This file describes the contents of the tarballs and lists compatible version of the software they relate to. Main.tar.gz =========== This tarball contains the CCSD(T) and DFT calculations from which we have performed the fits to generate our optimized functionals. The tarball consists of a root directory named Main. Below we list the contents of this directory tarball associated with each stage of the calculations. Generate CCSD(T) and KS-DFT energies ------------------------------------ * Run_clusters/Job Runs MOLPRO for ccsd(T) and rks, and for range of clusters and basis sets. Output is stored in ./Store_ccsd and ./Store_rks. Modification of Job required to generate ccsd or rks, and selected basis sets for each cluster size. Modification of Hn.template required for rks calculations with batch (1,3,5) of functionals. See Hn.template_(1,3,5). * Store_ccsd/hcluster_extract_e Store_rks/hcluster_extract_e Get total energies and tabulate in e__.dat files as energy/[H2] * Store_ccsd/hcluster_extrap_e Store_rks/hcluster_extrap_e Extrapolate tabulated total energies (to standard out). Provides with no dispersion corrections. Dispersion corrections ---------------------- * Run_clusters/generate_D3_corrections Generates which contains dispersion corrections for each functional and cluster. This script used the DFT-D3 code of Stefan Grimme. Optimise KS-DFT functionals --------------------------- * Run_optimise_functionals/Que Generate 8 optimised functionals: O_1 O_1-D3 O_2 O_2-D3 O_3 O_3-D3 O_4 O_4-D3 Requires CCSD(T) data to be present in ./Store_ccsd. Optimised parameters are put into p.dat_ files. Generate isolated H KS-DFT energies for self-interaction: --------------------------------------------------------- * Store_dft/ Contains KS-DFT evaluation for range of basis sets. Generate gwfn files for CASINO: ------------------------------- * Run_make_gwfn/Job Runs Molpro with O3 to generate .molden files (and reorder them). * Run_make_gwfn/Store_rks/generate_gwfn Generate gwfn files for CASINO from /molden files. Results stored in ./Run_make_gwfn/Store_rks. files omitted, provided in DMC tarball instead. Final data files ---------------- * CCSD(T) Energy/[H2]. * KS-DFT Energy/[H2] (no dispersion). * D3 dispersion correction energy/[H2]. * KS-DFT Self-interaction error for each functional. DMC.tar.gz ========== This tarball contains the files from the DMC calculations used to verify the reliability of the functionals. The tarball consists of a root directory named DMC, containing the main subdirectory hierarchy named in the form //

/ where: = O3, LDA, PBE, B3LYP = 6, 12, 24

= 150GPa, 250GPa, 350GPa = c2c-24, cmca-12, cmca-4, p21c-24, pc-48 This tarball contains the following files: - /jrt_files/gwfn.data_* Gaussian orbital files in CASINO format produced using functional for all ,

and . The generation of these files is discussed in the description of the "Main" tarball above. - //input_mad //input_emin //input_dmc1 //input_dmc4 //parameters.casl CASINO input files and empty parameters file for each of the stages of the calculation. "mad" corresponds to the first wave function optimization stage where the mean absolute deviation of the local energies from the median local energy is minimized within VMC; "emin" corresponds to the second wave function optimization stage where the linear least-squares energy minimization method is employed within VMC. "dmc1" and "dmc4" correspond to the DMC calculations performed at two different timesteps differing by a factor of 4. - //

//01_mad/out //

//01_mad/parameters.casl //

//02_emin/out //

//02_emin/parameters.casl CASINO output file and optimized Jastrow factor parameters from each of the two VMC wave function optimization stages. - //

//03_dmc/dt1/out //

//03_dmc/dt1/quickblock.results //

//03_dmc/dt4/out //

//03_dmc/dt4/quickblock.results CASINO output file and output from the "quickblock" CASINO utility for each of the systems at the different DMC timesteps. - //

//03_dmc/dtdmc.dat Lists the timestep, energy, and (reblocked) standard error of the DMC calculations for the corresponding system. Note that these energies are expressed in Ha/[H2] - //

//03_dmc/dmc0.dat Contains the DMC energy and uncertainty of the corresponding system at zero timestep, obtained by linear extrapolation of the data in dtdmc.dat. - O3/6/250GPa/c2c-24/10_dmc_survey/ This directory contains files from our initial survey of DMC timesteps, where we ran DMC calculations at 8 different timesteps to determine an appropriate set of timesteps for the main calculations. The contents of this directory are like those of the other DMC directories described above. Software versions ================= - MOLPRO files are compatible with MOLPRO version 2012.1. For information of how to get a copy of MOLPRO visit: - CASINO files are compatible with CASINO version 2.13 and later. For information on how to get a copy of CASINO visit: - For information on the DFT-D3 code of Stefan Grimme visit: