------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cambridge synthetic light field dataset for testing view interpolation methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This dataset contains the synthetic light field dataset reported in the paper: A Benchmark of Light Field View Interpolation Methods Dingcheng Yue, Muhammad Shahzeb Khan Gul, Michel Bätz, Joachim Keinert, and Rafał Mantiuk In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMEW46912.2020.9106041 If you use this dataset in your work, please cite the paper above. Organization of the dataset --------------------------- The dataset is organised as follows: * "scene.csv": a CSV file specifies what each scene is conditioned on. * "///_.png": a 512x512 image file contains a view of a specific light field. * "/.blend": the original blender file that generates the scene. * "//disparity.npy": a numpy array specifying the disparity map of the central view of the light field. The disparity is computed assuming that the baseline is 1 unit. * "///param.txt" specify the parameter for the extrinsic camera matrix. Specifically, "num_x", "num_y" specifies how many rows and columns of views are there in the light field. And "base_x" and "base_y" specifies the distance between cameras of two neighbouring views. The directory and file names represent the following information: + - ID of a scene (content). Note that each scene is varied by a specific condition (disparity, occlusion, non-lambertian) showed in scene.csv + - The frame number associated with each scene. For the scenes that vary by disparity, there is only one frame number (001). For the scenes that vary in occlusion and non-Lambertian surfaces, the varies between (001) and (010) + - The mean disparity between two neighbouring views of the scene. + - The light field consists of a set of 9x9 views. The row number of a particular view. (y-direction) + - The light field consists of a set of 9x9 views. The columns number of a particular view. (x direction) Camera Parameters ------------------ All the scenes use the same intrinsic camera parameters, specifically, the field of view is 39.6 degrees, the aspect ratio is 1 (square 512x512px images), the near and far clipping planes are at 0.1 and 100. A symmetric view frustum is used. The intrinsic camera matrix is: Matrix(((2.777777671813965, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 2.777777671813965, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0020020008087158, -0.20020020008087158), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0))) The extrinsic matrix can be calculated by base_x and base_y specified in the param.txt Copyright --------- Refer to the copyright.txt for the copyright information on images used in the dataset. All blender files are licensed under a CC license. Questions --------- Any questions regarding the dataset should be directed to: Rafal Mantiuk and Dingcheng Yue (include both authors in the correspondence).