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An Archaeological Watching Brief at Haslingfield Manor, Cambridgeshire.



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Hutton, Jacqui 


An Archaeological Watching Brief was undertaken at Haslingfield Manor, Cambridgeshire (NGR TL 4055 5230) from 19th April to 17th May 2011. The monitoring was conducted in two phases; the first phase consisted of monitoring the topsoil strip of the storage area to the west of the house for the excavated moat sediments and the second phase consisted of monitoring the actual cleaning and examination of the removed deposits of the western moat. The topsoil strip revealed an area of disturbance that related to the demolition of the pre-existing house and contained rubble material that included bricks, tiles and domestic debris dated from the 16th to 19th century. Two pit features were uncovered that dated to the 19th-20th century. Domestic debris that dated from the 17th to 19th century was also recorded throughout the stripped area that was incorporated in a deposit that derived from the re-cutting of the moat and was used to level the interior of the site. The recent excavated moat sediments contained little artefactual evidence suggesting that the moat had been extensively cleaned, sometime prior to the 20th century.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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