The career and thought of Dr. William Fulke (1537-1589).
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This thesis is a study, both biographical and ideological, of a prominent Elizabethan theologian. The signi:ficance of his work within the Elizabethan Church should become apparent in my study, and the very slight attention he has received from modern scholars iii (a survey of previous study will be found in the Conclusion) should sufficiently justify, if not require, a study of this kind. The :form of my work requires little introduction. The last four chapters deal exclusively with his work as a controversial theologian in defence of Protestantism against Rome: the first three chapters deal with other aspects of his career and thought. In some cases, notably in my discussion of his contribution to the growth of Puritanism at St. John's College, Cambridg e (in Chapter I I ), I have ove rste pped the usual limits of a biographer in order to provide an intelligible context for his work. In all dates the year is taken to begin on 1st January. In quotations :from six teenth-century works (except from modern editions) I have retained the original spelling and punctuation (although abbreviations are expanded and the use of i a nd j, u and v, is adapted to mod ern typ o graphical usage). For Fulke's work s I use abbreviated titles which are explai ned in the Bibliography.
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