The Former Yorkshire Grey Public House, High Street, Chesterton, Cambridgeshire. An Archaeological Evaluation
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Three trenches were opened on the site of the former Yorkshire Grey Public House, High Street, Chesterton, in advance of proposed development. Trench 1, running close to the street front, revealed several features of undetermined date, along with one medieval feature, and the remains of what appears to be a post-medieval clunch-built cellar or foundation. Trench 2, on the SW side of the site, revealed extensive post medieval disturbance, mainly from the 19th and 20th centuries, and probably the result of gravel extraction. Trench 3, on the NE edge of site, revealed a number of features of Saxo-Norman date, dominated by a slot running NNW-SSE, possibly representing a substantial building. Also uncovered was a pit of probable Bronze Age date. Although this suggests that the western part of the site might be severely truncated, along with the area within the footprint of the former pub, the archaeological preservation of possibly extensive Saxo-Norman remains on the north- eastern part of site is extremely good.