Research data supporting "Novel surface features for automated detection of focal cortical dysplasias in paediatric epilepsy"
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Data used to train neural network classifier for FCD detection in a paediatric cohort. These are surface-based cortical features derived from structural MRI data, such as cortical thickness, FLAIR intensity etc. The scripts to generate the surface based features are available through freesurfer ( and our github (
Software / Usage instructions
Input data were generated using freesurfer and matlab scripts found on The main .mat file contains a matrix of patients' features as described in the accompanying .csv file. Data are registered to the left hemisphere of fsaverage_sym - the bilaterally symmetrical template subject - and only include cortical vertices (lh.cortex label). The correct classification of vertices into lesional and non-lesion is also included as a column. The intention is to provide training data with which different classifiers could be tested.
FCD, Machine learning classifier, FreeSurfer, structural MRI