This archive contains two files associated with the manuscript "Parallel adaptation of rabbit populations to myxoma virus" 1 - rabbit_dataset.vcf is a vcf of the entire dataset generated with program GATK (version 3.5) (original working name: rabbit_HM_EX_SNP_MAPQ40_Merge_Rescale_VarFilt1_GenFilt2_Biallelic_MinCov5.vcf) 2 - rabbit_dataset_allelecount.txt is an allele count of all SNPs for each population where the header corresponds to the following: CHR: Chromosome POS: Position REF: Reference Allele ALT: Alternative Allele MAF: Minor Allele Frequency pvalue_HWE_H: HWE p-value in historical Samples pvalue_HWE_M: HWE p-value in modern Samples H_AU_CALL: Number of genotypes called in Australia (Historical) M_AU_CALL: Number of genotypes called in Australia (Modern) H_UK_CALL: Number of genotypes called in UK (Historical) M_UK_CALL: Number of genotypes called in Modern UK H_FR_CALL: Number of genotypes called in Historical France M_FR_CALL: Number of genotypes called in Modern France H_AU_REF: Number of REF alleles in Historical Australia (Historical) M_AU_REF: Number of REF alleles in Modern Australia H_UK_REF: Number of REF alleles in Historical UK M_UK_REF: Number of REF alleles in Modern UK H_FR_REF: Number of REF alleles in Historical France M_FR_REF: Number of REF alleles in Modern France H_AU_ALT: Number of ALT alleles in Historical Australia M_AU_ALT: Number of ALT alleles in Modern Australia H_UK_ALT: Number of ALT alleles in Historical UK M_UK_ALT: Number of ALT alleles in Modern UK H_FR_ALT: Number of ALT alleles in Historical France M_FR_ALT: Number of ALT alleles in Modern France