Research data supporting "Observation of a new B2 structured phase in Ti-15Mo (wt.%)"
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Figure 1: Images 1a, 1b, 1c and 1d were originally acquired from a TEM using photographic paper. The digitally scanned negatives are included here as png image files.
Figure 2 Images 2a, 2b and 2c were originally acquired from a TEM using photographic paper. The digitally scanned negatives are included here as png image files.
Figure 3 Images 3a, 3b, 3c and 3d were acquired from a TEM using photographic paper. The digitally scanned negatives are included here as png image files.
Figure 4 Images 4a, 4b and 4c were taken on a TEM using a CCD camera and are provided in png format.
Figure 5 Images in Figure 5 were acquired using a STEM EDX system. Raw data and analysis is contained in the EDXdata.emi file and can be viewed using ESVISION software (license required).
Figure 6 Images in Figure 6 were acquired using an ADF STEM dual EELS system. Figure 6a is given in Image6a. Raw EELS data is contained in the EELS Spectrum Image (high-loss).dm3 and EELS Spectrum Image (low-loss).dm3 files which can be opened using DigitalMicrograph (license required). Analysis run using Fig6_analysis.m MATLAB script (license required).
Figure 7 Images 7a, 7b, 7c and 7d were taken on an aberration corrected STEM and given in png format.
Figure 8 Figure 8a is Image8. Figure 8b and c are constructed from the Fourier transform of Image8.
Figure 9 Figure 9a is Image9. Figure 9b-d are constructed from the Fourier transforms of Image8.
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Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/H022309/1)