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Research data supporting "The lipid transfer protein Saposin B does not directly bind CD1d for lipid antigen loading"

Change log


Shamin, Maria 
Benedyk, Tomasz 


This deposition includes 13 data files plus a document describing each of these files in detail. They are all in support of the manuscript, named here, that is publicly available on BioRxiv and describes all the methods in detail. Briefly, this deposition includes: X-ray diffraction images (cbf format compressed as tar files) collected at the Diamond Light Source synchrotron; processed data files (mtz format) using these diffraction images; and co-ordinate files (pdb format) describing the molecular replacement solutions into these datasets.


Software / Usage instructions

Compressed diffraction data files can be extracted using xz with the commands unxz <file>.tar.xz and tar –xvf <file>.tar. Mtz and pdb files can be opened using standard crystallography tools.


X-ray diffraction data, Molecular replacement solutions

