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Knobb's Farm Quarry - archaeological excavation - digital archive - Cambridge Archaeological Unit

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Wiseman, Robert 
Neil, Benjamin 
Gibson, David 


Knobb's Farm Quarry (Somersham, Cambridgeshire) was excavated by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit in eleven seasons between 2000 and 2010. Results are published in Britannia (2021) and Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society (2020). This archive contains available digital datasets for the site as they were produced at the time: PDFs of the individual grey literature reports (all years except 2008), PDFs of the radiocarbon certificates, and CSV sheets for the Roman pottery analysis (all years), faunal remains (2007–2010), environmental samples (2004–2009), and a summary of the Roman-era human remains. A short description of the contents is provided in the PDF "*Knobbs Farm - digital archive - overview".


Details of associated publications:


Wiseman, R., Neil, B. and Mazilli, F. (2021, forthcoming) Extreme Justice: Decapitations and Prone Burials at Three Late Roman Cemeteries at Knobb’s Farm, Cambridgeshire. Britannia 52.


Wiseman, R. (2020) Early to Middle Iron Age settlement and re-used Middle Bronze Age field systems at Knobb’s Farm, Somersham, Cambridgeshire on the Isle of Ely. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 109: 1–24


Software / Usage instructions

One ZIP file containing PDFs (.pdf 12 files) and CSV files (.csv 13 files).


Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Knobb's Farm, Roman archaeology, Middle Bronze Age, Human osteology, Decapitation burial, Prone Burial, Settlement archaeology


Excavation was funded by Tarmac Trading Ltd. Dr Isabel Lisboa from Archaeologica commissioned the excavation. Archaeological monitoring of the site was done by Kasia Gdaniec of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Historic Environment Team.