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Turán-Type Results for Complete h-Partite Graphs in Comparability and Incomparability Graphs



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Tomon, István 


We consider an h-partite version of Dilworth's theorem with multiple partial orders. Let P be a fi nite set, and let <₁, ..., <ᵣ be partial orders on P. Let G(P, <₁, ..., <ᵣ) be the graph whose vertices are the elements of P, and x, y ∈ P are joined by an edge if x <ᵢ y or y <ᵢ x holds for some 1 ≤ i ≤ r. We show that if the edge density of G(P, <₁, ..., <ᵣ) is strictly larger than 1 − 1/(2h − 2)ʳ , then P contains h disjoint sets A₁, ..., Aₕ such that A₁ <ⱼ ... <ⱼ Aₕ holds for some 1 ≤ j ≤ r, and |A₁| = ... = |Aₕ| = Ω(|P|).

Also, we show that if the complement of G(P, <) has edge density strictly larger than 1 − 1/(3h − 3), then P contains h disjoint sets A₁, ..., Aₕ such that the elements of Aᵢ are incomparable with the elements of Aⱼ for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ h, and |A₁| = ... = |Aₕ| = |P| ¹⁻ᵒ⁽¹⁾. Finally, we prove that if the edge density of the complement of G(P, <1, <2) is α, then there are disjoint sets A, B ⊂ P such that any element of A is incomparable with any element of B in both <₁ and <₂, and |A| = |B| > n¹⁻ᵞ⁽α⁾ , where γ(α) → 0 as α → 1.

We provide a few applications of these results in combinatorial geometry, as well.


This is the final version of the article. It was first available from Springer via


4901 Applied Mathematics, 4904 Pure Mathematics, 49 Mathematical Sciences

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Springer Science and Business Media LLC