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Production and evaporation of higher dimensional black holes



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Sampaio, Marco Oliveira Pena 


This thesis is a study of the theory and phenomenology of trans-Planckian black holes, in TeV gravity extra-dimensional theories. The introduction starts with the motivation for this beyond the Standard Model scenario (chapter 1), a summary of the theoretical tools to formulate the theory, and a summary of the best bounds from experiment (chapter 2). In chapter 3, after setting up some notation and describing well known solutions in 4 + n-dimensional general relativity, we construct an approximate effective background for a brane charged rotating higher-dimensional black hole. This is achieved by solving Maxwell’s equations perturbatively on the brane to obtain the electromagnetic field. A brief study of the effect of rotation on the absorption of classical particles is also provided. Chapter 4 is a review of methods to model black hole production focusing on the trapped surface method. A model for the mass and angular momentum loss into gravitational radiation is described. A detailed study of the effects of particle mass and charge, for fermions and scalars on the effective brane charged background, is presented in chapters 5 and 6. After coupling the fields to the background, the separated radial wave equations for both perturbations are obtained (chapter 5) and they are integrated using a detailed numerical method as well as analytic approximations (chapter 6). Similarly, a method is described to obtain high accuracy angular functions based on series expansions. We conclude the theoretical study by evaluating the Hawking spectra for various combinations of spin, mass, charge and rotation parameters, and discuss them comparatively. The last part of the thesis is on the implementation of the theoretical results in the new CHARYBDIS2 Monte Carlo simulation of black hole production and decay (chapter 7), and on the analysis of the phenomenological consequences (chapter 8). The main new features implemented in CHARYBDIS2 are: a full treatment of the spin-down phase using the angular and energy distributions of the associated Hawking radiation; an improved model for energy and angular momentum loss in the production process, and a wider range of options for the Planck-scale termination of the decay. The main conclusions of this thesis and an outlook on future directions are summarised in the final chapter.





Particle physics, Black holes


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Awarding Institution

University of Cambridge
This work was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) - Portugal grant SFRH/BD/23052/2005 co-financed by POPH/FSE.
