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Research data supporting “Strongly exchange-coupled triplet pairs in an organic semiconductor”

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Weiss, Leah R. 
Bayliss, Sam L. 
Kraffert, Felix 
Thorley, Karl J. 
Anthony, John E. 


Text files of (1) transient electron spin resonance (ESR) of TIPS-Tetracene as a function of temperature taken at X-band frequencies (~9.6 GHz) in a home-build transient ESR spectrometer, time slices are taken at 300 ns after laser flash in a TIPS-Tetracene film (2) Rabi nutation time traces of Hahn echo intensity as a function of microwave pulse length taken on a Bruker E580 spectrometer configured for X-band using a dielectric resonator for a TIPS-Tetracene film and macrocrystalline sample (3) Hahn echo decay time traces showing the decay of the Hahn echo as a function of delay between a 90 degree and 180 degree microwave pulse for a TIPS-Tetracene film and macrocrystalline sample. (4) Transient ESR intensity time traces taken at 10K in a TIPS-Tetracene film (5) metadata file with any necessary information to understand what each file corresponds to. Details of the experimental setup and corresponding figures can be found in the corresponding publication.


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any text reader or plotting software (vim, emacs, TextEdit,gedit, gnuplot etc)


ESR, singlet fission, exchange


University of Cambridge
EPSRC [EP/G060738/1]