Research Data supporting "Characterizing collagen scaffold compliance with native myocardial strains using an ex-vivo cardiac model: the physio-mechanical influence of scaffold architecture and attachment method"
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Description of Data for Characterizing Scaffold Compliance to Native Myocardial Strains This zip folder contains the raw data used in the publication ‘Characterizing collagen scaffold compliance with native myocardial strains using an ex-vivo cardiac model: the physio- mechanical influence of scaffold architecture and attachment method.’ Alignment and pore size data were measured using X-ray micro-computed tomography (µCT) images (Skyscan 1172). µCT images were taken of each scaffold with a voltage of 25 kV, current of 138 mA, and a pixel size of 5.46 µm. Reconstructions of mCT images were performed with NRecon software by Skyscan and analysed in ImageJ. Results for scaffold alignment (.txt files) and scaffold pore size (.txt files) are included in the zip file. Video samples of each conditions (aligned suture, aligned glue, isotropic suture, isotropic glue) were recorded with a GoPro Hero 5 camera at 30 fps. Video files (.mp4 files) ) are also included in the zip file.
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British Heart Foundation (SP/15/7/31561)