Fairstead, Kings Lynn: An Archaeological Excavation
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This report is an assessment of the results of an archaeological excavation at Fairstead, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, carried out by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit between July and August 2004, and commissioned by Taylor Woodrow PLC in advance of development for housing. The development area is situated on the south eastern edge of Kings Lynn (centred TL640 190) and consisted of two excavation areas and two test pit programmes within two fields. The excavation confirmed the results of an evaluation carried out in 2002; generating further evidence for Late Mesolithic/earlier Neolithic activity from the buried soils, a Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age burnt flint mound and associated pits, and a medieval boundary. The earliest activity identified at the site was in the form of Late Mesolithic/earlier Neolithic (5000-3000BC) flint recovered from buried soil and tree throws exposed in Area 1. The area also produced evidence for significant Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age activity along the edge of a palaeochannel. A burnt flint mound identified during the evaluation and overlying the buried soil was re-exposed and an underlying trough was revealed. A more detailed image of channel edge Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age activity was supplied by clustered and discrete cut features near the burnt flint mound. Medieval activity was identified in Area 2 in the eastern part of the site; a series of intercutting medieval ditches on a north-south alignment were uncovered curving round a sandy knoll. A pit containing the largely decayed remains of an articulated cow was also exposed to the east of the ditches.