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Data supporting 'Complex motion of Greenland Ice Sheet outlet glaciers with basal temperate ice'

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Christoffersen, Poul 
MacKie, Mickey 
Cook, Samuel 
Haseloff, Marianne 


Data in support of the article 'Complex motion of Greenland Ice Sheet outlet glaciers with basal temperate ice'.

This includes final model outputs from finite-element modelling in ParaView .vtu format, Elmer/Ice solver input files (.sif format) and user solver files in Fortran 90, and some workflow scripts.

For full description of data collection and processing methods please see the associated paper.

Contents: ~/run_outputs/ contains subdirectories for each of RESPONDER, S5, and SAFIRE sites, which are then named in accordance with table S1 in the associated paper.

~/scripts/boundary_conditions/ contains scripts to extract boundary information from .vtu files in a .xyz text files (edge_extractor_shift_v3.m and surface_extractor_shift_v2.m). This is done as the free surface runs use cuboid mesh elements whereas thermomechanical runs use METIS generated meshes. See associated paper for full information.

 ~/scripts/DEMs/ contains scripts to generate geostatistical topography (Conditional_simulations_Sermeq.ipynb) and manipulate data for inclusion in Elmer/Ice model runs ( and npy_to_xyz_simple.m).

 ~/sifs/ contains user solver files to calculate basal sliding under the relationship of Helanow et al. (2021) and basal melting (USF_Sliding.F90 and USF_basal_melt.F90 respectively), mesh generation script for Gmsh and example mesh (8k_4k_lc25.geo and 8k_4k_lc25.msh respectively), DummySolver.F90 to be used when obtaining outputs from Elmer but with not solver specified, enth_output.sif to simply obtain the enthalpy field from specified parameters without conducting a full model run, and NS_b_variable_output.sif to obtain other specified variables without a full model run. NS_a.sif is the first .sif for generating results and is used to give FS.sif (free surface runs) a sensible initial velocity field. NS_b.sif is for the final thermomechanical run calculating temperate ice variation and with a fixed surface. As above, see associated paper for further details.


  1. C. Helanow, N. R. Iverson, J. B. Woodard, L. K. Zoet, A slip law for hard-bedded glaciers derived from observed bed topography. Sci. Adv. 7, eabe7798 (2021).


Software / Usage instructions

For .vtu files: Visualization Toolkit for unstructured grids These are most easily opened with ParaView which is an open-source data analysis and visualisation application. Data from these .vtus (and the below .pvtus) can then be manipulated, extracted, and plotted as required by the user. . For .pvtu files; Parallel Visualization Toolkit for unstructured grids These are wrappers for showing multiple .vtus in the same scene in ParaView. For .py: Python These can be opened in Visual Studio Code, or similar code editing software. Open source. . For .ipynb: IPython Notebook These can be opened in Visual Studio Code, Google Colab, or similar code editing software. Open source. . For .m: MATLAB These can be opened and executed in MATLAB, which is not open source. GNU Octave is an open source alternative but may not be completely compatible with MATLAB. .


Finite Element Modelling, Glacier motion, Greenland Ice Sheet


Natural Environment Research Council (2075069)