%Deflection of FOSF %Feasible Optimum Shape Finding %Seeks the shape optimised beam design with the minimum possible embodied %carbon when depth profile is restricted to be parabolic %Output figure shows the variation of embodied carbon with design depth %Minimum point of the curve shows the optimum depth and minimum possibel %embodied carbon %Check 'FinalMin' in the memory for design details of each beam %Check 'Deflections' in the memory for deflections of each beam global dflange bf fc Ec fs Es epcp; dflange=160; %mm %flange width=web +1680 %fc=30; %N/mm2 %Ec=33000; %N/mm2 fs=500; %N/mm2 Es=200000; %N/mm2 epcp=(0.57*fc)/Ec; %finding the moments of the section and calling for curvature global L0 W d h bw As M; L0=8; %m F=[12 20 30 40 50]; E=[27000 30000 33000 35000 37000]; G=3; fc=F(G); Ec=E(G)/3; %Analyse for this beam Hmid=600; L=0:1:10; LM=[0 5 10]; beamno=1; %this is used in shear design %sin2(teta) sin2t=sind(2*acotd(2.5)); for Hmid=300:10:900 row=1; for Hend=dflange:2:Hmid DM=[Hend Hmid Hend]; p=polyfit(LM,DM,2); D=polyval(p,L); %plot(L,D); %hold on; %Calculate flexure for s=0:5 bw=200; bf=bw+2240; Wu=67.67; % kN/m for ULS %Flexural performance d=Hmid-40; M=Wu*L0*L0/8; k=M*1000000/(bf*d*d*fc); z=d*(0.5+(0.25-(k/1.14))^0.5); if isreal(z) if z>0.95*d z=0.95*d; end Asf=M*1000000/(0.87*fs*z); else Asf=NaN; end x=(d-z)/0.4; Ans=['For Hmid= ', num2str(Hmid), ' Asflex= ', num2str(Asf)]; disp (Ans); %N2=2+(h-bw)/10; ASM{row,1,s+1}=Hmid; ASM{row,2,s+1}=Hend; %Change the H now h=polyval(p,L(s+1)); d=h-40; H(row,s+1)=h; %Check whether it satisfies apploed moment Lx=L0*s/10; Mx=Wu/2*Lx*(L0-Lx); zx=Mx*1000000/(0.87*fs*Asf); xx=1.908*fs*Asf/(fc*bf); dx=zx+xx*0.4; if dxround(d) Asf=NaN; end Ans=['For h= ', num2str(h), 'at l= ', num2str(s+1), ' Asflex= ', num2str(Asf)]; disp (Ans); %ASM(N,i+1)=As; %Shear design Ved=Wu*L0/2-Wu*L0*s/10; %Desin shear stress Ved=Ved*1000; %bshear=Ved/(2*d); bshear=(Ved)/(0.18*d*fc*(1-fc/250)*sin2t); bmin=200; basf=Asf*100/(4*h); bw=max([bshear bmin basf]); %B(row,s+1)=bw; B(s+1)=bw; Asmax=0.04*h*bw; if Asf>Asmax %Asf=NaN; end ASM{row,3}=Asf; %Concrete Capacity Vrdc k1=1+(200/d)^0.5; k2=2; k=min(k1,k2); ro1=Asf/(bw*d); ro2=0.02; ro=min(ro1,ro2); Vrdc1=0.12*k*bw*d*(100*ro*fc)^(1/3); Vrdc2=0.035*bw*d*(fc^0.5)*(k^(3/2)); Vrdc=max(Vrdc1,Vrdc2); Vmin=0.15*d*bw*(fc)^0.5; %Minimum reinforcement decision if Ved=2.5 %disp ('Use cot(teta)=2.5'); AwS=Ved/(0.9*2.5*d*fs*0.87); shearcon='Use cot(teta)=2.5'; %Calculate concrete strut strength Vcon=0.13*d*bw*fc*(1-fc/250); if Vcon