On the Computation of Geometric Features of Spectra of Linear Operators on Hilbert Spaces
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jats:titleAbstract</jats:title>jats:pComputing spectra is a central problem in computational mathematics with an abundance of applications throughout the sciences. However, in many applications gaining an approximation of the spectrum is not enough. Often it is vital to determine geometric features of spectra such as Lebesgue measure, capacity or fractal dimensions, different types of spectral radii and numerical ranges, or to detect gaps in essential spectra and the corresponding failure of the finite section method. Despite new results on computing spectra and the substantial interest in these geometric problems, there remain no general methods able to compute such geometric features of spectra of infinite-dimensional operators. We provide the first algorithms for the computation of many of these long-standing problems (including the above). As demonstrated with computational examples, the new algorithms yield a library of new methods. Recent progress in computational spectral problems in infinite dimensions has led to the solvability complexity index (SCI) hierarchy, which classifies the difficulty of computational problems. These results reveal that infinite-dimensional spectral problems yield an intricate infinite classification theory determining which spectral problems can be solved and with which type of algorithm. This is very much related to S. Smale’s comprehensive program on the foundations of computational mathematics initiated in the 1980s. We classify the computation of geometric features of spectra in the SCI hierarchy, allowing us to precisely determine the boundaries of what computers can achieve (in any model of computation) and prove that our algorithms are optimal. We also provide a new universal technique for establishing lower bounds in the SCI hierarchy, which both greatly simplifies previous SCI arguments and allows new, formerly unattainable, classifications.</jats:p>
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by EPSRC Grant EP/L016516/1. I am grateful to Arno Pauly for discussions regarding Definition 5.15 and its use in Proposition 5.16. Finally, I would like to thank Mohamed Nasser for generously sharing the code from [109] for the computation of the capacity of finite unions of intervals.
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