READ_ME: The corresponding 'Beck_Ainslie_TASC_Dataset_7Mar22.xlsx' Excel file contains the supplementary data for the paper "Mitigating ab-plane Critical Current Density Inhomogeneity in Bulk HTS Rings for the Generation of NMR-Grade Magnetic Fields," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2022.3155539 The Excel file is organised into sheets as outlined below: _Sheet_: | _Information_: Outline | Sheet outlining the ring configurations and which figure data come which sheet. Probe Data | COMSOL 5.6 calculated probe data for the stack at a time of 120s after magnetising field removal for all configurations and BETA. | Axial Field strength at position (0,0,0) - stack centre. Units = [T] | Volume of bore within 1000 ppm (0.1%) of field strength at (0,0,0). Units = [mm^3] Axial Field of Mid-plane Circle | COMSOL 5.6 parametric curve exported data for the value of the axial field around a curve with radius 4 mm across the central plane of the stack for all configurations and BETA. | Phi is defined as the angle from the x-axis within the model | Units = [T] Axial Field on-axis | COMSOL 5.6 line data exported for a line between -17 and + 17 mm along the axis: x,y = 0 mm for all configurations and BETA. | Units = [T] DSV Surface - (i) | COMSOL 5.6 exported parametric surface data for axial field strength on a sphere with radius 4 mm centred on (0,0,0) for configuration (i). | Phi is defined as the angle from the x-axis within the model, theta is the angle from the positive z-axis. | Units = [T] DSV Surface - (ii) | COMSOL 5.6 exported parametric surface data for axial field strength on a sphere with radius 4 mm centred on (0,0,0) for configuration (ii). | Phi is defined as the angle from the x-axis within the model, theta is the angle from the positive z-axis. | Units = [T] DSV Surface - (iii) | COMSOL 5.6 exported parametric surface data for axial field strength on a sphere with radius 4 mm centred on (0,0,0) for configuration (iii). | Phi is defined as the angle from the x-axis within the model, theta is the angle from the positive z-axis. | Units = [T] DSV Surface - (iv) | COMSOL 5.6 exported parametric surface data for axial field strength on a sphere with radius 4 mm centred on (0,0,0) for configuration (iv). | Phi is defined as the angle from the x-axis within the model, theta is the angle from the positive z-axis. | Units = [T] Harmonic Data - (i) | Un-normalised harmonic powers, up to the 8th order, calculated using PySHTools [1], for configuration (i). | Harmonic powers fitted to a best-fit expansion of the DSV surface field exported from COMSOL, in DSV Surface (i), on a linearly interpolated grid (400,200) in size. | Expansion performed using "SHExpandDH" routine, and harmonic powers calculated using "SHCoeffs.from_array" routine. Harmonic Data - (ii) | Un-normalised harmonic powers, up to the 8th order, calculated using PySHTools [1], for configuration (ii). | Harmonic powers fitted to a best-fit expansion of the DSV surface field exported from COMSOL, in DSV Surface (ii), on a linearly interpolated grid (400,200) in size. | Expansion performed using "SHExpandDH" routine, and harmonic powers calculated using "SHCoeffs.from_array" routine. Harmonic Data - (iii) | Un-normalised harmonic powers, up to the 8th order, calculated using PySHTools [1], for configuration (iii). | Harmonic powers fitted to a best-fit expansion of the DSV surface field exported from COMSOL, in DSV Surface (iii), on a linearly interpolated grid (400,200) in size. | Expansion performed using "SHExpandDH" routine, and harmonic powers calculated using "SHCoeffs.from_array" routine. Harmonic Data - (iv) | Un-normalised harmonic powers, up to the 8th order, calculated using PySHTools [1], for configuration (iv). | Harmonic powers fitted to a best-fit expansion of the DSV surface field exported from COMSOL, in DSV Surface (iv), on a linearly interpolated grid (400,200) in size. | Expansion performed using "SHExpandDH" routine, and harmonic powers calculated using "SHCoeffs.from_array" routine. Other notes: - Configuration (i-iv) are defined as within the paper. A copy of figure 1 - explaining these orientations - is included in the sheet 'Outline' - BETA is the percentage reduction in Jc between the maximum and minimum values around the ab-plane: when BETA = 0, Jc is homogeneous; BETA = 50, Jc(min) = 0.5*Jc(max) References: [1] Mark A. Wieczorek and Matthias Meschede (2018). SHTools — Tools for working with spherical harmonics, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 2574-2592, doi:10.1029/2018GC007529.