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An Archaeological Watching Brief at Denny Abbey



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Hatherley, Candy 


An archaeological watching brief was carried out within the grounds of Denny Abbey (National Monument No: 13219) on the 5th July 2002 (TL 494650) to observe electrical services ground works. Both trenches were excavated to a depth of 0.60m. Observed in the base of each hole was a layer of heavily compacted light tan chalky sand with small fragments of mortar, charcoal, clunch, oyster shell and animal bone. Above this was a 0.50m deep humic dark grey silt layer with animal bone and fragments of modern brick. This was overlain by topsoil and turf (0.10m depth). No datable finds were recovered from either trench. Due to the lack of exposure within the excavation area, the deposit seen within the base of both trenches is of unknown date and origin.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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