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Research data supporting "Analysis of the Conduction Mechanism and Copper Vacancy Density in p-type Cu2O Thin Films"

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Flewitt, AJ 


  1. Hall_asdeposit.csv, Hall_500.csv, Hall_600.csv and Hall_700.csv: These are the Hall measurement data including the Hall mobility and carrier density of as-deposited and annealed films (500, 600 and 700 ¡ÆC) in Table 1. This raw data was used for calculating trapped hole densities (i.e. ptrap(Hall) and ptrap(DOS)) in Fig. 2(a), a GLC coefficient in Fig. 2(b), the mobilities in Fig. 3 and the density of copper vacancies in Fig. 5.
  2. Eu.csv: This is used for extracting the Urbach energy (Eu) in Table 1.
  3. DOS.csv: This is the raw data (extracted subgab density of states) used to create Fig. 1.
  4. SEM_asdeposit.tif, SEM_500.tif, SEM_600.tif and SEM_700.tif: These are SEM images of as-deposited and annealed films (500, 600 and 700 ¡ÆC) in Fig. 4(a)
  5. XRD_asdeposit.uxd, XRD_500.uxd, XRD_600.uxd and XRD_700.uxd: These are the raw data of the XRD patterns of as-deposited and annealed films (500, 600 and 700 ¡ÆC). This data was used for estimating the grain size in Fig. 4(b).
  6. Data for Figure 4c and 4d.csv: This is the raw data of Fig. 4(c) (i.e. extracted densities of free holes (pfree), trapped holes (ptrap) and total holes (ptotal), and the ratio of pfree to ptotal (beta_TLC) in the case of the as-deposited film) and of Fig. 4(d) (i.e. extracted beta_TLC of all samples).


Software / Usage instructions

CSV and UXD fies can be opened with any text editor software (e.g. Notepad). TIF image files may be opened with any picture viewing siftware.


cuprous oxide, oxygen vacancy


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/M013650/1)