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Severe conjunctivochalasis in association with classic type Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

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Whitaker, John K 
Alexander, Philip 
Chau, David YS 
Tint, Naing L 


BACKGROUND: Inferior conjunctivochalasis is common, but is rarely severe enough to require conjunctival excision. This report describes a patient with severe conjunctivochalasis who was subsequently diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Classic Type. CASE PRESENTATION: A patient suffering from foreign body sensation, frequent blinking and bilateral inferior conjunctivochalasis was referred and treated by topical ocular lubrication. However, no improvement was observed prompting potential excision of conjunctivochalasis. Following patient consultation and clinical diagnosis including hypermobile joints and skin elasticity, poor wound healing and wide scar morphology, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome was confirmed in the patient. CONCLUSION: This case highlights the need for direct patient questioning and provides the first reported association between conjunctiovochalasis and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.


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Cicatrix, Conjunctiva, Conjunctival Diseases, Diagnosis, Differential, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Humans, Male, Middle Aged

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BMC Ophthalmol

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Springer Science and Business Media LLC