Citation Nightingale, K. (2022). Research data supporting “Human cytomegalovirus protein RL1 degrades the antiviral factor SLFN11 via recruitment of the CRL4 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex” File-by-file description (for full Methods and Results please see Dataset S1 (separate xls. file). A. Proteins identified by the PFA screen as downregulated >3-fold by 96 hpi and ‘rescued’ >2-fold by PFA, with both fold changes significant at p<0.1 (see Figure 1B). B. Enrichment of functional pathways within proteins identified in (A), compared to all proteins quantified from this screen. C. Proteins identified by the PFA screen as upregulated >3-fold by 96 hpi yet inhibited >2-fold by PFA, with both fold changes significant at p<0.1 (see Figure 1B). Dataset S2 (separate xls.file). Predicted block of viral genes targeting 254 human proteins. Dataset S3 (separate xls. file). Interactive spreadsheet of all data in the manuscript. The “Plotter” worksheet generates graphs for all the human and viral proteins quantified, and visualises statistics. The “Data” worksheet shows minimally annotated protein data, for which the only modifications are formatting, normalization, reassignment of non-canonical HCMV ORFs and combination of peptide data for HLA- A, -B and -C alleles into single combined results, as described in Materials and Methods. The “Lookup” worksheet is used to generate graphs shown in “Plotter”. Dataset S4 (separate xls. file). Full results of the SILAC immunoprecipitation of RL1, RL5A and RL6 (see also Figure 3A). Dataset S5 (separate xls. file). A. Details of viruses and viral block deletion recombinants used in this study. B. Details of TMT labelling for each proteomic experiment. C. Details of oligonucleotides for gene knock-down, overexpression or mutagenesis.