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Research data supporting The Effects of Despeckling Filters on Pore Size Measurements in Collagen Scaffold Micro-CT Data

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Three zip folders, each containing micro-CT scans (.tif files) of ice templated collagen scaffolds. The three scaffolds were produced from 1 wt.% collagen slurry, using a freeze casting protocol designed to produce mean pore sizes of 100-150 µm (see main manuscript for the freezing protocol). The scaffolds produced were cylindrical with a diameter of 15 mm and height between 7-11 mm. Micro-CT was used to analyse the scaffolds. A pixel size of 4 µm was used. The raw micro-CT scans were reconstructed, then cropped to remove any air bubble artefacts, to produce three cubic regions of interest measuring 6x6x6 mm. These cubes were thresholded using the two dimensional Otsu method. Each pixel in the cross sectional .tif images represents 4 x 4 µm. These datasets were then further processed and analysed as described in the main manuscript.


Software / Usage instructions

NRecon (Bruker-microCT, Kontich, Belgium) CTAn (Bruker-microCT, Kontich, Belgium) Import whole scaffold dataset, crop to 6x6x6 mm, apply two-dimensional Otsu threholding in a 3D space with a radius of 1 pixel.


micro-CT, image processing, filters, collagen, pore size, scaffolds


Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, U.K. EPSRC Established Career Fellowship Grant No. EP/N019938/1