This file describes the contents of the tarballs and lists compatible version of the software they relate to. Unless otherwise specified, numbers in data files are in Hartree atomic units, and the various quantities are defined as specified in the paper. 1D_quadrature.tar.gz ==================== This tarball contains the numerical one-dimensional quadrature grid solver we have used in Section IV of the paper. This tarball consists of a "1D_quadrature" directory containing the following files: * anh_quadrature.f90: Stand-alone Fortran 95 code. Note that the code requires a LAPACK library installed that can be linked with "-llapack". * Compilation script. Note that the script may need to be adapted depending on the Fortran compiler to use. The code is intended to be run interactively. Given the polynomial coefficients of a 1D potential, the code generates and tests quadrature grids of up to 10 points. The code also produces Grace plots formatted like Figs. 1-5 of the paper. NB, the potentials used for the tests reported in Figs. 1 and 2 of the paper were defined with coefficient strings: 0 0 -0.5 0 0.25 and 0 0 0.5 0.25 0.125 respectively. HF.tar.gz and NH3.tar.gz ======================== These tarballs contain the data for the n-dimensional tests carried out in Section V of the paper. These tarballs contain an "HF" and "NH3" base directory, respectively, and these contain subdirectories named "Direct", "AllModes", and "OneMode" or "TwoModes", matching the terminology used in the paper for direct Monte Carlo integration, Monte Carlo sampling of increasingly fine grids for all modes, and Monte Carlo sampling of two-point grids for all modes and increasingly fine grids for modes identified as non-quadratic. Alongside these directories, each tarball also contains a "System" directory containing the files: * *.param, *.cell, *.castep, *.bands: CASTEP input/output files at the equilibrium atomic configuration. * disp_patterns.dat: characterization of the normal modes of the system, listing normal-mode frequencies and associated atomic displacements obtained from the CASTEP output using the CAESAR development code. The "AllModes", "OneMode", and "TwoModes" directories contain subdirectories named "p

", where

is the number of points in the grid -- note that "p2" is omitted in the "OneMode" and "TwoMode" directories since the results are by definition identical to those in AllModes/p2. The Direct and {AllModes,OneMode,TwoModes}/p

directories contain the following directories: * Raw/ This directory contains subdirectories named run., where is an index, each of which contains CASTEP input and output files to compute the band gap at a different displaced nuclear configuration. The CASTEP files are: - *.param, *.cell: CASTEP input parameters and atomic positions - *.castep: CASTEP output file - *.bands: CASTEP band structure data * Stats/ This directory contains data files, obtained from the system data and the CASTEP calculations, which are processed to produce the expectation values and variances reported in the paper. The files are: * freqs_grid.dat: list of mode frequencies. Note that the first lines correspond to acoustic modes of (numerically) zero frequency. * phonon_coords.dat: list of normal-mode coordinates sampled in the Monte Carlo run, with each line corresponding to a random nuclear configuration. Where the first three numbers in all lines are *not* zero, acoustic modes have been omitted. * delta_gap.dat: list of values of the band gap obtained from the CASTEP calculations, with each line corresponding to a nuclear configuration matching the order in phonon_coords.dat. In some cases there are fewer lines in delta_gap.dat than in phonon_coords.dat, implying that the unmatched configurations listed in phonon_coords.dat have not been used. Software and versions ===================== - CASTEP files are compatible with CASTEP version 6.11 and later. For information on how to get a copy of CASTEP visit: - The anh_quadrature.f90 Fortran code is written in standard Fortran 95 and it should be possible to compile it with any compliant Fortran compiler. We used the gfortran compiler v7.2.0 and the Atlas LAPACK library v3.10.3. - Plots produced by the and_quadrature.f90 Fortran code can be opened with Grace v5.1.25; for more information visit: - For information on the CAESAR anharmonic corrections research code email bm418 at .