README Data for the 'the mechanics of solid-state nanofoaming' manuscript This data set contains two items: 1) Measurement data of the solid-state nanofoaming experiments at different foaming times (60s, 180s, 300s, 600s) and foaming temperatures (25deg, 40deg, 60deg, 80deg) Reported are: relative density rr, porosity p, cell nucleation density N0, average cell size f, and observed standard deviation SD in cell sizes. All measurements methods are summarised in the main manuscript. More details are given in the open access publication ( of the Cellmat group at the University of Valladolid. 2) Code files for the void growth simulations in Matlab The theoretical framework is summarised in the main manuscript. More details can be found in the thesis of Van Loock ( The following files are included: - Main file (main_file_update.m): run this file within a folder containing the other files/functions: - odesolver_uniformconcentration_new.m: ODE function solved in the main file (change processing input parameters here). - function_root_adot.m: gives the time derivative of the void size (a_dot) by statisfying equilibrium. Root-solved in odesolver_uniformconcentration_new. - stress_function_lowmnw.m: calculates stress at a mesh point in the solid-gas cell wall for a given temperature, strain, and strain rate (change calibrated constitutive parameters for the polymer-gas system of interest here). - temp_function_exp.m: assumed time-temperature profile of the solid-gas surrounding the void. - tg_function.m: calculates the effective glass transition temperature as a function of gas concentration via a calibrated Chow equation (see thesis Van Loock). Questions/suggestions?: