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Data for paper: "Similarity Between Amorphous and Crystalline Phases: The Case of TiO₂"

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Accompanying data for the publication: "Similarity Between Amorphous and Crystalline Phases: The Case of TiO₂". The trajectory of the 216-atom amorphous TiO₂ system during quenching from the liquid to the amorphous state, as well as during final NpH equilibration, is provided (22 files, in vasprun.xml format, outputs of succesive calculations with VASP). Additionally, the corresponding SOAP vectors of the amorphous structure with crytalline polymorphs are provided for the whole trajectory (columns: timestep, temperature in K, vector with anatase, vector with B-TiO₂, vector with baddeleyite-type TiO₂, vector with brookite, vector with columbite-type TiO₂, vector with hollandite-type TiO₂, vector with rutile), as well as the crystal structures (VASP POSCAR format) are provided.


Software / Usage instructions

vasprun.xml files are outputs of VASP (Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package, All of the files can be viewed with any text editor.


TiO2, titanium dioxide, amorphous, liquid, molecular dynamics, trajectory, amorphous TiO2, amorphous titanium dioxide, AIMD, MD, DFT simulation, quenching, liquid titanium dioxide, ab initio molecular dynamics


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/L015552/1)