Explanation of Excel data labels: Subject No: assigned subject number WMdummy: dummy variable indicating allocation to working Memory Training SATdummy:dummy variable indicating allocation to selective attention Training WL dummy:dummy variable indicating allocation to waitlist Intervention:1= WM, 2=SAT, 3=WL Intervention_A: provides details of intervention for that line of data including whether participant had already completed WL Condition: training condition InterventionIncWLreassignments: 1=WM, 2=SAT, 3=WL Sex: female(f), male(m) Age: in years at start of involvment in study Lesion side:1=left, 2=right, 3=bilateral, 4= unknown Stroke type: where known this is provided Frontal: if 1 present scan report mentions presence of damage in this area Parietal: if 1 present scan report mentions presence of damage in this area Temporal:if 1 present scan report mentions presence of damage in this area Occipital:if 1 present scan report mentions presence of damage in this area Subcortical:if 1 present scan report mentions presence of damage in this area Cerebellar:if 1 present scan report mentions presence of damage in this area Smallvessel: scan reports mentions presence of small vessel disease Timesincemostrecentinjury: time in months since the most recent of the patient's strokes VisualAcuity: value /20 on near visual acuity chart (wearing glasses if req) Ishiharaerrors: no of errors on ishihara colour blind test Colourblind: patient or test report of colourblindness Neglect: patient/ referral report of unilateral neglect LanguageImpairment:patient/ refferer report of a significant language impairment Nonnative: indiciates english not first language DevelopmentalDyslexia: patient reports dyslexia NART: total score NART Err:no of errors on the NART EQmobB: EQ-5D-5L mobility rating (baseline) EQselfcareB: EQ-5D-5L self care rating (baseline) EQactB: EQ-5D-5L activity rating (baseline) EQpainB: EQ-5D-5L pain rating (baseline) EQanxB: EQ-5D-5L anxiety rating (baseline) EQhealthB: EQ-5D-5L overall health rating (0-100)(baseline) CATCorrB: Catell culture fair number correct (baseline) CATErrB: Catell culture fair number of errors (baseline) DotMatB: AWMA Dot matrix performance (baseline) SpatRecallB: recall score in the AWMA spatial recall task (baseline) SpatRecallProcB: processing score in the AWMA spatial recall task (baseline) EBIQSomB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Somatic Symptoms (baseline) EBIQCogB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Cognitive Symptoms (baseline) EBIQMotB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Motivation Symptoms (baseline) EBIQImpB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire impulsivity Symptoms (baseline) DepEBIQDepB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire depressive Symptoms (baseline) EBIQISoB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire isolation (baseline) EBIQPhysB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire physical Symptoms (baseline) EBIQCommB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire communicationSymptoms (baseline) EBIQCoreB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire core Symptoms (baseline) EBIQCarerEffectB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire effect on carer (baseline) CEBIQSomB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Somatic Symptoms carer rating (baseline) CEBIQCogB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Cognitive Symptoms carer rating(baseline) CEBIQMotB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Motivation Symptoms carer rating(baseline) CEBIQImpB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire impulsivity Symptoms carer rating(baseline) CDepEBIQDepB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire depressive Symptoms carer rating (baseline) CEBIQISoB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire isolation carer rating (baseline) CEBIQPhysB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire physical Symptoms carer rating (baseline) CEBIQCommB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire communicationSymptoms carer rating(baseline) CEBIQCoreB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire core Symptoms carer rating(baseline) CEBIQCarerEffectB: European Brain Injury Questionnaire effect on carer carer rating(baseline) CEvdayProbB: Carer rating on towle and lincoln everyday problems questionnaire (baseline) CogFailB: Cogntive failures questionnaire (baseline) @3TLeftB: TVA while report task proportion correct in 3 targets left condition (baseline) @3TRightB: TVA while report task proportion correct in 3 targets right condition (baseline) @6TLeftB: TVA while report task proportion correct on left in the 6 condition (baseline) @6TRightB: TVA while report task proportion correct on right in the 6 condition (baseline) BiasB: TVA bias score (0.5 = no bias below 0.5 = bias to the left above 0.5 bias to the right)(baseline) ABSBiasB: TVA Absolute bias- scores are non directional between 0 (no bias) and .5 very large bias (baseline) KB: estimate of the K (capacity) TVA parameter from the whole report task (baseline) Mean KB: mean number of letters reported in the 6 item whole report condition on the TVA task (baseline) StDevSKB:standard deviation of no of letters reported in the 6 item condition on hte TVA task (baseline) KstdevmeanB:variability in reponding in the TVA 6 item whole report condition (StDevSKB/MeanKB) (baseline) ANTAccCongB: proportion correct in the congruent condition of the ANT task (baseline) ANTAccIncongB: proportion correct in the incongruent condition of the ANT task (baseline) ANTAccNeutB: proportion correct in the neutral condition of the ANT task (baseline) ANTRTCongRTcorrB: reaction time for correct responses in the congruent condition of the ANT task (baseline) ANTRTIncongRTcorrB: reaction time for correct responses in the incongruent condition of the ANT task (baseline) ANTRTNeutRTcorrB: reaction time for correct responses in the neutral condition of the ANT task (baseline) CRTAccB: Choice reaction time task accuracy (baseline) CRTRTcorrB: Choice reaction time task mean reaction time for correct responses (baseline) CRTRTsSTDEVB: Choice reaction time task Standard deviation of reaction time for correct responses (baseline) CRTStDevRTB: Choice reaction time task variability in response time (baseline) EQmob1: EQ-5D-5L mobility rating (after training at1 month) EQselfcare1: EQ-5D-5L self care rating (after training at1 month) EQact1: EQ-5D-5L activity rating (after training at1 month) EQpain1: EQ-5D-5L pain rating (after training at1 month) EQanx1: EQ-5D-5L anxiety rating (after training at1 month) EQhealth1: EQ-5D-5L overall health rating (0-100)(after training at1 month) CATCorr1: Catell culture fair number correct (after training at1 month) CATErr1: Catell culture fair number of errors (after training at1 month) DotMat1: AWMA Dot matrix performance (after training at1 month) SpatRecall1: recall score in the AWMA spatial recall task (after training at1 month) SpatRecallProc1: processing score in the AWMA spatial recall task (after training at1 month) EBIQSom1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Somatic Symptoms (after training at1 month) EBIQCog1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Cognitive Symptoms (after training at1 month) EBIQMot1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Motivation Symptoms (after training at1 month) EBIQImp1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire impulsivity Symptoms (after training at1 month) DepEBIQDep1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire depressive Symptoms (after training at1 month) EBIQISo1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire isolation (after training at1 month) EBIQPhys1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire physical Symptoms (after training at1 month) EBIQComm1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire communicationSymptoms (after training at1 month) EBIQCore1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire core Symptoms (after training at1 month) EBIQCarerEffect1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire effect on carer (after training at1 month) CEBIQSom1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Somatic Symptoms carer rating (after training at1 month) CEBIQCo1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Cognitive Symptoms carer rating(after training at1 month) CEBIQMot1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Motivation Symptoms carer rating(after training at1 month) CEBIQImp1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire impulsivity Symptoms carer rating(after training at1 month) CDepEBIQDep1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire depressive Symptoms carer rating (after training at1 month) CEBIQISo1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire isolation carer rating (after training at1 month) CEBIQPhys1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire physical Symptoms carer rating (after training at1 month) CEBIQComm1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire communicationSymptoms carer rating(after training at1 month) CEBIQCore1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire core Symptoms carer rating(after training at1 month) CEBIQCarerEffect1: European Brain Injury Questionnaire effect on carer carer rating(after training at1 month) CEvdayProb1: Carer rating on towle and lincoln everyday problems questionnaire (after training at1 month) CogFail1: Cogntive failures questionnaire (after training at1 month) @3TLeft1: TVA while report task proportion correct in 3 targets left condition (after training at1 month) @3TRight1: TVA while report task proportion correct in 3 targets right condition (after training at1 month) @6TLeft1: TVA while report task proportion correct on left in the 6 condition (after training at1 month) @6TRight1: TVA while report task proportion correct on right in the 6 condition (after training at1 month) Bias1: TVA bias score (0.5 = no bias below 0.5 = bias to the left above 0.5 bias to the right)(after training at1 month) ABSBias1: TVA Absolute bias- scores are non directional between 0 (no bias) and .5 very large bias (after training at1 month) K1: estimate of the K (capacity) TVA parameter from the whole report task (after training at1 month) Mean K1: mean number of letters reported in the 6 item whole report condition on the TVA task (after training at1 month) StDevSK1:standard deviation of no of letters reported in the 6 item condition on hte TVA task (after training at1 month) Kstdevmean1:variability in reponding in the TVA 6 item whole report condition (StDevSKB/MeanKB) (after training at1 month) ANTAccCong1: proportion correct in the congruent condition of the ANT task (after training at1 month) ANTAccIncong1: proportion correct in the incongruent condition of the ANT task (after training at1 month) ANTAccNeut1: proportion correct in the neutral condition of the ANT task (after training at1 month) ANTRTCongRTcorr1: reaction time for correct responses in the congruent condition of the ANT task (after training at1 month) ANTRTIncongRTcorr1: reaction time for correct responses in the incongruent condition of the ANT task (after training at1 month) ANTRTNeutRTcorr1: reaction time for correct responses in the neutral condition of the ANT task (after training at1 month) CRTAcc1: Choice reaction time task accuracy (after training at1 month) CRTRTcorr1: Choice reaction time task mean reaction time for correct responses (after training at1 month) CRTRTsSTDEV1: Choice reaction time task Standard deviation of reaction time for correct responses (after training at1 month) CRTStDevRT1: Choice reaction time task variability in response time(after training at1 month) EQmob2: EQ-5D-5L mobility rating (after 3 months) EQselfcare2: EQ-5D-5L self care rating (after 3 months) EQact2: EQ-5D-5L activity rating (after 3 months) EQpain2: EQ-5D-5L pain rating (after 3 months) EQanx2: EQ-5D-5L anxiety rating (after 3 months) EQhealth2: EQ-5D-5L overall health rating (0-100)(after 3 months) CATCorr2: Catell culture fair number correct (after 3 months) CATErr2: Catell culture fair number of errors (after 3 months) DotMat2: AWMA Dot matrix performance (after 3 months) SpatRecall2: recall score in the AWMA spatial recall task (after 3 months) SpatRecallProc2: processing score in the AWMA spatial recall task (after 3 months) EBIQSom2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Somatic Symptoms (after 3 months) EBIQCog2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Cognitive Symptoms (after 3 months) EBIQMot2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Motivation Symptoms (after 3 months) EBIQImp2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire impulsivity Symptoms (after 3 months) DepEBIQDep2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire depressive Symptoms (after 3 months) EBIQISo2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire isolation (after 3 months) EBIQPhys2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire physical Symptoms (after 3 months) EBIQComm2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire communicationSymptoms (after 3 months) EBIQCore2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire core Symptoms (after 3 months) EBIQCarerEffect2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire effect on carer (after 3 months) CEBIQSom2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Somatic Symptoms carer rating (after 3 months) CEBIQCo2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Cognitive Symptoms carer rating(after 3 months) CEBIQMot2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire Motivation Symptoms carer rating(after 3 months) CEBIQImp2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire impulsivity Symptoms carer rating(after 3 months) CDepEBIQDep2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire depressive Symptoms carer rating (after 3 months) CEBIQISo2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire isolation carer rating (after 3 months) CEBIQPhys2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire physical Symptoms carer rating (after 3 months) CEBIQComm2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire communicationSymptoms carer rating(after 3 months) CEBIQCore2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire core Symptoms carer rating(after 3 months) CEBIQCarerEffect2: European Brain Injury Questionnaire effect on carer carer rating(after 3 months) CEvdayProb2: Carer rating on towle and lincoln everyday problems questionnaire (after 3 months) CogFail2: Cogntive failures questionnaire (after 3 months) @3TLeft2: TVA while report task proportion correct in 3 targets left condition (after 3 months) @3TRight2: TVA while report task proportion correct in 3 targets right condition (after 3 months) @6TLeft2: TVA while report task proportion correct on left in the 6 condition (after 3 months) @6TRight2: TVA while report task proportion correct on right in the 6 condition (after 3 months) Bias2: TVA bias score (0.5 = no bias below 0.5 = bias to the left above 0.5 bias to the right)(after 3 months) ABSBias2: TVA Absolute bias- scores are non directional between 0 (no bias) and .5 very large bias (after 3 months) K2: estimate of the K (capacity) TVA parameter from the whole report task (after 3 months) Mean K2: mean number of letters reported in the 6 item whole report condition on the TVA task (after 3 months) StDevSK2:standard deviation of no of letters reported in the 6 item condition on hte TVA task (after 3 months) Kstdevmean2:variability in reponding in the TVA 6 item whole report condition (StDevSKB/MeanKB) (after 3 months) ANTAccCong2: proportion correct in the congruent condition of the ANT task (after 3 months) ANTAccIncong2: proportion correct in the incongruent condition of the ANT task (after 3 months) ANTAccNeut2: proportion correct in the neutral condition of the ANT task (after 3 months) ANTRTCongRTcorr2: reaction time for correct responses in the congruent condition of the ANT task (after 3 months) ANTRTIncongRTcorr2: reaction time for correct responses in the incongruent condition of the ANT task (after 3 months) ANTRTNeutRTcorr2: reaction time for correct responses in the neutral condition of the ANT task (after 3 months) CRTAcc2: Choice reaction time task accuracy (after 3 months) CRTRTcorr2: Choice reaction time task mean reaction time for correct responses (after 3 months) CRTRTsSTDEV2: Choice reaction time task Standard deviation of reaction time for correct responses (after 3 months) CRTStDevRT2: Choice reaction time task variability in response time(after 3 months) deltadotmatrix1m: Change in dot matrix score from baseline to 1 month deltaABSbias1month: Change in absolute bias from baselien to 1 month deltaK1month: Change in estmated TVA K capacity from baseline to 1 month Mem1: changes noted in everyday memory after 1 week of training/ waitlist Conc1:changes noted in everyday concentration after 1 week of training/ waitlist Plan1:changes noted in everyday planning after 1 week of training/ waitlist Spat1 changes noted in everyday spatial awareness after 1 week of training/ waitlist Mot1:changes noted in everyday motivation after 1 week of training/ waitlist Mood1: changes noted in everyday mood after 1 week of training/ waitlist Soc1: changes noted in everyday social interactions after 1 week of training/ waitlist Other1: changes noted in something other than the above after 1 week of training/ waitlist Mem2: changes noted in everyday memory after 2 week of training/ waitlist Conc2:changes noted in everyday concentration after 2 week of training/ waitlist Plan2:changes noted in everyday planning after 2 week of training/ waitlist Spat2 changes noted in everyday spatial awareness after 2 week of training/ waitlist Mot2:changes noted in everyday motivation after 2 week of training/ waitlist Mood2: changes noted in everyday mood after 2 week of training/ waitlist Soc2: changes noted in everyday social interactions after 2 week of training/ waitlist Other2: changes noted in something other than the above after 2 week of training/ waitlist Mem3: changes noted in everyday memory after 3 week of training/ waitlist Conc3:changes noted in everyday concentration after 3 week of training/ waitlist Plan3:changes noted in everyday planning after 3 week of training/ waitlist Spat3 changes noted in everyday spatial awareness after 3 week of training/ waitlist Mot3:changes noted in everyday motivation after 3 week of training/ waitlist Mood3: changes noted in everyday mood after 3 week of training/ waitlist Soc3: changes noted in everyday social interactions after 3 week of training/ waitlist Other4: changes noted in something other than the above after 4 week of training/ waitlist Mem4: changes noted in everyday memory after 4 week of training/ waitlist Conc4:changes noted in everyday concentration after 4 week of training/ waitlist Plan4:changes noted in everyday planning after 4 week of training/ waitlist Spat4 changes noted in everyday spatial awareness after 4 week of training/ waitlist Mot4:changes noted in everyday motivation after 4 week of training/ waitlist Mood4: changes noted in everyday mood after 4 week of training/ waitlist Soc4: changes noted in everyday social interactions after 4 week of training/ waitlist Other4: changes noted in something other than the above after 4 week of training/ waitlist