This DATSETNAMEreadme.txt file was generated on 20200624 by Akshyeta Suryanarayan ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Title of Dataset: Data supporting PhD thesis: "What's cooking in the Indus Civilisation? Investigating Indus food through ceramic lipid residue analysis" Author Information (Akshyeta Suryanarayan, University of Cambridge, Department of Archaeology, Cambridge CB2 3DZ, Principal Investigator: Akshyeta Suryanarayan Associate or Co-investigator: Dr Cameron Petrie and Dr Tamsin O'Connell Date of data collection: 20151201 to 20191231 Geographic location of data collection: New Delhi, India; Pune, India; London, United Kingdom; York, United Kingdom; Cambridge, United Kingdom -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data, or limitations of reuse: CC BY-NC Recommended citation for the data: Suryanarayan, A. (2020). What's cooking in the Indus Civilisation? Investigating Indus food through ceramic lipid residue analysis (Doctoral thesis). Citation for and links to publications that cite or use the data: Suryanarayan, A., M. Cubas, O. E. Craig, C. P. Heron, V. Shinde, R. N. Singh, T. C. O'Connell, C. A. Petrie. Organic residues in pottery from the Indus Civilisation in northwest India. Submitted to Journal of Archaeological Science. Links/relationships to ancillary or related data sets: Please refer to Suryanarayan et al. submitted -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- File list (filenames, directory structure (for zipped files) and brief description of all data files): IRMS files (abbreviations are site codes, please refer to thesis for details) 2018_07_12_results_ALM_RGR.xlsx 2018_07_12_results_and_2018_07_31_results_ALM_LHRI_RGR.xlsx 2018_08_01_results_ALM_RGR.xlsx 2018_08_04_results_MSDI_MSDVII_RGR.xlsx 2018_08_06_results_FRN.xlsx 2018_08_08_results_KNK_MSDVII_LHRI_STI.xlsx 2018_08_10_results_MSDI_MSDVII_STI.xlsx 2018_08_13_results_MSDI_MSDVII_STI_ALM.xlsx R Markdown files (for figures produced in Chapters 6 and 7): Chapter 6 Figures.Rmd Figures for Chapter 7.Rmd Data files (to be loaded into R for producing figures in Chapters 6 and 7): FA_percentages_allsites.csv myinterpretableGCMSdata_nosoil.csv myinterpretableGCMSdata.csv GC-MS data (images of chromatograms). Abbreviations are site codes, please refer to thesis for details) 20170516 - 20170517 - MSDI and 20170522 - 20170524 - 20170601 - MSDI MSDVII and 20171109 - LHRI and 20171114 - 20171116 - 20171117 - 20171123 - 20171124 - FRN and 20171127 - KNK and 20171130 - diluted and BSTFA derivatised - KNK LHRI 20171201 - solvent extracted - FRN KNK LHRI MSDI MSDVII 20160303 - 20160303 - 20160303 - -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: please see Suryanarayan 2020 or Suryanarayan et al. submitted Methods for processing the data: as above Software- or Instrument-specific information needed to interpret the data, including software and hardware version numbers: R Studio and Agilent Chemstation or Masshunter Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: see Suryanarayan 2020. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: see Suryanarayan 2020 and Suryanarayan et al. submitted Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: