the b0Ull'ltable decreases as the Hartmann number increases. This may be contrasted 590 J. G. R. Hunt 563 to the case of flow in a plane channel where it has been shown both th . . • eoret1ca r Mech. (19~5),. vol. 23, part 3, pp. 563-581 iii Great Britain and experimentally, that the magnetic field stabilizes the flow. Thirdly, we have only discussed flows in ducts whose walls are either conductors of insulators and it would be of interest to study the cases w/er£ walls have finite conductivity. When all the walls are non-conduct' ere t M h 1 . mga ~ 1, t eve oc1ty profile in the boundary layers on the walls AA has no . agnetohydrodynamic flow in rectangular ducts. II By J. C. R. HUNT of inflexion and the flow in such a duct is probably stabilized by the m/ 0 field. Hence it is likely that uniformly lowering the conductivity of th/;e will tend to stabilize the flows in the boundary layers. And lastly we have a considered contact resistance, though it would not be difficult to include it in; analysis. Central Electricity Research Laboratories, Leatherhead* AND K. STEWARTSON Department of Mathematics, University College London (Received 26 April 1965) I should like to express by thanks to Dr J. A. Shercliff for the help he h given me and for the interest he has shown in this work. paper is an extension of an earlier paper by Hunt (1965) on laminar motion conducting liquid in a rectangular duct under a uniform transverse magnetic The effects of the duct having conducting walls are further explored; The work has been carried out under the sponsorship of the Central Electrici Research Laboratories, and is published by permission of the Central Electrici Generating Board. 's case the duct considered has perfectly conducting walls parallel to the and non-conducting walls perpendicular to the field. A solution is obtained REFERENCES BRAGINSKII, S. I. 1960 Sov. Phys. J.E.T.P. 10, 1005. CHANG, C. C. & LUNDGREN, T. S. 1961 Z. angew. Math. Phys. 12, 100. FABRI, J. & SIESTRUNCK, R. 1960 Bull. Assoc. Tech. Marit. Aero. no. 60, 333. GoLD, R. A. 1962 J. Fluid Mech. 13, 505. GRINBERG, G. A. 1961 Appl. Math. Mech. (Prik. Mat. Mek.), 25, 1536. GRINl3ERG, G. A. 1962 Appl. Math. Mech. (Prik. Mat. Mek.), 26, 106. LocK, R. C. 1955 Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 233, 105. SAKAO, F. 1962 J. Aero Space Sci. 29, 246. SHERCLIFF, J. A. 1953 Proc. Oamb. Phil. Soc. 49, 136. SHERCLIFF, J. A. 1956 J. Fluid Mech. 1, 644. SHERCLIFF, J. A. 1962a J. Fluid Mech. 13, 513. SHERCLIFF, J. A. 1962b The Theory of Electromagnetic Flow Measurement. University Press. UFLYAND, Y. S. 1961 Sov. Phys. -Tech. Phys. 5, 1194. WILLIAMS, W. E. 1963 J. Fluid Mech. 16, 262. ,iigh Hartmann numbers by analysing the boundary layers on the walls. solution involves an integral equation of a standard form. is found that in this case, unlike the cases studied in the earlier paper, velocity profiles in the boundary layers are monotonically decreasing. effect of an external electrical circuit is examined, although it is found that ies not influence the form of the velocity profiles. Introduction nefully-developed laminar flow of uniformly conducting and incompressible ~ through ducts under the action of a transverse magnetic field is attracting iderable interest at the present time, mainly for two reasons. Cambrid~st, magnetohydrodynamic generators, pumps and accelerators are devices iactical importance in which conducting fluids are passed through transverse netic fields. The analysis of the flow in these devices is formidable for one ·have to take into account the variable conductivity and density of the fluid, plicated potential drops between the electrodes and the fluid and the fact ·the flow is usually turbulent. In order to make progress in the understanding 1e phenomena therefore, considerable simplification is necessary which may ·various forms, e.g. (a) an assumption of slug flow (Neuringer & Migotsky I), (b) a reduction of the problem to one-dimensional gas dynamics (Resler ears 1958), (c) a two-dimensional analysis of the development of the laminar ndary layer on the walls in the direction of the flow (Kerrebrock 1961; e & Kerrebrock 1964), (d) a two-dimensional analysis of the flow down the !assuming that it is inviscid (Sutton & Carlson 1961), or (e) the form used in present paper, two-dimensional analysis of the flow variation across the tassuming that it is laminar, fully developed and that there is no variation "Uid properties throughout the duct. These various idealizations are comple- I Seconded to: School of Engineering Science, University of Warwick, Coventry. 36-2 I I 564 J. 0. R. Hunt and K. Stewartson mentary in that they each extract some of the basic physical ideas, and colle tively it is hoped that they will prove useful in interpreting more complica physical situations. Secondly, this theory of duct flows can be tested in laboratory experimen with liquid metals. The uncertainty in the experimental results can be reduc to below 1 %, and consequently these experiments provide critical tests fort theory, in marked contrast with the majority of magneto-fluid dynamic e periments. Since most magnetohydrodynamic generators and pumps have a rectangul cross-section, we shall confine ourselves to examining rectangular ducts. Exa solutions have been obtained for laminar flows of uniformly conducting inco pressible fluids through rectangular ducts with thin conducting walls und transverse magnetic fields by Chang & Lundgren (1961), Uflyand (1961) a Magnetohydrodynamic flow in rectangiilar ducts. 11 565 ually the walls AA are electrically connected and either the duct supplies nt to a load or a potential difference is placed across the walls AA to drive 0w. We show that if the walls AA are sufficiently highly conducting, the al electric circuit has no effect on the mathematical problem and that it is 'al calculation to work out its effect on the flow parameters. Some examples rnal circuits are given. In comparing the cases where the walls AA are ucting and the walls BB are non-conducting and where all the walls are ucting we find as before, that the conductivity of the walls has a marked on the flow in the boundary layers on the walls AA; we also find that in cases the conductivity of the walls in the corners is important since the nt distribution in the corners affects the rest of the flow in the boundary Hunt (1965). Chang & Lundgren and Uflyand analysed the case in which all t he formulation of the problem and the basic solution walls were perfectly conducting. Hunt analysed (i) the case in which the wa e consider the steady flow of an incompressible conducting fluid driven by a perpendicular to the field (walls BB, in figure 1) were perfectly conducting a ure gradient along a rectangular duct under an imposed transverse magnetic those parallel to the magnetic field (walls AA) were thin and of arbitrary co We assume that no secondary flow is generated and that there is no varia- ductivity, and (ii) the case in which the walls BB were thin and of arbitra either in the duct cross-section or in the imposed magnetic field, with dis- conductivity and the walls AA were non-conducting. Thus he included the P z along the duct. It is also postulated that any external circuit connected vious author's analysis as a special case of (i) · Hunt also examined the form oft e conducting walls of the duct is continuous and unvarying in the stream wise solutions for large M where Mis the Hartmann number, and found that var · t' (Th' d 't' b 1 d ·f tl d t' 't · ffi · tl ' 1011. IS con 1 1011 may e re axe 1 1e con uc 1v1 y 1s su men y the conductivity of the walls AA dramatically altered the form of the veloci 1) Th 11 h . 1 t't' t · d d t f R 1 t· . . us a p ys1ca quan 1 ies excep pressure are m epen en o z. e a 1ve profile in the boundary layers on walls AA and also theveloc1tyflux through them d fi d . fi 1 th t· d ·b· h fl . 'le axes e ne 111 gure , e equa 10ns escn mg sue ows are: ,vhen the walls AA are non-conducting and the walls BB perfectly conducting, hi found that large positive and negative velocities of order M ve are induced, whel'I Jx = er (- orp - vzBo ') , Jy = er(- !if>) , (2.1) ve is the velocity of the core. This fact indicates that the magnetic field may de . . ox Y stabilize the flow in certain types of duct. It is this effect of the conductivit: OJx + OJv = O, jx = oHZ, · oHz (2_2) of the walls on the flow which gives the problem its physical interest and suggest ox oy oy Jv = -8x, the need for solving the outstanding problems. . 0 = _ 0 /oz +. B + -(0 2vz + 02vz). (2 3) In ducts of most practical value the walls AA are conductmg and the wall 'P Jx O µ ox2 oy2 · BB are non-conducting; this case is not included in any of those exami~ed 1\jx, jY are the components of the current, if> is the electric potential, ~ Hunt and at present no complete analytic solution is available. Grmbe~e induced field and may also be regarded as a current stream function B f . t ' 0 (1961 , 1962) has, however, reduced the problem to the solution o a_n m eg~eflux density of the imposed magnetic field, vz is the velocity, er the conduc- equation, whose kernel is the Green's function for the problem and mvolves ,'J, µ, the viscosity and op/oz the pressure gradient which is a constant. The double infinite series of Bessel funtions. When the Hartmann number M 1itions can be re-written to give two coupled second-order partial differential large, only the leading terms of this series need be retained and he was thl\tions in Hz and vz, viz. able to solve the simpler equation. In order to determine the current an: ( 02v 02v ) oH op velocity distribution and the mass flux down the tubes, however, furthernuroel'l ji ox; + oi +Bo oyz _ oz = 0, (2.4) cal work needs to be done. In this paper we approach the ~roblem_ of the f!o, 1 02H 02H ovz at high Hartmann numbers using a boundary-layer techmque whrnh has _th -(--t + 0 t) +B08 = 0. (2.5) advantage that the analysis is more transparent and it is easier to form a physief, er 0 ~ Y Y picture of the properties of the magnetic and velocity fields. Expressions ~etake the lengths ~fthe sides of the channel to be 2a ~nd 2b (_see figur~ 1) obtained for the leading terms in the expansion of the flux through the due~ I suppose that the sides y = ± ~ (BB) are non-conductmg, while the. s~des descending powers of Ml. Also diagrams and a graph are displayed show:±b (AA) are perfectly conductmg. It follows that the boundary condit10ns representativevelocityandmagneticfieldsin theneighbourhoodofthewalls · vz = 0, oHzfox = 0 when y = ±a, (2.6) where their structure is complicated. Vz = 0, oHzf ox = 0 when x = ± b. ./ (2. 7) 566 J. C. R. Hunt and, K. Stewartson M agnetohydrodynamic flow in rectangular ducts. II 567 Thus on the walls y = ± a, H,, is independent of x and consequently we can mo . e consistency of the results. For large M the interior of the duct may be ed into five parts, as indicated in figure 2. These are: (2.6)to Hz = H1 when y = a; v,, = 0, H,,=~ when y =-a, where Hi, H2 are constants. The net current I leaving and entering the walls per unit length of the duct is simply related to Hi, H2 : ) The core region consisting of the majority of the interior but excluding eighbourhoods of the walls. ) The primary or Hartmann layers, of thickness O(M-1), near the walls +l but excluding the regions distant O(M-t) from the side walls g = ± c. We -e word primary for these boundary layers to emphasize their control of the t Y1 'Y/ f B ·~ 2a A A r 'H; B 2b -~ FIGURE 1. Cross-section of a rectangular duct with the magnetic field in the y-direction. The walls AA lie at x = ± b and BB at y = ± a. (2 in the core (a) and to distinguish them from (c). O(M-1) · O(M-11•) A (c) I I B (b) ----\------ (a) Primary or Hartmann boundary layer Core -~---~---------------(e) I (d) I (b) B Secondary boundary layer F IGURE 2. Cross-section of the duct showing the various regions of flow when M ~ 1 (not to scale) . The. gove~ning equations ~n_d boundary conditions may now be reduced to I The secondary boundary layers, of thickness O(M- 1), near the walls non-d1menswnal form by wntmg ± c, so called because they are determined from the core flow and the primary g = x/a, 1J = y/a, M = aB0(cr/µ)t, (2.1\dary layers but do not exert a decisive control on them in return. a2P Vz = -=-V(£,?J), µ The equations satisfied by v, hare I) Those parts of the primary boundary layers at a distance O(M- i) but (2.l"[-1 from the side walls g = ± c. )Those parts of the interior of the duct within a distance O(M-1) of the four (2.l~ers. Hhese regions (e) is of the least importance and the most difficult to treat n M is large; we shall discuss it only by order of magnitude arguments. other regions can, however, be discussed in detail as follows. ~t . 2.1. Coreflow (a) subject to v = 0, h = 0 when 1J = ± 1, ,e this region extends over almost the whole duct it follows that 8/8£, 8/81] d v = O, 8h/8i: = 0 when i: = ± b/a = ± c. (2.1,0(1) . Further, from the boundary conditions and differential equations h an s s \tbe odd and v even in 7/· Anticipating that v and hare of the same order of We are particularly interested in the properties of the solution when M ~Jnitude we then have from (2.13) that and to find them we proceed by a heuristic argument, relying for justificatic h =ho= - ?J/M, v = v0 = g(g)JM, (2.15) 568 J. C.R. Hunt and K. Stewartson Magnetohydrodynamic flow in rectangiilar ducts. I I where g(g) is a function off, to be determined, and terms of order M-2 have b ·tue of (2.23), together with the boundary conditions neglected. oh8/of, = o, v5 = - 1/M at f, = c, 1111 ~ 1, 2.2. The primary boundary layer (b) near 17 = 1 569 (2.26a) (2.26b) The core solution (2.15) fails to satisfy the bundary conditions at the walls a in particular at 17 = ± 1. Consequently there must be boundary layers near th walls to make the necessary adjustments in v and h and, since they are ex hy aving the immediate neighbourhood off, = 1. These obvious boundary con- ns are, however, insufficient to solve the differential equations (2.25) Jetely . In addition we must know something about v5 , h8 at a station or thesis thin, in them o/o?J }> of of, . (2. · us of 17. In the same way that region (b) provides the additional information etermine region (a ), the regions (d) provide the extra boundary conditions Writing (2. ed here. We shall anticipate the discussion ofregions (d) here and state the and concentrating attention on the boundary layer near 1J = 1, vP and hP sati 'tions a2vP + MohP = 0 8 2hv + M ovP = 0 017 2 017 ' 017 2 817 in virtue of (2.16) together with the boundary conditions ing the reader t o (2.52) below for their justification. (2.1 order to solve (2.25) it is convenient to write h8 = a (17) /M at f, = c, (2.27) (2.28) hp = 1/M, VP = - g(f, )/M at 1J = 1, lsl < c, (2.19 hmeans that, in effect, we are specify ing the current distribution on t he walls Further write (2.19 X = V8 + h5 , (2.29) and on leaving the immediate neighbourhood of 17 = 1. A consistent solution of (2.1 then, since V8 is even and h8 is odd in 17 , we have satisfying (2.19) is only possible if v8 = t[x(?J ) + X ( - ?J)] , h8 = t[X(?J)-X(- ?J)]. g(f,) = 1 (2.2( and then vP = _ ! e-M(l- 1J), hv = ! e - M(l- 1Jl . (2.2 X satisfies . . . . . h . f the boundary conditions (2.26) and (2.28) become Thus the core velocity 1s determmed by the cond1t1011 for t e existence o tl:i primary boundary layer and, as anticipat ed in (2.15), is of the same order c X = l - a (17) i [X( )- X (- )] = 0 h magnitude as the induced magnetic field. Further the t hickness of the primar; M ' of, 17 17 w en f, = c, (2.30) (2.31 ) (2.32) boundary layer is O(M-1), and the associated defect in velocity flux is J+c Joo dY - df, vP M = 2c/M2, · O on leaving the vicinity off, = c, and X = 0 at 17 = 1. Leaving the con- on on oX/of, on one side for the moment the general solution for X is (2.22 - c O X _ 1 r (c- f,) Mi c - f, f 1 a (171) d171 { M (c - f,) 2} - - - eriC + exp - . (2 33) whereY =( l - 17)M. Theprimaryboundarylayernear17 =- lmaybetreate M 2(1 -17)! 2(7TM)i ,1 (171- 17 )! 4(171-17) · by a parallel argument but we do not need to deal with it explicitly here since~tisfy the co d"t " c,X/c,i: ·t r 11 d·.cc t · t· (2 33) "th . . n 1 10n on u us , 1 iO ows on 1ueren 1a 1ng . w1 respect 1s known to be even and h to be odd m 17. ·and setting r, = c that 2.3. The secondary boundary layer (c) near f, = c f 1 a' (1J1) d171 _ a(l )- 1 = f 11 a'(111) d171 + a ( -1) + 1 (2.34) The core solution is now fully known and does not satisfy the boundary conditiot 11 (1/1 - 17)! (l - 17 )-! - 1 (1J - 1J1)t (l - 17)l . at f, = ± c. Consequently there must be boundary layers near these walls, the problem has been reduced to finding the value of a (17 ) which lead s to make the necessary adjustments in v and h and, since they are ex hypotheatnstant electric potential on the walls AA. thin, in them o/of, }> o/o?J. (2.2llie equation (2.34) may be cast into a recognizable form by writing Writing v = vc + v8 , h = hc + h8 , ( 2 .2! a(17 ) = l - A (17) (1 +17)!. (2.35) and concentrating attention on the boundary layer near f, = c, V8 and hs satisfjUplying it by (?; - 17)-! and integrating from - 1 to ?;with respect to 17: o2vs Mohs = 0 o2hs M ovs = o (2.21 ot;,2 + a17 ' ar,2 + 011 A (?;)- ~J+1A (17 )d17=+ 2 . 7T -1 17 - ?; (?; + l )i (2.36) 570 J.C. R. Hunt and K. Stewartson Magnetohydrodynamic flow in rectangular ducts. II 571 This equation has a known solution (Rott & Cheng 1954) for a general ri bstituting from (2.41) into (2.42) we obtain, after formal manipulation, hand side, which reduces in our case to g ( - ! )! 2t (+!)!Mi (2.43) 8( 1 - 1]2)"! J 00 s2 ds a(?J) = l- 1r(l+?J) 1 (s4+ifr)(si-l)t' (2.3 he flux deficit due to this boundary layer. where iJr = (l-17)/(l +?J) . Thus a may be expressed in terms of a hypergeomet function. In particular when ?J ::::::: 1, iJr is small and a(17) = 1- (l ~r)l ( ;t?' + O(l -172)! . (2.38 a---,,. Oas ?J---,,. O and a is of course an odd fµnction of ?J· Knowing a(17) we cai calculate X, V8 and h8 from (2.33) and (2.32). In an earlier paper by one of us (Hunt 1965) it was shown that, if the wall g = ±care non-conducting and the walls ?J = ± 1 perfect conductors, then tbt velocity in the secondary boundary layers is an order of magnitude greater thai the core velocity and contains an infinite number of reversals of sign. If all fo walls are perfect conductors, then the velocity also oscillates an infinite numb, of times in the secondary boundary layer, although in this case there are IM reversals of sign and the velocity is of the same order of magnitude as in the core It is of interest therefore to examine the nature of the boundary-layer flow in tht present problem. At large distances (in terms of ( c - ;) Mi) from the wall 5 = c the structure of the boundary layer in X is given by the behaviour of a neli ?J = 1. From (2.38) 1 - a,..,, (l -17)! as ?J---,,. 1- and hence, from the sim.ilaritllURE 3. solution of (2.31) satisfying X =O at ?J=l, X---,,.0 as g---,,.-00, X- (l-17)! at s =c, we find that when (c - s) Mi is large ring l·O 0·8 0·6 ;:,u -- ;:, 0·4 0·2 l·O 2·0 3·0 4·0 Mi(c -g) Graph of v/vc against Ml(c - £) at rJ = 0 in the boundary layer at g = c. The value of Mis arbitrary, provided M ~ 1. 2.4. Primary boundary layer (d) near the corners = c, ?J = 1 V = vc+vp+V8 , h = hc+hp+h8 , (2.44) (l-17)! { X,..,, M2(c-s)aexp M/(c -s)2} 4(1-17) ' (2.39satisfy the governing differential equations provided we can neglect terms [ - 2) . The boundary conditions on the walls s = c and ?J = 1 are also satisfied so that the number of oscillations in vis at most finite. A graph of v as a functi a acts as a pump, flowmeter, generator or brake depend- ara argument for the wall 1J = - 1. It is noted that, if the wall 1J = 1 is a per£ conductor, v = 0, oh/011 = 0 there, and a parallel argument shows that t condition satisfied by vs, h8 at 1J = 1 is then the value of -E:i)B0Vm, where Ex is the electric field in the core and Vm rnean velocity; Vm = ~(1-1/M). If b - a and the effects of the walls AA nsidered, a new parameter has to be defined. In interpreting experiments signing equipment the following five parameters are of most interest: (2. /8z, B0 , I, and l::!.., given Q, op/oz, Bo, and the fluid properties. However its effect on thefluxissmall beingoftheorderofthemaxi'mum re]g 1 · find!::!.. 0. But B - - - ~- ---- - - ----- ' I --1----------- A 1 _ Current stream lines (a) Bo B - -C-~]R __ _______ ---~~~:~i I ' : I I I oEy/ox = O(jy/ 1, not to scale). (a) Shows the current streamlines (4.12;n the duct is on open circuit. (b) Shows the current streamlines when the flow is ·en by a potential difference between the walls AA. (The current in the walls AA is We can deduce the value of j; from the equation of motion in region (d). Ifll'Il sche~ati?ally.) (c) Shows the core, primary and secondary currents when the duct , · h' · h n open circmt. V8 = V8 111 t 1s reg1011, t en . . ., _ 02 , fow consider f E. dl round P' Q' R' S', where P' S' are on the wall A, R' is 0 = - op/oz + (Jc+Jp +Js) Bo+µ oy2 (vc+vv + vs)· the wall B outside the secondary boundary layer and Q' is in the core (figure ,)) . Since Ey = 0 in the core and along the wall A, The boundary conditions on V8 are (i) v; = V8 = -O(v 0 ) in the main partoftlu JR' IQ' . J secondary boundary, layer, i.e. region (c) , and (ii) v8 = 0 on y = ±a. Sinceth1 8 , Exdx = P' Exdx, smce jE.dl = O. thickness of this layer is O(M-1 ), I R' _ J 8 j; _ W Exdx - - dx, ., o( µ Ve ) (4.13 S' 0 (T Js = - Bo(a/M)2 . I IQ' E d = f0b.dx + B f\ d t P' x x O (T O O s x· Hence, from (4.1 2), (4.14:1king the same assumption as for case (i), that f: j;dx = O(oj;) we have I/If a v8 dxdy = - O(vca2/Mi). 0 -a , J8 f8 Thus O Exdx =!= 0 in this case, whereas O Exdx = 0 in case (i). The consequences lhis were discussed in § 3. But, from (4.5), and therefore o = O(aM-k). 37-2 580 J. C. R. Hunt and ](. Stewartson M agnetoh ydrodynamic flow in rectangular ducts. II 581 Hence the flux deficit due to the secondary boundary layer is O(M-t) times t1Jhis may be illustrated further b y comparing case (i) and case (ii) when the flux in the core. ns AA are sho rt-circuited. The Q- op/oz relation in these two cases are both We see from theseorder-of-mag~itud~argumentsthattheformofthe bounda eform . ( - op/oz) 4a3b ( 1 a " ) layeronthewallsAAisbestexplamedmtermsofthesecondarycurrentsinduc Q = _M2 1-M - bO(M-,-) ... in these layers, much in the same way as the Hartmann layer may be explainac µ by the decrease in current in the boundary layer relative to that in the core. n though the velocity profiles are very different (see §3). If we were to alter both these types of boundary layer the current is less than its value in the co duct of case (ii) and make the walls BE conducting for a distance O(aM-!) because of the reduced v x B induced electric field and consequently t the corner s, then we would not alter the Q- op/oz relation but we would electromagnetic j x B force can decrease in the layer relative to its value in ti.nge the velocity profile, the core velo city from core to the same extent that the visco~s _st_ress increases . . If this were ~ot so (_op/oz) a2 [ 0·956a] ( _ op/oz) a2 the boundary layers would grow or d1mm1sh. A comparison of cases (1) aw: - M 2 1 + b M! to - M 2 (ii) shows that the value of the secondary currents relative to the core curreu µ µ can differ by an order of magnitude. l the ratio of the flux deficit due to the secondary boundary layers to the 1in the core from O(M-l)toO(M-1). The reason is that the extra pieces of In case (i) ,j8 = - O(j0 M-1). 1ductor would increase the secondary currents and hence reduce the flux In case (ii) , open circuit,j8 = - O(jc). I ( .. ) 1 d . "t . O(. M -l) icit and potential difference across the secondary boundary layer. The valu e n case 11 c ose circu1 , J = - Jc · · d h c · ' s he core velocity would be reduce , butt e .1orm of the core and primary layer Yet expressed as a fraction of ve, the values ofj8 are of the same order inboivwould of course be una ltered. cases. This is necessary for the balancing of viscous and electromagnetic for~e have state d already that we can give no good reasons, a priori, for the in the boundary layer. We make this observation because the approximati pe of the vel ocity profile in the secondary boundary layers; all we can do is made by Kerrebrock (1961 ) and others that the current is constant through t deduce the shape from the flux d eficit. In cases (ii) and (iii) the flux deficit secondary boundary layer, i.e. j 8 = 0, even though js is a very small fracti 0. However, if Rm~ 1 we can usually re ob/ot and using the result (2· 10) we obtain the good approximation to (2·8) 0 = V x (u x B 0) + (1/µCT) V2b. t (2·10 This approximation, which can be justified by more refined argu . ' X (u x B 0) = 0, this becomes (1//tCT) V2b = 0. Then if b = 0 on the boundaries, partic_ular problem, is used in all stability analyses when Rm~ 1 (see ~;~~sF~: 0 throughout the flui~. Thus it is only whe:1 condition (2· 11) i~ s~~isfied, R_m_ ~ 1 equation (2·8) we can find out under what circumstances currents will b . d b = 0 on the boundaries, that we can say J = 0 whatever the m1tial conditions. j = CT(E+u x B 0 ). em uced li. h · 1 · t'fi t' f h' · · h "f 1 a perturbation velocity, u. If u and Bo satisfy the condition -,rne p ys1ca JUS 1 ea ion o t 1s reasomng 1s t at 1 cur (u x B 0) = 0, the change iux of the main magnetic field , B 0, linked by a fluid loop due to the perturbed V x (u x B 0 ) = 0, equation (2·8) becomes: (2· l 'on, is zero and thereby no perturbation currents are induced. If a stray magnetic .I, b, exists, the change of flux of b linked by a fluid particle due to the mean ( 2 , 1 tion is not necessarily zero, and hence perturbation currents can be induced ~ther or not curl (u x B 0) = 0. Clearly, if curl (bx U) = 0, then this latter source The disturbances in the velocity and in the magnetic field are coupled. A distuiurrents also :'anishes. bance of one _leads to a dis~urbance of the other and an m.h.d. flow can be ma4l·3. A magn~tic field can o~ly affect ~he velocit~ of a disturb~nce by me~ns of the by either type of ?1sturba~ce. Equation (2· 12) is interesting in that it d~trom_a~netic body force. J x B, whrnh occurs m t~e equation of motion (2· l ( not mclude the perturbation velomty u, but only the mean velocity u. It sho~rly, if J = 0, the magnetrn field has no effect on a disturbance. However, even 1f how a disturbance in the magnetic field, b, can develop by its interaction with tb 0, the j x B force does not necessarily produce any change in the motion of the mean velocity, U, without being affected by u, provided u satisfies (2·ll). t'.11'bance. Shercliff (1965) has discussed how the j x B term in the equation of For b and U not to induce any currents they must satisfy the conditions t1on (2· l) only changes the velocity distribution of an incompressible flow when ,rotational, i.e. curl (j x B) =!= 0, assuming the fluid has no free surfaces and has V x (U x b) = o. (2 1 !l · "llltant density. To examine the effect of curl (j x B) on the disturbance we con- We now deduce three sets of conditions each of which is a sufficient condition fatr the curl of ( 2· l) ignoring second-order quantities: there to be no growth of b or j. (i) If conditions (2·11) and (2·13) are satisfied simultaneously equation (2·12 p[!_)w +(u.V)Q.-(Q..V)u-(w .V)U] becomes Dt ob = __!__ v2b· ot µCT ' (2· 14) which shows that any stray magnetic field will simply decay due to ohmi,rhus it follows that the rate of growth or decay of the vorticity of the disturbance dissipation. 1ot affected by the magnetic field if (2· 15) (ii) Consider the development of a small velocity u when condition (2·11) i, satisfied and let us postulate that at some time t = O, when the perturbation veloci~ u is generated there are no perturbation currents, j, in the fluid or in the regionPe are mainly interested in situations where B 0 is constant in space and does not surrounding the fluid. It follows from (2·3) and (2·6) that v2b = o. rywith time. Then J 0 = 0 and (2·11) becomes If, also, b-+ 0 as x, y, z-+ oo then b = 0 everywhere. Then from the form ofth• equation (2· 12), whatever the distribution of U or the value of Rm, the only solutio1 for the equation when t > O is d (2· 15) becomes b = 0. (B0 • V)u = 0, (B0 . V)j = 0. (2·16) (2· 17) Hence if condition (2·11) is satisfied and ifj = 0 when t = O, for all t > O, rheimportant difference between conditions (2·16) and (2·17) is that (2·16) only pends on the disturbance velocity u and the magnetic field B 0 whereas, since j j = 0. . . . . . . . ' This approximation should be justified, a posteriori, in each case it is used. It is justifiable (m) Most studies of the stability ofm.h.d. flows use 'normal mode' analyses, witlillany cases for the disturbances which are most unstable, e.g. in Plane Poiseuille flow. u, b "' exp [i(ax - CTt)]. r very high frequency disturbances, which are highly damped and stable we could not 0re 8b/8t. 347 On the stability of parallel flows with parallel magnetic fields J.C. R. Hunt 348 depends on U as well as u, (2· 17) depends on the mean velocity U a 1 [Bo = (0, 0, Bz) the flux linked by the fluid circuit ABOD is zero and does not disturbance velocity, u. However, when Rni ~ 1, we have shown 'th~t 8 we 1 as th,Dge with time. But now consider another fluid circuit PQRS at right angles to former one. Then, since the flow is incompressible, the area enclosed by this (2· l&uit is constant and so the flux linked by the field Bz remains constant. Hence, j = o-(E+u x B0), so that one can then ignore the effects of band the mean flow, U. Med there is no disturbance to the magnetic field, b, there are no induced Inde~ucing(2·17)weassumedJ0 = O. If,however,Rni ~ landauniformmagneti'ents, (Bz8/8z)u = 0, and therefore Bz does not affect such a flow. Thus a field B1 IS produced outside the region of flow and induces currents J 0 by means Jorm magnetic field does not affect a two-dimensional disturbance, if it is ~he mean flow U, the field due to J 0, B 2 is very small compared to B1 (Shercliff 196 tllel to the vorticity of the disturbance. 1.e. IB2I ~ IB1J, where 5 Ve now consider the mode of interaction between the mean flow and the distur- Bo = B 1 + B 2 and J 0 = (1 /µ ) v x B 2. ce. This ~scussion is speculative since t~ere have be~n few previ?us attempts Th . £ 11 liscuss this aspect of the problem physically. We will only consider here the . en it O ows that the terms on the right-hand side of (2·14) , (b. V)Jo, (J0.\7) 11tion where all the energy of the disturbance comes from the mean flow. (J. V) B 0 are much smaller than (B . V)j Thus if (B V)J0 - O it may b · · · . . o · o · - e a go()(,et us first consider plane parallel flows with parallel magnetic fields. When there approx1mat10n to say that the magnetic field has no eccect on a d1'sturban · · · · · . . . . w ce even Jio magnetic field such a flow 1s able to feed energy mto a disturbance by means Jo ~ o,_ provided R_ni ~ 1. However, this approximatwn would need careful inves~e Reynolds, or inertial , stresses ( -pux u ). Viscosity does not affect this inter- gat10n many particular problem and would have to be 3'ust1'fied a poster· · . · · · Y • • • y c ' iori. ion directly, but by the stresses 1t mduces 1t 1s able to change the disturbance ocities, and hence the Reynolds stresses. Thus, indirectly, viscous action can ke a flow stable or unstable. The electromagnetic force due to the current ji, i.e. B0, can act in a similar way, as shown by Drazin (1960) . The main difference ween these two types of damping forces is that the electromagnetic damping of isturbance depends on its direction relative to B0 , i.e. it is anisotropic. Drazin did differentiate between j 1 and j 2, since he was only interested in the case of Rni ~ 1, enj2 is negligible. When Rni ~ 1 so that effects due to j 2 are negligible, Drazin wed that if B 0 is sufficiently great the dissipative forces due to j 1 x B 0 are so p p' mg that at a given finite value of the Reynolds number any plane parallel flow ~ 1be stabilized by a parallel magnetic field. (We show in§ 3 that this result is not B / inged by considering three-dimensional disturbances). z FmunE 1 A typical disturbance t 11 . . th dir t . 0 Th ,,,, f h .In other flows where the destabilizing agents are inert ial forces, surface tension, · rave 1ng 1n e ec ion x. e eu ect o t e ma.gneti . . . . . . . field on the disturbance is seen by examining the change of flux linked by the fluid circnirVIty, etc., and where the act10n of vrncos1ty IS primarily to reduce the rate of ABCD and PQRS with the imposed magnetic fields Bx and B,. (The induced magnetilwth of disturbances, then when Rrn ~ 1 the effect of a magnetic field, i.e. the fields and currents are not shown ) B r · · · r d · Oh dr kh ' · i O iorce, 1s also dampmg. Examples of this effect to be ioun m an ase ar s Let us now consider a pa t' 1 1 t d t t th h . 1 . ilk, are Couette flow between rotating cyli nders and capillary instability of jets. r 1cu ar examp e o em ons ra e e p ys1ca meanmg o . . . . . the conditions we have derived for the magnetic field to affect a disturbance (2.16us by means of the currents Ji, the energy of the disturbance 1s dissipated, but and (2· 17) Consider a sim 1 t d' · 1 d' t b f th ' velocity distribution of the disturbance may be altered in such a way that the . p e wo- 1mens10na 1s ur ance o e type 1 . urbance can grow more rapidly. u = [ u(y) exp [i(ax - o-t)] , v(y) exp [i(ax- o-t)] , OJ, \Ve have already described how the currents j 2 are induced by the perturbation imposed upon a mean flow in the x direction, as shown in figure 1. The disturbano'gnetic field b 1 and the mean flow U. By means of these currents, h, the mean moves in the Ox direction, and its amplitude varies in the Oy direction. At iW can feed energy into the perturbation field b and by means of the j 2 x B 0 force certain time, t, a circuit drawn in the fluid lies on the points ABOD. At a latertilllcan feed energy into the perturbation velocity, u. Thus the current, j 2, leads to t + ~t the particles on the circuit have reached A' B' O' D'. th the electromagnetic and mechanical energy being transferred electromagneti- If B0 = (Bx, 0, 0) the flux linked by the fluid circuit has changed in the tirne d/yt as distinct from the mechanical or inertial way it is transferred when the and consequently currents are induced in the z direction. The currents which a turbance and the mean flow exchange energy by inertial stresses. An important induced will affect the flow because j varies with x and hence (j x B ) is rotational i.f z O ' t This mechanism may also be interpreted as the interaction of the mean flow with the l (, B ) _ (B 8) . \gnetic shear stresses (bxb 11/µ). See, for instance, the equation for the energy of a small cur J X o - x· ox Jz =I= 0. urbance in a plane parallel flow deduced by Stuart (1954). 11 I 349 On the stability of parallel flows with parallel magnetic fields difference between these two methods of energy transfer is that the former is lo range and the latter short range, i.e. a small localized disturbance can exchanl let energy electromagnetically with a part of the mean flow some distance from it. When Rm<{ 1, lj2I <{ lj1 I (equation (2·9)), and consequently the main means 0: U( ) _ Uo(Y) y - '(] ' J.C. R. Hunt * Vl 1' = yl ' A= ,J(a2 + y2), v = R, energy transfer between the disturbance and the mean flow is mechanical. As R , _ /l d */ * = tan e II y -y , an ya , increases j 2 and b 2 increase and the means of energy transfer between the main flo\'I . . . h 350 and the disturbance is as much electromagnetic as mechanical. ire '(] is a characteristic velocity of the flow and l is a characteristic lengt . · · · · · f th 1 't and magnetic field are inserted m the In the presence of a magnetic field some of the kmetic energy of a mechanicaif the above express10ns or e ve 0?1 Y . . . . disturbance is converted to electrical and magnetic energy. This energy is botlli,d. equations (2· l) to (2·6), and if d1fferentiat10ns _are earned out with respect dissipated as Joule heating and stored in electric and magnetic fields. The energJY', then Stuart (1954) has shown that the equat10ns can be reduced to two which is stored can change back into mechanical energy. This alternation betweeJlations in v and ifr, namely . mechanical and electromagnetic energy provides the mechanism for a disturbanCE · (U -c) (v" -A2v) - vU" _ Bo_ (ijf" _ )..2ijf) = -\viv _ 2A2v" + A4v), to propagate along the field lines as Alfven waves. At the present time there is littlE µpU aR (3·3) physical understanding of how this mechanism affects the stability of flows B v _ i especially since the normal mode analysis does not reveal much about how al (U-c)ifr- V = aRm (ifr"-A2ifr). disturbance propagates. Velikov (1959) has shown that when Rm~ oo and R-+ '1vh R <{ 1 (3·4) reduces to a magnetic field can stabilize all two-dimensional disturbances in a plane flow en m parallel to it if _ B~v = -i (ifr" -A2ifr).t A Bo 1 U aRm (3·4) (3·5) = ,J(µp) um> ' rhis approximation is only valid for disturbances ~h?se w~velength is O[l] and where Um is the maximum velocity of the flow. He gave no physical explanation fo1quency o[U /l ]. These are not very restrictive cond1t10ns smce they are us~ally his result. isfied by the disturbances of interest, i.e. the most uns~ab~e: However, ~s pomted Thus there are three new factors which arise on considering the stability offlowetin § 2, this approximation should be justified, a posteriori, many particular case in the presence of magnetic fields: ing the values of a and c found in the analysis. (1) An anisotropic dissipative force acting on the disturbance alone. rhen from (3·5), (3·3) becomes (2) A new, long range, mechanism for the interaction of the disturbance and the icr B5 lav - i ( iv 2) 2 ,, + ) 4v) (u )( ,, )..2)-vU"+ = -V - 1tV it. mean flow. -c v - v pU aR (3·6) (3) A mechanism for the propagation of the disturbance. In general we expect the two latter effects to be unimportant when Rm<{ 1. 3·2. Three-dimensional disturbances 3. STABILITY OF PLANE PARALLEL FLOWS WITH ALINED MAGNETIC FIELDS-LOW MAGNETIC REYNOLDS NUMBER 3· l. General equations Equation (3·6) describes the motion of a disturbance travelli~g at. an angle Oto ,and B 0 • Now the motion of such a disturbance can ~e described m ter~s.of an 1uivalent one for which e = o. Let aR = AR and R = R cos O where R 1s the eynolds number for the equivalent disturbance. Consider a steady flow whose velocity is U 0 = (U0(y), 0, 0) and an infinitesiroaJLet disturbance velocity u = (u(y) exp [i(a*x + y*z - ,Bt]) , v(y) exp [i(a*x + y*z - ,Bt)], liere crB5l -=-- = q0 and aq0 = Xq, pU _ crB5 l e q=pUCOS. w(y) exp [i(a*x + y*z- ,Bt)]). (3·lfen (3·6) becomes (U-c) (v" -A2v)-vU" +iAqv = -(i f.AR) (viv_2A2v" +A4v). (3·7) There is an alined magnetic field with flux density B 0 = (B0 , 0, 0) and an infinite· . . simal perturbation magnetic field t As pointed out by Hains (1965), (3·5) may not be the corr~ct first:rd~~ app~o;im~i~; ' hen R <{ 1 if the perturbed magnetic field is externally applied rat er an m uce b = {<]S(y)exp[i(a*x+y*z-,Bt)], ijf(y)exp[i(a*x+y*z-,Bt)], tlocitymperturbations. But for low frequency oscillations of interest, the currents eh a perturbation produce an irrotational j x B force and hence do not affect the velocity x(y) exp [i( a*x + y*z - ,Bt)]}. (3·2lirturbat,ions . 351 On the stability of parallel flows with parallel magnetic field s J.C. R. Hunt 352 _Assuming the existen_ce of suitable boundary co nditions for v which do not varject due to the magnetic field actin g on the induced currents, h, as() increases to with the an~le () of the disturbance, we now have an eigenval ue relation between thi• (Bo. v') u-+ O. It was shown in§ 2 that whe n Rm~ 1, (B0 . v') u = O and there are parameters m (3·7) of the form !applied currents on the boundaries, j = O in the fluid. Hence as ()-+ f7T, j x B 0 F(c, i\., q, R) = 0. (3-sicreases. However, t he inertial terms also decrease as() increases. The reason wh y This relation is the same whatever the angle () chosen for the disturban '1e rat io of electromagnetic to i nertial forces for a disturbance with given wave - Equation (3·8) may be rewritten ce.ngth, i\., i.e. q, decreases as () increases, is because the elec tromagnetic forces )[11Bi J u J cos2 ()J) decrease proportionally to cos2 () and the inertial forc es G(c,i\.,e,%,R) = 0. (3·9) (O[p JUJ cos() JuJ/i\.]) The main information we want to derive from relations (3·8) and (3·9) is th d . 11 () 1 ·t f h fl · · ~y ecrease proport10na y to cos . ve om y o t e md at whrnh the flow becomes unstable, given the value of the applied magnetic field and the values of the fluid properties. In terms of the mathe- . . matical problem we want to know, given% or so me other parameter involving B 3·3. General considerations for low Rm flows what is the lowest value of R,Rerit., for which th e flow becomes unstable, i.e. whe:As a result of sho wing that Squire's theorem cannot be extended to plane parallel ci = 0. To do this we calculate R for various val ues of er, i\. and () and look for it,eOWS with a parallel magnetic field in § 3·2 we can draw some general conclusions lowest value. oout the stabilizing influence of a magnetic field. When q0 = 0 Squire (1933) showed that disturbances for whi ch () > O (three-From the relation (3·8) we can deduce a relatio n between .Rerit. and q of the form dimensional disturbances) become unstable at higher valu es of R than those for R . = f(- ) (3.12) h . h () O (t d' · 1 d' b - ent q · w 1c = wo- 1mens10na IStur ances) . If the lowest value of R for which t " (3 12) b "tt · . - . qua 10n · may e rewn en ci = 0 is Rerit., then for a disturbance at an angle (), Rerit. = f (q0 cos ())/cos() (3· 13) Rerit. = .Rerit.f cos(), which is greater than .Rerit. · _ 1d for () = 0 becomes Rerit. = f (q0). (3· 14) The lowest value of Rerit. occurs when () = 0 and R .t = R .t . Hence the theorem is proved. en · en· ossow (1959) and Stuart (1954) have obtained relations of the type (3·14) in When q0 > O if the lowest value o f _Rat which c . = o for some value of q is R . 1amining the stabiliz ing influence of a parallel magnetic field on bou ndary layer then, _ ' cnt.JWS and plane Poiseuille flow. They did not consider disturbances for () > 0. Rerit. = Rerit. and % = _.1_ . (3·10)typicalj(q) is s hown in figure 2. Using this figure we show how t o find the value of cos() cos() which gives th e minimum value of Rerit. for any given%· (We assume() is po sitive, If () = 0, Rerit. = .Rerit. and q0 = q. (3·ll)'ough it could equally be negative.) OF' K ' is a tangent drawn from the origin Oto the cu rve off (x). OP' = x' is the For the same value ofq, we have the same result as before that the most unstabletdinate of F'. disturban~e occurs w~en () = 0. But for given q0, i.e. a given f low and given magnetic Let % = x1 < x' and for som e value of() choose x2 such that x2/x1 = cos(). There- field, as () mcreases, q decreases and, depending on the valu e of() and %, this m&Y,re -q = q cos() = x and R . = f(x ) = ~ F. on the di agram. 1 d t · d · R · d O 2 er1t. 2 2 2 ea o an mcrease or ecrease m erit.· Hence 1t is, in general, incorrect to conclu esin ce Rerit. = .Rerit.fcos (), that the most unstable disturbances are those whose wavenumber vectors are parallel to the flow and magnetic field, i.e. those fo r which() = 0. Michael ( 19 53) and Stuart (1954) did not appreciate that the magnetic interaction te rm q varied wilh ()forgiven B 0 and U and erroneously concluded that Squire's theorem couldbe'II the diagram. But for () = 0, Rerit. = P1F1 and for any () > 0, Rerit. > P1F1. extended to apply to flows with parallel magneti c fields. lterefore Rerit. is gr eater when() < 0 than when() = 0. Hence when%< x', Rer it. Our result can easily be seen in physical terms. W hen there is no magnetic field a minimum when () = 0. there are two competing effects, the viscous dam ping of the disturbance, andtnelfnow q0 = x3 ( > x' ) and w_e choose() such that: x4/x3 = cos e,. then q = x 4 , and inertial interaction between the Reynolds stresse s and the velocity gradient ofln&crit. = f (x4) = P4 F4 on the diagram. _Th en Rerit. = Pa K 3 on the diagram. . mean flow. The latter effect, which provides the mechanism for the mean flow But P 3 K 3 < P 3F 3 an d hence Rerit. 1s least for a value of() > 0. To find this value feed energy into the disturbance decreases as () increases whereas the former' 0 we choose() such that P 3K 3 is least. P 3K 3 is least if x4 = x' and K 3 = K'. The n, independent of e. Hence the most unstable disturban ces are those for which()"' general, for qo > x'' the minimum value of Rerit. is given by When there is a magnetic field parallel to the flow , B0, and Rm~ 1, there is a tb' Rerit. , min. = P3 K'. (3·15) 353 On the stability of parallel flows with parallel magnetic fields J.C. R. Hunt 354 The value of e for which Rcrit. is a minimum is given by Thirdly if the curve of Rcrit. against q0 for two-dimensional disturbances is of Je form of curve O in figure 3, then the curves of A against R for which q0 is a cose = x'/xa = x'/qo. (3·16) Jnstant, ci = O, and e = Oare closed curves and when q0 = Q, the closed curve Note that, as%-+ oo, 8-+ f7T, since x' is fixed, and also e = O when%= x'. 1generates to a point. It follows that similar curves of A against R when e > 0 are Thus any relation between Rcrit. and q0 calculated by considering disturbances ~o closed curves and that for a given value of e, = Ov there is some value of q0 , = Qi, for which e = O can be converted to one giving the minimum value of R . Jf which the curve of A against Ron which% = Q1, ci = 0, and e = Ov degenerates R ·t . for given q0 by drawing a tangent from the origin to thee = O curve Tchnt., 1a point. But, whatever the value of q0, there is always some value of e, < f7T, for cr1 ., min., • en the curve of Rcrit., min. against q0 follows the e = 0 curve from F0 to F' (see figure 3) ·hich the A - R curve has not degenerated to a point. t f(x) t R X3 Q ffo-- FIGURE 2. F. F' F. is a typical curve of R . against q for two-dimensional disturbances. 'mURE 3. The effect of tJ:µ,ee-dimensional disturbances in a hypothetical flow for which all Here q0 ~ x !nd J (x) = Rmit. · The mi:i'i~um valu: of Rc,it.• taking into account three- two-dimensional di~turba~ces ar_e stable when q0 > Q. ~, Unst3:ble fo~ all di~turbances; dimensional disturbances, is shown to lie on the curve FoF' and then the line F' K'. The ~, stable for two-~nnens10nal disturbances, unstable for three-d1mens10nal disturbance; dashed line is a typical Rc,it. - q0 curve at a constant value of () > O. lilll, stable for all disturbances. , . . Fourthly, Drazin (1960) has shown that a sufficient condition for stability can be and for qo > x it follows the tang~nt. The curve may also ~e described as the leduced for the flows we are considering. He only considered disturbances for which envelope of the curves of Rcrit. agamst q0 at constant 8; a typical curve for O > 01= 0 and obtained the result that if is shown in figure 2. Should it be possible to draw more than one tangent from the origin to the e = 0 curve, then the curve of Rcrit., min. against q0 is a little more (3·17) complicated to construct. Some general consequences follow from this methodofrhere t is the maximum value of du/dy', then the flow is stable. Now the curve constructing the curve. I= 8%/t2 is a straight line and no tangent can be drawn to it from the origin. Hence First, we need only calculate the curve fore = 0 and for q0 ~ x ' to know the value his relation is equally valid for disturbances for which e > 0. See figure 3. of Rcrit., min. at all values of%· Thus we can state an upper limit and a lower limit to the extent that a magnetic Secondly, we can now prove that, whatever the value of q0 , there is some finite ield can stabilize a flow, but we still cannot say whether a parallel magnetic field value of R for which the flow is unstable, provided there is some finite value of Rin lower the critical Reynolds number of a flow or not, though no instance of this for which it is unstable when q0 = 0. If there is any flow which is completely stable1~s yet been found. for all two-dimensional disturbances when q0 > Q then the curve of Rcrit. agains\qo fore = 0 will touch a line parallel to the ordinate and cutting the abscissa at q0 "'Q, 4. ARBITRARY MAGNETIC REYNOLDS NUMBER e.g. the curve O in figure 3. Now it is possible to draw a tangent from the origin to If R d . f th d't' th t R 1 t · l'f (3 4) t • • • • • U l oes not sat1s y e con 1 10n a ~ we canno s1mp 1 y · o any curve which cuts the ordinate and touches a hne to the right of 1t and para e bt . m . £ 1 . (3 6) F (3m4) h t ·t Th h fR . b . h 1. £ Jue am an equatwn or v on y, 1.e. · . rom · we ave o 1 . en t e curve o crit., min. agamst % ecomes a stra1g t me or some va of q0 > (, (q' < Q), and hence for any value of% there is some value of R for which v = U [( U _ c) ij, + _ i _ ( ij," _ A 2v,)] . the flow 1s unstable. B0 aRm 355 On the stability of parallel flows with parallel magnetic fields J.C. R. Hunt 356 Substituting this value of v into (3·3) we obtain an equation in i/r, which is pro b Th "d d th di t b d t h "t £ rm as n ari"es - ~tur ance. en, prov1 e e s ur ance oes no c ange 1 s o u v , portional to the induced field in they direction: · d s· b 1· · th I ,8 increases V x (u x B0) and hence Ji and b1 ecrease. mce 1 1es m e pane [( U _ c )2-A 2 _ i U" ] (if "_ A2if) + 2 U' ( U _ c) if,' yk, 'v x (U x b1) and hence j 2 and b2 decrease as () increases. Therefore the iz x B0 aRm ,well as the j1 x B0 force decreases with e. Thus, as well as in the inertial interaction, 2 ) 2 2 ( u ) (D2 ) 2)2 '''] 1 ne electromagnetic interaction between the disturbance and the mean flow also = -1· [(D - 1l) (U-c)'''+ -c -{l 'f' + - 2- - (D2-A2)a,,,, R 'f' R RR 'f' (4·1) .ecreases as e increases. a a m a m _ We can draw some general conclusions about the stabilizing influence of a where D = d/dy', and the Alfven number A = B 0/ ,J(µp) U. This equation describes Jagnetic field at arbitrary Rm. From (4·3) we deduce a relation of the form the motion of a disturbance travelling at an angle Oto U 0 and B 0 ; asin § 3 the motion R . = f(R A) of such a three-dimensional disturbance can be described in t erms of an equivalent cn t. m, ' two-dimension_al one. - - - rhich may be rewritten R - f(Rm cos(), A) Id crit. - cos e . Let aR = AR and aRm = AR11., where Rand Rm are the Reyno s number and (4·6) magnetic Reynolds number for the equivalent disturbance. lore= O, (4·6) becomes (4·7) Then R = Rcose, Rm= Rmcose. Equation ( 4· l) becomes 1'arasov (1960) has examined the stabilizing influence of a parallel magnetic field n plane Poiseuille flow for arbitrary Rm by only considering disturbances for which :c 0. He obtained results for Rcrit. at various values of A and Rm. The shape of a [(U - c)2-A2- if!.."] (if" - A2if) + 2U'(U -c) if' urve of Rcrit. against Rm for a constant value of A, plotted from Tarasov's results A.Rm 1similar to that of curve O in figure 3. __ . [(D2 - A 2)2 ( U - c) if, ( U - c) (D2 - A 2) if] 1 (D2 - A 2)3 if Since A does not vary with e, we can apply the argument of § 3·3 to deduce the - 1 AR + AR + A2RR · (4·Z) ninimum value of Rcrit. when all values of e are considered. Then we find as before m m . nat for Rm greater than some value, the Rcrit.-Rm curve for constant A becomes a Note that A is the same for any e. traight line, namely the tangent from th e origin to the Rcrit.-Rm curve, i.e. the Assuming the existence of suitable boundary conditions for if which do not vary 1 . -R curve for constant A for two-dimensional disturbances. with the angle e of the _disturbance, we once more have an eigenvalue relation cTtis ;ill be the ultimate form ofthe Rcrit.-Rm curve for constant A for all velocity between the parameters m (4·2) of the form rofiles at all values of A. It follows, therefore, that there is n o parallel magnetic F(c A A R R) = o (4-3) ield which will completely stabilize a flow for finite values of Rm. In other words, ' ' ' m, . rhatever the value of A or Rm, there is always some value of R for which the flow is Note that we have one more parameter than in (3·8). This relation is the same forall IIlstable. values of e. Equation ( 4·3) may be rewritten: By only considering disturbances for which e = 0, Tarasov er roneously concluded G(c, A, e, A, Rr,,, R) = O. (4-4) uat t here was always some value of A which could stabilize the flow. Velikhov (1959) followed Michael (1953) in assuming that the most unstable As in § 3, we are_ interested in findi~g the lowest v~lue of R for whic~ the flow !tsturbances occur fore = 0 and thence deduced a sufficient condition for a parallel becomes unstable, I.e. ci = 0. We examm~ the role of d1sturbanc!s for "'."h1ch () > 0. nagnetic field to stabilize a flow when R and Rm-+ oo. If dis turbances for which - For some value of A > 0 and Rm > 0, if the lowest value of Rat which ci = 01s I> 0 are considered, the basis of his ar guments has to be changed, e.g. if R ·t then _ en · ' R . = Rcrit. and R = Rm (4·5) e = f7T-O(R;;;,1], Rm= O[l], cnt. cos e m cos e' 1nd the dissipative terms in (4·2) could not be ignored. The dissipative terms can and if() = 0, Rcrit. = Rcrit. and Rm= Rm. inly be ignored if Rm-+ oo and R-+ oo. Then Velikhov's resu lt, that if A > 1, all For a given flow and given magnetic field, i.e. a given value of A, as e increases lows are stabilized, is correct. In gene ral, therefore, a careful examination is Rm decreases. It is generally found that the lower Rm the less the stabilizing effert ieeded of the limiting processes R-+ oo or Rm-+ oo when three-dimensional distur- of a magnetic field and so we expect that the most unstable disturbance occurs for 1ances are considered. some e > 0. Anyway it is incorrect to conclude that the most unstable disturbantts CO NCLUSION are t~ose for which e = 0, .whatever the value of Rm. . . . ur· It was stated in§ 3 ~hat the main purpose of the sta~ilit y analysis was to find ~he This result may be seen m terms of the concepts of§ 2. Consider a velocity d1st owest velocit at which the flow becomes unstable, given th e value of the a pp bed bance, u, which lies in the plane Oyk where Ok is the direction of propagation of tie nagnetic fielJ and the values of th e fluid properties. It is not very instructive, 357 On the stability of parallel flows with parallel magnetic fields J.C. R. Hunt 358 physically, to consider Rcrit. as a function of q0 = er Bi l/pU as we did in§ 3 or as a sponent' /3 = Uaci. Michael (1961) showed that, if we regard U as the parameter to function of A and Rm as in §4since q0,A, andRmarenotindependentvariablesifone evaried so that R oc U, then considers B0 and '[J as the parameters to be varied in an experiment: We considered /3 = .!:__ ac. R = .!:__A.Re. oc A.Re. these particular non-dimensional parameters since they appear m the stability £ 2 i £2 i i· equations. From the graphs already shown one could plot o~her graphs of RcrH. 1ote that the value of this expression is independent of e. against M = Bol(cr/17)Hor values of constant P, = vµcr, say. This would be a simple Consider the case of Rm~ l; then a curve of a against R, at constant values of operation sin?e !R<\ and %, is the same as that of an equivalent two-dimensional disturbance for M = ,J(Rqo) = ,J(A 2RRm) · rhich A is plotted against Rat constant values of A.Rei and q. If Rcrit. is the lowest Replotting. Stuart's results in this way indicates that the form of the Rcrit.-M ·alue of R for a given q and A.Rei, and we then plot Rcrit. against q for constant curve P ~ 1 is similar to that of the Rcrit.-q0 curve for Rm~ 1. (See figure 4.) Itis !Rei, we can calculate the minimum value of Rcrit. for given q0 and A.Rei, using the easily proved that for sufficiently high values of M the Rc,it.-M curve becomes a onstruction of§ 3. Thus, as with the case of ci = 0, when 1o becomes sufficiently straight line, which is a tangent from the origin to the curve for a two-dimensional reat the curves become straight lines. In experimental terms this means that we disturbance. It is interesting to note that when M = 50 the angle at which the most an calculate the minimum velocity of the mean flow for a given amplification rate unstable disturbance travels to the direction of flow is 60°. Thus in an experiment fthe disturbance and given magnetic field. with mercury the effect of three-dimensional disturbances will become apparent Though we have only examined the stability of fluids with uniform properties at values of the magnetic field of about 2000 Gin a duct whose width is about 1 cm. nder the action of a uniform magnetic field, by virtue of the physical reasons given Rcrit. for two-dimensional disturbances >} 20 I 0 ...... 0 20 ,,,,,,""' /. 40 / / / / / , / ; , 60 tangent from origin to curve M FIGURE 4. Rc,it. against 11i( = B 0 l(0"/7J)!) for plane Poiseuille flow when µ0"8~ l, based on the theory of Stuart (1954). n § 2 it is likely that, in general, three-dimensional disturbances will be the most lllstable in practical situations, m.h.d. generators for instance, where magnetic .elds are applied to the flow of fluids with non-uniform properties. For an example f some of the other interesting kinds of instability which can occur under such ircumstances see McCune (1965). I should like to thank Dr J. A. Shercliff for the helpful advice he has given me in he preparation of this paper. This work is published by permission of the Central !lectricity Generating Board. REFERENCES handrasekhar, S. 1961 Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic stability. Oxford University Press. lrazin, P. G. 1960 Stability of parallel flow in a parallel magnetic field at small magnetic Reynolds numbers. J. Fluid Mech. 8, 130. :lobe, S. 1961 The effect of a longitudinal magnetic field on pipe flow of mercury. Trans. Amer. Soc. Mech. Engrs. 83, (C}, 445. lains, F. D. 1965 Stability diagrams for magnetogasdynamic channel flow. Phys. Fluids, 8, 2014. lichael, D. H. 1953 The stability of plane parallel flows of electrically conducting fluids. Proc. Oamb. Phil. Soc. 49, 166. . . . . lie! lichael, D. H . 1961 Note on the stability of plane parallel flows. J. Fluid Mech. 10, 525. The only experimental work done on the stab1hty of parallel flows with pa~a lcCune, J.E. 1965 Non-linear effects of fluctuations on MHD performance. Sixth Symp. on magnetic fields has been done with flows in circular tubes (Globe 1961 ). There is no Eng. Aspects of Magnetohydrodynamics. Pittsburgh, 1965. satisfactory theory for the onset of instability of such a flow with or without a lossow, V. J · 1959 Boundary-layer stability diagrams for electrically conducting fluids in . the presence of a magnetic field. N.A.S.A. Tech. Rep. R-37. magnet10 field. lquire, H. B. 1933 On the stability for three-dimensional disturbances of viscous fluid flow In experiments on the stability of plane Poiseuille flows with no magnetic fields between parallel walls. Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 142, 621. it has not proved possible to obtain a critical Reynolds number in agreement with lhercliff, J. A. 1965 A textbook of magnetohydrodynamics. Pergamon. th t d' t d b r . d theor It is likely to be equally difficult in experiments tuart, J. T. 1954 On ~he stability of viscous flow between parallel planes in the presence of _a pre IC e Y 1nea:ize Y· . . . . . nts , a coplanar magnetw field. Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 221 , 189. with a parallel magnetic field. There IS more hkehhood of success with expenme arasov, Yu. A. 1960 Stability of plane Poiseuille flow of a plasma with finite conductivity on the stability of boundary layers with parallel magnetic fields . . in a magnetic field. Soviet. Phys. JETP, 10, 1209 (in English). Though we have only discussed neutrally stable disturbances (ci = 0), growing le[~ov, E.~- ~959 The st~bility of a _plane Poiseuille flow of _an idea~ly conducting fluid . • . . The Ill a long1tudma l magnetic field. Soviet Phys. JEPT, 9, 848 (m English). disturbances also become three-d1mens10nal as the m~gnet~c field 1,ncrea~es. . \Tooler, P. T. 1961 Instability of flow between parallel planes with a co-planar magnetic rate of growth of a disturbance depends on the d1mens10nless amphficat1on field. Phys. Fluids, 4, 24. ... ...... ... INTERNATIONA L ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY EUROPEAN -NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY ~ - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC EU:CTRICAL POWER ~ENERATION Salzburg, A ustria, 4-8 July 1966 SM-74/13 REVISED ABSTRACT ON SOME FLUID DYNAMIC EFFECTS IN LARGE SCALE M. H. D. GENERATORS J. C.R. HUNT - UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK, COVENTRY \lt the - present time we are unable to carry out a complete analysis of the fluid dynamics and electrodynamics of an M. H. D. generator. However, various aspects of the behaviour of an M. H. D. generatot may be examined by the use of simplified models e.g. (i) One - dimensional gas dynamics. (e.g. Louis et al, 1964). (ii) (iii) ( i _v) The current distribution can be found if the veiocity is ·assumed const_ant across the duct. (e.g. Witalis, 1965). The s_kig f_riction · and heat transfer to . the walls can be. calculated by boundary layer analysis if the flow is assumed to _ be laminar . (Kerrebrock, _ 1961), A complete ·description of the velocity and current distribution across the duct can be given if the flow is assumed to be uniform, laminar, incompres_sible and not- . varying in the flow direction, (Hunt & Stewartson, 1965), Taken together; these and other ·models will enable us to describe most of the effect's in an M, H. D. generator, In this another simplification is considered in which the electroma'gnetic ·forces a_re assumed to be much 1arger than the inertial forces, The ratio of these two forces is measured by the -parameter, S ;trB,. .... d../eU.., where er is the conducti-vity, Bo the magnetic field, d. the width of hhe duct, e the density andU the niean velocity. Thus S >.:-- /. We also assume that the magnetic -- Reynolds number is very much less than one. In · the largest · experimental . generators how being built S""l. . . Thus, though . the _ results of this model a re not immediately applicable, they should indicate the· effects of increasing the magnetic field strength and the size of M. H. D. generators. · When S >> 1, one can consider the duct" to ·be divided int? 2 regions: (i) A core region where electromagnetic forces are balanced by the pressure gradient and where inertiil a s well as viscous- forces are negligibl e, (ii) Boundary layers ·on the walls where again inertial forces are negligi,ble but where the viscous, electroma,gnetic and pre·ssure forces are of the same order, We show how it is then possible to cal~ulate the core flow in diver~ing ducts and .in ducts with non-uniform magnetic fields, with the Hall effect and compiessibility included, and obtain approximate answers for these otherwise very difficult problems. We also demonstrate the simplifications in the analysis of the boundary l ayers which result from this approximation, 3 ON SOME FLUID DYNAMIC EFFECTS IN LARGE SCALE M. I{. D. GENERATORS J. ·c . R. HUNT - UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK, COVENTRY, ENGLAND I. INTRODUCTION At the present time we.are unabie to carry out a complete analysis ~f the fliid dynamics and electrodynami~s of a n M. H. D. Generator. variqus aspects of the behaviour of an M. H. D. Generator may be examined by the use of simp li f i ed models: the greater the s implific ation the . more complete the description, . . Laminar incompressible flow in a rectangular duit h as been exami~ed in (1] and laminar compressible boundary layer flows in (2] and (3] but most generator calculations use ·the method of one-dimensional gas dynamics, [4] and [5], which is based upon the assumptions that the variations of flow and fluid properties are small across the generator duct and that transverse velocities are small. Calc~lations based on this approximat ion have pro ved satisfactory for invisc id flow regions outside boundary layers, e,i, in the entrance region .of a duct or for fully developed turbulent flow in a due~. In the former case _ the effects of heat transfer and viscous friction are mainly :felt in the boundary layers; they only affect the flow outside the boundary layers by varying the thickness of the boundary layers. In the latter case, though there are large velocity gradie~ts at the wall , the wall effects are diffused right across the duct"; The electroma&._net ic effects are considered by adding the electromagnetic rx lr'body force · to the momentum equat ion; and the work d9.n~ by the :.eleetric field,~- '?-: to - the energy . ; equation . When . the Hall effe'c:t ' and ·the problem of segmented : electrodes are -Considered it is found that the current varies across : the duct. In that case the cur-rent distribution is usually calculated by assuming the velocity is constant across the duct, e.g~ (9] but ignorin~ the effects on the flow of J x B varying across the duct, Thus the~e calculations are valid f~r highly turbulent.flows id ducts with small changes in cross-sectional area and where the electromagnet i c for_ces ~re small compared to the_ inertial forces, In this paper we cons ider another mode l for flow in a M~ H. D. generator duct in which we assume the electromagnetic body forces are very . much larger than the inertial forces.~ The ratio of these two forces is measured by the parameter S ; tr a: J/e U:, where er is the conductivity, B0 the ma gn~tic flux density, d.. a characteristic duct width, t the density and U a characteristic ve locity, the valu~ ofcrbeing assumed to . be _typical for the central regions o~ the duct, We also assume the magnetic Reynolds number, Rm, is very much less than one, Hence ·H2 /Re = S >?' l; Rm q.. 1 ; where Re ·is the Reynolds number and H (=Bod .( .r/"I ) 2, where '1. is the viscosity) is the Hartmann number, In the largest experimentaf gener,tors now being built: H~l.03,_ Re~ 5 x 105 and hence S~2. The most important physical effect of raising Sis the damping of the turbulence _ in the flow. .Murgatroyd (.6) showed that wh e n _Re/H<.225 the .turbulence · in a .flat channel "is damped o·ut; Jloweve.r, for values of Re/H greater . than 225 the turbulence is damped in the centre of the duct where the velocity gradients are small and as the magnetic field is further increase d the last remaining turbulence is d amped from the boundary layers •. Thus, since in existing generators the turbulence is highly damped and the electromagnetic forces are of the same order or greater than t he iner tia l forces, the basic asswnptions of most existing generator calculatious are not satisfied. Therefore, though the results of this model are not inunediate ly · applicable, they should indicate the effects of increasing the magnetic field strength and the [ 1 J 1 I sizi· of M. H, D, gen.erators, as well as demonstrating some of the _ .. defects of exi_sting ,•:, <, · , .. ,_ ... c.,, • !..!. ~ : ~ l". • When S >>l, one can consider the duct to be divided into .2 regio.11.s, .~,: .. ,. ,J.,·. , : I ~. - (i). A core region where electromagnetic forc es are balanced by the pressure gradient and where inertial as we ll as forces · a-re negligible, ,.,_ ·~ 1 . ~ ... (' J . _ _; .!. ~· (ii) Boundary layers on the walls _where again ine rtial forces are .-~ : • ' .:" ~ 'j j . • ~ ; : . negligible bl.\t where _the vis.cous ,. _electromagneti_c and pressu;i;e_.,.,_,·.1.: 1, 0 -;~ :o, i.< forces are of the same ordeJ',, The thickne_ss of th.e J _ayers, '"' ,-,·~t- ,;\· is assumed to be very much smaller than the duct widt:h, · .' · . .'.·"· 1 ,,;:; .- ._, r i. 0-In many exi ·sting M. H. D, generators, the generator ducts. have,:larg.e , . changes in their cross-sectional area, but becaµse _ the calculations . ' are based on one-dimensional ga_s dynamics the effects of ,large ... transverse velocities caused by the are~ change are not considered; . We show how flow in such ducts can be calculated exactly when .S 1. Another problem ·n.ot suitable for solving by one-dimensional gas· dynamics is that of . calculating the effect of variations ' in the. " magnetic field both along and across the duct, · whereas in our approxi- mation a fairly simple method eiists for this c~iculation. · ·By means of our boundary layer approximations we examine the effects of viscous friction and heat transfer at the wall when S increases, We conclude that owing to the damping of the turbulence which occurs when S-:>>l and the formation of slowly growing boundary layers the effects on the core flow of the wall . shear stress and hea·t transfer become progressively less as S increases. · / 2. _ COllE PLO\f _In this s ection we consider the flow in the core and the.refore we wi ll ignore viscous forces. Th e governing e quations for th·e · steady flow of a conducting gas are taken to be: Mome ntum: Continuity: Energy: Ohm's Law: Maxwell's Equat ions: ,· -~ e ( 1t . v) 1t , ... - v P -i' 1 ~ ~ , ( 2. 1) -(e·v)t!+(it.v)e O (2.2) e(U: . v)(h.+\i!/·)~ E. j+V.(I\.VT), (2.3) 7~ ($' Ct _+ 11)( a)-(i..,-r/U3\)(f,:s) (2.4) ... v. 8 : 0 -, v-,. g__ = 0 I ~ -?0- V x 8 -= fJ (2.5) (2 .6 ) (2.7) Where t he symbol·s have th·eir usual meaning. _~ · In this paper we consider the magnetic _fie.Id. t _o be produced by external coil_s and we assume that the magnetic Reynolds number , Rm is sufficiently small for us to ignore the field produc e d -by the induced currents,~ Let the imposed· __ fij ld be B0 , _- then in the generator _ duct -1: (2.8) We now co nsider the equations when the magnetic field is .uniform and · S >>l. Then, · using the co-ordinate system of Fig.I, equations (2.2) ~nd (2.3) becomei 0:. ·- ~p/hc. - Ja Bo, oz -op/~~ (2.9) 0 ~ - °op/~'l + J:.. Bo I I + Uj ~ + lL'l i)" E,.J,,+ ~J:,+_E"'lJ'l+ V-(h.V~ (2 .10) As is to be expected this approximation ieads to our neglecting the inertial- terms in (2.9) and (2.10). Hen~e taking the curl of (~.9) we have: / = ~':1. = i)J~ = 0 (2.11) ::, ~ We now show by an order ·of magnitude argument . that when S >> , - and the flow is compressible we can ignore the heat cond u ct ion terms in 2.10. From (2.9 ) we see _ that t he characteristic distance in which pchanges in the x - direct i on is O (s-1) a nd hence T c hanges in a simi l ar distance~ Th e n ) and,. si-nce in most cases Re':>'), S and Pr = 0(1),. we can ignore the heat conduction ·terms. Physically this means that in the _core the _hea,t , generat~d by ohmic dissipation is cohvected rather th~n ci~duct~d away. "> ...• . [ .• .)';_ .. /\~ 1 '; t .'i~~·I) For the symmetrical gen~r~ior shown i~_-Fig. (1.), ·J~' = 0 on the ·c·e'ntre line and hence from (2.11), ~ \: - . ' i ~ .' ·""' JJ - ~~ ." .. ) • _ J y =· Ey = 0 throughout the duet. ' ' 'Th'ence, ; I -· . l.°1 from (~.}). - ~ E',1. -= °?J1, ~ 'I; \' -r: -a, 0, ·! ~ ~- _.-.-.-~- !. .i ;_:.:_.--:,: ( :! • 7 ; ~-- . . . . - . - and Ex, E ·, J x, J~ are alT . fu'.ncti'ons 'of 'x ·and ·: onTy •. ,,~, Then ;· sinc'e :;:,,pc,e w0 6 we can ig;ore .the c'onduction ternis in (2'.1o)'we :·have:- ·2J. · :;~; :';"..-:r,,,:1 _,, :i_i l: ,,_,,, · • • · • • · - . ,; · : · ·• · ""' ..., ; -. • 1 l~ .:'; ' • i - ·--. - -; '. · "' · / i.) c e ( lL)(._°h. + u1 ~ +. u.i! ~) ]·-'· -=- c/~ .. T ••• - :: , :c2n1;-i ,~:,.~:;~;-, t' · · ~ l. . , ,;x .· _ c i .. _ .:.., ··, ,- ,::0 :,::, ,., ',, l .luct • - Since Jr/h. = o (S) '>> }T/J:, and by considering 'i>J /~ we . can formally . show that _ the solution: 1 · .. ' ~ ,j I:. ··' ' -~Th ~ "" · ~ u~ /)~ = i>Ua 0:, - >.e)J'I =- 0 ,. (2.'13) , -: • ,, : : , . f. ~-- . ' . ~ ~ . satisfies all · the equations inc"luding (2.12). Also -we can construct a ~olution to fit the bounda_ry coudi'tior:is. whi_ch satisfies (2.13)~ , The comi'equence .of the 1 imi ting solution ( 2 .13) is that all fluid _properties as well as the , · current and electric field become functions of x and s only. In an incompressible flow this would not occur whatever the value of . S, because there is no coupling between the velocity and temperature, but in a compressible flow the velocity and fluid properti es are coupled so that when S >> 1 and do = ',)j"'~::, = 0 the coupling necessitates that all ·t_l,_e other propertie~are also uniform in they- direction. --;r- · .... If now we c~·nsid~r the 'flow in a ~egmented M, ·H. D. generator in whi~h_ the electrodes are connected so that J,.,-= 0 , then ~p/~l = O and we can · show by an or_der of magni fude argwnent in considering the boundary layers (see 3) that, if the duct width in the~- direction is . constant, lli! << ·IJ.~ in the core. Then ~T/)1- = O and eqilations (2.9) -(2.10) may be .written: · '- dp/h:. = -o-· u.,,., B.i. (1-k) , U o~/h : - ·er, (L.,..'l.. 8.,t. k {{-k) I e )< . • (2.14) ! I I fi· 7 where .K .; (- Es/Ux B0 ). Since Ux and e do not vary in the y or s - , direction; Ux ·e A ; constant. (2.16) where A (x) _is the cross - sectional area. Thus we have arrived at a sei of equations with a one - dimensiona l form, yet we can satisfy the boundary conditions . on Uy in a dur.t with large variation of the . duct .11•idth~for Uy may be calculated fr_om (2,2) once Ux · and e are r°ound . from (2,14) - 2.i6). Si.nee Ux · satisfies ( 2.16), it i ,s . easi ly seen that Uy satisfies the condit io,1 that: . U-~ / (.(..._ : <) ·. lS<>e f.) · i). The pr~pertie~ of this set of equations has not _yet been studied bu°t some observations can be made at this time.f Firstly, . if 1 Ux is. c·anstant acro .ss the duct, the total velocity, (ux2 + uy2 )2 is clearly greatest near the · walls in a diverging duct. This implies an increased drag on the · wal l s and reduced tendency _to separate. · Secondly, these ~iua~ions become invalid where large gradients of velocity oc.cur such as near . shocks or near the ·exit of a duct. Thirdly, if ixfo;· large transverse pressure gradients exist and hence l arge chang~s i _n fluid properties across the duct. Then it is not possible to calculate the current distribution near segmented electrodes in the manner of Wi t -alis (9J without considering the · changes in velocity, conductivity and Hall effect across the .duct. -~ To illustrate thi§, - let us writejx ;·dflk_,iy ; 0, j 0 _=s ~ ~'t'/~::x. . Then there is a simple integral to equations (2 .9 a and 2.9 c),l-~. ri-Bi,'/'; constant • .-~.- Thus the pressure is constant along the current .lines and large c~anges in ~luid properties across the duct will o·ccur. *• . Fourthly, . the variables . in these equatio~s only depend on boundary conditions at values of x ~ . The conditions in the ' walls at y; !f (x) affect the 6urrent in· the boundary l aye~s which in turn affects the current in the core. Thu.s we d.o not ·have a direct interaction between the wal ls · and the cor·e flow as in ordinary one- dimensiona l gas dynamics but an :indirect electromagne.tic interact ion . Fifthly, we c•n consider a ll the variab les in the equations as the _ first · term of an expansion in . decreasing powers ·of S1 where S1 is the value of Sat the entrance, e,g. Knowing Uxa from our ser9th approximation we can calculate the first approx imatio n and thus we can see the e.ffect of the inertial terms . This approach has _been u sed by Hunt and Leibovitch [8] to examine in compressible flow and found much simpler than expanding in ascending powers of S. ~ L.~. ("2..1"- 2.16). t l-,v,J~fi"' Jr tt ~~ tv) r~ +~ J~ lt;t --J- ~ (;)'._ s .. ~,c1. w l..a.v.__ l'-12-<< , . -~ r·.- L ,"II I h I I L~stly, it is of interest to note that equations (2.14 - 2,16) are exactly the · same as those for . a frictionless constant velocity duct (r]. ·The differences ir: this approac h and that of one-dimensional gas dynamics will app~ar most marked when the hiiher order approxi~ mations, · as discussed .in t:JP. preceding paragraph, are considered As explsined in§ l, our aim in thi~ se~tion is to consider the boundary layers on the walls perpendicular to the magnetic fields wheu S >>l. We assume the walls to be electrically insulating and then - the approximate equations writ ten in terms of the bound;fry layer co - ordinate.s s, n and i5 are: 0 :. op/os . - J;J Ro~"'- + 'o!an [71 cl~/&M.), °op h "' + Ji! B,, .su. o(. 0 "' - ?>p/?J~ + J~ fso C.~ o( +- "o/c)l'\. (.,, ~Ll,i!/ol'I.), . e{Us oh/~+_ U,, Jt../~n + Lt~ ?>l.(o~)-: d/on (R ~T/o") + )f'~.,.._(,~jj,.(U./·-tu.:·+11-;)/1.) + J,£,. -+-J1:£''t · ! a) ) (3.1) b) (3,2) . ) _ .. _ c) ., .. Js =. I+ %1: c.O;I~)'- r Er.s + <-'C ~IC'.£'s~-+ &,~~cu~~ W't'lD"lO(U~) f ~' ( · t.Jh.e~ +M-1~ : J.f/J..cc_. (f.·3 . .:t) • . , 3.5) For typical generator loading ~·ond i tions K · =-Ei5/UB . ""' a/1 , and then the current density in t hese l ayers is very muc.h greater than that in the core. ~owever , the conductivity is usually low niar .· the wall and si nc e the velocity gradients there are large th~ l~vel of t~rbulence will b~ gr~ater in these layers than in th~ core and ou:r approximat!.;in less valid. When H»l an d S::vi. the boundary layer thickness; S, is O {H- 1) as may br. seen;,. (3.2 a), For the rea'Sons discussed iri} 2 the velocity anrl temperature variations are coupled and consequently the velocity . and temperature boundary layer ar~ identical. If the wall is kept at a constant temperature while the core is at Tc we can sho~ that in (3.3) th e convective terms are very much smaller than the conducting . tert11s parti cul ctrly when ( 1 - K)« 1. In the core the convective terms are of the same order as the"tE term and m~ch · grJater tha~ the_conductio~ terms, but in the bounrlary ~ay~rsJ-E is . o(~K - 1 )) times 1 ts vi:.l ~~ _1n: the co re and the viscous d1" s1pa t1on term is O (i Us{cor e) H2/a2) which is O (1/K(K-l) times the _value of "7 E in the core. Thus in t he boundary layers, since the convective terms are of the same order as in the core, most of the extra heat dis s ipat- ion is too great for c·onvection a nd i" c.:ondu.cted away through the walls, ,,. 1' -; .. .•• ; j l 11 IC 9 .to ., '- · ,- "' If there is no heat loss through the walls, the ras in the boundary layer hea ts up as it _progresses'. th~ he~t ?eing_convected alon'.);, Clearly in this case our approximation is invalid • . -" The approximate equations 'liay now be wr itten in the following way, using the values of pressure gradient in the core and igno~ing terms I'll of O (S), ~(ells)+ "c)~(eu .. ) + t)~(elL-=) = o., (3.1) '.3/dl\. C 11 )") - 0~ - j~ c.ou. )so = o., (3. 6) o/dYI. ( "'] ou;~f\) -t- (J.s -.k co..e) Bo = 0, (3:+) :is ~ + J~ Fr .,.-¥wi h-b ( 11.x,1. ;- IJ.,/)/2.) + ~/Jn{ k °;)Tfdn)= O ( 3. s) , oE:s /t)t\ = "H:~ 1J ri = o ., (3. g) wh~'i.e . thii suffiX: . •core.·1 refers to . the value of the variable in the core·, We can -deduce simple re.suits by integrating (3.5) and (3',7) with respect · to . n from n = 0 to n =O, We obtain ! , . '" ' ,. ;; ;80 ,:_~/i1:-_/l-'°.N..__) di\:. -/J ~u.s/Jnt .. 0 : -7:,,, { (3,_io) , ~8., fo ( ,&_- J~eo,c ) dn f i dU.r~n/ ncD = -C- 'l: J wl:ieri 'ts / 't~ are the components of' ski~ friction in s and i, directions, K~l, j 2 · and j.s become very much greater than their value in the . c·ore. In .. this special case · . · . . .· ' -. . f6 . J . r' d \~ ~TI - Gl .. E.._$ ,- o .JS Q.t'\ + EE- Jo Jil P\: h\ t'\•O - J wheri . Q is the heat leaving the walls, From (3,10) 1 ' Thus we h;ve a relation b e tween 'i" a~d Q which is independent of th.e fluid properties but which is only valid when the generator is almost on open ~circu"i t. Let us now consider the. special case of J;ic.~O in the core in order to find the order of magnitude of the swirl velocity, u~, induced by the , Hall effe_ct. We assume Us>> u~ ·in -the core and then s h ow that this is true, From(3.4)Jin the core: . . . - ( ) . . .. ( B II' . . ) ,..., - W'?:' G~ .,_c(. ll.s Bo l- k , E& ~ - "-' 7: lOS o<. Eqi:-,. o Ge::.,/.. - . . . Hence in the boundary layer, . where Us is small n ear the wall: 1 N " .0: (- U.s Bo w 't' ~ ... cl - ll-... Bo u,t)O(.) ,- ~ ~~ . c I +(w7; '-'" r,,i . . • · Sub stitutin g this a ppro ximate value for Jg . in (3_., +) we have: ... • [ tr C.:,~ °B;- Wt:'. (.C)Sl.ol 01.J : Ui!! =-0 I ·1- (i..,'t' c.os a(.\'- - . since S is O (fC1 ) and wt: is assumed to be O (1 ). Thus the swirl velocity is of the same order as the core velocity in the boundary layer. But an equal quantity of ga~ must return in the opposite direction in the core and since the flow properties do not vary in they - direction, we have: ll~ ::.-0 -. [ 6 . C.o.e. o.. Thus we can say that the swirl velocity U,1 is small in t _he core when jx = 0, Since U,1 =-0 (Us) in the boundary layer it means that in this case't,1 =-0 ('t's)• -We now estimate the order of magnitude. of 1: s and thence examine the effect on the core flow of the boundary layers. 'ts : 0 [ 7lw U.s C.0'4. /s] .< o [ 11t.o>e Lls~ J where~~ is the value bf viicosity at the wall and if the wall is cooled j < 11 • · Hence . "" /C,o,e_ 1:5 ;$ O · [ U."' '°~ 80 (sr 'l )'l•J / where er and 7) are taken at their core values, current leaving the generator is I, by adding boundary layers to that in the core we have: I: er U.xc.,,4. Bo(l-k) -'ts/Bo ~ / Then if the total the current in the Thus it . is only when (1-K) !::!.. (irl) that the effect of the wa lls on the core flow is appreciable, Therefore, whatever the roughnes s or the heat withdrawn from the· walls perpe ndicular to the field when (1-K) >>H-1 the core flow is unaffected. This is an important re s ult as it shows that even if the walls are very roug~ as_ is oft_en the case in M. H. D. generators, _ the flow in the core will not be greatly affected. Thus t~e situation is very different from a norma l compressible duct flow where turbulence distributes th~ she ar stresses and the heat input at the wall ~ver the duc t Gn~these effects have to be considered in the core, 4 • . NON-UNIFORM MAGNETIC FIELDS -A~ a simpl e e~ample of the ~ethod for examining the effect of non - unifo~m magnetic fields .we conside r the flow · in "the core of a constant area duct wh e n th e re is no ilall effe;t and the magn e tic 10 f::· l·l; I. I 11 field, Bo, only varies in the y and ·~ directions . Since B0 satisfies (2.9) when Rm»l.,we can write the components of Bo as: B.,._=O, ~:.-~, Si!:c ~~ (4,1)· where A satisfies, · V1. A "" O, and the momentum equatio ns for our special case as: o .• _ ?Jph-.x:. -(J.,, 8; - J'O Bi ) 0 ..,, -op/?J-a ... - op/~~ Thence (3.3) becomes: where J:a."" o, Jij: -}lf'fe~, J~c }ipfi~ 1 · o.,,.d. p.,. "cp,!b~. The general solution to (3,5) may be written as (4.2) ( 4. a-) (4.4) (4.5) . . . -t-P d.1;1 . 'f' = J(tl) 1. ("b ~ /H) 1 (4.6) where the integral is a line integral taken along a 1line of constant A, i,e,.a field line; In the case of a rectangular duct in which · the magnetic field is symmetric about the centre line in both directions, the current distribution is symmetric and 'r' = ·o at y Then (3 .• 6)becomes: _ ' o. P Yr A~ oJ<.A i:onst.:..t} O> A- /lr ) (4,7) :_ As · a ve.ry siJDple- exampl e consider ' they directi~n which has a small directions.' Then: 1 a mainly uniform ma g~etic f ie ld in parabolic variatiori in the t and~ I A [fr0 i: -+ fs., ; 3 - lr. e ';jl.J I · where lr0 _>?> lr, . The , s~lution for 'f to first order in ~ /lr0 is: f~ t: [ I- 6- r2. ~ + ;t] I: Thence Ji - ~[ I- ~ 'i:2. + 6- l. J = ~ ~.. and J~ :. i_p(,. ~ ~ &- 2.. 0 This method can be extended to more complicated situai ions, Als~ it enables us to find the . velocity distribution in the core, though th e boundary layer structure the n has to be taken into acco unt, ' -· c-,· ., \' 't !, \ .. 1; .:· ( -REFERENCES ( 1) Hunt, J. C.R. & Stewartson, K. 1965, J, Fluid_ Mech, 23, 563 (2) ·Kerrebrock, J. L. 1961, J. Aero/Space Sci. 28·, 631 (3) Hal_e, F. J, & Kerrebrock J, L. 1964. AIAA _g_, _461 · (4) Swift-Hook, D, T, & Wrig1:t· J:. K. 1963. J, Fluid Mech • .!.§_, 97 ,(5) Louis, J. F. Etal. 1964, Phys. Fluids 2, 362 (6) Murgatroyd, W, 1953, Phil. 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