File “Analysis_FreeEnergy_General.xlsx” contains results for for free energy, entropy, enthalpy, and switchboard entropy as a function of distance from a receptor-coated surface for multivalent nanoparticles. Results are given for different choices of receptor concentration, ligand-receptor binding strength, and number of ligands per particle. File also contains these quantities at the nanoparticle distance that minimises the free energy. File “Analysis_FreeEnergy_SwitchPoints.xlsx” contains values of the switch-point surface receptor concentration for competing multivalent species with different valency, and ligand-receptor binding strength. All results were generated using Mathematica notebook “MPMultivalentParticle_Analytic.nb”. To run MPMultivalentParticle_Analytic.nb, save the notebook as a .m file, move it into the Autorun folder, and then run it with “” with name of .m file as first argument.