The structure of optimal parameters for image restoration problems
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We study the qualitative properties of optimal regularisation parameters in variational models for image restoration. The parameters are solutions of bilevel optimisation problems with the image restoration problem as constraint. A general type of regulariser is considered, which encompasses total variation (TV), total generalized variation (TGV) and infimal-convolution total variation (ICTV). We prove that under certain conditions on the given data optimal parameters derived by bilevel optimisation problems exist. A crucial point in the existence proof turns out to be the boundedness of the optimal parameters away from 0 which we prove in this paper. The analysis is done on the original -- in image restoration typically non-smooth variational problem -- as well as on a smoothed approximation set in Hilbert space which is the one considered in numerical computations. For the smoothed bilevel problem we also prove that it Γ converges to the original problem as the smoothing vanishes. All analysis is done in function spaces rather than on the discretised learning problem.
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Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/M00483X/1)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/N014588/1)
Alan Turing Institute (unknown)
European Commission Horizon 2020 (H2020) Marie Sk?odowska-Curie actions (691070)