There are two data sets, for the earlier and later phases of maturation. Images corresponding to each measurement are labelled by date (same filename as 'desc') in the image folders. The spectral data is most easily accessed in the matlab files, in which it is stored as structures. The structure fields are: 'spec' - the spectrum = raw-bkgd / ref 'wl' - the wavelength values which make up the points on the spectrum 'bkgd' - the background optical noise, subtracted from each raw spectrum 'ref' - the reference spectrum from the mirrorĂ¥ 'desc' - a description of the spectrum, matching the image filename taken at the same time 'inttime' - the integration time 'numave' - the number of averages 'raw' - the raw data recorded 'creationtime' - the date and time that the spectrum was taken (immediately before the photograph) 'tag' - a tag applied to the spectrum 'fruitcell' - the cell number this spectrum corresponds to 'filter' - empty 'include' - empty 'objim' - empty 'mag' - magnification of objective lens 'refit' - integration time of the reference spectrum 'lh' - detail of microscope filter calibration Alternatively, all of the data is copied into excel spreadsheets The fields are listed in ms(1/2)_fields.csv alongside the number of the field ms(1/2)_* refers to data from set (1/2) Each excel file has the complete set of measurements -for that set -of that field -as labelled.