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Research data supporting "Asymptotic limits on tablet coating variability based on cap-to-band thickness distributions: a discrete element model (DEM) study"

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Pei, C 


In this compressed .zip file, the open data is provide to reproduce the data on the paper: Asymptotic limits on tablet coating variability based on cap-to-band thickness distributions: a discrete element model (DEM) study.

The data can be divided into 3 categories: DEM input files are used to generate the dynamics of tablets in drum mixing; Ray-tracing and image analysis codes and input files use the position and orientation of tablets to model the spray coating process; .m files are Matlab scripts for data analysis.


Software / Usage instructions

In this folder, the open data is provide to reproduce the data on the paper: Asymptotic limits on tablet coating variability based on cap-to-band thickness distributions: a discrete element model (DEM) study 1. Discrete element method 1.1 modified files The discrete element method is run using LIGGGHTS version 3.1.0. Several files are modified to implement the multi-sphere method. The modified file are in the "DEM_liggghts_modified_files" folder. To run the simulations, the modified file should be used to replace the files with the same name in the "src" folder. 1.2 input file Examples of input files for discrete element method is in the "DEM_inputfiles" folder, including tablet (biconvex), cylinder, ellispe and star. The coefficient of friction can be changed in the input file (drum.inp). 1.3 output file The output files will be generated during the simulation into "post" folder. The output file will be "dump" files of liggghts (lammps). "lpp" can be used to convert these "dump" files into "vtk" files, 2. Image analysis method 2.1 The code The code is in "codes" folder, which is compiled under Ubuntu 14.04 lts and GNU g++. To run the code, use: ./vtkpost < input 2.2 Input& output files The example of input file is in "input_output" folder. The "input" is commented with explanations of each keywords. The output file can be generated into the specified folder. The output file is in ".vtp" Paraview xml file format. This output file (thickness) can be used for the ray-tracing method for further analysis. 3. Ray-tracing method 3.1 The code The code is in "codes" folder, which is compiled under Ubuntu 14.04 lts and GNU g++. To run the code, use: ./raysample < input 3.2 Input & output files The example of input file is in "input_output" folder. The "input" is commented with explanations of each keywords. The output file can be generated into the specified folder. 4. Matlab data analysis 4.1 M file The Matlab script files (M files) in Matlab/Mfiles are used to generate figures. Most script files use the ouptput from image analysis method and ray-tracing method to analyse data. So the path of the output files from these methods need to be changed in the related M files. 4.2 Figures Figures related with data analysis are inlcluded in Matlab/figures folder.


Discrete element method, Spray coating process, Coating thickness distribution, Cap-to-band ratio


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/L019922/1)