Horseracing Forensic Laboratory, Newmarket Road, Fordham, Cambridgeshire. An Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment.
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Cambridge Archaeological Unit (CAU) was commissioned by Bidwells on behalf of the Horseracing Forensic Laboratory Ltd (HFL) to undertake an archaeological desk-based assessment of a 14.5ha site off Newmarket Road, Fordham. The proposed development area (PDA) is centred on TL 633 688. Although no known archaeological sites occur within the PDA, the assessment identified a high density of archaeological sites and finds dating to the prehistoric and Roman periods in the immediate vicinity. Excavations in advance of Fordham Bypass and at Landwade Road have revealed significant prehistoric remains immediately to the west of the PDA. A later presence in the landscape is also indicated by Snailwell Roman Villa (a Scheduled Ancient Monument) to the south of the PDA and an Iron Age / Roman site has been revealed by surface scatters and cropmarks to the east. Consequently there is considered to be a high potential for previously unrecorded remains surviving on the site.