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The cleansing of the temple in early medieval Northumbria

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jats:titleAbstract</jats:title>jats:pWhile the attitudes of Stephen of Ripon and Bede toward church-buildings have previously been contrasted, this paper argues that both shared a vision of the church as a holy place, analogous to the Jewish temple and to be kept pure from the mundane world. Their similarity of approach suggests that this concept of the church-building was widespread amongst the Northumbrian monastic elite and may partially reflect the attitudes of the laity also. The idea of the church as the place of eucharistic sacrifice probably lay at the heart of this theology of sacred place. Irish ideas about monastic holiness, traditional liturgical language and the native fascination with building in stone combined with an interest in ritual purity to give power to this use of the temple-image which went on to influence later Carolingian attitudes to churches.</jats:p>



English literature, Latin language literature, 400-1099 Old English period, Bede(673-735), 0000 0001 2096 2352, prose, <i>In Lucae Evangelium</i>, <i>In Marci Evangelium</i>, biography, <i>Vita Sancti Felicis Confessoris</i>, <i>Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum</i>, <i>The History of the English Church and People</i>, <i>Homeliarum Evangelii Libri II</i>, purification, church, church architecture, Eucharist (sacrament of), Temple (Jerusalem), Eddi(ca. 634-ca. 709), 0000 0000 7972 1599, <i>Vita Wilfridi</i>, <i>Collectio Canonum Hibernensis</i>, Gregory I, Pope(540-604), <i>Homiliae super Evangeliis</i>, Irish literature, 400-1499 Medieval period, Italian literature, 400-1399 Medieval period

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Anglo-Saxon England

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Cambridge University Press (CUP)