Diffraction data for crystal structure of vaccinia virus E2 August 2021 - William Gao, Chen Gao and Stephen C. Graham === *** Diffraction images *** Each tar archive contains diffraction images in crystallographic binary file (CBF) format. The tar archives have been compressed using xz (xz -v9 ). * High resolution native data set used for final refinement (lambda = 0.97949 ang) * ==> native_highres_1to599.tar.xz, native_highres_600to1199.tar.xz and native_highres_1200to1800.tar.xz 1800 image sweep uploaded as three tar files with ~600 images each * Native data set used for structure solution (lambda = 0.97950 ang) * ==> native_solution_1to599.tar.xz, native_solution_600to1199.tar.xz and native_solution_1200to1800.tar.xz 1800 image sweep uploaded as three tar files with ~600 images each * SAD (high energy remote) dataset collected on EMTS derivative (lambda = 0.97950 ang) * ==> EMTS_1to900.tar.xz EMTS_901to1800.tar.xz 1800 image sweep uploaded as two tar files with 900 images each * Usage instructions * To extract images in current directory: unxz .tar.zx tar -xvf .tar *** Reflection files - refinement *** ==> native_highres.mtz High resolution native data set used for refinement ==> native_highres.html Processing log file for native_highres.mtz ==> VACV_E2_refine_20.mtz MTZ file with map coefficients following final round of refinement in phenix.refine *** Reflection files - structure solution *** ==> native_solution.mtz Merged and scaled reflections from the native_solution dataset ==> native_solution.html Processing log file for native_solution.mtz ==> EMTS.mtz Merged and scaled reflections from the EMTS derivative high-energy remote dataset ==> EMTS.html Processing log file for EMTS.mtz ==> crank2_free.mtz Free reflections assigned by CRANK2 during structure solution