Steps towards numerical verification of the terahertz in-line measurement of tablet mixing by means of discrete element modelling
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In recent years terahertz in-line sensing has been used to monitor the film coating thickness of individual pharmaceutical tablets during the coating process. In the previous work, the in-line measurements were verified against off-line measurements of samples from the same population. Here we report on our recent progress to further verify the validity of the terahertz in-line measurement modality using discrete element modelling for an artificial lab-scale tablet mixing process inside a tablet pan coater. By coupling discrete modelling with a ray-tracing method it is then possible to estimate the cumulative measurements taken, which in turn can guide towards the fine-tuning of the selection criteria as part of measurement analysis.
pharmaceuticals, coatings, pharmaceutical industry, ray tracing, mixing, discrete element method, numerical verification, tablet mixing, discrete element modelling, terahertz in-line sensing, film coating thickness, individual pharmaceutical tablets, measurement analysis, cumulative measurements, discrete modelling, tablet pan coater, artificial lab-scale tablet, terahertz in-line measurement modality, off-line measurements, in-line measurements, coating process
Journal Title
IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation
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Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Publisher DOI
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/L019922/1)
EPSRC Research Grants EP/L019787/1, EP/L019922/1.