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Archaeological Investigations at Striplands Farm West, Longstanton

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Patten, Ricky 


During September of 2004 an archaeological investigation was undertaken on behalf of Gallahers Ltd within the southern portion of Field H and a series of enclosures forming Field Q. The excavation of twenty-three trenches produced evidence for human activity spanning the Late Bronze Age/Iron Age through to the Saxo-Norman period. Late Bronze Age/Iron Age settlement was recorded in a series of trenches spanning Fields H and Q in the form of gullies and postholes and a large pit containing preserved organics. On an area of high ground Saxon settlement was envisioned in the form of a possible grubenhaus and associated linears, possibly relating to earlier settlement activity recorded to the west at Home Farm. Fronting onto the present course of the B1050 Saxo-Norman ditches were noted within two trenches in Field Q representing possible evidence for the early layout of the village of Longstanton.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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