This file describes the contents of the accompanying tarball (eCEPP.tar.gz) associated with the paper "Shape and energy consistent pseudopotentials for correlated electron systems" J. R. Trail and R. J. Needs The Journal of Chemical Physics 146, 204107 (2017) doi: The tarball contains: * Source code for calculating energy and shape consistent pseudopotentials for correlated electron systems (eCEPPs). * Input files for the evaluation of molecular geometries and dissociation energies using coupled-cluster theory with single, double and perturbative triple excitations. * Input files for the evaluation of molecular geometries and dissociation energies using density functional theory. * Input files for optimising Gaussian basis sets for use with eCEPPs. Unpacking the tarball provides: Re: Section II of associated paper --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./Source Directory contains code used to generate eCEPPs. ./Generate_eCEPPs Directory for generation of eCEPPs using ./eCEPP_gen. ./Store_eCEPPs Directory containing eCEPPs used in the paper. Re: Section IIIA & IIIB of associated paper --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./Test_eCEPPs_CCSD_std Directory for evaluation of CCSD(T) energies and geometries with both all-electrons present and using eCEPPs. Uses MOLPRO. Re: Section IIIC of associated paper --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./Generate_eCEPPs_tab Directory for generation of Kleinman-Bylander representation of eCEPPs. ./Test_eCEPPs_RKS_std Directory for evaluation of DFT KS energies and geometries with both all-electrons present and using eCEPPs. Uses MOLPRO and restricted spin. ./Test_eCEPPs_UKS_std Directory for evaluation of DFT KS energies and geometries with both all-electrons present and using eCEPPs. Uses MOLPRO and unrestricted spin. ./Test_eCEPPs_PWKS Directory for evaluation of DFT KS energies and geometries with eCEPPs. Uses CASTEP. Re: Section IIID of associated paper --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./Generate_basis Directory for generation of contracted aug-cc-pVnZ-eCEPP Gaussian basis sets sets optimised for use with eCEPPs. ./Test_eCEPPs_CCSD_new Directory for evaluation of CCSD(T) energies and geometries with a) eCEPPs and contracted aug-cc-pVnZ-eCEPP basis sets b) all electrons and contracted aug-cc-pVnZ basis sets. Uses MOLPRO. ./Store_new_basis Directory containing optimized basis sets used in the paper. Information specific to compiling code, running code, and interpreting output files is available within README files contained in each directory. Other software used: ============================================================================================ Name and version: executable name: For further information see: MOLPRO version 2012.1 molpro CASTEP version 8.0* castep/castep.mpi Luksan BFGS optimization eCEPP_gen Quantum Espresso 4.3.1 ld1.x * Minor modifications to CASTEP were required to implement multiple projectors for pseudopotentials in the .data & .awfn format.