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Systematic layer-by-layer characterization of multilayers for three-dimensional data storage and logic.

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Petit, Dorothée 
Lavrijsen, Reinoud 
Lee, JiHyun 
Fernández-Pacheco, Amalio 


Magnetic kink solitons are used as a probe to experimentally measure the layer-by-layer coercivity and interlayer coupling strength of an antiferromagnetically coupled perpendicularly magnetized Co multilayer. The magnetic response is well described by a nearest neighbor Ising macrospin model. By controlling the position of one, two or three solitons in the stack using globally applied magnetic fields, we successfully probe the switching of individual buried layers under different neighboring configurations, allowing us to access individual layer's characteristic parameters. We found the coercivity to increase dramatically up the multilayer, while the interlayer coupling strength decreased slightly. We corroborate these findings with scanning transmission electron microscopy images where a degrading quality of the multilayer is observed. This method provides a very powerful tool to characterize the quality of individual layers in complex multilayers, without the need for depth-sensitive magnetic characterization equipment.



spintronics, nano-scale shift register, magnetic kink soliton, perpendicular, magnetic multilayer

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IOP Publishing
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/M008517/1)
European Research Council (247368)
European Commission (251698)
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (680-50-1024)
RL acknowledges support from Marie Curie Cofund Action and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research(NWO-Rubicon 680-50-1024 and NWO-VENI 680-47-428). AF-P acknowledges support by a Marie Curie IEF within the 7th European Community Framework Programme No. 251698: 3DMAGNANOW, the EPSRC (EP/M008517/1) and the Winton Foundation. We acknowledge research funding from the European Community under the Seventh Framework Programme Contract No. 247368: 3SPIN. Additional data related to this publication is available at the University of Cambridge Data Repository (